by ssa-admin-032024 | Aug 16, 2017 | Uncategorized
A Comment on Neoliberalism in Sri Lanka W. D. Lakshman Polity Volume 7, Issue 2, pp.5-7 (Download PDF) Commentary on the trajectory of neoliberalism in Sri Lanka by noted economist and Chairperson of SSA’s Council of Management, Prof. W. D. Lakshman. A Comment...
Shashik Dhanushka Presents Paper on Local Democracy & Social Inclusion
by ssa-admin-032024 | Apr 5, 2017 | Events & Activities, News
Shashik Dhanushka Presents Paper on Local Democracy & Social Inclusion Shashik Dhanushka Silva, a Senior Researcher attached to the SSA, presented a paper titled “Democratic institutions in Sri Lanka’s Clientelistic Politics: Challenges to Social Inclusion” at the...
A Continuing Democratic Encounter: Surveying Sri Lanka’s Post-war Trajectory
by ssa-admin-032024 | Mar 1, 2017 | 2017, Analysis
A Continuing Democratic Encounter: Surveying Sri Lanka’s Post-war Trajectory The Sri Lankan contribution to Phase II of the State of Democracy in South Asia study started in December 2011 with the objectives of gaining a deeper understanding of issues on democracy,...
The Fantasy of Our Detachment: Racism and Complicity in Vijith Nuwan’s Silgath Billo
Andi Schubert
by ssa-admin-032024 | Oct 13, 2016 | Uncategorized
The Fantasy of Our Detachment: Racism and Complicity in Vijith Nuwan’s Silgath Billo Andi Schubert Polity Volume 7, Issue 1, pp.64-65 (Download PDF) Andi Schubert’s review of Silgath Billo focuses on the play’s discussion of the role of complicity in shaping responses...
“Meh Uthumwu Dehaya”: The Necropolitical Aftermath of January 8th
Andi Schubert
by ssa-admin-032024 | Oct 13, 2016 | Uncategorized
“Meh Uthumwu Dehaya”: The Necropolitical Aftermath of January 8th Andi Schubert Polity Volume 7, Issue 1, pp.24-31 (Download PDF) Andi Schubert examines the relationship between death and the radical promises of accountability, Rule of Law, and good governance that...