SSA Library
Title | Author | Published | Library Number | Book Shelf |
"This is not the correct history": Lacunae, Contested Narratives, and Evidentiary Images from Sri Lanka's Civil War | M. Neelika Jayawardane | 823 JAY | 35 | |
"Undeclared Wars" Exploring A Peacebuilding To Armed Social Violence | Barbara Unger, Veronique Dudouet, Matteo Dressler, Beatrix Austin (Eds) | 320 UND | 11 | |
"What Do You Care What Other People Think?" Further Adventures of a Curious Character | Richard P. Feynman | Bantam Books 1989 | 530.09 FEY 3255 | 31 |
100 wani Sanwathswaraya 1893 Mudrana Kamkaru Weda Warjanaya ha Kamkaru Panthiye Nageema | Kumari Jayawardena | 331.892 JAY | 23 | |
100 wani Sanwathswaraya 1893 Mudrana Kamkaru Weda Warjanaya ha Kamkaru Panthiye Nageema | Kumari Jayawardena | 331.892 JAY | 23 | |
100 wani Sanwathswaraya 1893 Mudrana Kamkaru Weda Warjanaya ha Kamkaru Panthiye Nageema | Kumari Jayawardena | 331.892 JAY | 23 | |
100 wani Sanwathswaraya 1893 Mudrana Kamkaru Weda Warjanaya ha Kamkaru Panthiye Nageema | Kumari Jayawardena | 331.892 JAY | 23 | |
125 Years of Service 1839-1964 | The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce 1964 | SRI 330 CEY | 21 | |
1956 and After. Background to Parties & Politics in Ceylon Today | Denzil Peiris | 1958 | 309.15 WIJ | 45 |
1956 and After. Background to Parties & Politics in Ceylon Today | Denzil Peiris | 1958 | 324.2' 95493 PEI | 17 |
1979 anka 17 darana Jathika Niwasa Sanwardana Adhikari Panatha | 97/1A | 1 | ||
1981- The Year of Radical Violence | A Mirje Publication 1983 | 345.73 MIR 8469 | 26 | |
19th Century Newspaper Engravings of Ceylon-Sri Lanka | R.K. de Silva | Serendib Publications 1998 | 096.1 DES | 1 |
21 wana Siyawase Manawa Sanwardanaya | Raja Dharmapala | 172.4'954'93 SEE | 47 | |
400 Years of Dutch-Sri lanka Relations 1602-2002 | Saman Kelegama & Roshan Madawela (Eds) | Institute of Policy Studies 2002 | 327.954'93 KEL | 18 |
50 Years Srvice of the Ministry of Labour 1948-1998 | Ministry of Labour 1998 | Acc 2601 330.04.954'93 MFN SRI 03/03 | 23 | |
500 Years of Obscene... And Counting... | Curt Johnson | December Press 1997 | 300 JOH | 9 |
9th Parliament of Sri Lanka. Presidential Election - 1988, General Election - 1989 | The Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd | 328.13 LAK | 20 | |
A Bibliography of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) Volume IV | H.A.I. Goonetileke | Inter Documentation Company 1983 | 011 GOO | 1 |
A Bibliography of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) Volume V | H.A.I. Goonetileke | Inter Documentation Company 1983 | 011 GOO | 1 |
A Bibliography of Ceylon Volume I | H.A.I. Goonetileke | Inter Documentation Company 1970 | 011 GOO | 1 |
A Bibliography of Ceylon Volume II | H.A.I. Goonetileke | Inter Documentation Company 1970 | 011 GOO | 1 |
A Bibliography of Ceylon Volume III | H.A.I. Goonetileke | Inter Documentation Company 1976 | 011 GOO | 1 |
A Bibliography of the Handicrafts of Sri Lanka | J.Tilakasiri | National Crafts Council Ministry of Rural Industrial Development Colombo 1988 | Acc 1581 016.954'93 TIL | 2 |
A Brief Outline of Syriac Literature | Sebastian P. Brock | St. Ephrem Ecumenical Research Institute 1997 | 823 BRO 1593 | 35 |
A Century in Ceylon, A Brief History of the Work of The American Board in Ceylon 1816-1916 | Helen I Root | Asian Educational Services 2004 | 954.932 ROO 4603 | 39 |
A Charter for Democracy in Sri Lanka | Acc 1843 MFN 2854 329.21'954'93 JAY SRI 01/09 | 20 | ||
A Colonial Administrative System in Transition, The Experience of Sri Lanka | B.S. Wijeweera | Marga Publication 1988 | 352.05 WIJ | |
A Colonial Administrative System in Transition, The Experience of Sri Lanka | B.S. Wijeweera | Marga Publications 1988 | 352.05' 954'93 WIJ | 28 |
A Colonial Administrative System in Transition, The Experience of Sri Lanka | B.S. Wijeweera | Marga Publication 1988 | 325.35' 954'93 WIJ | 17 |
A Colonial Administrative System in Transition, The Experience of Sri Lanka | B.S. Wijeweera | Marga Publication 1988 | 325.35' 954'93 WIJ | 17 |
A Colonial Administrative System in Transition, The Experience of Sri Lanka | B.S.Wijeweera | Marga Publications 1988 | 35.07 WIJ | 45 |
A Contrastive Grammar of Tamil and Sinhala Noun Phrase | M.A. Nuhman | University of Peradeniya 2003 | MFN: 002619 Acc No. 4286 305 +954.93 NUH | 6 |
A Criticism of Mr. Ramanathan's Ethnology of the Moors of Ceylon | I.L.M Abdul Azeez | 11 & 12 | 297.65 AZE ACC 6065 | 4 |
A Critique of Economic Theory | E.K. Hunt and Jesse G. Schwartz (Eds) | Penguin Education 1973 | 330 HUN | 21 |
A Decade of Confrontation. Sri Lanka and India in the 1980s | John Gooneratne | Stamford Lake Publication 2000 | 327 GOO | 18 |
A Democratic Political Structure for Sri Lanka | Movement for Constitutional Reform | 320.95 MOV | 13 | |
A Description of Ceylon Volumes I & II | James Cordiner | Tisara Prakasakayo 1983 | 954.93 COR 1658 | 42 |
A Description of the East India Coasts of Malbar and Coromandel and Also of the Isle of Ceylon with Their Adjacent Kingdoms & Provinces | Phillip Baldaeus | Asian Educational Services 2000 | 913 BAL Acc 4762 | 35 |
A Dialogue on Personal Identity and Immortality | John Perry | Hackett Publishing Company 1978 | 126 PER | 45 |
A Directory Of Minority Rights Institutions In South Asia | I.C.E.S | 053 DIR | 2 | |
A Doctor's Quest For Justice: Prof Priyani Soysa VS Rienzie Arseculeratne | Prof. Colvin Goonaratna | Vijitha Yapa Publications 2005 | 341 + 954.93 Acc.4836 | 26 |
A Fire in the Bones. Reflections on African-American Religious History | Albert J. Raboteau | Beacon Press 1995 | 277.30 RAB | 4 |
A Forgotten Aspect of the Relations Between the Sinhalese and the Tamils | Amaradasa Liyanagamage | Social Scientists' Association | 323.11+ 954.93 LIY LK (SRI) 02/03 | 16 |
A Guide to Current Statute Law | J.A. Paul | Samanala | SRI 340.13 PAU ACC40 | 25 |
A Guide to Error Analysis | Jayantha Wannisinghe | Sarasavi Publishers 2011 | Acc 6102 407 WAN | 31 |
A Handbook to the Jaffna Peninsula and a Souvenir of the Opening of the Railway to the North | S. Katiresu | Asian Educational Services 2004 | 954.932 KAT 5503 | 39 |
A Hidden History. Women's Activism for Peace in Sri Lanka 1982-2002 | Kumudini Samuel | Social Scientists' Association 2006 | 305.3 SAM | 6 |
A History and Theory of Informed Consent | Ruth R. Faden, Tom L. Beauchamp | Oxford University Press 1986 | 344.04 FAD 2134 | 28 |
A History of England | Stuart E. Prall, David Harris Willson | 942 PRA | 46 | |
A History of Sri Lanka | K.M. De Silva | C.Hurst & Company, University of California Press 1981 | 954 DES | 38 |
A History of Sri Lanka | K.M. De Silva | Vijitha Yapa 2005 | 954.93 DES 4994 | 38 |
A History of St. Thomas' College Colombo | W.T.Keble | 1937 | 920 KEB 3446 | 35 |
A History of the Ceylon Police Volume I (1795-1866) | A.C.Dep | 1982 | 363.295' 493 DEP | 29 |
A History of the Ceylon Police Volume II (1866 - 1913) | A.C.Dep | Police Amenities Fund, Police Headquarters 1969 | 363.2 DEP 4765 | 29 |
A History of the Methodist Church in Ceylon | The Wesley Press | 287.95493 AHI | 4 | |
A History of the People's Democracies | Francois Fejto, Daniel Weissbort (Tra) | Penguin Books Australia Ltd, 1969 | 320 WEI | 13 |
A History of the Up-Country Tamil People in Sri Lanka | S. Nadesan | Nandalala 1993 | SRI 3-05+ 930 NAD 2959 | 36 |
A Hundred Years of Ceylon Tea 1867-1967 | D.M.Forrest | Chatto & Windus 1967 | SRI 633.72 FOR 868 | 32 |
A Journal of the First Voyage of Vasco Da Gama 1497-1499 | E.G.Ravenstein | Asian Educational Services 1998 | 954.93 Acc 4834 RAV | 39 |
A Legacy to Remember: Sri Lanka's Commissions of Inquiry 1963-2002 A Reference Guide to Commission Reports with a Tabulated List Of Recommendations | Kishali Pinto-Jayawardena (Ed) | The Law & Society Trust 2010 | 5712 338.47'954'93 SRI 01/12 | 24 |
A Long Hot Day | Anne Ranasinghe | English Writers Cooperative of Sri Lanka 2005 | 4157 RAN 087.6 SRI 087.6 | 2 |
A Long Hot Day | Anne Ranasinghe | English Writers Cooperative of Sri Lanka 2005 | 087.6 RAN | 2 |
A Man For All Seasons | Robert Bolt | Vintage International 1990 | 822.91 BOL 1658 | 35 |
A Mass Movement Against Democracy. The Threat of the Sangh Parivar | Shankar Gopalakrishnan | AAKAR Books, SRUTI 2009 | 320 GOP | 13 |
A Meditation on Conscience Occasional Paper No 2 | Gananath Obeyesekere | Social Scientists' Association 1988 | 35 | |
A Meditation on Conscience Occasional Paper No. 01 | Gananath Obeyesekere | Social Scientists Association 1988 | (4-015) +954 OBE | 35 |
A Meditation on Conscience Occasional Paper No. 01 | Gananath Obeyesekere | Social Scientists' Association 1988 | 900 OBE | 35 |
A Meditation on Conscience Occasional Paper No.01 | Gananath Obeyesekere | Social Scientists' Association 1988 | 900 OBE | 35 |
A Meditation on Conscience. Occasional Paper No. 01 | Gananath Obeyesekere | Social Scientists' Association 1988 | 900 OBE | 35 |
A Multisectoral Model of Production for Sri Lanka | N.L.Sirisena | Central Bank of Ceylon 1976 | 338.984 SIR | 24 |
A New Culture for a New Society: Selected Writings 1945-2005 | Paul Caspersz S.J. | 2005 | 338.180+ 954.93 Acc 4576 PAU | 24 |
A New Electoral System for Sri Lanka? | Laksiri Fernando, Dietmar Kneitschel (Eds) | Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung | 5784 361.61'954'93 FER SRI 02/01 | 28 |
A Nice Burgher Girl | Jean Arasanayagam | Social Scientists' Association 2006 | 92 A/Z +954.93 Acc 4670 ARA | 10 |
A Nice Burgher Girl | Jean Arasanayagam | Social Scientists' Association 2006 | Acc 5749 92 A/Z ARA SRI 03/01 | 10 |
A Nice Burgher Girl | Jean Arasanayagam | Social Scientists' Association 2010 | 920 ARA 5671 | 35 |
A Nice Burgher Girl | Jean Arasanayagam | Social Scientists' Association 2010 | 920 ARA | 35 |
A People's Movement. Under Siege | Jehan Perera, Charika Marasinghe, Leela Jayasekera | Sarvodaya Book Publishing Services 1992 | SRI 301.16 PER | 8 |
A Question of Honour: Women, Ethnicity and Armed Conflict | Radhika Coomaraswamy | ICES 1999 | 3.055.2+ 323.38 COO 2914 | 6 |
A Reading of the Canterbury Tales | Trevor Whittock | Cambridge University Press 1968 | 813.54 WHI 5115 | 34 |
A Record of the Buddhist Religion as Practised in India and the Malay Archipelago (AD 671-695) | I-Tsing, J. Takakusu (Tr) | Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers 1982 | 293.3 +954 ITS | 4 |
A Reign of Ten Kings Sri Lanka - The World 500 BC - 1200 AD | Nalini De Lanerolle | Ceylon Tourist Board 1993 | 954.93 LAN 3262 | 42 |
A Riot in Retrospect. A Brief Exploration of the Causes of Violence in Aluthgama in 2014 | Mark Schubert | Social Scientists' Association 2017 | 320 SCH | 22 |
A Sheaf of Gleanings. Obiter Scripta Et Dicta | Lucian De Zilwa | SRI 8(091) DEZ 2515 | 45 | |
A Short History of Sinhalese Literature | Newton Pinto | M.D.Gunasena 1954 | 891.48 PIN 8353 | 35 |
A Short History of the Lanka Sama Samaja Party | Leslie Goonewadene | Centro Studi Pietro Tresso 1992 | Acc 3553 320.954'93 GOO SRI 01/09 | |
A Short History of the Left Movement in Ceylon | N.Sanmugathasan | 133.03' 95493 SAN | 45 | |
A Sinhala Village in a Time of Trouble: Politics and Change in Rural Sri Lanka | Jonathan Spencer | Oxford University Press 1990 | 330.1'202 954'93 SPE ACC 1609 | 23 |
A Special Court for Sri Lanka Taking Women Into Account Position Paper | FOKUS WOMEN | 320 SRI | 43 | |
A Special Court for Sri Lanka Taking Women Into Account Position Paper | FOKUS WOMEN | 320 SRI | 43 | |
A State of Reform. Essays for a better future | Gaeaoff Gallop | Helm Wood Publishers 1998 | ||
A Study of Fiction The Village in the Jungle Stories A Passage to India | D.C.R.A. Goonetilleke | Lake House Investments 1976 | Acc 738 8.31'954'93 GOO SRI 01/12 | 35 |
A Symposium on the 1915 Communal Riots | Robert N. Kearney / Kumari Jayawardena / Charles S Blackton / P.T.M. FERNANDO / Micheal Roberts | Ceylon Studies Seminar 1969/70 Series June 1970 | 954.93 KEA 7767 | 40 |
A System Under Siege. An Inquiry into the Judicial System of Sri Lanka | Marga Institute 2003 | 340 MAR ACC 6141 | 25 | |
A System Under Siege: An Inquiry into the Judicial System of Sri Lanka | Marga Institute | Marga Institute 2002 | 347.7+ 954.93 Acc 4740 MAR | 28 |
A Taste of Bitterness. The Political Economy of Tea Plantation in Sri Lanka | Ronald Rote | Free University Press 1986 | 320 ROT | 43 |
A Taste of Sugar & Spice: Cuisine of the Dutch Burgher Huisvrouw in Olde Ceylon | Deloraine Brohier | Neptune Publications 2012 | SRI 641.56 BRO 6308 | 32 |
A Time to burn? An Evaluation of the Present Crisis in Race Relations | Louis H. Masotti, Jeffrey K. Hadden, Kenneth. F. Seminatore, Jerome R. Corsi | Rand Mcnally & Company 1969 | 320.5 MAS | 11 |
A Unitary State, A Federal State or Two seperate States? | Ram Manikkalingam | Social Scientists Association 2003 | 341 MAN ACC 3840 | 26 |
A Unitary State, A Federal State or Two seperate States? | Ram Manikkalingam | Social Scientists' Association 2003 | Acc 4453 MFN 936 RAM SRI 01/09 | 37 |
A World Without Oil or Coal. A Solution to Sri Lanka's Electricity Crisis in The Post Fossil Fuel Era | Asoka Abeygunawardana | Siyathra Media Publication | 537 ABE 7699 | 31 |
A.J. Kanagarathna: Yapanaye Hurda Sakshiya | Saminathan Vimal | 92.95493 TRI | 10 | |
A.P. De Zoysa: 20 siyawase Sri Lankawe Satankamee Samaja Prajathanthrawadiya ha Baudha Prathishodhakaya | Kumari Jayawardena | 920 JAY | 35 | | Zoysa. Combative Social Democrat and Buddhist Reformer in 20th Century Sri Lanka | Kumari Jayawardena | Sanjiva Books 2012 | SRI 920 JAY | 35 | Zoysa. Combative Social Democrat and Buddhist Reformer in 20th Century Sri Lanka | Kumari Jayawardena | Sanjiva Books 2012 | 920 JAY 6301 | 35 |
Aagama, Jathiya Ha Deshaya | Kumari Jayawardena | 294.3 JAY | 5 | |
Aagama, Jathiya Ha Deshaya | Kumari Jayawardena | 294.3 JAY | 5 | |
Aagama, Jathiya Ha Deshaya | Kumari Jayawardena | 294.3 JAY | 5 | |
Aagama, Jathiya Ha Deshaya | Kumari Jayawardena | 294.3 JAY | 5 | |
Aagama, Jathiya Ha Deshaya | Kumari Jayawardena | 294.3 JAY | 5 | |
Aan Thaleymai Aachi Endral Enna? | Kamla Bashin | Social Scientists' Association 1995 | 3487 | |
Aandukrama Wyawastha Prathisanskaranayata Rajayen Idiripath Kerena Yojana | 320 GOV | 11 | ||
Abdul Aziz 75th Birthday Felicitation Volume | 1986 | SRI 92 A/Z ABD ACC 2507 AZI | 10 | |
Abdul Aziz 75th Birthday Felicitation Volume | 1986 | MFN:002704 Acc No. 1943,2710 92 A/Z +954.93 AZI | ||
Abdul Aziz 75th Birthday Felicitation Volume | 1986 | Acc 2710 92 A/Z '954'93 AZI SRI 03/01 | 10 | |
Abiding By Sri Lanka. On Peace, Place and Postcoloniality | Qadri Ismail | University of Minnesota Press 2005 | MFN:003179 ACC. NO. 4326 954.93203'2 ISM | 40 |
Abiding By Sri Lanka. On Peace, Place and Postcoloniality | Qadri Ismail | University of Minnesota Press 2005 | MFN:003179 Acc No. 4281 954.93203'2 ISM | 40 |
Abortion and Woman's Choice: The State, Sexuality and Reproductive Freedom | Rosalind Pollack Petchesky | Verso 1986 | 363.46 PET | 29 |
Abortion Wars: A Half Century of Struggle, 1950-2000 | Rickie Solinger (Ed) | University of California Press 1998 | 363.46 SOL 1082 | 29 |
Addressing Root Causes of the Conflict: Land Problems in North-East Sri Lanka | Shahul H. Hashbullah, P. Balasundarampillai, Kalinga Tudor Silva | UNHCR and FCE 2005 | MFN:003325 Acc.No:4784 327.16 +954.93 HAS | 18 |
Adequate and Affordable Shelter for All. Housing Rights of the Plantation Community in Sri Lanka | M. Vamadevan, B. Skandakumar | Institute of Social Development 2015 | 070 WAM | 3 |
Administration Report of the Commisioner of Elections for the year 1997 | Dayananda Dissanayake | 1998 | 003.954'93 DIS | 1 |
Administration Report of the Controller of Labour for 1937 | F.C.Gimson | 1938 | 006.351' 954'93 GIM | 1 |
Advancing Conflict Transformation, The Berghof Handbook II | Beatrix Austin, Martina Fischer, Hans J. Giessmann | Barbara Budrich Publishers 2011 | 016:327.16 AUS | 2 |
Africa Third Edition | Phyllis M. Martin, Patrick O' Meara (Eds) | Indiana University Press, James Currey 1995 | 960 MAR 562 T | 44 |
After Prohibition: An Adult Approach to Drug Policies in The 21st Century | Timothy Lynch (Ed) | Cato Institute 2000 | 362.29 LYN | 29 |
After the Waves, The Impact of the Tsumani on Women in Sri Lanka | Neloufer De Mel, Kanchana N. Ruwanpura, Gameela Samarasinghe (Eds) | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | 303.48 DEM | 7 |
After the Waves, The Impact of the Tsumani on Women in Sri Lanka | Neloufer De Mel, Kanchana N. Ruwanpura, Gameela Samarasinghe (Eds) | Social Scientists' Association 2010 | Acc 5359 303.4852095493 DEM | 7 |
After the Waves, The Impact of the Tsumani on Women in Sri Lanka (Tamil) | Neloufer De Mel, Kanchana N. Ruwanpura, Gameela Samarasinghe (Eds) | Social Scientists Association 2011 | 5826 303.48'520'954'93 DEM | |
After The Waves, The Impact of the Tsunami on Women in Sri Lanka | Neloufer De Mel, Kanchana N. Ruwanpura, Gameela Samarasinghe (Eds) | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | 303.48520095493 AFT | 7 |
After The Waves, The Impact of the Tsunami on Women in Sri Lanka | Neloufer De Mel, Kanchana N. Ruwanpura, Gameela Samarasinghe (Eds) | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | 303.4852095493 AFT | 7 |
Agama saha Manawa Aithiya | Sugath Nishantha Pranandu | Asian Human Rights Commission | 320.954'93 ASZ | 11 |
Agrarian Change in Sri Lanka | James Brow, Joe Weeramunda (Ed) | Sage Publications 1992 | SRI 631+954 JAM | |
Agriculture and Society in the Low Country Sri Lanka | M.P.Moore, G. Wickramasinghe | Agrarian Research and Training Institute 1980 | MFN:002907 Acc No:747 631.92+954.93 MOO | 32 |
Agriculture in the Economic Development of Sri Lanka | Michael Roberts, S.W.R. de A. Samarasinghe, M. Sinnathamby, Piyasiri Wickremasekera (Eds) | Ceylon Studies Seminar 1975 | Acc 5782 631 ROB | 32 |
Agriculture in the Peasant Sector of Sri Lanka | A. Samarasinghe (Ed) | Ceylon Studies Seminar Peradeniya 1977 | Acc 5783 631 SAM | 32 |
Agriculture in the Peasant Sector of Sri Lanka | A. Samarasinghe (Ed) | Ceylon Studies Seminar 1977 | Acc 6115 631'954 SAM | 32 |
Aid to the Use of Sinhalese in Government Departments | Official Languages Department 1955 | Acc 2837 001'959'93 OFF SRI 01/12 | 1 | |
Aids TV: Identity, Community and Alternative Video | Alexandra Juhasz | Duke University Press | 362.19 JUH 2442 | 29 |
Alcohol and Poverty | Berguot Barklien, Diyanath Samarasinghe | FORUT 2003 | SRI 362.292'954'93 | 29 |
Alice de Boer saha Purogami Burgher Waidyawariyo | Deloraine Brohier | Social Scientists Association 1995 | 302 BOH | 6 |
Aloka Occasional Papers Volume I | The South Asia Policy and Research Institute 2012 | SRI 330.1 SOU | 21 | |
Alternate Space : Trivial Writings Of An Academic | Sasanka Perera | Yellow House Publications in Association with Colombo Institute for the Advanced Study of Society and Culture 2005 | MFN: 002595 Acc. No. 4203 301 +954.93 PER | 8 |
Alternative Development An Anthology Volume 1. Part I: Remember Your Humanity: A Tribute to Sri Joseph Rotblat | D.L.O. Mendis | Sri Lanka Pugwash Group 2005 | MFN: 003443 Acc No. 4324 343.9 +954.93 MEN | 27 |
Alternative Development An Anthology Volume 1. Part II:Remember Your Humanity: If You Want Peace, Prepare for Peace | D.L.O. Mendis | Sri Lanka Pugwash Group 2005 | 343 MEN SP.C 4319 | 27 |
America's Longest War. The United states and Vietnam 1950-1975 | George C. Herring | John Wiley & Sons 1979 | 959.70 HER 2592 | 44 |
Among Those Present | D.B. Dhanapala | M.D. Gunasena & Co. Ltd 1962 | SRI 92 A/Z DHA 2531 | 10 |
An Account of the Interior of Ceylon and of its Inhabitants With Travels in that IsLand | John Davy | Asian Educational Services 2006 | 954.93 DAV 4833 | 39 |
An Account of the Interior of Ceylon and of its Inhabitants With Travels in that Island | John Davy | Tisara Prakasakayo 1821 | 312931.954'93 DAV | 37 |
An Account of the Island of Ceylon 1803 | Robert Percival | Tisara Prakasakayo Ltd. 1803 | 954.93 PER 743 | 38 |
An Account of the Island of Ceylon, Its History, Geography, Natural History, With the Manners and Customs of Its Various Inhabitants | Robert Percival | Asian Educational Services 2006 | 954.93 PER 4606 | 39 |
An Adventure in Asian and Australian Writing SPAN | Lionel Wigmore | Angus & Robertson 1959 | MFN: 002527 Acc No. 2673 809 WIG | 34 |
An Agenda for the International Buddhist Community | Ananda W.P. Guruge | 1993 | MFN:002617 Acc No.4205 294.32 +954.93 | 5 |
An Analytical Description of Poverty in Sri Lanka | Marga Institute 1981 | MFN: 002562 Acc No. 2505 339.12 +954.34 MAR | 25 | |
An Analytical Description of Poverty in Sri Lanka | Marga Institute 1981 | 339.46 MAR 7587 | 25 | |
An Analytical Description of Poverty in Sri Lanka | Marga Publications 1981 | 339.46 MAR 7695 | 25 | |
An Annotated Bibliography on Poverty and Conflict in Sri Lanka | Bhawani Loganathan | Centre for Poverty Analysis 2008 | 016.3525 CEP Acc. 5001, Acc.5002, Acc 5003 | 2 |
An Annotated Bibliography on Women in Conflict | Bhawani Loganathan, Mangalika De Silva | Social Scientists' Association 1999 | 01+ 396 LOG 3604 | 31 |
An Anthology of Sinhalese Literature upto 1815 | Christopher Reynolds (Ed) | Sri Lanka National Commission for UNESCO 1970 | SRI 8-2 REY | |
An Appeal to UNESCO to Safeguard and Preserve the Cultural Property in Sri Lanka Endangered by Racial Prejudice, Unlawful Occupation or Wilful Destruction | Caluwadewage Cyril Mathew | SRI 347.992 +93 MAT 3442 | 28 | |
An Appraisal of the Federal Alternative for Sri Lanka | H.L. De Silva | 1991 | 325.5 DES | 17 |
An Eye to India. The Unmasking of a Tyranny, A Brutal and ignominious Period In The History of the Nation | David Selbourne | Penguin Books 1977 | 321 SEL | 14 |
An Historical Relation of Ceylon | Robert Knox | Tisara Prakasakayo 1981 | 954.93 KNO 1306 | 42 |
An Historical Relation of the Island Ceylon Volume I | Robert Knox | Tisara Prakasakayo Ltd. 1681 | 954.93 KNO 1684 | 40 |
An Historical Relation of the Island Ceylon Volume II | Robert Knox | Tisara Prakasakayo Ltd. 1681 | 954.93 KNO 1685 | 40 |
An Illustrated Guide to the Buried Cities of Ceylon | Jones Bateman | Asian Educational Services 1994 | 954.932 BAT 5507 | 39 |
An Inquiry into the Economic Causes and Effects of the Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka Since 1983 | W.H.Rasheed | MFN: 002519 Acc No. 2956 (043) +323.5 RAS | 16 | |
An Introduction to Housing and Land Laws in Sri Lanka | Pubudini Wickramaratne Rupesinghe, Nuwan Rupesinghe | Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions 2007 | ACC 5999 347.235 CEN SRI 01/02 | 28 |
An Introduction to Philosophy of History | W.H.Walsh | Hutchinson University Press 1967 | ||
An Inventory of Sri Lanka Maps in the General State Archives in the Netherlands | K.D.Paranavitana | The Ministry of Plan Implementation 1984 | 912.949'2' 954'93 PAR 2564 | 35 |
An Inventory of Sri Lanka Maps in the General State Archives in the Netherlands | K.D.Paranavitana | The Ministry of Plan Implementation 1984 | 084.3' 954'93 PAR | 2 |
An Open Letter to All Political Parties. An Agenda for Peace (General Elections 2001) | Centre for Policy Alternatives | 324 CPA | 17 | |
An Unfinished Struggle: An Investigative Exposure of Sri Lanka's Judiciary and the Chief Justice | Victor Ivan | Ravaya 2003 | MFN:003311 Acc No. N100085 350.992 +954.93 IVA | 28 |
An Untimely Death a Commemoration of K.Kanthasamy | Kanthasamy Commemoration Committee 1989 | SRI 92 A/Z KAN 1762 | 10 | |
Anagarika Dharmapala Marxwadee da? | Gunadasa Amarasekera | 303.484+954.93 AMA | 7 | |
Analysis of Ages of Lives on Earth and Dravidian Culture | Kalabooshanam Sakkthie A. Bala-Iah | Bakya Publications 2011 | Acc 5956 954 BAL | 38 |
Ancient Ceylon | H. Parker | Asian Educational Services 1981 | 954.93 PAR 1329 | 39 |
Ancient Ceylon | H.Parker | Asian Educational Services 1999 | 954.93 PAR 4741 | 40 |
Ancient City of Anuradhapura | W.B.Marcus Fernando | Archaeological Department 1965 | 954 FER 6160 | 38 |
Ancient City of Polonnaruwa | The Archaeological Department 1967 | SRI 954 ARC | ||
Ancient City of Polonnaruwa | The Archaeologial commissioner | The Archaeologial Department | SRI 954 ARC 2512 | 38 |
Ancient Jaffna. Being a Research inti the History of Jaffna From Very Early Times to the Portuguese Period | Mudaliyar C. Rasanayagam | Asian Educational Services 2003 | 9584.93 RAS 4827 | 39 |
Ancient Land Tenure and Revenue in Ceylon | H. W. Codrington | Ceylon Government Press 1938 | SRI 931 COD 1446 | 37 |
Ancient Land Tenure to Modern Land Reform in Sri Lanka Volume One Ancient Lanka to British Period | Ariya Abeysinghe | The Centre for Society & Religion 1978 | Acc 307 631.954'93 ABE SRI 01/2 | 32 |
Ancient Land Tenure to Modern Land Reform in Sri Lanka Volume One Ancient Lanka to British Period | Ariya Abeysinghe | The Centre for Society & Religion 1978 | MFN: 002670 Acc No. 1787 631 +954.93 ABE | 32 |
Ancient Land Tenure to Modern Land Reform In Sri Lanka Volume Two Since Independence | Ariya Abeysinghe | The Centre for Society & Religion 1979 | MFN: 002671 Acc No. 1788 631 +954.93 ABE | 32 |
Ancient Land Tenure to Modern Land Reform in Sri Lanka: Volume One: Ancient Lanka to British Period | Ariya Abeysinghe | Centre for Society & Religion 1978 | SRI 631 ABE 1669 | 37 |
Andukrama Vyawastha Prathisangskaranayata Rajayen Idiripathkarana Yojana - October 1997 | ||||
Andukrama Vyawastha Prathisangskaranayata Rajayen Idiripathkarana Yojana - October 1998 | MFN: 002555 Acc No. 3390 342.537 +954.34 JUS | |||
Anglo-Soviet Relations 1917-1921: Intervention and the War | Richard H. Ullman | Princeton University Press 1961 | 341.58 UIL 6353 | 26 |
Annotated Index of the Articles in the Journals of the Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka 1845-1989 | M.B. Ariyapala | The Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka 1989 | SRI 011.815 ART | 1 |
Annual Report 2013 | Central Bank of Sri Lanka 2013 | 030+954'93 CEN | ||
Antidumping Exposed: The Devilish Details of Unfair Trade Law | Brink Lindsey and Daniel J. Ikenson | Cato Institute 2003 | 343.73 LIN | 27 |
Anuradhapura Yugaya: Dewani Sanshoditha Sanskaranaya | Amaradasa Liyanagamage, Ranaweera Gunawardana | Acc 5855 954.93 LIY | 41 | |
Anuradhapura Yugaya: Hatharawani Sanshoditha Sanskaranaya | Amaradasa Liyanagamage, Ranaweera Gunawardana | Acc 5855 954.93 LIY | 41 | |
Ape Daruwanta Siduwanne Kumakda | Mendaka Abesekara, Dulma Sandamali Weerakodi | 003.05'2'954'93 ABE | 1 | |
Aragalayaka Atheethaya | Ranaweera Leslie Gunawardena | 321'954'93 GUN | 14 | |
Archaeological Survey of Ceylon: Inscriptions of Ceylon Volume I Part I | S.Paranavitana | Department of Archaeology 1983 | Acc 1545 MFN 3155 930.271'954'93 PAR SRI 01/05 | 36 |
Architecture and Nationalism in Sri Lanka, The Trouser Under the Cloth | Anoma Pieris | Routledge 2013 | 720 PIE | 33 |
Are you Somebody. The Accidental Memoir of a Dublin Woman | Nuala O'Faolain | Henry Holt and Company 1996 | 070.92 OFA ACC 1145 | 3 |
Asian After the Development State. Disembedding Autonomy | Toby Carroll and Darryl S.L. Jarvis (Eds) | Cambridge University Press 2017 | ||
Asian Drama. An Inquiry into the Poverty of Nations/ Volume I | Gunnar Myrdal | Penguin Books 1968 | 330.95 MYR | 21 |
Asirimath Kelaniya | C. Cyril Mathew | 294.3'954'93 MET | 5 | |
Aspects of Ethnicity and Gender Among the Rodi of Sri Lanka | Nireka Weeratunge | International Centre for Ethnic Studies | 305.954'93 WEE | 6 |
Aspirations, Challenges and Needs of Youth in Tea Plantation Communities | Dr.Lalith Welamedage | Care International 2014 | 633.72 WEL 8012 | 32 |
Assessing Burma's Ceasefire Accords | East-west Center Washington | 320+5955 ASS | 11 | |
Assignment Colombo | J.N. Dixit | Vijitha Yapa 1998 | 342.54 DIX 6178 | 27 |
Assignment Colombo | J.N. Dixit | Vijitha Yapa 1998 | 327.92+ 954 DIX | 18 |
Assignment Colombo | J.N. Dixit | Vijitha Yapa Publication 1998 | 327.54 DIX | 18 |
Assimilating New Leaders. The Key to Executive Retention | Diane Downey / Tom March / Adena Berkman | American Management Association 2001 | 658.40 DOW 2331 | 33 |
At The Cutting Edge. Essays in Honour of Kumari Jayawardena | Neloufer De Mel & Selvy Thiruchandran (Eds) | Women's Education and Research Centre 2009 | 320 | 11 |
Authority Without Accountability: The Crisis of Impunity in Sri Lanka | International Commission of Jurists | SRI 340 INT 8294 | 25 | |
Authority Without Accountability: The Crisis of Impunity in Sri Lanka | International Commission of Jurists | SRI 340 INT 8293 | 25 | |
Ayesha Rauf, A Pioneer of Muslim Women's Emancipation in Sri Lanka | Farzana Haniffa | Social Scientists' Association 2014 | 92 A/Z HAN 7790 | 10 |
Bad Neighbor Policy: Washington's Futile War on Drugs in Latin America | Ted Galen Carpenter | Palgrave Macmilllan 2003 | 363.45 CAR 2338 | 29 |
Balaya Bedahareema: 13 wana Sanshodanaye sita Nawa Wyawastha Panatha Dakwa | Vikalpa Prathipaththi Kendraya | 321.954'93 CEN | 14 | |
Balaya Bedamu Rata Nobedamu | Hemasiri Abeyawardana | 320.473'049'549'3 ABH | 11 | |
Balaya Bedamu Rata Nobedamu | Hemasiri Abeyawardana | 320.473'049'549'3 ABH | 11 | |
Bangladesh Promise and Performance | Rounaq Jahan (Ed) | The University Press Limited 2002 | 954 TAH SP.C 4372 | 38 |
Baranasa Nuwara Abamal Duttimi | Basil Pranandu | 000 PRA | 43 | |
Bawuddha Sama Margaya | Ven. Thalagaswewe Seelananya, Raja Dharmapala | 294+172.4 SEE | 5 | |
Bawuddha Thorathuru Parikshaka Sabhawe Wartha | 294.3'350'009'954 SRI 02/05 | 5 | ||
Bawudha Arthika Vidyawa | G.G. Sirisena | 294.3'320'954'93 SIR | 5 | |
Bayesian Statististics, Principles, models and applications | S. James Press | Library of Congress cataloging in- publication data | 519.5'44 3937 | 31 |
Be In Charge. A Leadership Manual. How to Stay on Top | Alexander R. Margulis | Academic Press 2002 | 658.40 MAR 2336 | 33 |
Becoming Black, Creating Identity In The African Diaspora | Michelle M. Wright | Duke University Press 2004 | 305.89 WRI | 6 |
Bedumwadaye Gamanmaga | Ranjith Ananda Jayasinghe | 323.27 JAY | 15 | |
Being A Tamil And Sri Lankan | Karthigesu Sivathamby | Aivakam 2005 | MFN:002578 Acc No. 4159 323.27 +954.93 SIV | 15 |
Being A Tamil And Sri Lankan | Karthigesu Sivathamby | Aivakam 2005 | MFN:002578 Acc No.4280 323.27 +954.93 SIV | 15 |
Being A Tamil And Sri Lankan | Karthigesu Sivathamby | Aivakam 2005 | 392.1+954 SIV 4153 | 30 |
Between Inner & Outer Worlds. A Sociological Analysis of the Changing Social Identity of Estate Tamil Workers | Anton Piyarathne | Godage International Publishers 2008 | 305.93317 PIY | 6 |
Between Naturalism and Religion | Jurgen Habermas | Polity Press 2008 | ||
Between Politics and Science: Assuring the Integrity and Productivity of Research | David H. Guston | Cambridge University Press 2000 | 338.97 GUS | 24 |
Between War and Peace in Sudan and Sri Lanka | N. Shanmugaratnam | James Currey Ltd 2008 | Acc 4973 355.35 SHA | 28 |
Betwixt Isles. The Story of the Kandyan Prisoners in Mauritius | Raja C. Bandaranayake | Vijitha Yapa Publications | 954.93 BAN 7985 | 42 |
Beyond Boundaries? Disciplines, Paradigms and Theoretical Integration In International Studies | Rudra Sil and Eileen M. Doherty (Eds) | State University of New York Press 2000 | 327.01 SIL | 18 |
Beyond Mediation, Negotiation and Negative Peace: Towards Transformative Peace in Sri Lanka Guide to Learning Peace - II | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Programme for Alternative Learning Social Scientists' Association 2006 | 173.4+ 954.93 Acc. 4873 UYA | 47 |
Beyond Mediation, Negotiation and Negative Peace: Towards Transformative Peace in Sri Lanka Guide to Learning Peace - II | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Programme for Alternative Learning Social Scientists' Association 2003 | 173.4 UYA | 47 |
Beyond Mediation, Negotiation and Negative Peace: Towards Transformative Peace in Sri Lanka Guide to Learning Peace - II | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Programme for Alternative Learning Social Scientists' Association 2003 | 173.4 UYA | 47 |
Beyond Mediation, Negotiation and Negative Peace: Towards Transformative Peace in Sri Lanka Guide to Learning Peace - II | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 2003 | MFN: 002607 Acc. No. N100166 173.4+954.93 UYA | 47 |
Beyond Mediation, Negotiation and Negative Peace: Towards Transformative Peace in Sri Lanka Guide to Learning Peace - II | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 2003 | 173.4+ 954.93 Acc 4870 UYA | 47 |
Beyond Mediation, Negotiation and Negative Peace: Towards Transformative Peace in Sri Lanka Guide to Learning Peace - II | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 2003 | MFN: 002607 Acc No. 3862 173.4 +954.93 UYA | 47 |
Beyond Mediation, Negotiation and Negative Peace: Towards Transformative Peace in Sri Lanka Guide to Learning Peace - II | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 2006 | Acc 5143 173.4'954'93 UYA SRI 02/02 | 47 |
Beyond Mediation, Negotiation and Negative Peace: Towards Transformative Peace in Sri Lanka Guide to Learning Peace - II | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 2003 | 327.16 Acc 4675 UYA | 18 |
Beyond Mediation, Negotiation and Negative Peace: Towards Transformative Peace in Sri Lanka Guide to Learning Peace - II | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 2003 | 327.17+ 954.93 Acc 4808 UYA | 18 |
Beyond Right and Left: New Politics and the Culture Wars | David McKnight | Allen & Unwin 2005 | 320.994 MCK | 13 |
Bibliography of Economic and Social Development Sri Lanka 1975 - 1980 Volume 1 | Centre for Development Information Ministry of Finance and Planning | Department of Government Printing 1982 | SRI 016:3 CEN | 1 |
Bibliography of Economic and Social Development Sri Lanka 1975 - 1980 Volume 2 | Centre for Development Information Ministry of Finance and Planning | Department of Government Printing 1983 | 010.338 9+ 954.93 Acc. 4494 CEN | 1 |
Bibliography of Economic and Social Development Sri Lanka Vol II 1975-1983 | Centre for Development Information Ministry of Finance and Planning | 016 CEN ACC 3211 | 2 | |
Bibliography of Labour Relations in Sri Lanka | Siri Ranjani Korale | 1983 | 016.34 KOR | 2 |
Bindunu Panthiyakin Nagee Siteema | Kusal Perera | 301.17 SRI | 8 | |
Bindunu Thal Ruka | Ranjan Hoole, Daya Somasundaram, K.Sritharan, Rajani Thiranagama | Social Scientists' Association | 323.27 HOO | 16 |
Bindunu Thal Ruka | Ranjan Hoole, Daya Somasundaram, K.Sritharan, Rajani Thiranagama | Social Scientists' Association | 323.27 HOO | 16 |
Bindunu Thal Ruka Dewana Kotasa | Ranjan Hoole, Daya Somasundaram, K.Sritharan, Rajani Thiranagama | Social Scientists' Association | 323.27+954.93 HOO | 16 |
Bindunu Thal Ruka Palamu Kotasa | Ranjan Hoole, Daya Somasundaram, K.Sritharan, Rajani Thiranagama | Social Scientists' Association | 323.27+954.93 HOO | 16 |
Bindunu Thal Ruka: Janawargika Arbudaya gana Yapanaye Janathawage Athdakeem | Ranjan Hoole, Daya Somasundaram, K.Sritharan, Rajani Thiranagama | 323.27 HOL | 16 | |
Bindunu Thal Ruka: Janawargika Arbudaya gana Yapanaye Janathawage Athdakeem | Ranjan Hoole, Daya Somasundaram, K.Sritharan, Rajani Thiranagama | 323.27 HOL | 16 | |
Bitter Berry | Christine Wilson | Sooriya 2010 | ||
Bitter Berry Bondage. The Nineteenth Century Coffee Workers of Sri Lanka | Donovan Moldrich | Co-ordinating Secretariat for Plantation Areas | SRI 331.021 MOL | 23 |
Bitter Berry Bondage. The Nineteenth Century Coffee Workers of Sri Lanka | Donovan Moldrich | Co-ordinating Secretariat for Plantation Areas | SRI 331.021 MOL ACC 1539 | 23 |
Black Orchids | Gillian Slovo | Virago 2008 | 813.54' 95493 SLO | |
Blows Against The Empire. Trotskyism In Ceylon The Lanka Sama Samaja Party 1935-1964 | Al. Richardson (Ed) | Socialist Platform 1997 | Acc No. 6132 329 RIC | 44 |
Bodhu Piliweth Maga | Kirama Soratha Sthaweera | 294.35+954.93 SOR | 5 | |
Bonded Labour: Caste And Culture Identity Among Tamil Plantation Workers in Sri Lanka | Oddvar Hollup | Charles Subasinghe & Sons 1994 | SRI 331.021 HOL | 23 |
Bonded Labour: Caste And Culture Identity Among Tamil Plantation Workers in Sri Lanka | Oddvar Hollup | Charles Subasinghe & Sons 1994 | SRI 331.021 HOL ACC 3027 | 23 |
Bound and Gagged: Pornography and the Politics of Fantasy in America | Laura Kipnis | Duke University Press 1999 | 363.40 KIP 1177 | 29 |
Brennan and Democracy | Frank I. Michelman | Princeton University Press 1999 | 342.73 MIC ACC368 | 27 |
Bridging the Divide-Promoting the Rights of Plantation Communities in Sri Lanka | Sunil Bastian, M. Vamadevan, Gowrie Palaniappan, B. Skanthakumar | European Union 2014 | 633 SRI | 32 |
Bridging the Divide-Promoting the Rights of Plantation Communities in Sri Lanka | Sunil Bastian, M. Vamadevan, Gowrie Palaniappan, B. Skanthakumar | European Union 2014 | 633.72 CAR 7852 | 32 |
Bridging Troubled Waters? | Timmo Gaasbeek | 2010 | Acc 5954 370.117'95493 GAA | 30 |
Britain, World War 2 & The Sama Samajists | Wesley Muthiah, Sydney Wanasinghe (Eds) | A Young Socialist Publication 1996 | 320 MUT | 13 |
Britiain, World War 2 & The Sama Samajists | Wesley Muthiah/ Sydney Wanasinghe (Eds) | A Young Socialist Publication 1996 | 324.954. MUT | 17 |
British Governors and Colonial Policy in Sri Lanka | V.L.B. Mendis | Tisara Prakasakayo Ltd 1984 | 954 MEN 6146 | 38 |
British Governors and Colonial Policy in Sri Lanka | V.L.B. Mendis | Tisara Prakasakayo 1984 | 954.93 MEN 1583 | 42 |
British Governors of Ceylon | H.A.J. Hulugalle | The Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd 1963 | SRI 92 '16' HUL 2585 | 10 |
British Imperial Policy in India and Sri Lanka 1858-1912 | Robert I. Crane and N. Gerald Barrier (Eds) | Heritage Publishers 1981 | 325.36' 954'93 CRA | 17 |
Buddha and Marx on Man and Humanity | Desmond Mallikarachchi | Published by The Author 2003 | 301.294' 95493 MAL | 8 |
Buddhism and Human Rights | L.P.N. Perera | Karunaratne & Sons 1991 | 294.3' 95493 PER 1920 | 5 |
Buddhism and Politics in Twentieth-Century Asia | Ian Harris (Ed) | Continuum 1999 | ||
Buddhism Betrayed? Religion, Politics and Violence in Sri Lanka | Stanley Jeyaraja Tambiah | The University of Chicago Press 1992 | 294.33 TAM | 5 |
Buddhism in Ceylon Under the Christian Powers and The Educational and Religious Policy of the British Government in Ceylon 1797-1832 | Tennakoon Vimalananda | M.D. Gunasena & Co.Ltd 1963 | SRI 294.3 VIM 922 | 5 |
Buddhism in Ceylon Under the Christian Powers and The Educational and Religious Policy of the British Government in Ceylon 1797-1832 | Tennakoon Vimalananda | M.D.Gunasena 1963 | 294.30 VIM 8377 | 5 |
Buddhism in Sinhalese Society 1750-1900 A Study of Religious Revival and Change | Kitsiri Malalgoda | University of California Press 1976 | 294.30 95493 MAL | 5 |
Buddhism in Sri Lanka in the 17th and 18th Centuries | A.H. Mirando | Tisara Prakasakayo Ltd 1985 | SRI 294.3 MSR 1683 | 5 |
Buddhism or Communism: Which Holds the Future of Asia? | Ernst Benz | MFN:3566 294.3 ERN Acc 5000 SRI 02/05 | 5 | |
Buddhism Primitive and Present in Magadha and in Ceylon | Reginald Stephen Copleston | Asian Educational Services 1984 | SRI 294.3 BUO 1558 | 5 |
Buddhism Transformed. Religious Change in Sri Lanka | Richard Gombrich, Gananath Obeyesekere | Motilal Banarsidass 1988 | SRI 294.3 GOM ACC 5747 | 5 |
Buddhism, Human Rights and Social Renewal | Nalin Swaris | Asian Human Rights Commission 2000 | 291.17' 95493 SWA | 4 |
Buddhist and Freudian Psychology | Padmasiri De Silva | Lake House Investments LTD 1973 | 294 DES 6431 | 5 |
Buddhist Monastic Life, According to the Texts of the Theravada Tradition | Mohan Wijayaratna | Cambridge University Press 1990 | 294.3657 WIJ ACC 5701 | 5 |
Buddhist Monastic Life, According to the Texts of the Theravada Tradition | Mohan Wijayaratna | Cambridge University Press 1990 | MFN:002783 Acc. No. 1635 291.5+954.93 WIJ | 4 |
Buddhists and Baptists: In Conversation into our Common Future | John Ross Carter | O. H. De A. Wijesekera Commemorative Oration Colombo 1993 | 294 CAR ACC 7738 | 5 |
Budget Speech 1970-71 | N.M. Perera | 1970 | 330.95 PER | 21 |
Budhu Dahama, Rajya Saha Bikshu Samajaya: Samaja Vidyathmaka Adyanaya | Premakumara de Silva | 294.337 709593 BUD | 5 | |
Budhu Dahama, Rajya Saha Bikshu Samajaya: Samaja Vidyathmaka Adyanaya | Premakumara de Silva | 223.954.93 DES | 4 | |
Budhu Dahama, Rajya Saha Bikshu Samajaya: Samaja Vidyathmaka Adyanaya | Premakumara de Silva | 223.954.93 DES | 4 | |
Budhu Dahama, Rajya Saha Bikshu Samajaya: Samaja Vidyathmaka Adyanaya | Premakumara de Silva | 223.954.93 DES | 4 | |
Budhu Samaya Nirithadiga | Mendis Rohanadeera | 294.3'954'93 ROH SRI- 02/05 | 5 | |
Budhusamaya saha Sri Lankawe Janawargika Sattanaya | Deegalle Mahinda (Ed) | Acc 4738 294.3320.59'954'93 MAH | 5 | |
Building Local Capacities for Peace. Rethinking Conflict and Development in Sri Lanka | Markus Mayer, Darini Rajasingham-Senanayake, Yuvi Thangarajah (Eds) | Macmillan 2003 | 327.303'66'954'93 MAY SRI 02/01 | 18 |
Building Local Capacities for Peace. Rethinking Conflict and Development in Sri Lanka | Markus Mayer, Darini Rajasingham-Senanayake, Yuvi Thangarajah (Eds) | Macmillan 2003 | 327.30366+ 954.93 Acc.4672 MAY | 18 |
Bureaucracy | Martin Albrow | Macmillan 1970 | ||
Buried Treasure in Sri Lankan History | Jonathan S. Walters | Social Scientists' Association | 351.759' 954'93 WAL 2556 | 28 |
Buying the Best: Cost Escalation in Elite Higher Education | Charles T. Clotfelter | Princeton University Press 1996 | 378.02 CLO 2759 | 30 |
By-Laws in Local Authorities Drafting and Enforcement | H.G.C. Jayathissa | Federation of Sri Lankan Local Government Authorities | 352.195493 SRI | 28 |
By-Laws in Local Authorities Drafting and Enforcement | H.G.C. Jayathissa | Federation of Sri Lankan Local Government Authorities | 352.1' 95493 JAY 5912 | 28 |
By-Laws in Local Authorities Drafting and Enforcement | H.G.C. Jayathissa | Federation of Sri Lankan Local Government Authorities | 352.1' 95493 JAY 5912 | 28 |
C.W. Thamotharampillai, Tamil Revivalist: The Man Behind The Legend of Tamil Nationalism | S. Ratnajeevan H.Hoole | International Centre for Ethnic Studies 1997 | SRI 92 A/Z HOO 2433 | 10 |
Call of Kirala | James Goonawardene | Hansa 1971 | 823 GOO | 35 |
Capital and Peasant Production. Studies in the Continuity and Discontinuity of Agrarian Structures in Sri Lanka | Charles Abeysekera (Ed) | Social Scientists' Association 1985 | 331 ABE | |
Capitalism & Development | Leslie Sklair (Ed) | Routledge 1994 | 320 SKL | 13 |
Capitalism and Modern Social Theory. An Analysis of the Writings of Marx Durkheim and Max Weber | Anthony Giddens | Cambridge University Press 1971 | 320 GID | 22 |
Capitalism And Peasant Farming. Agrarian Structure and Idealogy in Northern Tamil Nadu | John Harriss | Oxford University Press 1982 | ||
Capitalism in Crisis Inflation and the State | A. Gamble & P. Walton | The Macmillan Press 1976 | ||
Careers Study of Heroin Users in Sri Lanka | Research Unit NDDCB/UNFDAC/WHO- Project 1990 | SRI 615.7 NDD 2600 | 31 | |
Caring For Torture Survivors: Medical Aspects | S.Sivayogan | A Family Rehabilitation Centre Publication 2000 | Acc 3560 MFN 4052 363.2 SIV | 29 |
Casino Raja Joseem Saha Premadasa Nadaya | 320.808'954.93 SAR | 11 | ||
Caste and its Multiple Manifestations: A study of the Caste System in Nothern Sri Lanka | Selvy Thiruchandran | BAY OWL PRESS | 306 THI | 12 |
Caste Conflict and Elite Formation, The Rise of a Karava Elite in Sri Lanka, 1500-1931 | Michael Roberts | Lake House Investments Ltd. 1982 | Acc 1332 MFN 371 301.16'954'93 RCB SRI-01/08 | 8 |
Caste Ideology and Interaction | Dennis B. McGilvray (Eds) | Cambridge University Press | MFN: 002583 Acc. No. Pc.17 305.512 +954.93 DEN | 6 |
Caste in Modern Ceylon, The Sinhalese System in Transition | Bryce Ryan | Navrang 1953 | SRI 305.5122 RYA | 6 |
Caste in Tamil Culture, The Religious Foundations of Sudra Domination in Tamil Sri Lanka | Bryan Pfaffenberger | Vikas Publishing House PVT LTD 1982 | SRI 305 PEA | 6 |
Casteless or Caste-blind? Dynamics of Concealed Caste Discrimination, Social Exclusion and Protest in Sri Lanka | Kalinga Tudor Silva, P.P. Sivapragasam, Paramsothy Thanges (Eds) | International Dalit Solidarity Network, Copenhagen Indian Institute of Dalit Studies and Kumaran Book House 2009 | Acc 5244 305 S1L GDR 5 | 6 |
Casting Pearls. The Women's Franchise Movement in Sri Lanka | Malathi de Alwis & Kumari Jayawardena | Social Scientists Association | 324.62 DEA | |
Cataclysms. A History of the Twentieth Century From Europe's Edge | Dan Diner | The University of Wisconsin Press 2008 | ||
Catastrophe July '83 Can Sri Lanka Survive Volume 22 No. 4 | Tissa Balasuriya | Logos 1981 | 320.05' 95493 BAL | 11 |
Catch- All Parties and Party-Voter Nexus In Sri Lanka | Pradeep Peiris | Palgrave Macmillan | ||
Catch- All Parties and Party-Voter Nexus In Sri Lanka | Pradeep Peiris | Palgrave Macmillan | Acc. 320+54 PER | 11 |
Catch all Parties and the Party - Voter Nexus: A Study on the Nature of the Party-Voter Relationship of the United National Party and the Sri Lanka Freedom Party | Pradeep Peiris | Department of Political Science 2014 | 324 PEI | 17 |
Catholic Lives, Contemporary America | Thomas J. Ferraro (Ed) | Duke University Press 1997 | 282.73 FER | 4 |
Ceasefire 2001 (Lessons for the Present) | National Peace Council of Sri Lanka 2002 | Acc 5170 MFN 3912 303.64 NAT SRI 02/01 | 7 | |
Census of Ceylon 1946 Vol. 1 part 1 - General Report | A.G. Ranasingha | Department of Census and Statistics 1950 | MFN: 002691 Acc No. 1203 310 +954.93 RAN | 42 |
Census of Population and Housing 2012. Provisional Information Based on 5% Sample | Department of Census and Statistics | 304 DEP | 9 | |
Ceremonial Dances of the Sinhalese | Otaker Pertold | Tisara Prakasakayo 1930 | 008-2'954'93 PER SRI 02/04 | 1 |
Ceylon An Account of the Island Physical, Historical and Topo Graphical With Notices of its Natural History, Antiquities and Productions | Sri James Emerson Tennent | London 1859 | 954.93 TEN 3427 | 41 |
Ceylon An Account of the Island Physical, Historical and Topo Graphical With Notices of its Natural History, Antiquities and Productions | Sir James Emerson Tennent | London 1859 | 954.93 TEN 3428 | 41 |
Ceylon Ancient and Modern. A General Description of the Island, Historical Physical, Statistical. Vol.II | An Officer Late of the Ceylon Rifles | Asian Educational Services 1994 | 954.932 THE 5501 | 39 |
Ceylon and her Citizens | I.D.S. Weerawardana | Geoffrey Cumberlede Oxford University Press 1956 | SRI 930.85 WEE 927 | 37 |
Ceylon and her People | N.E. Weerasooria | Lake House Investment 1970 | 930.85' 954'93 WEE 549 | 37 |
Ceylon and Malaysia | Senarat Paranavitana | Lake House Investment 1966 | 954.89' 954'93 PAR | 38 |
Ceylon and The Hollanders 1658-1796 | P.E.Pieris | Navrang 1995 | 954.93 PIE 3425 | 41 |
Ceylon Daily News: Parliaments of Ceylon 1960 | The Associated Newspapers of Ceylon | 328.954'93 CEY | 20 | |
Ceylon Gazetteer, Simon Casie Chitty, Modliar | Simon Casie Chitty, Modliar | Cotta Church Mission Press 1834 | 311.313' 954'93 CHI | 4 |
Ceylon General Election 1956 | I.D.S. Weerawardana | M.D.Gunasena & Co.Ltd 1960 | 324.42 WEE | 17 |
Ceylon General Election 1956 | I.D.S. Weerawardana | M.D.Gunasena 1960 | 324.42' 95493 WEE | 17 |
Ceylon Literary Register Third Series Vol I January 1931 No.I | Ceylon Observer | SRI 05 CEY | 1 | |
Ceylon Literary Register Third Series Volume I No II | 1931 | 082.954'93 CEY 4915 MFN: 3523 | 2 | |
Ceylon Literary Register Third Series Volume II No 2 | 1932 | 082.954'93 CEY 4916 MFN: 3524 | 2 | |
Ceylon National Museums Manuscript Series Vol V. Sinhala Verse (KAVI) Ethnology Vol 2 | P.E.P. Deraniyagala (Ed) | 1954 | SRI 8-1 DER 1547 | 45 |
Ceylon of The Early Travellers | H.A.J. Hulugalle | Arjuna Hulugalle Dictionaries 1999 | 954.93 HUL 2784 | 38 |
Ceylon Past and Present | C.M. Enriquez | Hurst & Blackett, Ltd, Asian Educational Services 1999 | 954.93 ENR 4613 | 39 |
Ceylon Pearl of the East | Harry Williams | Robert Hale Limited 1951 | 931.954'93 WIL 916 | 37 |
Ceylon Report of the Special Commission on the Constitution | Ceylon Government Press | 342.954'93 CEY ACC 3481 | 27 | |
Ceylon Report of the Special Commission on the Constitution | Ceylon Government Press, 1928 | 342.4' 954'93 COT ACC 2546 | 27 | |
Ceylon Sessional Papers 1956 | Government Press | 954.93 Acc 4711 WIJ | 40 | |
Ceylon Sessional Papers 1958 Report of the Land commission | 070 SRI | 3 | ||
Ceylon Sessional Papers 1968 | MFN 3247 000 COM | 43 | ||
Ceylon The Paradise of Adam | Caroline Corner | Asian Educational Services 2003 | 954.93 COR 5502 | 39 |
Ceylon the Portuguese Era Volume Two | Paul E. Pieris | Tisara Prakasakayo Ltd 1983 | 954.93 PIE 1682 | 42 |
Ceylon Under the British | G.C. Mendis | Asian Educational Services 2005 | 954.93 MEN 4828 | 39 |
Ceylon Under the British Occupation 1795-1833 Its Political, Administration and Economic Development Volume One | Colvin R. De Silva | Colombo Apothecaries 1953 | 328.14' 954'93 DES | 20 |
Ceylon Under the British Occupation 1795-1833 Its Political, Administration and Economic Development Volume Two | Colvin R. De Silva | Colombo Apothecaries 1942 | 328.149' 54'93 DES | 20 |
Ceylon Under The British Occupation 1795-1833 Volume One | Colvin R. De Silva | Navrang 1995 | 328.14' 954'93 DES | 20 |
Ceylon Under the British Occupation 1795-1833 Volume One its Political and Administrative Development | Colvin R. De Silva | The Colombo Apothecaries Company 1953 | 954.93 SIL 8460 | 42 |
Ceylon Under The British Occupation 1795-1833 Volume Two | Colvin R. De Silva | Navrang 1995 | 328.14' 954'93 DES | 20 |
Ceylon. A General Description of the Island and Its Inhabitants | Henry Marshall | Tisara Prakasakayo 1969 | 954.93 MAR 4282 | 38 |
Ceylon. A General Description of the Island and Its Inhabitants | Henry Marshall | Tisara Prakasakayo 1969 | 897 | 36 |
Ceylon. Island That Changed | Sadhan Mukherjee | People's Publishing House 1971 | SRI 329 MUK | 20 |
Ceylon: A Pictorial Survey of the Peoples and Arts | M.D.Raghavan | M.D.Gunasena 1962 | 930.3'954'93 RAG 908 | 36 |
Ceylon: An Export Economy in Transition | Donald R. Snodgrass | The Economic Growth Center Yale University 1966 | MFN: 002563 Acc No. 4187 382.6 +954.34 SNO | 30 |
Changing Paths. International Development and the New Politics of Inclusion | Peter P. Houtzager and Mick Moore (eds) | University of Michigan Press 2005 | ||
Changing Socio- Economic Relations in the Kandyan Countryside | Newton Gunasinghe | Social Scientists' Association 1990 | 305.5 Acc 4750 GUN | 6 |
Changing Socio- Economic Relations in the Kandyan Countryside | Newton Gunasinghe | 1980 | 305.09 GUN | 6 |
Changing Socio- Economic Relations in the Kandyan Countryside | Newton Gunasinghe | Social Scientists Association 2007 | 330 GUN | 21 |
Changing Socio- Economic Relations in the Kandyan Countryside | Newton Gunasinghe | Social Scientists' Association 1990 | 301.095493 Acc 4475 GUN | 8 |
Charles Abeyesekara 1926-1998 | Social Scientists' Association, MIRJE, INFORM, Yukthiya and Vibhavi Center 1998 | 35 | ||
Charred Lullabies: E. Valentine Daniel 1995 | E. Valentine Daniel | Princeton University Press | 398.83 DAN | 31 |
Checkpoint, Temple, Church and Mosque. A Collaborative Ethnography of War and Peace | Jonathan Spencer, Jonathan Goodhand, Shahul Hasbullah, Bart Klem, Benedikt Korf and Kalinga Tudor Silva | Social Scientists' Association 2015 | 303.69 SPE | 7 |
Chemical Demilitarization: Public Policy Aspects | Al Mauroni | Praeger 2003 | 363.72 MAU 130 | 29 |
Children & Women in Sri Lanka: A Situation Analysis | UNICEF | Government of Sri Lanka - UNICEF 1991 | 362.69 4086 | 29 |
Children of the Lion. A Monumental Saga of Passion, Love, War and Redemption From the Best-Selling Author of The Jam Fruit Tree | Carl Muller | Viking 1997 | 954.93 MUL 3370 | 38 |
China at Work. A Labour Process Perspective on the Transformation of Wrok and Employment in China | Mingwei Liu & Chris Smith (Eds) | Palgrave Macmillan 2016 | ||
Christian and Oriental Philosophy of Art | Ananda K. Coomaraswamy | Dover Publications | 7.032 COO 1900 | 44 |
Christianity in Ceylon. Its Introduction and Progress Under the Portuguese, The Dutch, The British and American Mission | James Emerson Tennent | Asian Educational Services 1998 | 9584.93 TEN 4605 | 39 |
Church Politics & War in Sri Lanka (Theologising Contextually Amidst a War) | S.J.Emmanuel | Centre for Better Society | 303 EMM | 7 |
Citizenship | J.M. Barbalet | Open University Press 1989 | ||
Citizenship in a Global Age. Society, Culture, Politics | Gerard Delanty | Open University Press 2000 | 323.6 DEL | 16 |
Citizenship in Diverse Societies | Will Kymlicka and Wayne Norman (Eds) | Oxford University Press 2000 | 305.8 KYM | 6 |
Citizenship, Nationality and Ethnicity | T.K. Oommen | Polity Press 1997 | ||
City of Djinns | William Dalrymple | Penguin Books 1993 | ||
Civil Society in Civil War. Peace Work and Identity Politics in Sri Lanka | Camilla Orjuela | Department Of peace and Development Research 2004 | 323.351+ 954.93 Acc.4641 ORJ | 16 |
Civil Society in Sri Lanka, New Circles of Power | Nira Wickramasinghe | Saga Publications 2001 | Acc. No. 5250 300.95493 WIC SRI | |
Civil Strife in Sri Lanka, The UNP Government 1989-94 | Rajiva Wijesinha | McCallum Books Ltd 1995 | Acc 6028 300.954'93 WIJ | 9 |
Cold War Social Science. Knowledge, Production, Liberal Democracy and Human Nature | Mark Solovey and Hamilton Cravens (Eds) | Palgrave Macmillan 2012 | ||
Collective Agreements in Sri Lanka | P. Navaratne, Nigel Hatch (Ed) | Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung 1987 | SRI 341.24+954 NAV 3014 | 26 |
Collective Identities Nationalisms and Protest in Modern Sri Lanka | Michael Roberts (Ed) | Marga Institute 1979 | MFN: 002801 Acc. No. 4107 323.15 +954.93 ROB | 15 |
Colombo a Centenary Volume. Hundred Years of Municipal Government 1865-1965 | H.A.J. Hulugalle | Colombo Municipal Council | MFN: 002644 Acc No. 1849 004+954.93 COL | 1 |
Colombo Kawiya saha H.M. Kudaligama | Hiniduma Sunil Senevi | 811. 95493 SEN | 34 | |
Colonial Habits: Convents and the Spiritual Economy of Cuzco, Peru | Kathryn Burns | Duke University Press 1999 | 985.37 BUR | 46 |
Colonialism in Sri Lanka | Asoka Bandarage | Lake House Investments LTD 1983 | 330 BAN | 21 |
Colvin R de Silva Selected Speeches & Writings | Wesley Muthiah/ Sydney Wanasinghe (Eds) | Young Socialist Publication 2007 | Acc 5248 MFN 4078 323.921954 MUT | |
Colvin The Socialist | Wesley Muthiah, Sydney Wanasinghe (Eds) | The Lanka Sama Samaja Party 2007 | 320 WES | 13 |
Common Crisis North South: Co-operation for World Recovery | Willy Brandt | Pan Books | 311 BRA | 4 |
Communal Politics Under the Donoughmore Constitution 1931-1947 | Jane Russell | Tisara Prakasakayo Ltd 1982 | 329.954'93 RUS | 20 |
Communal Politics Under the Donoughmore Constitution 1931-1948 | Jane Russell | Tisara Prakasakayo Ltd 1982 | 329.954'93 RUS | 20 |
Communalism and the Historical Legacy: Some Facets Reprint Series No 6 | Romila Thapar | Social Scientists Association 1990 | 930 COM | 36 |
Communalism or Nationalism... | G.G. Ponnambalam Esq | The Dutch Congress | Acc No. PC20 320.25 PER SRI | 13 |
Communicating Research; Influencing Change | Fiona Remnant (Ed) | Centre for Poverty Analysis 2008 | Acc 6080 304.954 REM | 9 |
Communities of the Air | Susan Merrill Squier (Ed) | Duke University Press 2003 | 320.23 SQU | 13 |
Community Level Conflict -Case Studies- Experimental Research for Peace Building in Sri Lanka | Oxfam | Acc 4699 172.4 OYF SRI 172.4 | 47 | |
Confessions of an Entrepreneur. The Story of Mendis Special | W.M. Mendis | W.M.Mendis & Co.Ltd 1988 | Acc 6026 92.320 MEN | 10 |
Conflict and Community in Contemporary Sri Lanka. 'Pearl of the East' or the 'Island of Tears'? | Siri Gamage, I.B. Watson (Eds) | Vijitha Yapa 1999 | 172.4 GAM | 47 |
Conflict in Sri Lanka. Internal and External Consequences | V. R. Raghavan (Ed) | Vij Books India Pvt Ltd 2011 | 954.9303 RAG 5850 | 41 |
Conflict, Conflict Resolution & Peace Building. An Introduction to Theories and Practices Study No 03 | Jayadeva Uyangoda (Ed) | GTZ Sri Lanka 2005 | MFN: 002587 Acc No. 4278 303.69+954.93 UYA | 7 |
Conflict, Conflict Resolution & Peace Building. An Introduction to Theories and Practices Study No 03 | Jayadeva Uyangoda (Ed) | GTZ Sri Lanka 2005 | MFN: 002587 Acc No. 4277 303.69 +954.93 UYA | 7 |
Conflict, Conflict Resolution & Peace Building. An Introduction to Theories and Practices. Development Cooperation in the context of Crisis and Conflict - Study No 03 | Jayadeva Uyangoda (Eds) | Department of Political Science and Public Policy and Improving Capacities for Poverty & Social Policy Research, University of Colombo 2005 | MFN:002587 Acc.No. 4275 303.69 +954.93 UYA | 7 |
Conflict, Conflict Resolution & Peace Building. An Introduction to Theories and Practices. Development Cooperation in the context of Crisis and Conflict - Study No 04 | Department of Political Science and Public Policy and Improving Capacities for Poverty & Social Policy Research, University of Colombo 2006 | MFN:002587 Acc. No. 4276 303.69 +954.93 UYA | 7 | |
Conflict, Negotiation, Mediation and Peace Guide to Learning Peace - I | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Programme for Alternative Learning Social Scientists' Association 2006 | 323.17+ 172.4 Acc. 4745 UYA | 15 |
Conflict, Negotiation, Mediation and Peace Guide to Learning Peace - I | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Programme for Alternative Learning Social Scientists' Association 2003 | 173.4 UYA | 47 |
Conflict, Negotiation, Mediation and Peace Guide to Learning Peace - I | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 2003 | 323.16+ 954.93 5098 | 15 |
Conflict, Negotiation, Mediation and Peace Guide to Learning Peace - I | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 2003 | 73.4 UYA | 47 |
Conflict, Negotiation, Mediation and Peace Guide to Learning Peace - I | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 2003 | 323.16 UYA 4452 | 15 |
Conflict, Negotiation, Mediation and Peace Guide to Learning Peace - I | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Programme for Alternative Learning Social Scientists' Association 2006 | 323.161 953.93 Acc 4842 UYA | 15 |
Conflict, Negotiation, Mediation and Peace Guide to Learning Peace - I | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Programme for Alternative Learning Social Scientists' Association 2003 | 5093 323.16+954.93 | 15 |
Conflict, Negotiation, Mediation and Peace Guide to Learning Peace - I | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 2003 | 327.16+ 954.93 Acc 4668 UYA | 18 |
Conflicts Of Ethnicity Sri Lanka 1985 Volume 24 No.2 | Tissa Balasuriya O.M.I, Ms. Bernadeen Silva, Douglas de Silva, Sr. Christiane Crohain FMM (Eds) | 1985 | Acc 6032 323.33'954'93 TIS | 16 |
Conflict-Sensitive Approaches to Development, Humanitarian Assistance and Peacebuilding. A Resource Pack | Africa Peace Forum, Centre for Conflict Resolution, Consortium of Humanitarian Agencies, Forum on Early Warning and Early Responses, International Alert, Saferworld | 000CON | 45 | |
Confrontations in Sri Lanka. Sinhalese, LTTE and Others | Michael Roberts | Vijitha Yapa 2011 | 320.9' 95493 ROB | 11 |
Conquering the 'Diviya': A Selection of Writings | Kamalini Wijayatilaka | 2004 | Acc 4105 008'954'93 WIJ SRI 01/11 | 1 |
Consolidating Asian Democracy | M.Nazrul Islam | Ms Feroza Islam 2003 | Acc 4366 MFN 2641 320.5'954 ISL SRI 01/08 | 22 |
Constitutional and Administrative Law of Sri Lanka (Ceylon) | J.A.L.Cooray | Hansa Publishers Ltd 1973 | 342.419' 5493 COO ACC 5388 | 27 |
Constitutionalism: A Broader Perspective: A Collection of Essays | Lakshman Marasinghe | International Centre for Ethnic Studies 2004 | MFN: 002559 Acc No. 4165 342.02 +954.34 MAR | 27 |
Constructing Commongrounds Everyday Lifeworlds Beyond Politicised Ethnicities in Sri Lanka | Anton Piyarathne | Sarasavi Publishers 2018 | 306.0095493 | 12 |
Containing The Poor: The Mexico City Poor House 1774-1871 | Silvia Marina Arrom | Duke University Press 2000 | 362.85 ARR | 29 |
Contemporary Conflict Resolution: Third Edition, Fully Revised and Expanded | Oliver Ramsbotham, Tom Woodhouse and Hugh Miall | Polity Press 2011 | 360 RAM | 28 |
Contemporary Economic Issues: Sri Lanka in The Global Context. Weekly Commentaries on Economic Issues Published in the Sunday Island 2005-2006 | Saman Kelegama | Sri Lanka Economic Association 2006 | Acc 4585 330'954'93 KEL | 21 |
Contemporary Environmental Challenges, A Sri Lankan Reader | Rohan H. Wickramasinghe | Institute for Tropical Environmental Studies 1988 | 574.52 WIC 8022 | 31 |
Contemporary Political Philosophy An Introduction Second Edition | Will Kymlicka | Oxford University Press 2002 | ||
Continuities and Transformations Studies in Sri Lankan Archaeology and History | Senake Bandaranayake | Social Scientists' Association 2012 | 954.93 BAN 8303 | 41 |
Controversy at Panadura or Panadura Vadaya | Pranith Abhayasundara | The State Printing Corporation 1990 | SRI 323.27 ABH ACC 1800 | 15 |
Co-Operation in Ceylon | Reserve Bank of India | Bombay 1948 | Acc 6082 954 RES 6082 | 38 |
Corruption in Asia. Rethinking the Governance Paradigm | Tim Lindsey & Howard Dick (Eds) | The Federation Press 2002 | 360 LIN | 28 |
Costs of War: Challenges and Priorities for the Future | National Peace Council | National Peace Council 2003 | Acc 4851 355.42'954'93 NAT | 28 |
Crafting Coalitions for Reform: Business Preferences, Political Institutions and Neoliberal Reform in Brazil | Peter R. Kingstone | The Pennsylvania State University Press 1999 | 338.98 KIN | 24 |
Creating a better World With Victims of Globalization Volume 41 Nos 2&3 | Bernadeen Silva (Ed) | Logos | 327.111 LOG LK (SRI) | 18 |
Credit-Based, Participatory Poverty Alleviation Strategies in Sri Lanka: What have We Learned? | Ramani Gunatilaka | Institute of Policy Studies 1997 | SRI 362.582 GUN 2436 | 29 |
Cricket, Lovely Cricket! Sports in Culture, Class & Nation in Sri Lanka | Jayadeva Uyangoda (Ed) | Social Scientists' Association 2007 | 796.35865 Acc 4749 UYA | 33 |
Cricket, Lovely Cricket! Sports in Culture, Class & Nation in Sri Lanka | Jayadeva Uyangoda (Ed) | Social Scientists' Association 2007 | Acc 4501 595.729+954.93 UYA | 31 |
Crimes of the Powerful. Marxism, Crime and Deviance | Frank Pearce | Pluto Press 1976 | ||
Criminological Theory: Context and Consequences | J. Robert Lilly, Francis T. Cullen, Richard A. Ball | Sage Publications 1995 | 369.97 LIL 5568 | 30 |
Crisis Commentaries, Selected Political Writings of Mervyn de Silva | E. Vijayalakshmi | International Centre for Ethnic Studies 2001 | 320 VIJ | 11 |
Critical Analysis of the New Constitution of the Sri Lanka Government | N.M. Perera | Dr. N.M. Perera Memorial Trust | 342.54 PER ACC 7841 | 27 |
Critical Issues in Contemporary China. Unity, Stability and Development. Second Edition | Czeslaw Tubilewicz (Ed) | Routledge 2017 | ||
Critical Views of September 11. Analyses from Around the World | Eric Hershberg and Kevin W. Moore (Eds) | The New Press 2002 | ||
Critiquing Capitalism Today New Ways to Read Marx | Frederick Harry Pitts | Palgrave Macmillan 2018 | 320 PIT | 13 |
Crucible of Conflict, Tamil and Muslim Society on the East Coast of Sri Lanka | Dennis B. McGilvray | Duke University Press 2008 | 305.894' 811'95493 MCG | 6 |
Crucible of Conflict, Tamil and Muslim Society on the East Coast of Sri Lanka | Dennis B. McGilvray | Social Scientists' Association 2008 | 305.80 MCG | 6 |
Culavamsa | Wilhelm Geiger | Humphery Milford Oxford University Press 1929 | 930.22' 954'93 GEI 1189 | 36 |
Cultural Forces in World Politics | Ali A. Mazrui | James Currey, Heinemann Kenya, Heinemann 1990 | 909.82 MAZ 140 | 35 |
Current Crisis in Sri Lanka | Rajiva Wijesinha | NAVRANG NEW DELHI | ACC5304 323.27'954'93 | 15 |
Cycles of Violence Human Rights in Sri Lanka Since the Indo-Sri Lanka Agreement | The Asia Watch Committee 1987 | 301.085 ANA | 8 | |
D.A.Rajapaksa. Commemorative Oration | D.L.O. Mendis | 2004 | 394.4 MEN | |
D.S.Senanayake. A Pictorial Biography | National Archives 1984 | 92 /AZ SEN | ||
Daiwisi Wasaraka Balaya Bedeema: Sri Lankawe Palaath saha Kriyakarithwaya Pilibanda Agayeemak | Ranjith Amarasinghe, Ashoka Gunawardana, Jayampathi Wickramaratne, A.M. Nawarathna Bandara | 320 AMA | 11 | |
Dance and the Nation. Performance, Ritual and Politics in Sri Lanka | Susan A. Reed | The University Of Wisconsin Press 2010 | Acc 6033 793.3'954'93 REE | 33 |
Dealing With Demons? An Exploratory Study on Post-Conflict Justice | Prashan Thalayasingam | Centre for Poverty Analysis 2006 | 303.6+ 954.93 Acc 4506 THA | 7 |
Dealing With Diversity. Annotated Bibliography | The Netherlands Institute of International Relations 2004 | 4138 010:321.16'954'93 CLI SRI 02/01 | 1 | |
Dealing With Diversity. Sri Lankan Discourses on Peace and Conflict | Georg Frerks and Bart Klem (Eds) | The Netherlands Institute of International relations 'Clingendael' 2004 | 323.3+ 954.93 Acc.4520 CLI | 16 |
Dealing With Diversity. Sri Lankan Discourses on Peace and Conflict | Georg Frerks and Bart Klem (Eds) | The Netherlands Institute of International relations 'Clingendael' 2005 | MFN: 002614 Acc.No:4445 323.3 CLI | 16 |
Dealing With Women's Militancy: An Analysis of Feminist Discourses From Sri Lanka (Conflict and Development Studies, Study No. 05) | Sarala Emmanuel | Social Policy Analysis & Research Centre University of Colombo 2006 | 301.412' 95493 EMM | 8 |
Dealing With Women's Militancy: An Analysis of Feminist Discourses From Sri Lanka (Conflict and Development Studies, Study No. 05) | Sarala Emmanuel | Social Policy Analysis and Research Centre, University of Colombo 2006 | 301.412' 95493 EMM | 8 |
Dealing With Women's Militancy: An Analysis of Feminist Discourses From Sri Lanka (Conflict and Development Studies, Study No. 05) | Sarala Emmanuel | Social Policy Analysis and Research Centre, University of Colombo 2006 | 301.412' 95493 EMM | 8 |
Debates in the Feminist Movement | Vasuki Nesiah | Social Scientists' Association 1996 | 3.055.2 NES 3254 | 6 |
Debating the Ancient and Present, A Conversation with Romila Thapar | Sasanka Perera (Ed) | Aakar Books 2015 | 320 PER | 11 |
Decentralized Governance Structures and Implications for Local and Regional Development | Tressie Leitan | Regional Development Studies Centre University of Colombo | 070 LEI | 3 |
Deep Citizenship | Paul Barry Clarke | Pluto Press 1996 | 323.6 CLA | 16 |
Demala Wathu Kamkaruwo | M. Sinnathambi | Workers Planters Institute | ||
Demala Wathu kamkaruwo | M. Sinnathambi | 331 SIN | 23 | |
Democracy and Difference. Contesting the Boundaries of the Political | Seyla Benhabib (Ed) | Princeton University Press 1996 | ||
Demon Worship and Other Superstitions in Ceylon | Devil Dancer's Mark | Asian Educational Services 2003 | 954.932 THE 4612 | 39 |
Depala Pilibanda Aithiwasikam | Kamalini Wijayatilaka, Cameena Gunaratna (Eds) | 304+342 WIJ | 9 | |
Dependent Capitalism in Crisis. The Sri Lankan Economy 1948-1980 | Satchi Ponnambalam | Zed Press, Vikas Publishing House, Lake House Investments 1980 | 330.95 PON | 21 |
Dependent Capitalism in Crisis. The Sri Lankan Economy 1948-1980 | Satchi Ponnambalam | Zed Press, Vikas Publishing House, Lake House Investments 1980 | 330.122 Acc 478.4 PON | |
Dependent Capitalism in Crisis. The Sri Lankan Economy 1948-1980 | Satchi Ponnambalam | Zed Press, Vikas Publishing House, Lake House Investments 1980 | 330.9954 PON IK (SRI) | 21 |
Deshapalana Vidyawa Nyaya Sankalpa Mathawada | Keerthi Ariyadasa | 320.001+954.93 ARI | 11 | |
Deshapalana Wisandum Yojanawaliya ha Manawa Aithiwasikam | 320.954'93 MIN | 11 | ||
Deshapalanaya saha Deshapala Vidyawa: Samakaleena Handinweema | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Assocation | 320 UYA | 11 |
Deshayata Jeewaya Dun Panaswana Dashakaye Kawi Sangara | Wijayasiri Weththamuni | Acc 1859 OCI 1'954'93 VET SRI- 01/02 | 1 | |
Designing Social Inquiry. Scientific Inference in Qualitative Research | Gary King, Robert O. Keohane, Sidney Verba | Princeton University Press 1994 | 300.72 KIN | 9 |
Devana Tsunamiya: Sri Lankawe dakune tsunami-peeditha gamwasiyan athara samakamee sahajeewanaya nathi wee yama | Premakumara de Silva | Social Scientists' Association, 2009 | ||
Development & Underdevelopment. A Marxist Analysis | Geoffrey Kay | The Macmillan Press 1977 | ||
Development and Change Volume 14 Number 4 October 1983 | Sage Publications 1983 | 338.911' 724 Acc 4965 SAG | 24 | |
Development and Liberalisation in Sri Lanka. Trends & Prospects | Godfrey Gunatilleke | Marga Institute 1993 | 329.12 GUN | 20 |
Development Communication and Grass Roots Participation | Minoru Ouchi, M.J. Campbell (Eds) | ADIPA 1985 | 380 OUC 2390 | 30 |
Development Cooperation in the Context of Crisis and Conflict Study No. 01. Assessing Conflict Risks in Southern Sri Lanka. An Exploratory Study on Conflict Potentials in the Hambantota District and the Applicability of PCIA Tools for Project Impact Analysis | Markus Mayer, Yuvi Thangarajah, Sarala Emmanuel, W.S. Chandrasekara, Swarna de Silva | GTZ Sri Lanka 2003 | MFN: 003279 Acc No. N100078 327.16 +954.93 GTZ | 18 |
Development Cooperation in the Context of Crisis and Conflict Study No. 01. Assessing Conflict Risks in Southern Sri Lanka. An Exploratory Study on Conflict Potentials in the Hambantota District and the Applicability of PCIA Tools for Project Impact Analysis | Markus Mayer, Yuvi Thangarajah, Sarala Emmanuel, W.S. Chandrasekara, Swarna de Silva | GTZ Sri Lanka 2003 | MFN: 003279 Acc No. N100041 327.16 +954.93 GTZ | |
Development Cooperation in the Context of Crisis and Conflict Study No. 01. Assessing Conflict Risks in Southern Sri Lanka. An Exploratory Study on Conflict Potentials in the Hambantota District and the Applicability of PCIA Tools for Project Impact Analysis | Markus Mayer, Yuvi Thangarajah, Sarala Emmanuel, W.S. Chandrasekara, Swarna de Silva | GTZ Sri Lanka 2003 | MFN: 003279 Acc No. N100041 327.16 +954.93 GTZ | 18 |
Development Cooperation in the Context of Crisis and Conflict Study No. 01. Assessing Conflict Risks in Southern Sri Lanka. An Exploratory Study on Conflict Potentials in the Hambantota District and the Applicability of PCIA Tools for Project Impact Analysis | Markus Mayer, Yuvi Thangarajah, Sarala Emmanuel, W.S. Chandrasekara, Swarna de Silva | GTZ Sri Lanka 2003 | MFN: 003279 Acc No. N100079 327.16 +954.93 GTZ | 18 |
Development Cooperation in the Context of Crisis and Conflict Study No. 01. Assessing Conflict Risks in Southern Sri Lanka. An Exploratory Study on Conflict Potentials in the Hambantota District and the Applicability of PCIA Tools for Project Impact Analysis | Markus Mayer, Yuvi Thangarajah, Sarala Emmanuel, W.S. Chandrasekara, Swarna de Silva | GTZ Sri Lanka 2003 | MFN: 003279 Acc No. N100080 327.16 +954.93 GTZ | 18 |
Development Cooperation in the Context of Crisis and Conflict Study No. 02. Youth in Vocational Training & Conflict Prevention. A Study on Peace Potentials and Conflict Risks of Development Interventions in the Plantation Scetor of Sri Lanka | Sarala Emmanuel, Marisa Fernando, Markus Mayer, Nishanthi Wagawathe | GTZ Sri Lanka 2004 | 327.16+ 954.93 Acc.4638 GTZ | 18 |
Development Cooperation in the Context of Crisis and Conflict Study No. 02. Youth in Vocational Training & Conflict Prevention. A Study on Peace Potentials and Conflict Risks of Development Interventions in the Plantation Scetor of Sri Lanka | Sarala Emmanuel, Marisa Fernando, Markus Mayer, Nishanthi Wagawathe | GTZ Sri Lanka 2004 | MFN: 003280 Acc No. N100047 327.16 +954.16 GTZ | 18 |
Development Cooperation in the Context of Crisis and Conflict Study No. 02. Youth in Vocational Training & Conflict Prevention. A Study on Peace Potentials and Conflict Risks of Development Interventions in the Plantation Scetor of Sri Lanka | Sarala Emmanuel, Marisa Fernando, Markus Mayer, Nishanthi Wagawathe | GTZ Sri Lanka 2004 | MFN:003280 Acc No. N100046 327.16 +954.93 GTZ | 18 |
Development Cooperation in the Context of Crisis and Conflict Study No. 02. Youth in Vocational Training & Conflict Prevention. A Study on Peace Potentials and Conflict Risks of Development Interventions in the Plantation Scetor of Sri Lanka | Sarala Emmanuel, Marisa Fernando, Markus Mayer, Nishanthi Wagawathe | GTZ Sri Lanka 2004 | Acc 6046 327.16'954'93 GTZ | 18 |
Development Cooperation in the Context of Crisis and Conflict Study No. 02. Youth in Vocational Training & Conflict Prevention. A Study on Peace Potentials and Conflict Risks of Development Interventions in the Plantation Scetor of Sri Lanka | Sarala Emmanuel, Marisa Fernando, Markus Mayer, Nishanthi Wagawathe | GTZ Sri Lanka 2004 | MFN: 003280 Acc No. N100164 327.16 +954.16 GTZ | 18 |
Development Cooperation in the Context of Crisis and Conflict Study No. 02. Youth in Vocational Training & Conflict Prevention. A Study on Peace Potentials and Conflict Risks of Development Interventions in the Plantation Scetor of Sri Lanka | Sarala Emmanuel, Marisa Fernando, Markus Mayer, Nishanthi Wagawathe | GTZ Sri Lanka 2004 | MFN:003280 Acc No. N100045 327.16 +954.93 GTZ | 18 |
Development Dilemmas of Indian Origin Tamils in Sri Lanka. Politics and Violence in Relation to Human Security | L.Vijayanathan | FCT Publications 2007 | 306.954 VIJ 5249 | 12 |
Development in the Early Buddhist Concept of Kamma/Karma | James Paul McDermott | Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers 1984 | 294.3141 DER 4191 | 5 |
Development Policy and Administration: Readings in Indian Government and Politics | Kuldeep Mathur (Ed) | Sage Publications 1996 | 338.95 MAT | 24 |
Development Sociology/ Sanwardhana Samaja Widyawa | Saman Handaragama, Susantha Rasnayaka | 301 HAD | 8 | |
Development Under Stress: Sri Lankan Economy in Transition | Saman Kelegama | Vijitha Yapa Publications 2006 | 336.362 Acc. 4739 KEL | 28 |
Devolution and Development in Sri Lanka | Sunil Bastian (Ed) | Konark Publishers Pvt Ltd 1994 | 330.19' 954.93 BAS 2448 | 23 |
Devolution Proposals - A Way Forward - | Sri Lanka Foundation Institute 1995 | 323 SRI | 16 | |
Dewana Tsunamiya: Sri Lankawe Dakune Tsunami-peeditha Gamwasiyan Athara Samakamee Sahajeewanaya Nathiwee Yama | Premakumara de Silva | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | 301 SLW | 8 |
Dewana Tsunamiya: Sri Lankawe Dakune Tsunami-peeditha Gamwasiyan Athara Samakamee Sahajeewanaya Nathiwee Yama | Premakumara de Silva | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | 301 SLW | 8 |
Dewisi Wasaraka Balaya Bedeema | Ranjith Amarasinghe, Ashoka Gunawardana, Jayampathi Wickramaratne, A.M. Nawarathna Bandara | Institute for Constitutional Education 2010 | ||
Dew's Diary | Vagisha Gunasekara | 920 GUN | 35 | |
Diabolical Conspiracy | Sri Saddharma Wageeshwaracharya Panditha Siri | Acc 6029 801 JF1 | 33 | |
Digest of Kandyan Law | A.B.Colin De Soysa | 341.2' 954'93 DES ACC 926 | 26 | |
Digital Communications Second Edition | Ian A. Glover, Peter M. Grant | Pearson Education | GLO 004 | 1 |
Digital Design Third Edition | M. MORRIS MANO | PRENTICE HALL OF INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED | 006.67 MAN | 1 |
Directory of Individuals and Institutions Engaged in South Asian Strategic Studies | Regional Centre for Strategic Studies 1998 | SRI 058 PEG | 2 | |
Directory of Organizations for Conflict Prevention in Asia and the Pacific | The Japan Center for Preventive Diplomacy, the Japan Institute of International Affairs 2001 | 058.7+ 06+954 JAP | 2 | |
Directory of Organizations for Conflict Prevention in Asia and the Pacific | The Japan Center for Preventive Diplomacy, the Japan Institute of International Affairs 2001 | 058.7+ 06+954 JAP | 2 | |
Disrupting the Binary Code. Experiences of LGBT Sri Lankans Online | Women and Media Collective 2017 | 004 DIS | 1 | |
Diversity in Harmony | Hans Wismeijer | ICAU 1981 | 5698 SRI 03/01 | 44 |
Diversity in Harmony | Hans Wismeijer | ICAU 1981 | SRI 301.18 WIS | 8 |
Divided Loyalty and Other Stories | Flower Munasinghe | 1999 | 823.954'93 MUN Acc 5027 MFN 3587 | 35 |
Documenting Dissent: Contesting Fables Contested Memories and Dalit Political Discourse | Badri Narayan | Indian Institute of Advanced Study 2001 | 30 | |
Documents of the Ceylon National Congress and Nationalist Politics In Ceylon 1929 - 1950 Vol I | Michael Roberts (Ed) | Department of National Archives 1977 | 320 CEY | 22 |
Documents of the Ceylon National Congress and Nationalist Politics In Ceylon 1929 - 1950 Vol II | Michael Roberts (Ed) | Department of National Archives 1977 | 320 CEY | 22 |
Documents of the Ceylon National Congress and Nationalist Politics In Ceylon 1929 - 1950 Vol III | Michael Roberts (Ed) | Department of National Archives 1977 | 321.64' 954'93 DOC | 14 |
Documents of the Ceylon National Congress and Nationalist Politics In Ceylon 1929 - 1950 Vol IV | Michael Roberts | Department of National Archives 1977 | 321.64 '954'93 | 14 |
Documents of the Ceylon National Congress and Nationalist Politics In Ceylon 1929 - 1950 Vol IV | Michael Roberts (Ed) | Department of National Archives 1977 | 321.64' 954'93 DOC | 14 |
Documents of the Ceylon National Congress and Nationalist Politics in Ceylon 1929-1950 Vol II | Michael Roberts (Ed) | Department of National Archives 1977 | 321.64'954'93 DOC | 14 |
Documents of the Ceylon National Congress and Nationalist Politics in Ceylon 1929-1950 Vol III | Michael Roberts (Ed) | Department of National Archives 1977 | 320 CEY | 22 |
Does Inequality Matter? Exploring the Links Between Poverty and Inequality | Prashan Thalayasingam, Kannan Arunasalam | Centre for Poverty Analysis 2007 | 362.5095493 THA Acc.5004 | 29 |
Doing Business in Brazil | Price Waterhouse | 981 WAT 6489 | 44 | |
Domestic Conflicts in South Asia Volume 2 Economic and Ethnic Dimensions | Urmila Phadnis, S.D. Muni, Kalim Bahadur (Eds) | South Asian Publishers 1986 | ||
Don Peter Felicitation Volume | Don Peter Felicitation Committee 1983 | SRI 92 A/Z DON 1649 | 10 | |
Dr Mary Rutnam. A Canadian Pioneer for Women's Rights in Sri Lanka | Kumari Jayawardena | Social Scientists' Association 1993 | Acc 5070 305.3+954.93 Mfn 953 | 6 |
Dr. Alice de Boer and Some Pioneer Burgher Women Doctors | Deloraine Brohier | Social Scientists Association 1994 | 920 BRO | 35 |
Dr. E.A. Coorey. A Biographical Sketch | M.P. Wijesinghe | M. Oliver Fernando | SRI 92 A/Z WIJ 929 | 10 |
Dr. Mary Rutnam: A Canadian Pioneer for Womens Rights in Sri Lanka | Kumari Jayawardena | Social Scientists Association 2006 | ||
Dr. Mary Rutnam: Sri Lankawe Kantha Aitheen Sandaha Purogami wu Canadianu Kanthawak | Kumari Jayawardena | Social Scientists' Association 1993 | 303.40 92 JAY | 7 |
Dr. Mary Rutnam: Sri Lankawe Kantha Aitheen Sandaha Purogami wu Canadianu Kanthawak | Kumari Jayawardena | Social Scientists' Association 1993 | 303.40 92 JAY | 7 |
Dr. Mary Rutnam: Sri Lankawe Kantha Aitheen Sandaha Purogami wu Canadianu Kanthawak | Kumari Jayawardena | Social Scientists' Association 1993 | 303.40 92 JAY | 7 |
Dr. N.M. Perera Birth Centenary Publication: NM In His Own Words, As Seen By Others | Prof.Colvin Goonaratna (Ed) | Dr. N.M. Perera Centre 2006 | 92 A/Z +954.93 Acc 4513 GOO 4513 | 9 |
Dr. T.F.Garvin and The Boer Prisoners-of-War in Ceylon 1900-1902 Reprinted From The Journal of the Colombo General Hospital Vol 3 April 1972 No. 2 | R.L.Brohier | 92.954 BRO | 9 | |
Drought Hazard and Rural Development | M.U.A. Tennakoon | Central Bank of Sri Lanka 1986 | SRI 631 TEN 2388 | 32 |
Drushya Kala Adyayana | Ranjith Perera | Social Scientists' Association | 223.95493 PER | 4 |
Drushya Kala Adyayana | Ranjith Perera | Social Scientists' Association | 223.95493 PER | 4 |
Dudley Senanayake of Sri Lanka | T.D.S.A. Dissanayaka | Swastika 1975 | 92 A/Z LK(SRI) DIS | |
Dutch Power in Ceylon 1658-1687 | Dr. Sinnappah Arasaratnam | Navrang 1988 | SRI 954.89 ARA 6159 | 38 |
Dwimaya Kethaya Kadabinda Damima: LGBT Sri Lankikayange Antharjala Athdakeem | 4 | 1 | ||
Dynamic Growth or Pauperization? Natural Small- Scale Industries in Sri Lanka | Kristian Stokke | Instutt for Geografi 1992 | Acc 2970 320.954'93 KRI SRI 320'954'93 | 43 |
Early History of Education In Ceylon | U.D.Jayasekera | Department of Cultural Affairs 1969 | 3505 370'808.82514+954.93 JAY LK(SRI) | 30 |
Ecofeminism | Maria Mies, Vandana Shiva | Fernwood | 304.2 MAR | 9 |
Economic and Political Weekly Vol XXIII 1988/1989 | Sameeksha Trust Publication 1988 | 19 | ||
Economic and Political Weekly Vol XXIV January-June 1989 | 19 | |||
Economic and Political Weekly Vol XXIX January-June 1994 | Sameeksha Trust Publication 1994 | 19 | ||
Economic and Political Weekly Vol XXIX July-December 1994 | Sameeksha Trust Publication 1994 | 19 | ||
Economic and Political Weekly Vol XXV January-June 1990 | Sameeksha Trust Publication 1990 | 19 | ||
Economic and Political Weekly Vol XXV July-December 1990 | Sameeksha Trust Publication 1990 | 19 | ||
Economic and Political Weekly Vol XXVI January-June 1991 | Sameeksha Trust Publication 1991 | 19 | ||
Economic and Political Weekly Vol XXVI July-December 1991 | Sameeksha Trust Publication 1991 | 19 | ||
Economic and Political Weekly Vol XXVII January-June 1992 | Sameeksha Trust Publication 1994 | 19 | ||
Economic and Political Weekly Vol XXVII July-December 1992 | Sameeksha Trust Publication 1992 | 19 | ||
Economic and Political Weekly Vol XXVIII January-June 1993 | Sameeksha Trust Publication 1993 | 19 | ||
Economic and Political Weekly Vol XXVIII July-December 1993 | 19 | |||
Economic and Political Weekly Vol XXX January-June 1995 | Sameeksha Trust Publication 1995 | 19 | ||
Economic and Political Weekly Vol XXX July-December 1995 | 19 | |||
Economic and Political Weekly Vol XXXI January-June 1996 | Sameeksha Trust Publication 1996 | 19 | ||
Economic and Political Weekly Vol XXXI July-December 1996 | Sameeksha Trust Publication 1996 | 19 | ||
Economic and Political Weekly Vol XXXII April-June 1997 | Sameeksha Trust Publication 1997 | 19 | ||
Economic and Political Weekly Vol XXXII January-March 1997 | Sameeksha Trust Publication 1997 | 19 | ||
Economic and Political Weekly Vol XXXII July-September 1997 | Sameeksha Trust Publication 1997 | 19 | ||
Economic and Political Weekly Vol XXXII October-December 1997 | Sameeksha Trust Publication 1997 | 19 | ||
Economic and Political Weekly Vol XXXIII April-June 1998 | 19 | |||
Economic and Political Weekly Vol XXXIII January-March 1998 | Sameeksha Trust Publication 1998 | 19 | ||
Economic and Social Development Under a Market Economy Regime in Sri Lanka. Buddhadasa Hewavitharana Felicitation Volume 2 | Saman Kelegama & Dileni Gunewardena (Eds) | Vijitha Yapa 2012 | Acc 6048 330.95493 KEL | 21 |
Economic and Social Statistics of Sri Lanka 2014 | Central Bank of Sri Lanka 2014 | 330 CBS | 21 | |
Economic Growth and Social Transformations. Five Lectures on Sri Lanka | Nimal Sanderatne | Tamarind Publications 2000 | SRI 338 SAN ACC 3626 | 24 |
Economic Reforms in Sri Lanka: Post-1977 Period | Muttukrishna Sarvananthan (Ed) | International Centre for Ethnic Studies 2005 | 330 SAR | 21 |
Economic Review April 1986: Inland Fisheries Vol. 12 | Peoples Bank Publication 1986 | 23 | ||
Economic Review Vol. 13 April 1987 to March 1988 | Peoples Bank Publication 1987 | 19 | ||
Ediriwira Sarachchandra | A.R.B.Amerasinghe, S.J. Sumanasekera Banda (Eds) | Sri Lanka National Commission for UNESCO 1988 | SRI 92 A/Z AME | |
Edited Proceedings of the Seminar on Regional Co-operation and Integration. Perspectives from Europe and South Asia 1998 | Victor Gunewardena (Ed) | Delegation of the European Commission to Sri Lanka 1998 | 330.19+ 954 DEL | 21 |
Edmund Samarakkody (1912-1992) The Root and the Flower (A Short History of the Lanka Sama Samaja Party) | Paolo Casciola | Centro Studi Pietro Tresso 1993 | 320 SAM | 22 |
Education and Human Rights in Sri Lanka | Kunasekaram Nesiah | Christian Institute for the Study of Religion and Society 1983 | 371+ 954 NES 1642 | 30 |
Education Empowerment and Transformation | Thiranjala Weerasinghe | Loyola Campus, Sri Lanka | ||
Educationally Speaking | Ananda W.P. Guruge | Karunaratne and Sons Ltd 1994 | MFN: 002577 Acc. No. 4204 971.4 +954.93 GUR | 44 |
Edwin Lawson Koch. Reprinted From The Journal of the Colombo General Hospital Vol 3 January 1972 No. 1 1837-1877 | R.L.Brohier | 92.954 BRO | 10 | |
Eekadipathi The Dictator | Dharmasiri Bandaranayake | 792.02 8 SRI | 33 | |
Ejecta | Ari Larissa Heinrich | 823 HEI | 35 | |
Ekeeyawadaya, Balaya Beda Hareema ha Bahutharaye Prabhuthwawadaya | Charles Abeysekara, Rohan Edirisinghe, Sumanasiri Liyanage, Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu, Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 1998 | 301.17954'93 ABE | 8 |
Ekeeyawadaya, Balaya Beda Hareema ha Bahutharaye Prabhuthwawadaya | Charles Abeysekara, Rohan Edirisinghe, Sumanasiri Liyanage, Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu, Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 1998 | 301.17954'93 ABE | 8 |
Ekeeyawadaya, Balaya Beda Hareema ha Bahutharaye Prabhuthwawadaya | Charles Abeysekara, Rohan Edirisinghe, Sumanasiri Liyanage, Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu, Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 1998 | 301.17954'93 ABE | 8 |
Ekeeyawadaya, Balaya Beda Hareema ha Bahutharaye Prabhuthwawadaya | Charles Abeysekara, Rohan Edirisinghe, Sumanasiri Liyanage, Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu, Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 1998 | 301.17954'93 ABE | 8 |
Ekeeyawadaya, Balaya Beda Hareema ha Bahutharaye Prabhuthwawadaya | Charles Abeysekara, Rohan Edirisinghe, Sumanasiri Liyanage, Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu, Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 1998 | 301.17954'93 ABE | 8 |
Election Petition | M.A. Daniel Appuhamy, T.B. Illangaratne | 324.42' 95493 GOV | 17 | |
Electoral Allegiance in Sri Lanka | Dilesh Jayanntha | Cambridge University Press 1992 | 324.95493 JAY | 17 |
Electoral Politics in An Emergent State. The Ceylon General Election of May 1970. Perspectives on Development 3 | A. Jeyaratnam Wilson | Cambridge University Press 1975 | 324.954'93 WIL | |
Electoral Politics In Sri Lanka. A Study of the Parliamentary General Election of December 2001 | W.A. Wiswa Warnapala | Godage International Publishers 2004 | Acc 6119 324.954 WAR | 17 |
Embracing Space. Spatial Metaphors in Feminist Discourse | Kerstin W. Shands | Greenwood Press 1999 | 809 SHA 1079 | 34 |
Emergencies and the Limits of Legality | Victor V. Ramraj | Cambridge University Press 2008 | ||
Emergency '58. The Story of the Ceylon Race Riots | Tarzie Vittachi | Andre Deutsch 1958 | 323.2' 954'93 VIT | |
Emergency '79 | A Mirje Publication 1980 | 320.12 MIJ | 11 | |
Employment and Unemployment in Ceylon: Development Centre Studies: Employment Series:No.3 | P.J. Richards | Development Centre of the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development 1971 | Acc 111 331.110954'93 RIC SRI 03/04 | 23 |
Employment Expansion in Asian Agriculture: A Comparative Analysis of South Asian Countries | Asian Employment Programme 1980 | 1352 633.13'954 | 32 | |
Employment Rights | Kamalini Wijayatilaka, Cameena Gunaratna (Eds) | Centre for Women's Research | 304.342 734 WIJ | 9 |
Enabling Traditions. Four Sinhala Cultural Intellectuals | Wimal Dissanayake | Visidunu Publication 2005 | 915 DIS 7833 | 35 |
Ends & Means: Human Rights Approaches to Armed Groups | International Council on Human Rights Policy 2000 | 323.27 INT ACC 3710 | 15 | |
English Publications in Ceylon in the Nineteenth Century | H.N.S. Karunatilake | Centre for Demographic and Socio-Economic studies | SRI 930.22 KAR 3168 | 36 |
Environment is their Vision & Mission. Sri Lanka's Best Environmental Success Stories | Dharman Wickremaratne (Ed) | Sri Lanka Environmental Journalists Forum 1998 | 333.70 WIC ACC 7584 | 25 |
Environmental Management Under Devolution The CRDS Monograph Series No 7 | Centre for Regional Development Studies 1992 | 500 ENV | 31 | |
Envisioning Education for Human Development…: Proposals for a National Policy Framework on General Education in Sri Lanka December 2003 | National Education Commission 2003 | 396 NAT | 31 | |
Envisioning New Trajectories For Peace in Sri Lanka | Centre for Just Peace and Democracy 2006 | 320 SRI | 13 | |
Envisioning New Trajectories For Peace in Sri Lanka | Centre for Just Peace and Democracy 2006 | 327.16+ 954.93 Acc 4640 CEN | 18 | |
Envisioning New Trajectories For Peace in Sri Lanka | Centre for Just Peace and Democracy 2006 | MFN:003278 Acc. No. N100084 327.16 +954.93 CEN | 18 | |
Envisioning New Trajectories For Peace in Sri Lanka | Centre for Just Peace and Democracy 2006 | 327.16+ 954.93 Acc 4742 CEN | 18 | |
Eppawala- Destruction of Cultural Heritage in the Name of Development | D.L.O. Mendis | Sri Lanka Pugwash Group 1999 | MFN: 002568 Acc No 4321 347.66 +954.34 MEN | 28 |
Equality | John Wilson | Hutchinson of London 1966 | ||
Equality and Freedom Some Third World Perspectives | C.G. Weeramantry | Hansa Publishers 1976 | MFN: 002556 Acc No.660 342.724 +321.4 WEE | 27 |
Erasure of the Euro-Asian Recovering Early Radicalism and Feminism in South Asia | Kumari Jayawardena | Social scientists Association 2007 | 306.40973 JAY MFN: 3569 4609 | 12 |
Erasure of the Euro-Asian Recovering Early Radicalism and Feminism in South Asia | Kumari Jayawardena | Social Scientists' Association 2007 | 954.93'306' 409'73 JAY 5364 | 42 |
Essaying Cricket Sri Lanka and Beyond | Michael Roberts | Vijitha Yapa Publishers 2006 | MFN:003379 Acc No.N100501 796.35865 +954.93 ROB 4545 | 33 |
Essays in Sociology and Social Philosophy | Morris Ginsberg | Penguin Books 1947 | 301.15 GIN | 8 |
Essays on Social Development & Welfare in Sri Lanka | D. Chandraratna (Ed) | National Institute of Social Development 2002 | 361 +954.93 Acc 4730 ESS | 28 |
Essays on The Sri Lankan Economy 1977-83 | David Dunham, Charles Abeysekera (Eds) | Social Scientists Association 1987 | SRI 330.2 DUN | 21 |
Essays on The Sri Lankan Economy 1977-83 | David Dunham, Charles Abeysekera (Eds) | Social Scientists' Association 1987 | SRI 330.2 DUN | 23 |
Ethical Codes: Reality and Rhetoric A Study of Sri Lanka's Apparel Sector | Dr. Kanchana N. Ruwanpura | University of Southampton | 338.47 RUW | 24 |
Ethical Codes: Reality and Rhetoric A Study of Sri Lanka's Apparel Sector | Dr. Kanchana N. Ruwanpura | University of Southampton | 338.47 RUW | 24 |
Ethnic and Class Conflict In Sri Lanka. Some Aspects of Sinhala Buddhists Consciousness Over The Past 100 Years | Kumari Jayawardena | Sanjiva Books 1990 | SRI 323.38 JAY | 16 |
Ethnic and Class Conflict In Sri Lanka. Some Aspects of Sinhala Buddhists Consciousness Over The Past 100 Years | Kumari Jayawardena | Centre for Social Analysis 1986 | 2839 323.38'954'93 JAY SRI 02/03 | 20 |
Ethnic and Class Conflict In Sri Lanka. Some Aspects of Sinhala Buddhists Consciousness Over The Past 100 Years | Kumari Jayawardena | Centre for Social Analysis 1985 | 3043 MFN:0970 323.38'954'93 JAY SRI 02/03 | 16 |
Ethnic and Class Conflict In Sri Lanka. Some Aspects of Sinhala Buddhists Consciousness Over The Past 100 Years | Kumari Jayawardena | Sanjiva Books 1990 | SRI 323.38 JAY | 16 |
Ethnic and Class Conflict in Sri Lanka. The Emergence of Sinhala-Buddhist Consciousness 1883-1983 | Kumari Jayawardena | Sanjiva Books 2003 | 323.38 JAY | 16 |
Ethnic Conflict and Human Rights in Sri Lanka: An Annotated Bibliography | Kumar Rupesinghe & Berth Verstappen | Hans Zell 1989 | SRI 016.323 RUP | 2 |
Ethnic Conflict in Buddhist Societies. Sri Lanka, Thailand and Burma | K.M. De Silva, Pensri Duke, Ellen S. Goldberg, Nathan Katz (Eds) | Pinter Publishers 1988 | SRI 327 +954 DES | 18 |
Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka: Changing Dynamics. Policy Studies 32 | Jayadeva Uyangoda | East-West Center Washinton 2007 | 327.27 UYA | 18 |
Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka: Changing Dynamics. Policy Studies 32 | Jayadeva Uyangoda | East-West Center Washinton 2007 | Acc 4545 323.27'954'93 UYA SRI .323.27'954'93 | 15 |
Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka: Changing Dynamics. Policy Studies 32 | Jayadeva Uyangoda | East-West Center Washinton 2007 | Acc 4631 323.27'95493 UYA SRI-323.27'954'93 SRI 02/02 | 15 |
Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka: Changing Dynamics. Policy Studies 32 | Jayadeva Uyangoda | East-West Center Washinton 2007 | Acc 4805 323.27'954'93 UYA SRI 323.27'954'93 | 15 |
Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka: Changing Dynamics. Policy Studies 32 | Jayadeva Uyangoda | East-West Center Washinton 2007 | 323.2795493 UYA | 15 |
Ethnic Futures The State and Identity Politics in Asia | Joanna Pfaff-Czarnecka, Darini Rajasingham-Senanayake, Ashis Nandy, Edmund Terence Gomez | Saga Publications 1999 | 3469 323.154 PEA SRI 02/02 | 15 |
Ethnic Strife and Politics in Sri Lanka An Investigation into Demands and Responses | Prof. W.A.Wiswa Warnapala | Navrang 1994 | 171+32 WAR 6156 | 47 |
Ethnic Strife and Urban Neighbourhood Ties, Lessons Learnt from Low-Income Dwellers in Colombo, Sri Lanka | N. Chandrasiri Niriella | VDM Verlag Dr. Muller 2010 | Acc 5839 301.363'954'93 NIR | 8 |
Ethnic Studies, Special Issue Affirmative Action Policies. India, Malaysia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka | K. M. De Silva (Ed) | International Centre for Ethnic Studies | Acc 5792 327.954'93 INT | 18 |
Ethnicity and Devolution: Solution Oriented Perspectives | Godfrey Gunatilleke | Marga Institute | MFN: 002521 Acc No. 1529 323.538 +954.34 GUN | 16 |
Ethnicity and Social Change in Sri Lanka (Papers Printed at a Seminar Organised by the Social Scientists Association December 1979) | Social Scientists Association | 303.38 SOC | 7 | |
Ethnicity and Social Change in Sri Lanka (Papers Printed at a Seminar Organised by the Social Scientists Association December 1979) | Social Scientists Association | 303.38 SOC | 7 | |
Ethnicity and Social Change in Sri Lanka (Papers Printed at a Seminar Organised by the Social Scientists Association December 1979) | Social Scientists Association | 303.38 SOC | 7 | |
Ethos and Identity. Three studies in Ethnicity | A.L.Epstein | Tavistock Publications 1978 | 301.01 EPS | 8 |
Europe in Change The Emerging Euro-Mediterranean System | Dimitris K. Xenakis and Dimitris N. Chryssochoou | Manchester University 2001 | 320.01 XEN | 11 |
European Multiculturalisms. Culture, Religious and Ethnic Challenges | Anna Triandafyllidou, Tariq Modood and Nasar Meer (Eds) | Edinburgh University Press 2012 | 306 TRI | 12 |
Europe's New Nationalism, States and Minority in Conflict | Richard Caplan & John Feffer | Oxford University Press 1996 | 321.01+ 970 CAP ACC 3406 | 14 |
Everyday Ethnicity in Sri Lanka Up-Country Tamil Identity Politics | Daniel Bass | Social Scientists Association 2015 | 305.89481105493 BAS | 6 |
Evolution of Universities and Changing Patterns of Governance and Administration | David Thenuwara Gamage | Karunaratne & Sons Ltd 1996 | ||
Excluding Women. The Struggle for Women's Political Participation in Sri Lanka | Morina Perera & Rasika Chandrasekera (Eds) | Social Scientists Association 2009 | 305.3 PER | 6 |
Excursions and Explorations. Cultural Encounters Between Sri Lanka and the United States | Tissa Jayatilaka | Fulbright 2002 | MFN: 003017 Acc No. 4597 371.03 +954.93 JAY | 30 |
Excursions and Explorations. Cultural Encounters Between Sri Lanka and the United States | Tissa Jayatilaka | Fulbright 2002 | MFN: 003017 Acc No. 4021 371.03+954.93 JAY | 30 |
Exploring Confrontation. Sri Lanka: Politics, Culture and History | Michael Roberts | Harwood Academic Publishers 1994 | 294.3'954'93 ROB SRI 02/04 | 5 |
Exploring Confrontation. Sri Lanka: Politics, Culture and History | Michael Roberts | Harwood Academic Publishers 1994 | 323 ROB 6143 | 16 |
Explosion in a Subcontinent | Robin Blackburn | Penguin Books 1975 | ||
F D B | Lakshmi Dias Bandaranaike | 1994 | 92 A/Z BAN | |
Facets of Development in Independent Sri Lanka | Dr. Warnasena Rasaputra, Dr.W.M.Tilakaratna, Dr.S.T.G. Fernando, Dr.L.E.N. Fernando (Eds) | Ministry of Finance and Planning 1986 | SRI 330.19 FAC | 21 |
Facets of Ethnicity in Sri Lanka | Charles Abeysekera, Newton Gunasinghe (Eds) | Social Scientists' Association 1987 | 172 ABE | 47 |
Facets of Ethnicity in Sri Lanka | Charles Abeysekera, Newton Gunasinghe (Eds) | Social Scientists' Association 1987 | Acc No. 2596 SRI 172 ABE | 47 |
Failing The Future: A Dean Looks at Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century | Annette Kolodny | Duke University Press 1998 | 378.73 KOL 881 | 30 |
Federal Adahasa: Canadawa, Indiawa, Belgiuma ha Swisterlanthaye Federal Krama Pilibanda Wimasumak | Sunanada Deshapriya, Lionel Guruge | 321.02 DES SRI-02/02 | 14 | |
Federal Idea. A Glossary English, Sinhala, Tamil | Centre for Policy Alternatives & Forum of Federations | Acc 6054 173 VIK | 47 | |
Federal Kramaya Saha Swayan Theerana Ayithiya | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 173.4 UYA | 47 |
Federal Kramaya Saha Swayan Theerana Ayithiya | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 173.4 UYA | 47 |
Federal Kramaya Saha Swayan Theerana Ayithiya | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 173.4 UYA | 47 |
Federal Kramaya Saha Swayan Theerana Ayithiya | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 173.4 UYA | 47 |
Federal Kramaya Saha Swayan Theerana Ayithiya | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 173.4 UYA | 47 |
Federal Kramaya Saha Swayan Theerana Ayithiya | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 173.4 UYA | 47 |
Federal Kramaya Saha Swayan Theerana Ayithiya | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 173.4 UYA | 47 |
Federal Sri Lankawaka Rajyaya Mulyaya Widhiwidhana Pilibanda Sakachchawak | Asanga Welikala (Ed) | Vikalpa Prathipaththi Kendraya | 304 WEL | 9 |
Federal Sri Lankawaka Rajyaya Mulyaya Widhiwidhana Pilibanda Sakachchawak | Asanga Welikala (Ed) | Vikalpa Prathipaththi Kendraya | 304 WEL | 9 |
Feminism and Nationalism in the Third World | Kumari Jayawardena | Zed Books 1986 | 322.42 JAY | 44 |
Feminist Accused of Sexual Harassment | Jane Gallop | Duke University Press 1997 | 370.19 GAL 3433 | 30 |
Feminists Under Fire Exchanges Across War Zones | Wenona Giles, Malathi De Alwis, Edith Klein, Neluka Silva (Eds) | Between the Lines 2003 | MFN:003466 Acc No.4154 303+954.93 GIL | 7 |
Fiat Justitia' The Ceylon Law Students' Magazine | R. Sri Pathmanathan (Ed) | The Law Students Union of Ceylon 1944 | Acc 6113 340'954 PAT | 25 |
Fifteen | Ameena Hussein | International Centre for Ethnic Studies 1999 | 823.91 HUS 7817 | 35 |
Fifty Years in Ceylon | Thomas Skinner | Asian Educational Services 1995 | 954 SKI 6197 | 38 |
Financial Relations in Systems of Devolution and Decentralisation Dealing with Problems of Ethnic Minorities | Marga Institute 1988 | SRI 332 FTN ACC 1527 | 24 | |
Finding A Place, Local Integration and Protracted Displacement in Sri Lanka | Cathrine Brun | Social Scientists, Association 2008 | 307.72'363' 954'93 BRU 5056 | 12 |
Finding A Place, Local Integration and Protracted Displacement in Sri Lanka | Cathrine Brun | Social Scientists' Association 2008 | 307.72'363 '954.93 BRU MFN: 3605 5040 | 12 |
Finding A Place, Local Integration and Protracted Displacement in Sri Lanka | Cathrine Brun | Social Scientists' Association 2008 | 325. 210 954' 93 BRU | 45 |
Finding A Place, Local Integration and Protracted Displacement in Sri Lanka | Cathrine Brun | Social Scientists' Association 2008 | 307.72'363'954.93 BRU MFN:003605 Acc No.5057,5056 | 12 |
Finding Our Way. Rethinking Ethnocultural Relations in Canada | Will Kymlicka | Oxford University Press 1998 | 327 KYM | 18 |
Fire and Storm Essays in Sri lankan Politics | Michael Roberts | Vijitha Yapa 2010 | 321.82' 95493 ROB | 14 |
First Prime Minister of Sri Lanka Don Stephen Senanayake | H.A.J. Hulugalle | Arjuna Hulugalle Dictionaries 2000 | Acc 5036 352.23 HUL SRI 03/01 | |
Firstness, History, Place & Legitimate Claim to Place-As-Homeland in Comparative Focus | Michael Roberts | International Centre for Ethnic Studies 2005 | 954.93' 323'12 ROB 4295 | 41 |
Fisheries in Sri Lanka Anthropological and Biological Aspects Volume 1: Anthropology of Fishing in Sri Lanka | K.Sivasubramaniam | Kumaran Book House 2009 | 954.93 SIV 5355 | 42 |
Food Famine and the Legal Order | Lakshman M. Marasinghe, Julio Menezes (Eds) | Lakehouse Investments 1982 | 300 MAR | 9 |
For a Sovereign State | Malinga H. Gunaratne | Sarvodaya Book Publishing Services 1988 | SRI 323.27 GUN ACC 1593 | 15 |
For a Sovereign State | Malinga H. Gunaratne | Sarvodaya Book Publishing Services 1988 | MFN: 002537 Acc. No. 1568 323.27 +954.34 GUN | 15 |
For Weber, Essays on the Sociology of Fate | Bryan S. Turner | Routledge & Kegan Paul 1981 | 301.01 TUR | 8 |
Forced Migration and Changing Local Political Economies | N. Shanmugaratnam | Social Scientists' Association 2001 | Acc 4546 303.6'954'93 SHA SRI 02/01 | 7 |
Forced Migration and Changing Local Political Economies | N. Shanmugaratnam | Social Scientists' Association 2001 | Acc 3586 MFN 3558 303.6'954'93 SHA SRI 02/01 | 7 |
Forced Migration and Changing Local Political Economies | N. Shanmugaratnam | Social Scientists' Association 2007 | 324.25+ 954.93 Acc 4546 SHA | 17 |
Forced Migration and Changing Local Political Economies | N. Shanmugaratnam | Social Scientists' Association 2001 | 303.6+ 954.93 Acc 4600 SHA | 7 |
Forced to Move. Involuntary Displacement and Resettlement- Policy and Practice | Priyanthi Fernando, Karin Fernando, Mansi Kumarasiri (Eds) | Centre for Poverty Analysis 2009 | 307.2' 954'93 FER ACC 5365 | 12 |
Foreign Investment in Sri Lanka Politics and Economics Volume 23 No.1 | Sunil Bastian | Logos 1984 | Acc 2831 332.673'959'93 BAS SRI- 03/03 | 24 |
Foreign Plantation Investment in Ceylon 1889-1958 | N.Ramachandran | Central Bank of Ceylon 1963 | 332.673' 954'93 RAM | 24 |
Foreign Policy of Sri Lanka | Shelton U Kodikara (Ed) | Chanakya Publications 1982 | 327 KOD | |
Foreign Policy of Sri Lanka: A Third World Perspective | Shelton U Kodikara | Chanakya Publications 1982 | 327+95 KOD | 18 |
Freedom Isn't Free | Rohini De Mel | F.O.M.R.A. | SRI 342.7 DEM 3461 | 27 |
Freedom Of Association: Digest decisions and principles of the Freedom of Association Committee of the Governing Body of the ILO (Fourth (revised) edition) | ILO Publications ,International Labour Office ,Geneva,Switzerland. 1996 | 320 FRE | 11 | |
From Cotton Belt to Sunbelt. Federal Policy, Economic Development, & The Transformation of the South 1938-1980 | Bruce J. Schulman | Duke University Press 1994 | 338.97 SCH ACC 2078 | 24 |
From Plantations To Domestic Labour: The New Form of Exploitation and Political Marginalization of Women | Menaha Kandasamy | Social Scientists Association 2014 | 331 KAN | 23 |
From Stalinism to Eurocommunism | Ernest Mandel | NLB 1978 | 320 MAN | 13 |
From the Waves of Compassion to Waves of Transformation: Sarvodaya's Tsunami to Deshodaya Plan During the First Year of Action | Sarvodaya Vishva Lekha 2006 | 360 SAR | 28 | |
Frozen Tears. Political Violence, Women, Children, and problems of Trauma in Southern Sri Lanka | Indika Bulankulame | Colombo Institute for the Advanced Study of Society and Culture 2005 | 320 BUL | 43 |
Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals | Immanuel Kant | The Liberal Arts Press, New York | Acc Doo 1370 MFN 1347 700'148 KAN | 46 |
Fundamental Rights | Kamalini Wijayatilaka, Cameena Gunaratna (Eds) | Centre for Women's Research | 304+ 342 WIJ | 9 |
Fundamental Rights and The Constitution II - A Case Book | R.K.W. Goonesekere | Law & Society Trust 2003 | 342 LK (SRI) ACC 4177 | 27 |
Fundamental Rights in Sri Lanka. Second Edition | Jayampathy Wickramaratne | A Stamford Lake Publication 2006 | 323.301 Acc 4617 WIC | 15 |
Fundamentals of Behavioral Statistics | Richard P. Runyon, Audrey Haber, David J. Pitenger, Kay A. Coleman | Library of Congress cataloging in- publication data | 519. 5 FUN | 31 |
G. C. Mendis: Sri Lankeya Noothana Ithihasakaranaye Purogamiya | Eshan Imalka Vijayaratna | 954.93 VIJ | 38 | |
Gahanu Lamaya Yanu Kawarekda? Pirimi Lamaya Yanu Kawarekda? | Kamla Bhasin | Social Scientists' Association 2010 | 305.23 BHA | 6 |
Gahanu Lamaya Yanu Kawarekda? Pirimi Lamaya Yanu Kawarekda? | Kamla Bhasin | Social Scientists' Association 2010 | 305.23 BHA | 6 |
Gahanu Lamaya Yanu Kawarekda? Pirimi Lamaya Yanu Kawarekda? | Kamla Bhasin | Social Scientists' Association 2010 | 305.23 BHA | 6 |
Gahanu Lamaya Yanu Kawarekda? Pirimi Lamaya Yanu Kawarekda? | Kamla Bhasin | Social Scientists' Association 2010 | 305.23 BHA | 6 |
Gahanu Lamaya Yanu Kawarekda? Pirimi Lamaya Yanu Kawarekda? | Kamla Bhasin | Social Scientists' Association | 300 BAS | 9 |
Gahanu Lamaya Yanu Kawarekda? Pirimi Lamaya Yanu Kawarekda? | Kamla Bhasin | Social Scientists' Association | 300 BAS | 9 |
Gahanu Lamaya Yanu Kawarekda? Pirimi Lamaya Yanu Kawarekda? | Kamla Bhasin | Social Scientists' Association | 300 BAS | 9 |
Gahanu Lamaya Yanu Kawarekda? Pirimi Lamaya Yanu Kawarekda? | Kamla Bhasin | Social Scientists' Association | 300 BAS | 9 |
Gahanu, Palath Palanaya saha Tsunamiya | Tressie Leitan | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | 303.48 508295 LEI | 7 |
Gahanu, Palath Palanaya saha Tsunamiya | Tressie Leitan | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | 303.48 508295 LEI | 7 |
Galle A World Heritage Site Twin-City of Velsen in the Netherlands | Evert Jongens | SOSV | 954.93' 949'2 JON 2565 | 42 |
Galle as Quiet as Asleep | Norah Roberts | 1993 | 954.93 ROB 5312 | 41 |
Galle as Quiet as Asleep | Norah Roberts | Vijitha Yapa 2005 | 954.93 ROB 4674 | 41 |
Games of Property. Law, Race, Gender and Faulkner's Go Down, Moses | Thadious M. Davis | Duke University Press 2003 | 813.54 DAV 2849 | 34 |
Gamini Dissanayake - 50: A Beginning | Lakshman Hullugalle (Ed) | 1992 | SRI 92 A/Z GAM | |
Gandhi and Sri Lanka 1905-1947 | Gopalkrishna Gandhi (Ed) | Sarvodaya Vishva Lekha Publication 2002 | MFN: 002612 Acc.No 3665 92 A/Z | 10 |
Gaps in the Krishanthy Kumarasamy Case: Disappearances & Accountability Special Report No. 12 28th April 1999 | University Teachers For Human Rights (Jaffna) Sri Lanka | 323 UNI 8319 | 16 | |
Gathanugathikathwayata Yatath Nowee, Maha Handin Kathakarana, Paksha Deshapalanayata Gathikam Nokiyana Mahajana Wyaparayange Awashyathawaya | Basil Pranandu | 323 954.93 FER | 15 | |
Gatum Nirakaranayen Samaya | A.S. Balasooriya | 303.69+954.93 BAL | 7 | |
Gatum Samathakarana Praveshaya | A.S. Balasooriya | 303.69+954.93 BAL | 7 | |
Gatum Samathanaya Saha Budhu Dhahama | Lionel Guruge | Acc 6043 294 GUR SRI 294 | 5 | |
Gatum, Civil Yuddha saha Samaya Godanageema | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Assocation, 2008 | 320 UYA | 11 |
Gatum, Civil Yudha saha Samaya Godanagima | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 172.4 UYA | 47 |
Gatum, Civil Yudha saha Samaya Godanagima | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 172.4 UYA | 47 |
Gatum, Gatum Samathanaya, Madhyayanaya saha Samaya Godanagima | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 172.4 UYA | 47 |
Gatum, Gatum Samathanaya, Madhyayanaya saha Samaya Godanagima | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 172.4 UYA | 47 |
Gatum, Gatum Samathanaya, Madhyayanaya saha Samaya Godanagima | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 172.4 UYA | 47 |
Gatum, Gatum Samathanaya, Madhyayanaya saha Samaya Godanagima | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 172.4 UYA | 47 |
Gatum, Gatum Samathanaya, Madhyayanaya saha Samaya Godanagima | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 172.4 UYA | 47 |
Gatum, Gatum Samathanaya, Madhyayanaya saha Samaya Godanagima | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 172.4 UYA | 47 |
Gatum, Gatum Samathanaya, Madhyayanaya saha Samaya Godanagima | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 172.4 UYA | 47 |
Gatum, Gatum Samathanaya, Madhyayanaya saha Samaya Godanagima | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 327.16+954.93 UYA | 20 |
Gatum, Gatum Samathanaya, Madhyayanaya saha Samaya Godanagima | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 327.16+954.93 UYA | 20 |
Gatum, Gatum Samathanaya, Madhyayanaya saha Samaya Godanagima | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 327.16+954.93 UYA | 20 |
Gazette Extraordinary - Provincial Council Elections 1998 - Kalutara District | 1998 | MFN:002592 Acc. No. 3473 97/1A THE | 45 | |
Gazette Extraordinary - Provincial Council Elections 1998 - Kandy District | 1998 | MFN:002592 Acc No. 3474 97/1A THE | 45 | |
Gazette Extraordinary - Provincial Council Elections 1998 - Ratnapura District | 1998 | MFN: 002592 Acc. No. N100500 97/1A THE | 45 | |
Gender & Nation | Nira Yuval-Davis | Sage Publications | 305 DEV | 6 |
Gender and Post - Tsunami Recovery | Chamila Attanapola, Cathrine Brun, Ragnhild Lund | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | 303.485 ATI | 7 |
Gendered Assumptions And Women' S Lived Experiences: | Women And Media Collective | Women And Media Collective | ||
Gendered Assumptions And Women' S Lived Experiences: | Women And Media Collective | Women And Media Collective | ||
General Elections to North Western Province Provincial Council 25.01.1999 & Southern Province Provincial Council 10.06.1999 | Department of Elections Secretariat | Department of Elections | 324.9' 954'93 DEP | 17 |
General Elections to Provincial Councils 1988-1994. Final Results by Polling Divisions of Electoral Districts | Department of Elections | 070 GEN | 3 | |
General Elections to Provincial Councils of Western, Central, North Central, Uva & Sabaragamuwa Provinces - 06.04.1999 | Department of Elections | 070 GEN | 3 | |
Glimpses Of A Tea Bud | A.P. Kanapathypillai | A.P. Kanapathypillai | ||
Glimpses of Ceylon's Past | Senarat Paranavitana | Lake House Investments 1972 | 954.93 PAR 764 | 38 |
Glimpses of the Public Services of Ceylon. During a Period of Transition 1927-1962 | A.E.H Sanderatne | 1975 | 331.795' 954'93 SAN | 23 |
Global Trends, Migration & Social Transformation, An Explorative Study on the Caste-Based Occupational Structure of Indian Tamil Plantation Women in Sri Lanka | Nilani L. De Silva | Social Scientists Association 2009 | 304.85 DES | 9 |
Global Trends, Migration & Social Transformation, An Explorative Study on the Caste-Based Occupational Structure of Indian Tamil Plantation Women in Sri Lanka | Nilani L. De Silva | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | 5327 304.854'930'94 DES SRI 30/03 | 9 |
Globalization 2nd Edition | Malcolm Waters | Routledge 2010 | 900 WAT | 35 |
Globalization, Social Change and Youth | S.T. Hettige | German Cultural Institute Colombo, Centre of Anthropological and Sociological Studies University of Colombo 1998 | SRI 3-05.7 HET 2499 | 1 |
Globalization, Social Change and Youth | S.T. Hettige | German Cultural Institute Colombo, Centre of Anthropological and Sociological Studies University of Colombo 1998 | 003.05'7' 954'93 HET | 1 |
Globalization, Terror & the Shaming of the Nation: Constructing Local Masculinities in a Sri Lankan Village | Jani De Silva | Trafford Publications 2005 | 303.625 Acc 4526 DES | 7 |
Glossary of Official Terms and Phrases (English-Sinhalese) (Volume III) | 1958 | Acc 2835 030.8'34'954'93 DEP SRI 01/11 | 2 | |
Glossary of Technical Terms - Economics | Department of Education Publication, 1997 | Acc.3437 030.8'330'959'93 DEP SRI 03/02 | 2 | |
Glossary of Technical Terms - Law English - Sinhala | Department of Education Publication, 1995 | Acc 3436 030.8'34'954'93 DEP SRI 01/11 | 2 | |
Glossary of Technical Terms Aesthetic Education II (Painting & Sculpture) | SRI 030.8 OEP | 47 | ||
Gods in Early Buddhism. A Study in Their Social and mythological Mileu As Depicted in The Nikayas of the Pali Canon | M.M.J Marasinghe | Vidyalankara Campus, University of Sri Lanka 1974 | 291.294'35 MAR MFN:3610 5078 | 4 |
Golden Tips. A Description of Ceylon and its Great Tea Industry | H. W. Cave | Asian Educational Services 1994 | 9584.93 CAV 4602 | 40 |
Goliya Dakune Kamkaru Wyaparaya Sri Lankawe Wurththeeya Samithi | Janaka Biyanwilla | 331.881 BIY | 23 | |
Goliya Dakune Kamkaru Wyaparaya Sri Lankawe Wurththeeya Samithi | Janaka Biyanwilla | 331.881 BIY | 23 | |
Governance Journal Vol 1 No 1 2001 | Kanthi Wijetunge, Nandani Gunasekera, T. K. Dasanayake, S. O. Z. Mowlana | Sri Lanka Institute of Local Governance | 930 GOV | 36 |
Government and Politics in Ceylon (1931-1946) | I.D.S. Weerawardana | Ceylon Economic Research Association 1951 | SRI 328 WEE | 20 |
Governor-General's Warrants | O.E. Goonetilleke | 000 GOV | 43 | |
Grama Niladharinta Athwalak | 307.14 GRA | 12 | ||
Grama Sanwardhanaya saha Sanwardhanaya | Lionel Wijerama | 307.14 WIJ | 12 | |
Grama Sanwardhanaya: Shasthreeya Sangrahaya | Priyashantha Kariyawasam | 307 KAR | 12 | |
Gramiya Vidya Praveshanaya | Martin Wickremasinghe | 500 WIC | 44 | |
Grass for my Feet. Vignettes of Village Life in Sri Lanka | J. Vijayatunga | K.V.G. De Silva & Sons 1935 | SRI 8-31 VIJ 2526 | 45 |
Growing Up | Russell Baker | A Plume Book 1982 | 070.94 BAK | 3 |
Growing up With War. Experiences of Children Affected by Armed Conflict in The Eastern Province of Sri Lanka | Sarah Wimaladharma, Amarasiri De Silva, Nilakshi De Silva | Centre for Poverty Analysis 2005 | 305.906 +954.93 Acc 4505 WIM | 6 |
Growth and Social Progress in Sri Lanka | Statistics Department Central Bank of Sri Lanka 1991 | SRI 301.17 CEN | 8 | |
Guide to Methods for Students of Political Science | Stephen Van Evera | Cornell University Press 1997 | ||
Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement | UNHCR | 3 | ||
GumShoe America | Sean McCann | Duke University Press 2000 | 813.08 MCC 3394 | 34 |
Gunasena Historical Series Vol. V Part I.: The Great Rebellion of 1818. The Story of the First War of Independence and Betrayal of the Nation | Tennakoon Vimalananda | M.D. Gunasena 1970 | 954.93 VIM 924 | 42 |
Guttila Kawyaya | Gunasena 1986 | 008-1'294'954'93 VEE | 1 | |
H.A.J.Hulugalle. A Memoir | Bay Owl Press 2011 | 079.54 HUL | 2 | |
Habeas Corpus in Sri Lanka: Theory and Practice of the Great Writ in Extraordinary Times | Kishali Pinto-Jayawardena, Jayantha de Almedia Guneratne | Law & Society Trust 2011 | 345.410 56'95493 LAW | 26 |
Halpe Village | Stanley Gajanayake | 302.333 '954'93 GAJ 4757 | 12 | |
Handbook of Drug Abuse Information 1989-1993 | Compiled by Y.Ratnayake | National Dangerous Drugs Control Board | SRI 615.7 (02) RAT 3188 | 31 |
Handbook of Drug Abuse Information 1991-1995 | Compiled by Y.Ratnayake | Research and Publications Division National Dangerous Drugs Control Board 1996 | Acc 2446 615.7(02) RAT SRI 03/04 | 31 |
Handbook of Drug Abuse Information 1992-1996 | Compiled by Y.Ratnayake | Research and Publications Division National Dangerous Drugs Control Board 1997 | Acc 2526 615.7(02) RAT SRI 03/04 | 31 |
Handbook of Drug Abuse Information 1993-1997 | Compiled by Y.Ratnayake | Research and Publications Division National Dangerous Drugs Control Board 1998 | SRI 615.32 RAT 2594 | 31 |
Handbook of Pali Literature | Somapala Jayawardhana | Karunaratne & Sons Ltd 1994 | 297.38 JAY | 4 |
Handbook of the Ceylon Farmer Second Edition (Revised 1978) | AGRICOLA | A Studio Times Publication 1965 | SRI 631 AGR 1647 | 32 |
Hands on Colombo '99 Your Guide to Goods And Services, for the Private Consumer | 026.954'93 KAM | 2 | ||
Handy Perinbanayagam. A Memorial Volume | Santasilan Kadirgamar (Ed) | Kumaran Book House 2012 | Acc 6023 92.320 KAD | 10 |
Handy Perinbanayagam. Second Memorial Lecture | Santasilan Kadirgamar (Ed) | Kumaran Book House 2012 | 327.16 ACC 4714 | 18 |
Hangman - Spare That Noose | Donovan Moldrich | Committee For the Abolition of the Death Penalty Colombo 1983 | 813.54 MOL 7693 | 34 |
Hangman - Spare That Noose | Donovan Moldrich | Committee For the Abolition of the Death Penalty Colombo 1983 | 813.54' 954'93 MOL Acc 5275 | 34 |
Hari Buddhagama | Sulak Sivaraksha | 294.3'954'93 SIV SRI 02/04 | 5 | |
He Brought a Swastika to the Summer of Love | William E. Jones | 823 JON | 35 | |
He Leadeth Me | Frances Joseph-Gaudet | G.K. Hall & Co. 1996 | 365.66 HAY 1239 | 28 |
Healing the Wounds Rebuiding Sri Lanka after the War | Dhammika Herath, Kalinga Tudor Silva (Eds) | International Centre for Ethnic Studies 2012 | 303.69 HER | 7 |
Health System Assessment in North and East of Sri Lanka April 2002 | World Health Organization | World Health Organization | 4352 371.264'613+ 954.93 WOR LK(SRI) 03/03 | 30 |
Hector Abhayavardhana Selected Writings | Social Scientists' Association 2001 | MFN: 003361 Acc No. PC 38 808.84 +954.93 ABH 5745 | 34 | |
Hector Abhayavardhana Selected Writings | Social Scientists' Association 2001 | MFN: 003361 Acc No. PC 38 808.84 +954.93 ABH 5745 | 34 | |
Hector Abhayavardhana Selected Writings | Social Scientists' Association 2001 | Acc PC 38 MFN 3335 808.84'954'93 ABH SRI 01/08 | ||
Hector Abhayavardhana Selected Writings | Social scientists' Association 2001 | 323.92954'93 ABH Acc 4991 | 16 | |
Hector Abhayavardhana Selected Writings | Social scientists' Association 2001 | 323.92954'93 ABH MFN:3563 4992 | 16 | |
Hector Abhayavardhana Selected Writings | Social Scientists' Association 2001 | 04 SOC | 1 | |
Heidegger's Confrontation With Modernity. Technology, Politics, Art | Michael E. Zimmerman | Indiana University Press 1990 | 327.9 ZIM | 18 |
Hela Urumaya | Somapala Jayawardhana | 954.93 JAY | 41 | |
Helsinki Monitor Quarterly on Security and Cooperation in Europe | Monica Van De Ven (Ed) | Netherlands Helsinki Committee 2004 | Acc 6044 322 HEL | 44 |
Henry V and the Invasion of France | E.F. Jacob | Hodder & Stoughton Limited 1947 | 320 JAC | 13 |
Heritage of Sri Lanka Tovil Exorcism & Healing Rites | Bruce Kapferer & Georges Papigny | Viator Publications 2005 | Acc 5819 398.41 KAP | 31 |
Heroin Users in Sri Lanka. Refinement of the Careers Study | P.R.Kandiah | NDDCB/UNDCP/WHO Project 1994 | SRI 615.7 KAN 2603 | 31 |
Heroin Users in Sri Lanka. Refinement of the Careers Study | P.R.Kandiah | NDDCB/UNDCP/WHO Project 1994 | SRI 615.7 KAN 3187 | 31 |
Hierarchy and Egalitarianism. Caste, Class and Power in Sinhalese Peasant Society | Tamara Gunasekera | The Athlone Press 1994 | SRI 321.2 GUM 3312 | 14 |
Hill Station Teacher: A Life with India In It | Ruth Unrau | Kidron Creek Publishers 1997 | 371.14 UNR 2309 | 30 |
Historians of India, Pakistan and Ceylon | C.H.Philips | London Oxford University Press 1961 | 954.93 PHI 3453 | 40 |
Historical Manuscripts Commission, Ceylon Bulletin No. 3 tamil Documents in the Government Archives | 1937 | 091.6045' 954'93 HIS | 2 | |
Historical Sketches (Ceylon Church History) | Father S.G. Perera | The Literature Committee 1962 | 954.93 PER 5511 | 41 |
History and Politics: Millennial Perspectives. Essays in Honour of Kingsley de Silva | Gerald Peiris, S W R de A Samarasinghe (Eds) | Law & Society Trust 1999 | 304 DES | 9 |
History and Revolution. Refuting Revisionism | Mike Haynes, Jim Wolfreys (Eds) | Verso 2007 | 900 HAY | 45 |
History of Ceylon. Volume 1 :From the Earliest Times to 1505 Part I :Upto the End of the Anuradhapura Period | Sir Nicholas Attygalle (Ed) | Ceylon University Press 1959 | 954.93 RAY 894 | 41 |
History of Ceylon. Volume 1 :From the Earliest Times to 1505 Part II :From the Cola Conquest in 1017 to the Arrival of the Portuguese in 1505 | Sir Nicholas Attygalle (Ed) | Ceylon University Press 1960 | 954.93 RAY 895 | 41 |
History of Ceylon. Volume 3. From the Beginning of the 19th Century to 1948 | K.M. De Silva | University of Ceylon 1973 | 954.93 DES | 40 |
History of Ceylon. Volume 3. From the Beginning of the 19th Century to 1948 | K.M. De Silva (Ed) | The University of Ceylon 1973 | 954.93 DES 5101 | 40 |
History of Coins and Currency in Sri Lanka | G.P.S.H. De Silva | Central Bank of Sri Lanka 2000 | Acc 4087 332.45'954993 CEN SRI 03/03 | 24 |
History of Education in Ceylon 1796-1965 | K.H.M. Sumathipala | Tisara Prakasakayo 1968 | MFN: 003155 Acc No 1592 930.9+954.93 SUM | 37 |
History of Jaffna | K. Velu Pillam | Asian Educational Services 2004 | 954.93 PIL | 40 |
History of Sri Lanka | W.I. Siriweera | Dayawansa Jayakody & Company 2002 | 954 SIR 6215 | 38 |
History of the Evolution of the Sinhala Alphabet | Paul M. Jayarajan | 652.09' 954'93 JAY 903 | 32 | |
History of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Joint Cheifs of Staff and National Policy Vol IV 1950-1952 | Walter S.Poole | Office of Joint History 1920 | 973.92 POO | 44 |
History of the Left Movement in Sri Lanka | Nadarajah Janagan | Oswin Workers' School 2013 | 133.03 JAN | 45 |
History of the SLCOG 1953-2003 | Dr. Lakshman Fernando(Ed) | SLOG | 954.93 PER 4327 | 42 |
History of the Tamils From the Earliest Times to 600 A.D | P.T. Srinivasa Iyengar | Asian Educational Services 2001 | 948.11' 954'93 IYE 4491 | 37 |
Honouring E.F.C. Ludowyk | Percy Colin-Thome and Ashley Halpe (Eds) | Tisara Prakasakayo Ltd. 1984 | SRI 92 A/Z COL 1596 | 10 |
Honouring E.F.C. Ludowyk | Percy Colin-Thome and Ashley Halpe (Eds) | Tisara Prakasakayo Ltd 1984 | 92.954'93 LUD | 10 |
Housing Development in Sri Lanka: 1971-1981 | Marga Institute | Marga Institute 1986 | 363.51 MAR | 29 |
Housing In Sri Lanka | Marga Institute 1976 | SRI 333.322 MAR 1367 | 25 | |
Housing in Sri Lanka | Marga Institute | Marga Institute 1976 | 5480 333.322'548'954'93 MAR SRI 03/02 | 25 |
How Am I To Be Heard? Letters of Lillian Smith | Margaret Rose Gladney (Ed) | The University of North Carolina Press 1993 | 813.52 GLA 1073 | 34 |
How Societies Remember | Paul Connerton | Cambridge University Press 1989 | 302.12 CON | 12 |
How Things were Done in Odessa: Cultural & Intellectual Pursuits in a Soviet City | Maurice Friedberg | Westview Press 1991 | 947 FRI 1997 | 37 |
Human Capital and Distribution of Personal Income | Leslie Gunaratne | Central Bank of Sri Lanka 1988 | SRI 380.15 GUN 1530 | 30 |
Human Rights and Religions in Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka Foundation 1988 | SRI 2 HUM 1569 | 1 | |
Human Rights in South Asia: An Agenda for the Nineties: Ahungalla Report | Law & Society Trust | SRI 342.27 +950 LAW ACC 1996 | 27 | |
Human Rights Politics and States Burma,Cambodia, Sri Lanka | Laksiri Fernando | Social Scientists' Association 2002 | 323.0959 +954.93 ACC 4598 FER | 16 |
Human Rights Politics and States: Burma,Cambodia, Sri Lanka | Laksiri Fernando | Social Scientists' Association 2002 | 342.7 FER | 27 |
Human Rights Politics and States: Burma,Cambodia, Sri Lanka | Laksiri Fernando | Social Scientists' Association 2002 | MFN:002558 Acc No. 3692 342.7 +954.34 FER | 27 |
Human Rights Politics and States: Burma,Cambodia, Sri Lanka | Laksiri Fernando | Social Scientists' Association 2002 | 342.7 FER S.P.C 3693 | 27 |
Human Rights Related Legal Reforms in Sri Lanka | Asian Legal Resource Centre 1996 | Acc 5952 382.92'95493 AS1 | 30 | |
Human Rights, Politics and States: Burma, Cambodia, Sri Lanka | Laksiri Fernando | Social Scientists' Association 2002 | 323/.0959+954.93 Acc 4598 FER | |
Human Rights, Politics and States: Burma, Cambodia, Sri Lanka | Laksiri Fernando | Social Scientists' Association 2002 | ||
Hundred Days in Ceylon Under Martial Law 1915 | Armand de Souza | Young Socialist Publication 1916 | Acc 6053 954 SOU | 40 |
Hundred Days in Ceylon Under Martial Law 1915 | Armand de Souza | A Young Socialist Publication 2006 | 954.93 SOU 4666 | 40 |
Hundred Days in Ceylon Under Martial Law 1915 | Armand de Souza | A Young Socialist Publication 2006 | 954.93 SOU 4665 | 40 |
Hunger Overcome? Food and Resistance in Twentieth-Century African American Literature | Andrew Warnes | University of Georgia Press 2004 | 810.93 WAR 3161 | 34 |
Hunting and Shooting In Ceylon | Harry Storey | Asian Educational Services 1998 | 954.932 STO 5504 | 39 |
I Believed: The Autobiography of a former British Communist | Douglas Hyde | William Heinemann LTD | 320 HYD | 22 |
Ideas for Constitutional Reform | Chanaka Amaratunga (Ed) | The Council for Liberal Democracy, The Friedrich Naumann Stiftung 1989 | SRI 321.7 IRE ACC 1946 | 14 |
Ideology and Politics in Britain Today | Ian Adams | Manchester University 1998 | 320.50 ADA | 13 |
Ideology and the Constitution. Essays on Constitutional Jurisprudence | Radhika Coomaraswamy | International Centre for Ethnic Studies, Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd 1997 | 320.05' 95493 COO | 13 |
IDPs in Sri Lanka: August 2007 | South Asians For Human Rights 2007 | 342 SOU ACC 4981 | 27 | |
Igeneemata Ganna Wera: Sri Lankawe Wawili Karmanthaya Ehi Janathawa Saha Adyapanaya Pilibanda Deshapalana Arthikamaya Elabumak | Angela W. Little | 330.954'93 ANG | 23 | |
Igeneemata Ganna Wera: Sri Lankawe Wawili Karmanthaya Ehi Janathawa Saha Adyapanaya Pilibanda Deshapalana Arthikamaya Elabumak | Angela W. Little | 330.954'93 ANG | 23 | |
Ilangkaiyil Inathuvamum Samuha Marramum | Social Scientists Association 1985 | 303.609' 95493 SOC | ||
Ilangkaiyil Inathuvamum Samuha Marramum | Social Scientists Association 1985 | 303.609' 95493 SOC | ||
Ilangkaiyil Inathuvamum Samuha Marramum | Social Scientists' Association 1985 | 303.38 SOC | ||
Ile De Ceylan Croquis, Meurs Et Coutumes | J.B. Van Der AA | Louvain 1899 | 000 ILE | 43 |
Illustrations and Views of Dutch Ceylon 1602-1796 | R.K. De Silva, W.G.M. Beumer | Serendib Publications, E.J Brill 1988 | 096.1 DES | 1 |
Imagining Modernity. The Architecture of Valentine Gunasekara | Anoma Pieris | Stamford Lake PVT LTD. & Social Scientists' Association 2007 | Acc 5536 720.954 PIE SRI 01/03 | 33 |
Immigrant Nations | Paul Scheffer | Polity Press 2011 | ||
Impact of the Tsunami in the East-Muslim Women's Perspectives | Shreen Saroor | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | 303.485'082'095'493 SAR | 7 |
Impact of Tsunami in the East | Shreen Saroor | Social Scientists Association 2010 | 5771 303.485082 95493 SAR | |
Impact of Tsunami in the East (Tamil) | Shreen Saroor | Social Scientists Association 2010 | 5770 303.485082 95493 SAR | |
In Defense of a Political Court | Terri Jennings Peretti | Princeton University Press 1999 | 342.73 PER | 27 |
In my Fathers House. Africa in the Philosophy of Culture | Kwame Anthony Appiah | Oxford University Press 1992 | 960 APP 1708 | 44 |
In Old Ceylon | Reginald Farrer | Asian Educational Services 1995 | 954.93 FAR 4760 | 41 |
In the Days of Sri Wickramarajasingha, Last King of Kandy | Punchibandara Dolapihilla | Saman Press 1959 | 930.9 DOL 1191 | 36 |
In the Pursuit of Democracy in Post-Colonial Sri Lanka: Local Human Rights Approaches to Transitional Justice | Farzana Haniffa | 2006 | 341.481 4954.93 Acc 4503 HAN | 26 |
In The Shadow of the Epidemic | Walt Odets | Duke University Press 1995 | 155.91 ODE | 45 |
Index to Papers and sessional Papers Laid Before the Legislative Council of Ceylon From 1855 to July 1931 and Before thr State Council of Ceylon from July 1931 to end of 1933 | Compiled by S. Gunawardana | Government Publications Bureau 1950 | Acc 2821 MFN 3178 651.18'954'93 GUN SRI 01/09 | 44 |
Index to the Mahawansa Together with Chronological Table of Wars and Genealogical Trees | John Still | Asian Educational Services 1996 | 025.3 954.93 STI ACC 2437 | 2 |
India Rising. Tales From A Changing Nation | Oliver Balch | Faber and Faber 2012 | 306 BAL | 12 |
Indian Immigrant Plantation Workers in Sri Lanka: A Historical Perspective 1880-1910 | Dharmapriya Wesumperuma | 1986 | Acc 4184 633.72' 954 WES | 32 |
Indian Intervention in Sri Lanka. The Role of India's Intelligence Agencies | Rohan Gunaratna | South Asian Network on Conflict Research Colombo 1993 | 301.16 GON | 8 |
Indian Intervention in Sri Lanka. The Role of India's Intelligence Agencies | Rohan Gunaratna | South Asian Network on Conflict Research Colombo 1993 | 301.16 GUN | 8 |
Indian Philosophy A Very Short Introduction | Sue Hamilton | Oxford University Press | 100 IND | 45 |
India's Sri Lanka Fiasco. Peacekeepers At War | Rajesh Kadian | Vision Books 1990 | 172.4 KAD 6173 | 47 |
India's Sri Lanka Fiasco. Peacekeepers At War | Rajesh Kadian | Vision Books 1990 | Acc 6031 323.38'954'93 KAD | 16 |
Indo Lanka Ethnic Affinities (1) | P.N. Cumaranatunga | 2001 | SRI 330+185 CUM | 21 |
Indo Lanka Ethnic Affinities (2) | P.N. Cumaranatunga | 2003 | 305.80 CUM | 6 |
Indo Lanka Ethnic Affinities (2) | P.N. Cumaranatunga | 2003 | SRI 330+185 CUM | 21 |
Indo-Sri Lankan Relations with Special Reference to the Tamil Problem | Ravi Kant Dubey | Deep & Deep Publications 1989 | 172.1 DUB | 47 |
Indu saha Lanka | Parakrama Kodituwakku | 819.5493 KOD | 34 | |
Indulekha: A Novel from Malabar | O. Chandu Menon, W. Dumergue, C.S. | 823 MEN | 35 | |
Industrial Conflict: A Study of Trade Union Strategy and the Law | W.P.N De Silva | Lake House Investments Limited 1978 | 331.89 SIL | 23 |
Industrial Law and Relations in Ceylon | W.P.N De Silva | K.V.G De Silva 1964 | SRI 347.7 WES 890 | 28 |
Influence of Foreign Trade on the Level and Growth of National Income if ceylon 1926-57 | Warnasena Rasaputram | Central Bank of Ceylon 1964 | MFN:003461 Acc No:285 382+954.93 RAS | 30 |
Informal Dispute Resolution in the North East and Puttalam | Centre for Policy Alternatives | 303.69 CEN | 7 | |
Informal Track - II Dialogue on Sri Lanka and India: Towards Constructive and Creative Engagement | Acc 5955 172.4 954 ASI | 47 | ||
Ingrisi-Sinhala Maha Shabdakoshaya Vol 1 | Sucharith Gamlath | 019.95493 GAM | 2 | |
Ingrisi-Sinhala Maha Shabdakoshaya Vol 2 | Sucharith Gamlath | 019.95493 GAM | 2 | |
Inside An Elusive Mind, Prabhakaran. The First Profile of the World's Most Ruthless Guerrilla Leader | M. R. Narayan Swamy | Vijitha Yapa 2003 | 92 A/Z SWA ACC 6207 | 10 |
Inside An Elusive Mind, Prabhakaran. The First Profile of the World's Most Ruthless Guerrilla Leader | M.R.Narayan Swamy | Vijitha Yapa Publications 2004 | THE REVOLT IN THE | 15 |
Insight & Social Bettermennt. A Preface to Applied Social Science | James B. Rule | Oxford University Press 1978 | 309. 173 RUL | 45 |
Interludes | Lucian De Zilwa | Parerga Literaria | 081.954'93 DEZ | 2 |
International & Regional Security Implications of the Sri Lankan Tamil Insurgency | Rohan Gunaratna | Alumni Association fot International Studies Sri Lanka and International Foundation of Sri Lankans United Kingdom 1997 | 323.5 GUN ACC 6165 | 16 |
International Conference on the Democratization Process in South and South-East Asia. Democratization and t he Devolutionary Process: Some Aspects of Sri Lankas System of provincial Councils | G.R. Tressie Leitan | International Centre for ethnic Studies 1992 | 000 LEI | 43 |
International Feminism: Networking Against Female Sexual Slavery: Report of the Global Feminist Workshop to Organize Against Traffic in Women Rotterdam, the Netherlands April 6-15 1983 | Kathleen Barry, Charlotte Bunch, Shirley Castley (Eds) | 1984 | 396 BAR 6400 | 31 |
International Labor and Working-Class History No.35 Spring 1989 | David Montgomery, Helmut Gruber (Eds) | Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois 1989 | 331 MON | 23 |
International Law and the Use of Force | Christine Gray | Foundations of Public International Law 2000 | 341.75 GRA 5467 | 26 |
International McCarthyism: The Case of Rhoda Miller De Silva | Judy Waters Pasqualge | Social Scientists' Association | 340 PAS | 25 |
Internationalization of Ethnic Conflict | Silva and R.J. May (Eds) | International Centre for Ethnic Studies 1991 | MFN: 002528 Acc No. 1778 232.27 DES | 4 |
Inter-Racial Equity and National Unity in Sri Lanka | Marga Institute 1985 | Acc 6034 321.954'34 MAR | 14 | |
Intervention in Sri Lanka. The IPKF Experience Retold | Harkirat Singh | Vijitha Yapa 2006 | 327.16+ 954.93 Acc.4552 SIN | 18 |
Interventions in the Devolution Debate | Sumanasiri Liyanage | Social Scientists' Association 1998 | 328.12 LIY | 20 |
Interventions in the Devolution Debate | Sumanasiri Liyanage | Social Scientists Association 1998 | MFN: 002515 Acc No. 2552 328.12 LIY | 20 |
Interventions in the Devolution Debate | Sumanasiri Liyanage | Social Scientists Association 1998 | MFN: 002515 Acc No 2553 328.12 LIY | 20 |
Introducing the German Idealists | Robert C. Solomon | Hackett Publishing Company 1981 | 141 SOL | 45 |
Investing in People: Social Welfare and Labour Productivity in Sri Lanka's Platation Sector. Plantation Communities Project - Phase II | Amila Balasuriya, Karin Fernando and Geetha Mayadunne | Centre for Poverty Analysis, Canadian International Development Agency, WUSC | 633.72 BAL 7851 | 32 |
IPKF In Sri Lanka | Depinder Singh | Trishul Publications 1992 | 301.16 SIN | 8 |
Irantavatu Sunami: Thennilankaiyil Pathikkappatta Kirmangkalitaiye Samathana Sagavalvin Illappu | Dr. Prema Kumara de Silva | Social Scientists Association 2010 | 5773 363.34095493 DES | |
Irantavatu Sunami: Thennilankaiyil Pathikkappatta Kirmangkalitaiye Samathana Sagavalvin Illappu | Dr. Prema Kumara de Silva | Social Scientists Association 2010 | 5772 363.34095493 DES | |
Is Land Just for Men? | Kishali Pinto-Jayawardena, Jayantha de Almedia Guneratne (Eds) | Law & Society Trust 2010 | Acc 5748 342.4145493 PIN | 27 |
Is Land Just for Men? | Kishali Pinto-Jayawardena, Jayantha de Almedia Guneratne (Eds) | Law & Society Trust 2010 | 5753 342.4195493 PIN SRI 342.4195493 | 27 |
Is There a Conflict Between Growth and Welfarism? The Tale of Sri Lanka | S.R.Osmani | The United Nations University, World Institute for Development Economics Research 1993 | 338 UNI ACC 7806 | 24 |
Island Interlude | Esmee Rankine | Lake House Investments 1971 | 954.93 RAN 2513 | 42 |
Island of Blood | Anita Pratap | Viking 2001 | 323.27 PRA 6195 | 15 |
Issues and Methods in Comparative Politics. An Introduction (Second Edition) | Todd Landman | Routledge 2003 | 320.3 LAN | 13 |
It is your Own Hand, Which Gives you Shade | Kamala Peiris, Carla Risseeuw | C.D.P.Utrecht 1983 | Acc 6085 677.5 PEI | 33 |
Italy: Society in Crisis/ Society in Transformation | John Fraser | Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd. 1981 | 360 FRA | 28 |
J.R. In Cartoons | J.R.Jayawardene Cultural Centre 2002 | 741.5 JAY 7676 | 33 | |
J.R. Jayewardene of Sri Lanka A Political Biography Volume One: The First Fifty Years | K.M.Da silva & Howard Wriggins | Anthony Blond/ Quartet 1988 | SRI 92 A/Z DES | |
J.R. Jayewardene of Sri Lanka A Political Biography Volume One: The First Fifty Years | K.M.Da silva & Howard Wriggins | Anthony Blond/ Quartet 1988 | 92 /AZ DAS | |
J.R. Jayewardene of Sri Lanka: A Political Biography Volume One: The First Fifty Years | K.M. De Silva, Howard Wriggins | Anthony Blond/ Quartet 1988 | 92 A/Z SIL | 9 |
J.R. Jayewardene of Sri Lanka: A Political Biography Volume Two: From 1956 to His Retirement (1989) | K.M. De Silva, Howard Wriggins | J.R.Jayawardene Cultural Centre 1994 | SRI 92 A/Z DES | 9 |
J.R. Jayewardene of Sri Lanka: A Political Biography Volume Two: From 1956 to His Retirement (1989) | K.M. De Silva, Howard Wriggins | J.R.Jayawardene Cultural Centre 1994 | 92 A/Z SIL | 9 |
J.R. Jayewardene Selected Speeches and Writings 1944-1978 | H.W. Cave & Company Ltd 1974 | SRI (042) WAL 2889 | 45 | |
J.R.Jayewardene of Sri Lanka. A Political Biography Volume one: The First Fifty Years | K.M. De Silva, Howard Wriggins | Anothony Blond | ACC 1577 SRI 92 A/Z DES | 10 |
Jaffna and Colombo: A Century of Relationships in Three Plays | E.F.C.Ludowyk, Ernest Macintyre | Vijitha Yapa 1990 | 327.16+ 954.93 Acc 4689 LUD | 18 |
Jaffna And The Sinhala Heritage | E.T.Kannangara | 1984 | MFN: 002602 Acc No.1396 950+954.93 KAN | 37 |
Jaffna History | A. Mootootamby Pillay | Asian Educational Services 2002 | 954.932 PIL 4604 | 38 |
Jaffna Under the Portuguese | Tikiri Abeyasinghe | Lake House Investments 1986 | 954.93' 946 ABE 2424 | 40 |
Jaffna: A Vision Skewed Special Report No. 09. 07 June '97 | University Teachers For Human Rights (Jaffna) Sri Lanka | 323 UNI 8458 | 15 | |
Jananayakam (What is it? Whos is it? For Who is it? For what is it?) | Jayadeva Uyangoda, Ranjith Perera | SSA, IDRC, CRDI 2018 | ||
Jananayakam Democracy | Jayathava Uyangodha, Ranjith Perera | Social Scientists' Association 2014 | ||
Jananayakam Democracy | Jayathava Uyangodha, Ranjith Perera | Social Scientists' Association 2015 | ||
Jananayakam Democracy | Jayathava Uyangodha, Ranjith Perera | SSA, IDRC, CRDI 2014 | ||
Japan's Emergence as a Modern State. Political and Economic Problems of the Meiji Period | E. Herbert Norman | Institute of Pacific Relations 1940 | 320.9'330.9 NOR S.P.C ACC 4405 | 11 |
Jatheenge Prashnayata Prajathanthrika Visadumak | 320 | 11 | ||
Jathibedawadaya ha India Ithihasaya Liweema | Romila Thapar, Harbans Mukhia, Bipan Chandra | Social Scientists' Association | Acc 4467 173.4'954 THA | 47 |
Jathibedawadaya ha India Ithihasaya Liweema | Romila Thapar, Harbans Mukhia, Bipan Chandra | Social Scientists' Association | Acc 4467 173.4'954 THA | 47 |
Jathiya Jathikawadaya saha Jathika Rajyaya: Deshapalana Nyaya saha Bhawithaya | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Assocation | 320 UYA | 13 |
Jathiya Jathikawadaya saha Jathika Rajyaya: Deshapalana Nyaya saha Bhawithaya | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 320 UYA | 13 |
Jathyanthara Kamkaru Pramitheen | 331.0621 MOH | 23 | ||
Jeevana Drug Dependence Journal 1994 | National Dangerous Drugs Control Board | SRI 615.7+05 NAT 3189 | 31 | |
Johannes Jacobus (James) Loos 1822-1904 Reprinted From The Journal of the Colombo General Hospital Vol 2 October 1971 No. 4 | R.L.Brohier | 929.549'3 BRO 3207 | 36 | |
Journal of Spilbergen. The First Dutch Envoy to Ceylon 1602 | Translated by K D Paranavitana | 1997 | 949.2'95' 4' 93 PAR 2562 | 38 |
Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 1865-66 Volume IV No.13 | 1954 | 85.3 COL | 2 | |
Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 1933 Volume XXXII No 86 Parts I, II, III, IV | The Times of Ceylon Company 1934 | 070 CEY | 3 | |
Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 1938 Volume XXXIV No 91 Parts I, II, III, IV | The Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka | The Ceylon Observer 1939 | 930 JOV | 36 |
Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 1940 Volume XXXV No 93 | The Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka | The Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka 1941 | 930 CEY | 36 |
Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society New Series Volume III Part I | The Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka | 1953 | 930 CEY | 36 |
Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic society New Series Volume IV Part II | The Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka | 1956 | 930+ 95493 CEY | 36 |
Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society New Series Volume IX Part I | The Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka | 1964 | 930 CEY 2820 | 36 |
Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society New Series Volume V Part I | The Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka | 1957 | 930 CEY2827 | 36 |
Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society New Series Volume VII Part I | The Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka | 1960 | 930 CEY | 36 |
Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. New series Volume IX Part 2 | The Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka | 1965 | 930+9543 CEY | 36 |
Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. New series Volume V Part 1 | The Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka | 1957 | 930+95493 CEY | 36 |
Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. New series Volume VIII, Part 2 | 1963 | 803.954'93 ROY 4818 | 33 | |
Journal of the Dutch Burgher Union of Ceylon Vol LXII January - December 1985 | 803 VES LK(SRI) 2834 | 33 | ||
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka New Series Volume L | R.G.G.Olcott Gunasekera (Ed) | Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka 2004 | 950.05' 954'93 ROY 5730 | 37 |
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka New Series Volume LI | Padma Edirisinghe (Ed) | Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka 2005 | 950.05' 954'93 ROY 5731 | 37 |
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka New Series Volume LII | Padma Edirisinghe (Ed) | Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka 2007 | 950.05' 954'93 ROY 5732 | 37 |
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka New Series Volume LIII | Prof. M. U. De Silva (Ed) | Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka 2008 | 950.05' 954'93 ROY 5733 | 37 |
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Sri Lanka Branch New Series Volume XXV | The Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka | Royal Asiatic Society 1980/81 | 930 JOU | 36 |
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Sri Lanka Branch New Series Volume XXVI | The Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka | Royal Asiatic Society 1982 | 930 JOU | 36 |
Journal of the Vidyalankara University of Ceylon Vol 1 no 2 1972 | Vidyalankara University of Ceylon | SRI 001 SRI Lk | 1 | |
Journal of Trade Commerce and Industry Vol I No I Special Issue on Industries of Ceylon | Chandralal Hettiarachi (Ed) | 338.954'93 Acc 3352 CHA | 24 | |
Kalyani. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Kelaniya Volumes VII and VIII 1988-1989 | Y. Karunadasa, Senake Bandaranayake, W.S.Karunatilake, K.M.P. Kulasekara (Eds) | University of Kelaniya 1996 | 025.06' 95493 UNI | 2 |
Kandy Fights The Portuguese A Military History of kandyan Resistance | C.Gaston Perera | Vijitha Yapa Publications 2007 | 954.93 PER 4629 | 40 |
Kandyan Law and Buddhist Ecclesiastical Law | T.B. Dissanayake and A.B. Colin de Soysa | Dharmasamaya Press 1963 | SRI 348 DIS 861 | 28 |
Kantha Aitheen/ Manawa Aitheen: Manawa Aitheen Desa Prathisanskaranathmaka Baleemak | Charlotte Bunch | Social Scientists' Association, 1994 | 323.349 5493 BAN | 15 |
Kantha Aitheen/ Manawa Aitheen: Manawa Aitheen Desa Prathisanskaranathmaka Baleemak | Charlotte Bunch | Social Scientists' Association, 1994 | 323.349 5493 BAN | 15 |
Kanthawadi Nyaya | Sunila Abeysekera | 305 | 6 | |
Karathhakaruwange Weda Warjanaya ha Sri Lankawe Kamkaru Udgoshanaye Mul Kotasa 1896-1906 | Kumari Jayawardena | 331.892'954'93 JAY | 23 | |
Karava Kathava | Colt Senanayake | 321.0195 493 MHS | 14 | |
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels On Britain | Karl Marx, Frederick Engels | moscow 1953 | 320 KAR | 22 |
Kassipu Sanskruthiya: Colombo Kassipu Bhawithaya Pilibanda Kerena Mano Weedya Widyathmaka Wimarshanayaki | Ranil Abeysinghe, Ranjith Wimalasooriya | 301.17 | 8 | |
Kataragama. The Holiest Place in Ceylon | Paul Wirz | Lake House Investment 1966 | 91.95493 WIR | 44 |
Katha Karana Gini Dalu | Seetha Ranjini | Acc 2410 008-1'954'93 RAN SRI 01/12 | 1 | |
Katha Karana Gini Dalu | Seetha Ranjini | Acc 2410 008-1'954'93 RAN SRI 01/12 | 1 | |
Kolapaata Samajaya | C.A. Chandraprema | 321+954.34 CHA | 14 | |
Kolapaata Samajaya | C.A. Chandraprema | 321+954.34 CHA | 14 | |
Kotahena Riot 1883. Religious Riot in Sri Lanka | G. P.V. Somaratna | 1991 | SRI 323.27 SOM | 15 |
Kotiwadaya saha Thawath Lipi | Ram Manikkalingam | 323.289 54'93 MAN | 15 | |
Kotiwadaya saha Thawath Lipi | Ram Manikkalingam | 323.289 54'93 MAN | 15 | |
Kotiwadaya saha Thawath Lipi | Ram Manikkalingam | 323.289 54'93 MAN | 15 | |
Kularatne of Ananda. The Life and Work of P. De S. Kularatne | Kamalika Pieris | Sarasavi Publishers 2015 | 920 PIE | 35 |
Kunkuma Thilakaya (The Dance of Life by Maleeha Rajon) | Hiniduma Sunil Senevi (Tr) | 813.954' 93 SEN | 34 | |
Kurukshetra | Sri Lak Indo Studies 1975 | Acc 4469 MFN: 2773 172'2'954'93 WIJ SRI 01/09 | 47 | |
Kurukshetra | Sri Lak Indo Studies | 930+ 5493 SRI | 36 | |
Kusa Jathaka Kawyaya | 008-001954'93 MUK | 1 | ||
La Fontaine ge Upama Kawi | La Fontaine | 8.01'954'93 LAF | 45 | |
Labor in Developing Economies | Walter Galenson (Ed) | Iuniversity of California Press 1963 | 331.33 GAL | 23 |
Labour Force Survey. | A Study on Plantation Labour by Lanka Jathika Estate Worker's Union | Acc 1583 MFN: 3927 305.800+954'93 LAN | 6 | |
Labour Issues in Development | National Association for Trade Union Research and Education 2009 | SRI 331 NAT | 23 | |
Labour Laws of Sri Lanka Monograph No.06 | G.L.S. Suriarachchi | Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung 1994 | 351.83' 954'93 SUR 2599 | 28 |
Labour Legislation and Female Employment in Sri Lanka's Manufacturing Sector | Ramani Gunatilaka | Institute of Policy Studies 1999 | 331.4 GUN | 23 |
Labour Standards in Sri Lanka: Recent Trends No. 7 | Sri Lanka Foundation Institute 1981 | SRI 331.021 TRE | 23 | |
Labouring to Learn: Towards a Political Economy of Plantation, People and Education in Sri Lanka | Angela W. Little | Social Scientists' Association 2003 | MFN:002741 Acc No. 4040 330+954.93 ANG | 21 |
Labouring to Learn: Towards a Political Economy of Plantation, People and Education in Sri Lanka | Angela W. Little | Social Scientists Association 2003 | 330 LIT | 21 |
Labouring to Learn: Towards a Political Economy of Plantation, People and Education in Sri Lanka | Angela W. Little | Social Scientists' Association 2003 | 330 LIT | 21 |
Labouring to Learn: Towards a Political Economy of Plantation, People and Education in Sri Lanka (Tamil) | Angela W. Little | Social Scientists' Association 2002 | 4448 331+954.93 LIT LK(SRI) 03/02 | |
Lamani Royal Clan (Lamani Raja Kulaya) | D.V. Richard De Silva | Maha Saviya Foundation 1998 | MFN:002552 Acc. No. 4081 321.2 +954.34 DES | 14 |
Lamayin saha Kanthawan Pilibanda Pradeshiya Lekam Karyalayaka Karyabharaya: 1993 Marthu 20 dina Pawathwu Wadamuluwe Warthawa | 300 | 9 | ||
Land Law Case Reports 2009 | Pubudini Wickramaratne Rupesinghe, Nuwan Rupesinghe | COHRE 2011 | 6000 COH SRI 01/12 347.235 CHO 6000 | 28 |
Land Resources. Now and for the Future | Anthony Young | Cambridge University Press 1998 | 333.73 YOU | 25 |
Land Settlement Experiences in Sri Lanka | Kapila P. Wimaladharma (Ed) | MFN:002889 Acc No. 1343 333.5+954.93 WIM | 25 | |
Land to the Tiller. The Political Economy of Agrarian Reform in South Asia | Ronald J. Herring | Oxford University Press 1983 | ||
Land, Human Rights & The Eastern Predicament (Report no.11) | University Teachers For Human Rights (Jaffna) | SRI 301.18 UNI | 8 | |
Language and Humanity | S.G. Punchihewa | Centre for Policy Alternatives 2012 | 408 PUN 6127 | 31 |
Language Resources Needs Assessment Survey 2007/2008 | Official Languages Commission | 400 OFF 7827 | 31 | |
Language Rights in Sri Lanka, Enforcing Tamil as an Official Language | B. Skanthakumar (Ed) | Law & Society Trust 2008 | Acc.5254 MFN: 4084 306 449+954 SKA | 12 |
Lanka Guardian Vol 1 No. 6 July 15 1978 | ||||
LANKA GUARDIAN VOL 1 NO.18 JANUARY 15 1979 | 070 LAN | 3 | ||
LANKA GUARDIAN VOL 1 NO.23 APRIL 1 1979 | 070 LAN | 3 | ||
LANKA GUARDIAN VOL 1 NO.6 JULY 15 1978 | 070 LAN | 3 | ||
LANKA GUARDIAN VOL 2 NO.16 DECEMBER 15 1979 | 070 LAN | 3 | ||
LANKA GUARDIAN VOL 2 NO.8 AUGUST 15 1979 | 070 LAN | 3 | ||
Lanka Ithihasaye Madyathana Yugaye ena Keralayo Prathiwirudha Awastha Dekak Pilibanda Adyayanayak | Amaradasa Liyanagamage | Social Scientists' Association | 954.93 LIY | 38 |
Lanka Ithihasaye Madyathana Yugaye ena Keralayo Prathiwirudha Awastha Dekak Pilibanda Adyayanayak | Amaradasa Liyanagamage | Social Scientists' Association 1994 | 900 LIY | 35 |
Lanka Sama Samaja Pakshaya ha Podujana Eksath Peramuna Anduwa | 320 LAN | 11 | ||
Lanka Sama Samaja Pakshaye Darshanaya ha Weda Piliwela Wasara 2000 | 320.6'959'93 LAN | 11 | ||
Lanka Samasamaja Party and The Tamil Speaking People | Dr. Vickramabahu Karunarathne | Samasamaja Publication | SRI 329 KAR | 20 |
Lanka Studies in Lankan Culture 6. December 1991 | Peter Schalk (Ed) | Uppasala University 1992 | SRI 7.01 LAN | 45 |
Lanka. Studies in Lankan Culture March 1990 | Peter Schalk (Ed) | Uppsala 1990 | Acc 2829 890.954'93 PAT SRI 01/11 | 35 |
Lankawata Awashyaya Federal Kramaya | Ram Manikkalingam, Prasantha Rathnayake (Eds) | Social Scientists' Association, 1995 | 320 MAN | 43 |
Lankawata Awashyaya Federal Kramaya | Ram Manikkalingam, Prasantha Rathnayake (Eds) | Social Scientists' Association 1995 | 321.7+954.34 MAN | 14 |
Lankawata Awashyaya Federal Kramaya | Ram Manikkalingam, Prasantha Rathnayake (Eds) | Social Scientists' Association 1995 | 321.7+954.34 MAN | 14 |
Lankawe Jathikathwa Gataluwa ha Wisanduma | Lionel Guruge | 303.69+954.93 GUR | 7 | |
Law, Capitalism and Power in Asia. The Rule of Law and Legal Institutions | Kanishka Jayasuriya (Ed) | Routledge 1999 | 320 JAY | 22 |
Laws of Fear: Beyond the Precautionary Principle | Cass R. Sunstein | Cambridge University Press 2005 | 340 SUN | 25 |
Leaving No One Behind. Towards Sustainable Development of the Hill Country Tamil Plantation Community in Sri Lanka (English) | B. Skanthakumar | Institute of Social Development 2017 | 24 | |
Leaving No One Behind. Towards Sustainable Development of the Hill Country Tamil Plantation Community in Sri Lanka (Sinhala) | B. Skanthakumar | Institute of Social Development 2017 | 24 | |
Leaving No One Behind. Towards Sustainable Development of the Hill Country Tamil Plantation Community in Sri Lanka (Tamil) | B. Skanthakumar | Institute of Social Development 2017 | ||
Legal Analysis of Property Issues Affecting Internally Displaced Persons and Refugees of Sri Lanka | Sundaram Sriskandarajah, Ramalingam Chakrawarthy Karunakaram, Mathiaparanan Abraham Sumanthiran | National Protection and Durable Solution for Internally Displaced Persons Project 2003 | Acc 5273 342.954'93 SRI | 27 |
Legal Personalities -Sri Lanka- Volume 1 | Law & Society Trust | Law & Society 2005 | 346.034 954.93 Acc 4669 LST | 28 |
Leonard Wolf Samaga Gamanak | Wijesinghe Beligalle | S. Godage | 954.93 BEL | 40 |
Leveling Crowds, Ethnonationalist Conflict and Collective Violence in South Asia | Stanley J. Tambiah | Vistaar Publications 1996 | MFN: 002538 Acc. No. 3328 323.27 +954 TAM | 20 |
Liberal Peace in Question. Politics of State and Market Reform in Sri Lanka | Kristian Stokke and Jayadeva Uyangoda (Eds) | Anthem Press 2011 | 327.101 '95493 JAY 5758 | 18 |
Liberal Peace in Question. Politics of State and Market Reform in Sri Lanka | Kristian Stokke and Jayadeva Uyangoda (Eds) | Anthem Press 2011 | 327.101 95493 JAY 5757 | 18 |
Liberal Peace in Question. Politics of State and Market Reform in Sri Lanka | Kristian Stokke and Jayadeva Uyangoda (Eds) | Anthem Press 2011 | 320 STO | 22 |
Liberal Peace in Question. Politics of State and Market Reform in Sri Lanka | Kristian Stokke and Jayadeva Uyangoda (Eds) | Anthem Press 2012 | 320.95 STO | 22 |
Liberal Rights Collected Papers 1981-1991 | Jeremy Waldron | Cambridge University Press 1993 | 320 WAL | 13 |
Liberation and Its Limits. The Moral and the Political Thought of Freud | Jeffrey B. Abramson | Beacon Press 1984 | 150.1952 ABR | 45 |
Life and Labor in the Old South | Ulrich Bonnell Phillips | Little, Brown and Company 1963 | 658.31 WOO 1930 | 33 |
Life of Sir James Peiris | W.T.Keble | SIR 92 A/Z KEB ACC 875 | 10 | |
Lifetime Guarantee : A Journey Through Loss and Survival | Alice Bloch | Alyson Publications 1981 | 809.93 BLO 1205 | 34 |
Lionel Wendt's Ceylon | Navrang 1995 | SRI 772 GEY 3422 | 45 | |
Lionsong Sri Lanka's 'Ethnic Conflict' | Sandaruwan Madduma Bandara | 2002 | 320.54+ 954.93 Acc 4746 MAD | 43 |
Living For The Day: Contract Workers in Sri Lanka's Free Trade Zones | B. Skanthakumar | Dabindu Collective 2017 | 300 LIV | 9 |
Living Up to the Ads. Gender Fictions of the 1920s | Simone Weil Davis | Duke University Press 2000 | 659.10 DAV 1242 | 33 |
Living With Torturers, And Other Essays of Intervention: Sri Lankan Society, Culture and Politics in Perspective | Sasanka Perera | International Centre for Ethnic Studies 1995 | 321.01' 954'93 PER ACC 4847 | 14 |
Living With Torturers, And Other Essays of Intervention: Sri Lankan Society, Culture and Politics in Perspective | Sasanka Perera | International Centre for Ethnic Studies 1995 | 321.01' 954'93 PER ACC 3059 | 14 |
Local Government and Decentralized Administration in Sri Lanka | G.R. Tressie Leitan | Lake House Investments 1979 | 327.8' 954'93 LEI | |
Local Government and Local Democracy in Sri Lanka Institutional and Social Dimensions | Jayadeva Uyangoda (Ed) | Social Scientists' Association 2015 | 8479 | |
Local Government in Sri Lanka | Victor Gunewardena (Ed) | Sri Lanka Foundation Institute 1987 | 320.8'371' 37'954'93 SRI | |
Localizing Transitional Justice in the Context of Psychosocial Work in Sri Lanka. Conflict and Development Studies. Study No.06 | Maleeka Salih & Gameela Samarasinghe | Social Policy Analysis & Research Centre University of Colombo 2006 | MFN:003359 Acc No. N100148 321.16 +954.93 SAL | 14 |
Localizing Transitional Justice in the Context of Psychosocial Work in Sri Lanka. Conflict and Development Studies. Study No.06 | Maleeka Salih & Gameela Samarasinghe | Social Policy Analysis & Research Centre University of Colombo 2006 | Acc 6011 321.16'954'93 SAL | 14 |
Locations Of Buddhism, Colonialism & Modernity in Sri Lanka | Anne M. Blackburn | Social Scientists' Association 2010 | 294.30 BLA ACC 5712 | 5 |
Locations Of Buddhism, Colonialism & Modernity in Sri Lanka | Anne M. Blackburn | Social Scientists' Association 2010 | 294.30 BLA ACC 5715 | 5 |
Lorenz Anusaraya | Simone Silva | 808.81+954.93 SIL | 34 | |
Lorenz Anusaraya | Simone Silva | 808.81+954.93 SIL | 34 | |
Lorenz Anusaraya | Simone Silva | 808.81+954.93 SIL | 34 | |
Lorenz Anusaraya | Simone Silva | 808.81+954.93 SIL | 34 | |
Lorenz Anusaraya | Simone Silva | 808.81+954.93 SIL | 34 | |
Lorenz Anusaraya | Simone Silva | 808.81+954.93 SIL | 34 | |
Lorenz Anusaraya | Simone Silva | 808.81+954.93 SIL | 34 | |
Lorenz Anusaraya | Simone Silva | 808.81+954.93 SIL | 34 | |
Lorenz Anusaraya | Simone Silva | 808.81+954.93 SIL | 34 | |
Lorenz Anusaraya | Simone Silva | 808.81+954.93 SIL | 34 | |
LST Review Vol 27 Issue 342 The Law And Politics Of Land | Law & Society Trust | Law & Society Trust | ||
Lutesong and Lament: Giving Voice to a Generation | Karthigesu Sivathamby | International Centre for Ethnic Studies, Colombo | 808 SIV 8465 | 33 |
Maanawa Himikam Abhiyoga saha Sri Lanka Manawa Himikam Commission Sabhawa | B. Skanthakumar | 323.09 SKA | 15 | |
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Mahabodhi Centenary. Commemorative Volume Sambhasha | A. Adikari (Ed) | Branch of Piriven Education of the Ministry of Education & Higher Education 1991 | MFN: 002847 Acc No. 2493 294.3 +954.93 PIR | 5 |
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Mahinda Prabandha | Sunil Ariyaratna | 808.954'93 ARI | 34 | |
Making The Grade | Meredith D. Gall | Prima Publishing and Communications 1988 | 371.30 GAL 437 | 30 |
Malaiyaha (Up Country) Tamil Identity and Politics in the Twenty-First Century | Daniel Bass | International Centre for Ethnic Studies 2000 | 320 BAS | 43 |
Malayaha Tamils. Power Sharing and Local Democracy in Sri Lanka | A. Lawrence | Social Scientists Association 2011 | Acc 5933 323.38'954'93 LAW | 16 |
Malayaha Tamils. Power Sharing and Local Democracy in Sri Lanka | A. Lawrence | Social Scientists Association 2011 | 323.38 LAW 5910 | 16 |
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Mallika Hewawitharana Mathiniya | Prema Senavirathna | 92 A/Z+954 | 10 | |
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Marginal Comments | E.F.C. Ludowyk | 037.01'954.93 LUD | 2 | |
MARKETING MANAGEMENT A SOUTH ASIAN PERSPECTIVE 13TH EDITION | Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane, Abraham Koshy, Mithileshwar Jha | DORLING KINDERSLEY | 070 KOT | 3 |
Mars and Venus in the Workplace. A Practical Guide for Improving Communication and Getting Results at Work | John Gray | Harper Collins Publishers 2002 | 658.45 GRA 2413 | 33 |
Marxist Leninist. New Democracy 54 | 2015 | 320 DEM | 22 | |
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Marx's Inferno The Political Theory of Capital | William Clare Roberts | The Princeton University Press 2017 | ||
Matching Employment Opportunities and Expectations, A Programme of Action for Ceylon, Technical Papers | International Labour Office Geneva 1971 | Acc 6081 301.17'954 INT | ||
Matrangalin Mugapukal. Sri lankan Women 1986-1995 | Pengal Arachi Nelayam 1995 | |||
Matter and Light the New Physics | Louis De Broglie | Dover Publications 1937 | 530.1 BRO | 31 |
Matters of Violence, Reflections on Social and Political Violence in Sri Lanka | Jayadeva Uyangoda, Janaka Biyanwila (Eds) | Social Scientists Association 1997 | MFN: 002832 Acc No. 3391 301.085+954.93 UYA | 8 |
Matters of Violence, Reflections on Social and Political Violence in Sri Lanka | Jayadeva Uyangoda, Janaka Biyanwila (Eds) | Social Scientists Association 1998 | SRI 301.085 UYA ACC3392 | 8 |
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Matters of Violence, Reflections on Social and Political Violence in Sri Lanka | Jayadeva Uyangoda (Eds) | Social Scientists Association 2008 | 301.085'954'93 UYA MFN:3607 5039 | 8 |
Matters of Violence, Reflections on Social and Political Violence in Sri Lanka | Jayadeva Uyangoda (Eds) | Social Scientists Association 2008 | 301.085'954'93 UYA MFN: 3607 5038 | 8 |
Mawila Penewi Roope | Hiniduma Sunil Senevi | 791.954'93 SEN | 33 | |
May 24 Pera ha Pasu | Kusal Perera, Anton Marcus | 329 PER | 20 | |
Mediaeval Sinhalese Art, Second Edition | Ananda K. Coomaraswamy | Pantheon Books 1979 | 703.35' 954'93 COO 2567 | 33 |
Medusa's Hair, An Essay on Personal Symbols and Religious Experience | Gananath Obeyesekere | The University of Chicago Press 1981 | SRI 306.6 OBE ACC 5226 | 12 |
Memoir on the History of the Tooth Relic of Ceylon | J. Gerson Da Cunha | Asian Educational Services 1996 | 954.932' 94363 CUN 2438 | 39 |
Memoir on the History of the Tooth Relic of Ceylon | J.Gerson Da Cunha | Asian Educational Services 2001 | 954.93 DAC 5506 | 39 |
Memoir on Village Agriculture in Ceylon | N.Wickramaratne | 1983 | 630 MUD 7728 | 32 |
Memoirs of Osmund Jayaratne | Godage International Publishers 2004 | 8-94 SOC 4092 | 44 | |
Memoirs of the Archaeological Survey of Ceylon Vol. II | A.M.Hocart(Ed) | Asian Educational Services 1996 | 954.93 HOC 3423 | 40 |
Mental Health in the Tamil Community | Daya Somasundaram, S.Sivayokan (Eds) | Transcultural Psychosocial Organization 2000 | 362.305' 954'93 SOM | 29 |
Mettallic Modern: Everyday Machines in Colonial Sri Lanka | Nira Wickramasinghe | Berghahn Books 2014 | 338.09 WIC | 24 |
Micro Economics : Theory and Applications | Edwin Mansfield | W.W. Norton & Company . Inc | 330 man | 23 |
Migration in South Asia Poverty and Vulnerability SAAPE Poverty and Vulnerability Report 2020 | Babu P. Ramesh, Akhil Ranjan Dutta, Mohan Mani | South Asia Alliance for Poverty Eradication | 360 MIG | 28 |
Migration in South Asia Poverty and Vulnerability SAAPE Poverty and Vulnerability Report 2020 | Babu P. Ramesh, Akhil Ranjan Dutta, Mohan Mani | South Asia Alliance for Poverty Eradication | 360 MIG | 28 |
Migration in South Asia Poverty and Vulnerability SAAPE Poverty and Vulnerability Report 2020 | Babu P. Ramesh, Akhil Ranjan Dutta, Mohan Mani | South Asia Alliance for Poverty Eradication | 360 MIG | 28 |
Militarizing Sri Lanka. Popular Culture, Memory and Narrative in the Armed Conflict | Neloufer De Mel | Sage Publications 2007 | 355.954'93 Acc 4960 DEM | |
Minority Protection in South Asia | Amena Mohsin, Bishnu N. Mohapatra, Mehendra Lawoti, Jayadeva Uyangoda, Ahmad Salim | UBSPD 2003 | 323.1+ 954.93 Acc.4579 UYA | 16 |
Modern Ceylon Studies A Journal of the Social Sciences Volume 1 Number 2 July 1970 | G.H. Peiris (Ed) | 803.95493 UNI 4478 | 33 | |
Modern Ceylon Studies A Journal of the Social Sciences Volume 2 Number I January 1971 | 1973 | 803.95493 UNI | 33 | |
Modern Ceylon Studies A Journal of the Social Sciences Volume 3 Number 1 July 1972 | 1974 | 803.954 93 UNI 4480 | 33 | |
Modern Ceylon Studies A Journal of the Social Sciences Volume 3 Number 2 July 1972 | 1975 | 803.954'93 UNI 4481 | 33 | |
Modern Ceylon Studies A Journal of the Social Sciences Volume 4 Number 1 & 2 January & July 1973 | 1975 | 803.954'93 UNI SRI 01/06 4482 | 33 | |
Modern Ceylon Studies A Journal of the Social Sciences Volume 5 Number 2 July 1974 | 1975 | 803.954'93 UNI 4483 | 33 | |
Modern Ceylon Studies A Journal of the Social Sciences Volume 6 Number I January 1975 | 1977 | 803.954'93 UNI 4484 | 33 | |
Modern Ceylon Studies A Journal of the Social Sciences Volume I Number I January 1970 | G.H. Peiris (Ed) | University of Ceylon 1970 | 803.954'93 UNI 4807 | 33 |
Modern Ceylon Studies A Journal of the Social Sciences Volume I Number I January 1970 | G.H. Peiris (Ed) | University of Ceylon 1970 | 803.954'93 UNI 4477 | 33 |
Modern Germany Its History and Civilization | Koppel S. Pinson | The Macmillan Company 1954 | 900.94 PIN 820 | 35 |
Modern Sri Lanka Studies A Journal of the Social Sciences Volume III Number 1 January-July 1988 | 1993 | 803.954'93 UNI | 33 | |
Modern Sri Lanka: A Society in Transition | Tissa Fernando and Robert N. Kearney (Eds) | Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs Syracuse University 1979 | SRI 301.15 FER | 8 |
Modern Sri Lankan Stories. An Anthology | D.C.R.A. Goonetilleke | Sri Satguru 1986 | 832.954'93 GOO 1560 | 35 |
Modernist Theory. Trimming the Printed Word: The Instance of Pre- Modern Sinhala society | Michael Roberts | International Centre for Ethnic Studies 2002 | Acc 4775 199+954.93 MFN.3478 SRI 01/03 | 45 |
Monographs on Tea Production in Ceylon No.4 Tea Manufacture in Ceylon | E.L. Keegel | The Tea Research Institute of Ceylon 1956 | 2791 633.72 KEE SRI. 633.72 | 32 |
Monthly Review Vol 70 No 2 June 2018 | ||||
Monthly Review Vol 70 No 4 September 2018 | ||||
Monthly Review Vol 70 No 5 October 2018 | ||||
Monthly Review Vol. 70 No. 10 March 2019 | John Bellamy Foster | Monthly Review Press | 930GLI | 36 |
Monthly Review VOL. 70 No. 6 November 2018 | John Bellamy Foster | Monthly Review Press | 930 MON | 36 |
Monuments and Sites Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka ICOMES Publication Committee | Central Cultural Fund | 954 NAT 6148 | 38 |
Monuments and Sites Sri Lanka | ICOMOS 1996 | 954 NAT | ||
Moondram Ulakil Penniyamum Thasiyamum. Erandam Pakam | Kumari Jayawardena | Social Scientists Association 2003 | ||
Moondram Ulakil Penniyamum Thasiyamum. Muthalam Pakam | Kumari Jayawardena | Social Scientists Association 2003 | ||
More Open Than Usual. An Assessment of the Experiment in University Education at Peradeniya and its Antecedents | R.A.L.H. Gunawardana | University of Peradeniya 1992 | SRI 374.4 GUN | |
Mulgirigala | Somapala Jayawardhana | Cultural Publications 1985 | 747.8 JAYV 5950 | 33 |
Multicultural Citizenship | Will Kymlicka | Clarendon Press. Oxford 1995 | ||
Multiculturalism in Asia | Will Kymlicka, Baogang He (Eds) | Oxford University Press 2005 | ||
MUNICIPAL COUNCILS AND URBAN COUNCILS (AMENDMENT) ACT NO 42 OF 1979 | The Government Printing | 97/ 1A | 45 | |
Municipal Councils Ordinance | 1987 | 25 | ||
Muslim Family Law in Sri Lanka: Theory, Practice and Issues of Concern to Women | Chulani Kodikara | Muslim Women's Research and Action Forum, Women Living Under Muslim Laws 1999 | 396.2'297' 954'93 KOD 2932 | 31 |
Muslim Women in the Tenement Gardens of Colombo. A Story of Marginalization, Legitimized by a Culture of Oppression | Minna Thaheer | Social Scientists' Association 2014 | 292 THA 7826 | 45 |
My Belly is White | Austin Fernando | Vijitha Yapa 2008 | 5032 324.954'93 ROR SRI 02/02 | 17 |
My Life and Times An Autobiography Volume One | S. Thondaman | The Media Council 1987 | 92 A/Z THA | |
My Memories of the Plantations of Ceylon | Sepala Ilangakoon | Vijitha Yapa 2003 | 581 ILA 6210 | 31 |
Myths of Empire. Domestic Politics and International Ambition | Jack Snyder | Cornell University Press 1991 | ||
N.M. Perera Anusmarana 6 Deshanaya | Lal Jayawardena | Acc 3570 301.18 JAY | 8 | |
N.U. Jayawardena. The First Five Decades | Kumari Jayawardena & Jennifer Moragoda | N.U Jayawardena Charitable Trust 2008 | 5035 92 A/Z 954.93 JAJ MFN:3710 SRI 03/01 | 10 |
N.U. Jayawardena. The First Five Decades | Kumari Jayawardena & Jennifer Moragoda | N.U Jayawardena Charitable Trust 2008 | Acc 5750 92 A/Z '954'93 JAY SRI 03/01 | 10 |
Nagenahira - Muslim Kanthawange Idiri Dharshanaya thula Tsunami Wyasanaye Balapama | Shreen Saroor | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | ||
Nagenahira-Muslim Kanthawange Idiri Darshanaya Thula Tsunami Wyasanaye Balapaama | Shreen Saroor | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | 303.4850 SRR | 7 |
Nagenahira-Muslim Kanthawange Idiri Darshanaya Thula Tsunami Wyasanaye Balapaama | Shreen Saroor | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | 303.4850 SRR | 7 |
Nagenahira-Muslim Kanthawange Idiri Darshanaya Thula Tsunami Wyasanaye Balapaama | Shreen Saroor | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | 303.4850 SRR | 7 |
Nagenahira-Muslim Kanthawange Idiri Darshanaya Thula Tsunami Wyasanaye Balapaama | Shreen Saroor | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | 303.4850 SRR | 7 |
Nagenahira-Muslim Kanthawange Idiri Darshanaya Thula Tsunami Wyasanaye Balapaama | Shreen Saroor | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | 303.4850 SRR | 7 |
Narrating Tamil Nationalism. Subjectivities & Issues | Michael Roberts | Vijitha Yapa Publications 2005 | Acc 4272 309.933'58 ROB | 34 |
NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE DEVOLUTION EXPERIENCE OF SRI LANKA | Tressie Leitan | National Integration Programme Unit | 000 LEI | 43 |
National Conference on the Education of Muslims in Sri Lanka: August 21st and 22nd 1993 | University of Peradeniya | University of Peradeniya 1993 | 370+297 MUS ACC 2412 | 30 |
National Museum of Ceylon Handbook Series (2) Prehistoric Archaeology in Ceylon | S.P.F.Senaratne | The Department of National Museums 1969 | 930.26' 954'93 SEN 745 | 36 |
National Museums of ceylon Handbook Series 2 | S.P.F Senaratne | The department of national museums ceylon | 930.26' 954'93 SEN 745 | 36 |
NATIONAL Strategic Review Of Food Security And Nutrition | South Asia Policy And Research Institute | |||
Nationalism | Peter Alter | Edward Arnold 1985 | ||
Nationalism and Particularity | Andrew Vincent | The press syndicate of the University of Cambridge 2002 | 320.54 VIN | 13 |
Nationhood and Political Theory | Margaret Canovan | Edward Elgar 1996 | 320.101 CAN | 13 |
Natural Resources of Sri Lanka Conditions and Trends | Mr. Malcolm F Baldwin (Ed) | Keells Businesss Systems Ltd 1991 | SRI 502.7 NAT 1777 | 31 |
Nava Sama Samajaya. News, Letters and Comments Sep 1989-Jun1990 | SRI 329 NAV | 20 | ||
Navagampura & Aramaya Place | Sunimal Fernando, Willie Gamage, Dharmawansa Peiris | National Housing Development Authority 1987 | SRI 351 +53 FER | 28 |
Necessary Yet Insufficient Women's quota for wider political representation in Sri Lanka | Pradeep Peiris and Hasini Lecamwasam | Women And Media Collective | 305 PEI | 6 |
Necessary Yet Insufficient Women's quota for wider political representation in Sri Lanka | Pradeep Peiris and Hasini Lecamwasam | Women And Media Collective | 305 PEI | 6 |
Necessary Yet Insufficient Women's quota for wider political representation in Sri Lanka | Pradeep Peiris and Hasini Lecamwasam | Women And Media Collective | 305 PEI | 6 |
Needs of Children & Adolescents. A Case Study of Sri Lanka | Marga Institute 1975 | 301.43 MAR | 8 | |
Neelam Tiruhelvam Selected Writings: Human Rights Constitutionalism Diversity and Pluralism | International Centre for Ethnic Studies | 342.7 (100) ICE | 27 | |
Neelan Tiruchelvam 1944-1999 | Harvard Law School | Harvard Law School | SRI 92 A/Z HAR | 9 |
Neelan Tiruchelvam 1944-1999: Sri Lankan Visionary and World Citizen Selected Tributes | ICES | International Centre for Ethnic Studies | SRI 92 A/Z INI ACC 3479 | 9 |
Neelan Tiruchelvam. Commemoration Programme January 30th - February 1st 2000 | SRI 92 A/Z ICE 3478 | 10 | ||
Negombo Constituency- A Case Study. Studies in Politics National and International | Urmila Phadnis, M.S. Ranjan (Ed) | Vikas Publications | MFN: 002509 Acc. No. :2791 329.9 PHA | 20 |
Negotiating Household Politics Women's Strategies in Urban Sri Lanka | Sepali Kottegoda | Social Scientists' Association 2004 | 305.3 KOT ACC 4068 | 6 |
Negotiating Peace in Sri Lanka Efforts, Failures & Lessons | Dr. Kumar Rupesinghe (Ed) | International Alert 1998 | SRI 341.6 RUP 2464 | 26 |
Negotiating Peace in Sri Lanka Efforts, Failures & Lessons | Dr. Kumar Rupesinghe (Ed) | International Alerts 1998 | SRI 341.6 RUP2463 | 26 |
Negotiating Peace in Sri Lanka Efforts, Failures & Lessons Volume Two | Kumari Rupesinghe (Ed) | Foundation for Co-Existence 2006 | 327 RUP | 18 |
Negotiating Peace in Sri Lanka, Efforts, Failure & Lessons. Volume One, 2nd Edition | Kumar Rupesinghe (Ed) | The Foundation for Co-Existence 2006 | 303.66+ 954.93 Acc 4489 RUP | 7 |
Negotiating Peace in Sri Lanka, Efforts, Failure & Lessons. Volume Two | Kumar Rupesinghe (Ed) | Foundation for Co-Existence | 303.69+ 954.93 Acc 4488 RUP | 7 |
Negotiating Peace in Sri Lanka. Efforts, Failures & Lessons | Kumar Rupesinghe (Ed) | International Alert of london 1998 | 172.4 RUP | 47 |
Negotiating Peace in Sri Lanka. Efforts, Failures & Lessons | Dr. Kumar Rupesinghe (Ed) | International Alert of london 1998 | SRI 341.6 RUP | 26 |
Nehru and Sri Lanka | Gopalkrishna Gandhi (Ed) | Sarvodaya Vishva Lekha Publication 2002 | 92 A/Z GAN | 10 |
Neo-Liberal Ideology From its Origins to the Present. A Retrospective | Eric Toussaint | Vikas Adhyayan Kendra 2011 | 320 NEO | 43 |
Networking and the Future of Libraries 2. Managing the Intellectual Record | Lorcan Dempsey, Derek Law, Ian Mowat (Eds) | University of Bath 1995 | 025.1 BEM | 2 |
New Delhi and Sri Lanka, Four Decades of Politics and Diplomacy | P. Ramaswamy | Allied Publishers Private Limited 1987 | 954 RAM 6184 | 38 |
New Delhi and Sri Lanka: Four Decades of Politics and Diplomacy | P. Ramaswamy | Allied Publishers Private Limited 1987 | 5300 327.1'954'93 RAM SRI 01/09 | 18 |
New Democracy. Quaterly Theoretical Organ of N.D.P, Sri Lanka No.1 July 1999 | E.Thambiah | 320 DEM | 11 | |
New Dimensions of Social Stratification in Rural Sri Lanka | Jayantha Perera | Lake House Investments LTD 1985 | Acc 4470 PER SRI 03/02 301.35 | 8 |
New Dimensions of Social Stratification in Rural Sri Lanka | Jayantha Perera | Lake House Investments LTD 1985 | Acc. 1734 301.35 PER SRI 03/02 | 8 |
Newton Gunasinghe Lipi Ekathuwa 1 Samaja Nyaya saha Bhawithaya | Newton Gunasinghe | 330.04 954'93 GUN | 23 | |
Newton Gunasinghe Lipi Ekathuwa 1 Samaja Nyaya saha Bhawithaya | Newton Gunasinghe | 330.04 954'93 GUN | 23 | |
Newton Gunasinghe Lipi Ekathuwa 1 Samaja Nyaya saha Bhawithaya | Newton Gunasinghe | 330.04 954'93 GUN | 23 | |
Newton Gunasinghe Lipi Ekathuwa 1 Samaja Nyaya saha Bhawithaya | Newton Gunasinghe | 330.04 954'93 GUN | 23 | |
Newton Gunasinghe Memorial Lecture 2012 | 301 GUN | 8 | ||
Newton Gunasinghe: Selected Essays | Sasanka Perera (Ed) | Social Scientists' Association 2011 | 5849 330.095493 | 21 |
Newton Gunasinghe: Selected Essays | Sasanka Perera (Ed) | Social Scientists' Association 2011 | 5848 330.095493 | 21 |
Newton Gunasinghe: Selected Essays | Sasanka Perera (Ed) | Social Scientists' Association 2011 | 5848 330.095493 | 21 |
Newton Gunasinghe: Thoragath Lipi | Ranjith Perera | 089.9148 PRR | 2 | |
Newton Gunasinghe: Thoragath Lipi | Ranjith Perera | 089.9148 PRR | 2 | |
NGO Billa | Jayadeva Uyangoda, Kumari Jayawardena, Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu | Social Scientists' Association 1997 | 301.175 SOC | 8 |
NGO Billa | Jayadeva Uyangoda, Kumari Jayawardena, Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu | Social Scientists' Association 1997 | 301.175 SOC | 8 |
NGO Billa | Social Scientists' Association 1997 | 327.32+954.93 SSA | 20 | |
Nidahas Sri Lanakawe Aarthika Pragathiya | 330.954' SRI | 23 | ||
Nirbadhee Aarthikayak Kara: Samajawadee Kramayakin Withan weema: Hungariyawe Nidarshana | Janos Kornai | 323.2 COR | 15 | |
Nirbadhee Aarthikayak Kara: Samajawadee Kramayakin Withan weema: Hungariyawe Nidarshana | Janos Kornai | 323.2 COR | 15 | |
Nirbadheekaranaya Handinweemak | Amit Bhaduri, Deepak Nayyar/ W.D. Lakshman | 329.12 BAD | 20 | |
Nivedini journal of Gender Studies Volume 22 December 2018 | women's educatin and research centre Sri Lanka | 930 NIV | 36 | |
NM A Short Biography | Silva | 1975 | SRI 92 A/Z DES | |
No Life Without Roots: Culture And Development | Thierry G. Verhelst, Bob Cumming | Zed Books Ltd. London and New Jersey 1990 | 330.91724 VER | 21 |
Nobodies to Somebodies, The Rise of The Colonial Bourgeoisie in Sri Lanka | Kumari Jayawardena | Social Scientisits' Association and Sanjiva Books 2000 | MFN:002508 Acc No. 3858 323.3 JAY | 43 |
Nobodies to Somebodies, The Rise of The Colonial Bourgeoisie in Sri Lanka | Kumari Jayawardena | Social Scientisits' Association and Sanjiva Books 2001 | 323.3 JAY ACC 3517 | 15 |
Nobodies to Somebodies, The Rise of The Colonial Bourgeoisie in Sri Lanka | Kumari Jayawardena | Social Scientisits' Association and Sanjiva Books 2000 | MFN: 002508 Acc. No. 3516 323.3 JAY | 15 |
Nobodies to Somebodies, The Rise of The Colonial Bourgeoisie in Sri Lanka | Kumari Jayawardena | Social Scientists' Association and Sanjiva Books 2000 | 323.3+ 954.93 Acc 4664 JAY | |
Nobodies to Somebodies, The Rise of The Colonial Bourgeoisie in Sri Lanka | Kumari Jayawardena | Social Scientists' Association and Sanjiva Books 2000 | SRI 323.3 JAY ACC 3858 | 15 |
Nobodies to Somebodies, The Rise of The Colonial Bourgeoisie in Sri Lanka | Kumari Jayawardena | Social Scientists' Association and Sanjiva Books 2003 | Acc 5257 325.3+954.93 | |
Nobodies to Somebodies, The Rise of The Colonial Bourgeoisie in Sri Lanka | Kumari Jayawardena | Social Scientisits' Association and Sanjiva Books 2000 | Acc N100532 954.93 MFN 2508 | |
Nokala Yuththe Kumakda: Prathigamee Wamata Pragathi Dakmak | C.J. Amaratunga | 320.0924'95493 AMA | 11 | |
Non- Aligned Conferences: Basic Documents 1961 - 1975 | Sirimavo Bandaranaike | Bandaranaike Centre for International Studies 1976 | MFN:002561 Acc. No:2703 341.24 +954.34 BAN | 26 |
Noothana Sinhala Sahithya Wicharaya: Marx Wadi Adyanaya | Piyaseeli Wijegunasinghe | Acc 1819 008.1'954'93 WIJ SRI- 01/02 | 1 | |
Northern Ceylon (Sri Lanka) in The 19th Century | Bertram Bastiampillai | Godage International Publishers 2006 | 954 BAS 6217 | 38 |
Northern Ireland: The Thatcher Years | Frank Gaffikin and Mike Morrissey | Zed Books 1990 | 37 | |
Notes on Jaffna, Chronological, Historical, Biographical | John. H. Martyn | Asian Educational Services 2002 | 954.932 MAR 4497 | 40 |
NTC's Anthology of Nonfiction | Jane Bachman Gordon, Karen Kuehner | NTC Publishing Group 1996 | Acc DOO 1773 MFN 5244 808'08 GOK | 34 |
Nuwara Eliya. The Beginning and its Growth | G.P.S.H. De Silva | Department of Information 1978 | 223.32' 954'34 DES | 4 |
Objections to Humanism | H.J. Blackham (Ed) | J. B. Lippincott Company 1963 | ||
Objective Knowledge. An Evolutionary Approach | Karl R. Popper | Oxford at the Clarendon Press 1972 | 290 POP | 4 |
October Wiplawaya Araksha Kireema Sandaha | Leon Trotsky, Piyaseeli Wijegunasinghe | 320 TRO | 11 | |
Of Nadesan and Judges | Suriya Wickremasinghe | The Nadesan Centre 1997 | Acc 4014 MFN 3094 92 AIZ 954.93 WIC | 10 |
Of Nadesan and Judges | Suriya Wickremasinghe | The Nadesan Centre 1997 | MFN 3094 92 AIZ 954.93 WIC | 9 |
Office On Missing Person Sri Lanka: Taking Women Into Account Position Paper | FOKUS WOMEN | FOKUS WOMEN | 305 OFF | 6 |
Office On Missing Person Sri Lanka: Taking Women Into Account Position Paper | FOKUS WOMEN | FOKUS WOMEN | 305 OFF | 6 |
Okkoma Rajawaru Okkoma Wasiyo? Rajyaya Pilibanda Deshapalana Nyaya saha Bhawithaya | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 320.01 UYA | 11 |
Okkoma Rajawaru Okkoma Wasiyo? Rajyaya Pilibanda Deshapalana Nyaya saha Bhawithaya | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 320 | 11 |
On Devolution Unitarism and Majoritarian Elitism (Some Observations on the Response to the Interim Report of the Sinhala Commission) | Chitra Wijesekera | 1999 | 320 VIJ | 11 |
On Toleration | Michael Walzer | Yale University Press 1997 | ||
One Half the People. The Fight for Women Suffrage | Anne Firor Scott and Andrew Mackay Scott | University of Illinois Press 1975 | 324.62 SCO | 17 |
Only Man is Vile. The Tragedy of Sri Lanka | William McGowan | 1992 | SRI 323.2+954 MCG ACC 2943 | 16 |
Opportunities for the Productive Poor: Perspectives on Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods in Sri Lanka | Ishara Rathnayake, Priyanthi Fernando (Eds) | Centre for Poverty Analysis 2009 | 338.1' 95493 RAT 5842 | 24 |
Organization of Peasants in Asia. Selected Problems of Social Development. Workshop Series Report V | Friedrich Ebert Stiftung | 331 (5) ORG | 23 | |
Organizing People for Power /A Manual for Organizer | Felipe E. Maglaya | Asian Committee for People's Organization 1978 | 320 MAG | 13 |
Origin and Development of the Hindu Religion and People (Some Aspects) | DR. C. Sivaratnam | Colombo 1978 | 294.5 SIV 8455 | 5 |
Origins of Trotskyism in Ceylon | George Jan Lerski | Hoover Institution 1968 | SRI 329.14 LER | 20 |
Origins of Trotskyism in Ceylon | George Jan Lerski | Hoover Institution 1968 | Acc 4200 MFN 2520 329.14 LER SRI 01/10 | 20 |
Our Common Humanity: Asian Human Rights Charter: A Peoples' Charter | Asian Human Rights Commission | 342.7 ASI 3432 | 27 | |
Our George | Jane Russell | Government Of Sri Lanka 1981 | SRI 92 A/Z RUS | 10 |
Our George | Jane Russell | Government of Sri Lanka Successor to the Business Undertaking of the Times of Ceylon Limited 1981 | 92.95493 RUS | 10 |
Out of the Shadows' War Affected Women With Disabilities in Sri Lanka | Dinesha Samararatne, Karen Soldatic and Binendri Perera | Law & Society Trust, Western Sydney University 2018 | 305 SAM | 6 |
Out of the Shadows' War Affected Women With Disabilities in Sri Lanka | Dinesha Samararatne, Karen Soldatic and Binendri Perera | Law & Society Trust, Western Sydney University 2018 | 305 SAM | 6 |
Out of the Shadows' War Affected Women With Disabilities in Sri Lanka | Dinesha Samararatne, Karen Soldatic and Binendri Perera | Law & Society Trust, Western Sydney University 2018 | 305 SAM | 6 |
Out of the Shadows' War Affected Women With Disabilities in Sri Lanka (Sinhala) | Dinesha Samararatne, Karen Soldatic and Binendri Perera | Law & Society Trust, Western Sydney University 2018 | ||
Out of the Shadows' War Affected Women With Disabilities in Sri Lanka (Tamil) | Dinesha Samararatne, Karen Soldatic and Binendri Perera | Law & Society Trust, Western Sydney University 2018 | ||
Out Steppes the Don | C.C. De Silva | M.D.Gunasena & Co.Ltd 1966 | 914.70 SIL 8463 | 35 |
Outlines of Ceylon History | Donald Obeyesekere | The Times of Ceylon and Asian Educational Services 1999 | 9584.93 OBE 4495 | 39 |
Oxford School Atlas 30th Revised Edition | Oxford University Press 2002 | 913 OXF | 35 | |
Paalnilaiyum Sunamiyum | Chamila Attanpola, Cathrine Brun & Ragnhild Lund | Social Scientists' Association 2010 | 5776 303.485082 95493 ATT | |
Paalnilaiyum Sunamiyum | Chamila Attanpola, Cathrine Brun & Ragnhild Lund | Social Scientists' Association 2010 | 5777 303.485082 95493 ATI | |
Pagoda House, Recollections of Childhood | Alfreda De Silva | 1990 | 4289 92 A/Z+ 954.93 DES LK(SRI) | 10 |
Pagoda House, Recollections of Childhood | Alfreda De Silva | 1990 | SRI 92 A/Z DES 1645 | 10 |
Palath Palanaya Saha Pradeshiya Prajathanthravadaya Mulika Sankalpa | Jayadeva Uyangoda | 000 UYA | 43 | |
Palm Leaves and Postcards. Material Culture and its Representation in Colonial Ceylon | Jonathan S. Walters | Whitman College 1995 | 954.93 WAL 3255 | 40 |
Palmyra Fallen From Rajani to Wars End | Ranjan Hoole | University Teachers for Human Rights (Jaffna) 2015 | 323 HOO | 16 |
Panakaduwe Tamba Sannasa | Kolawenigama, Deniyaya 1985 | 930.271' 954'93 RAT 1619 | 36 | |
Pannaseeha Pahasaraniya Vol 2 | Ven. Madihe Pannaseeha | 92 A/Z'294'329 PEN MFN: 3617 5074 | 5 | |
Pantheen Panthi Satana Saha Rajyaya | K.V. De Silva | 306.2'954'93 DES | 12 | |
Paper Boats | C.R. Sirimanne, Samantha Sirimanne, Angeline Singam | Women's Education Centre 1989 | 811 SIR 7739 | 34 |
Paradise Poisoned, Learning About Conflict, Terrorism and Development From Sri Lanka's Civil Wars | John Richardson | International Center for Ethnic Studies 2005 | MFN: 003256 Acc. No. N100007 303.6:323.28 +954.93 RIC | 7 |
Parani Lakdiwa Kanthawa: 7th century BC to 15th century AD | Indrani Munasinghe | Acc 2915 MFN 3711 305.420'954'93 MUN | 6 | |
Parikalpanaye Awasanaya | Arundathi Roy, K.G. Karunatilake | Social Scientists' Association,1999 | 320 ROY | 11 |
Parikalpanaye Awasanaya | Arundathi Roy, K.G. Karunatilake | Social Scientists' Association,1999 | 320 ROY | 11 |
Parliament of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Geneva Conventions Act No 4 of 2006 | Government Publications Bureau 2006 | 97/ 1A SRI 7933 | 1 | |
Parliamentary Control and Government Accountability in South Asia. A Comparative Analysis of Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka | Taiabur Rahman | Routledge 2008 | 320.954 RAH | 22 |
Parliamentary General Election 10th October 2000. Detailed Results (Votes & Preferences) (Badulla, Moneragala, Ratnapura & Kegalle Districts) | Department of Elections | 070 PUB | 3 | |
Parliamentary General Election 10th October 2000. Detailed Results (Votes & Preferences) (Galle, Matara & Hambantota Districts) | Department of Elections | |||
Parliamentary General Election 10th October 2000. Detailed Results (Votes & Preferences) (Kandy,Matale & Nuwara-Eliya Districts) | Department of Elections | 070 PRA | 3 | |
Parliamentary General Election-10.10.2000 | ||||
Paschathnoothanawadaya, Wala ha Vila | Mahinda Pathirana | Acc 5837 190 PAT | 47 | |
Past as Prelude. History in the Making of a New World Order | Meredith Woo-Cumings & Michael Loriaux | Westview Press 1993 | 321 WOO ACC 3147 | 14 |
Pathinith Theivamum Sunamiium | Athulasiri Kumara Samarakon | Social Scientists Association 2010 | 5775 363.39082 SAM | |
Pathinith Theivamum Sunamiium | K. Shanmugalingam | Social Scientists Association 2010 | 5774 363.34082 SAM | |
Pathways of Dissent Tamil Nationalism in Sri Lanka | R. Cheran (Ed) | Sage Publications 2009 | ||
Pathways of the Left in Sri Lanka | Marshal Fernando & B.Skanthakumar (Eds) | Ecumenical Institute for Study and Dialogue 2014 | 320 SRI | 13 |
Pathways of the Left in Sri Lanka | Marshal Fernando & B.Skanthakumar (Eds) | Ecumenical Institute for Study and Dialogue 2014 | 13 | |
Pathways of the Left in Sri Lanka | Marshal Fernando & B.Skanthakumar (Eds) | Ecumenical Institute for Study and Dialogue 2014 | 13 | |
Patitha samaja sanskruthika samiksha | Colombo institute for the advanced study of society & culture | 301.306 SAM | 8 | |
Patitha: Samaja Sanskruthika Sameeksha Volume 07 | Samaja Sanskruthika Thiwra Adhyanaya Sandaha wu Colombo Ayathanaya | Acc 5806 305.8' 95493 PER | 6 | |
Pawathma ha Garuthwaya | Jayantha Seneviratne, Somapriya Dahanayake | 323 SEN | 15 | |
Pawula Thula Aithiwasikam | Kamalini Wijayatilaka, Cameena Gunaratna (Eds) | 304+341.2 WIJ | 9 | |
Pawula Thula Ayithiwasikam | Kamalini Wijayathilaka, Kameena Gunarathna (Eds) | Center for Women's Research | 304+ 341.2 WIJ | |
Peace Audit 2006 Supporting an Enabling Environment for Peace in Sri Lanka. Analysis of Community Perspectives on Peace and Conflict in Sri Lanka | Consortium of Humanitarian Agencies 2006 | 323.34+ 954.93 Acc.4524 CON | 16 | |
Peace in Sri Lanka Obstacles and Opportunities | World Alliance For Peace in Sri Lanka 2005 | SRI 172.4 PEA ACC 6350 | 47 | |
Peace Process and Muslim Consensus(Discussion Paper) | Peace Secretariat for Muslims | 47 | ||
Peace Under Heaven | Ch'ae Man-Sik | An East Gate Book 1993 | 895.73 SIK 3098 | 35 |
Peace Unity and Coexistence | J.R. Jayewardena | Ministry of Plan Implementation 1985 | 301.08 JAY | 8 |
Peace Work: Women, Armed Conflict and Negotiation | Radhika Coomaraswamy & Dilrukshi Fonseka (Eds) | Women Unlimted, International Center for Ethnic Studies 2004 | 396.2 COO 4162 | 31 |
Peace, Peacebuilding and Conflict: An Annotated Bibliography | Chammika Mallawaarachchi | Consortium of Humanitarian Agencies 2005 | 025.31 Acc. 4944 MAL | 2 |
Peace: Affinities, Divisions and Transformations | American Anthropological Association 2003 | 658.45 AME | ||
Peasant Protest and Elite Strategies in Asia Case Studies : India, The Philippines and Sri Lanka | Victor P. Karunan | Dept. of Cultural Anthropology University of Nijmegen The Netherlands 1992 | SRI (043) +3 954 KAR | 45 |
Peasant Resettlement in Sri Lanka | Michel De Vroey, N. Shanmugaratnam | Tricontinental Centre 1984 | SRI 631 DEV 3130 | 32 |
Peethrumulikathwaya Yanu Kumakda? | Kamla Bhasin | Social Scientists' Association | 331.1 BAS | 23 |
Peethrumulikathwaya Yanu Kumakda? | Kamla Bhasin | Social Scientists' Association | 331.1 BAS | 23 |
Peethrumulikathwaya Yanu Kumakda? | Kamla Bhasin | Social Scientists' Association | 331.1 BAS | 23 |
Peethrumulikathwaya Yanu Kumakda? | Kamla Bhasin | Social Scientists' Association | 331.1 BAS | 23 |
Pengalin Suvadukalilerunthu Sela Adikal | Santhi Sachithanantham | Womens Education Centre 1990 | ||
Pengalin Suvadukalilerunthu Sela Adikal | Santhi Sachithanantham | Womens Education Centre 1990 | ||
Pennilaivathamum Thasiyavathamum | Kumari Jayawardena | Sanjiva 2000 | ||
People Inbetween Volume 1 | Michael Roberts, Ismeth Raheem, Percy Colin-Thome | Sarvodaya Book Publishing Services 1989 | MFN: 003177 Acc No. 3562 931 +954.93 ROB | 41 |
People Sri Lanka | Tom Tidball | Tidball Photography Pvt Ltd 2008 | Acc 5285 MFN: 4091 730 924 TID | 33 |
Peoples Democracy. A Case for Panchayana Prajathantraya for Sri Lanka | Nath Amarakone | Sanathana Publications | SRI 329.22 AMA | 20 |
Periodization in Sri Lankan History. Some Reflections With Special Emphasis on the Development of the State | R.A.L.H. Gunawardana | Social Scientists' Association 2008 | 320.95 GUN | 22 |
Periodization in Sri Lankan History. Some Reflections With Special Emphasis on the Development of the State | R.A.L.H. Gunawardana | Social Scientists' Association 2008 | Acc 5051 320.954'93 GUN | 22 |
Periodization in Sri Lankan History. Some Reflections With Special Emphasis on the Development of the State | R.A.L.H. Gunawardana | Social Scientists' Association 2008 | 320.95 GUN | 22 |
Periodization in Sri Lankan History. Some Reflections With Special Emphasis on the Development of the State | R.A.L.H. Gunawardana | Social Scientists Association 2008 | 320.95 GUN | 22 |
Periodization in Sri Lankan History. Some Reflections With Special Emphasis on the Development of the State | R.A.L.H. Gunawardana | Social Scientists' Association 2008 | Acc 5045 320.954'93 GUN | 22 |
Permanent Revolution: Works by Leon Trotsky On the Permanent Revolution | 070 PER | 3 | ||
Persistent Patriarchy Women Workers on Sri Lankan Plantations | Rachel Kurian, Kumari Jayawardena | Social Scientists' Association 2014 | 399 KUR 7862 | 31 |
Personalities Sri Lanka A Biographical Study 1490-1990 AD | Dr. K.D.G.Wimalaratne | Ceylon Business Appliances Ltd 1994 | 92 '16' 954 WIM | 10 |
Perspectives for Social Development in Sri Lanka | S.T.Hettige, Markus Mayer (Eds) | Social Policy Analysis & Research Centre 2005 | 361.2+ 954.93 Acc 4573 HET | 28 |
Perspectives in Archaeology | Leelananda Prematilleke Festschrift | Department of Archaeology 1990 | 930.26'954'93 FES 1803 | 37 |
Perspectives on National Integration in Sri Lanka | Amal Jayawardane (Ed) | National Integration Programme Unit 2006 | 370.954'93 JAY 5795 | 30 |
Pharmaceuticals: A Third World Experience. Senaka Bibile The Man and His Work | 1977 | SRI 92 PHA 841 | 10 | |
Philip Gunawardena. The Making of a Revolutionary | Charles Wesley Ervin | Social Scientists' Association 2001 | Acc 5059 92 A/Z '954'93 ERV SRI 03/01 | 10 |
Philip Gunawardena. The Making of a Revolutionary | Charles Wesley Ervin | Social Scientists' Association 2001 | 92 A/Z ERV 7988 | 10 |
Philip Gunawardena. The Making of a Revolutionary | Charles Wesley Ervin | Social Scientists' Association 2001 | 92 A/Z ERV 3584 | 10 |
Philip Gunawardena: The Marking of a Revolutionary | Charles Wesley Ervin | Social Scientists' Association 2008 | 5058 | 23 |
Philip The Early Years | Lakmali Gunawardena | Philip Gunawardena Foundation 1996 | SRI 92 A-Z GUN 3673 | 10 |
Philip The Early Years | Lakmali Gunawardena | Philip Gunawardena Foundation 1996 | SRI 92 A/Z GUN 3482 | 10 |
Philip The Early Years | Lakmali Gunawardena | Philip Gunawardena Foundation 1996 | SRI 92 A/Z GUN 4085 | 10 |
Philosophical Foundation of the Three Sociologies | Ted Benton | Routledge & Kegan Paul 1977 | ||
Physical Geography A Landscape Appreciation | Tom L. McKnight | Prentice-Hall Inc. | 551 MCK | 31 |
Pieter Keuneman - A Profile | Basil Perera | 1967 | 92 A/Z PER LK(SRI) PC 39 | 10 |
Pilgrim Souls | Amy Mandelker | MIN 5386 291.'4'092'.2 2216 | 45 | |
Pioneer Rebels Among The Colombo Working-Class | Kumari Jayawardena | Sanjiva Books | Acc 3569 MFN 2690 364.131'324.21'795' JAY SRI 01/08 | 28 |
Pioneer Rebels Among The Colombo Working-Class | Kumari Jayawardena | Sanjiva Books | 2608 364.131'324.217+ 954.93 JAY LK (SRI) 01/08 | 28 |
Pirimikama Gana Wimasumak | Kamla Bhasin | Social Scientists' Association 2005 | 305.3 BHA | 6 |
Pirimikama Gana Wimasumak | Kamla Bhasin | Social Scientists' Association 2005 | 305.3 BHA | 6 |
Plant Life | Pamela Duncan | Delacorte Press 2003 | 813.6 DUN 1185 | 34 |
Plantation Agriculture in Sri Lanka: Issues in Employment and Development | W.Gooneratne and D. Wesumperuma (Ed) | International Labour Organisation 1984 | 631.9+ 954 GOO (SRI) 4298 | 32 |
Plato's Republic/ Platoge Janarajaya | I.M.D. Bandara | 321.86 BAN | 14 | |
Plato's Timaeus | Plato/ Francis M. Cornford (Tr) | The Liberal Arts Press, New York | Acc Doo 2724 MFN 2104 888 COR | 46 |
Pluralism | Gregor McLennan | Open University Press 1995 | 300 MCL | 9 |
Polarising Development. Alternatives to Neoliberalism and the Crisis | Lucia Pradella and Thmoas Marois (Eds) | Pluto Press 2015 | ||
Police- Civil Relations for Good Governance | Laksiri Fernando | Social Scientists' Association 2005 | 351.74' 954'93 FER 4147 | 28 |
Police- Civil Relations for Good Governance | Laksiri Fernando | Social Scientists' Association 2005 | 351.74' 954'93 FER 4258 | 28 |
Police-Public Relations | Nandasena Ratnapala | Sarvodaya Research | Acc 5696 351 RAT | 28 |
Policy Brief Democracy and Governance. Reforming Local Government: Ideas for Better and More Democratic Local Government | Social Scientists Association 2011 | 320 DEM | 43 | |
Policy Declaration of the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (People's Liberation Front of Sri Lanka) | Ginipupura Publications | 338.109 95493 GIN 6007 | 24 | |
Political Buddhism in Southeast Asia. The Role of the Sanghain the Modernization of Thailand | Somboon Suksamran | C. Hurst & Company. London 1977 | ||
Political Challenges of the Peace Process | S.A. Jothilingam | Research Centre for Inter Racial Peace 2004 | 303.09 JOT | 7 |
Political Dimensions of South Asian Cooperation | V. Kanesalingam (Ed) | CSCD 1991 | 389 POL 1797 | 30 |
Political Economy of Income Distribution in Sri Lanka | Masihur Rahman | University Press Limited | 330.1 RAH | 21 |
Political Integration Through Decentralization and Devolution of Power: The Sri Lankan Experience | G.R. Tressie Leitan | Department of History and Political Science, University of Colombo 1990 | 327.8 LEI | 18 |
Political Integration Through Decentralization and Devolution of Power: The Sri Lankan Experience | G.R. Tressie Leitan | Department of History and Political Science, University of Colombo 1990 | SRI 327.8 LEI | 18 |
Political Integration Through Power-Sharing in Federal Systems | Prof. G.R. Tressie Leitan | Department of History and Political Science, University of Colombo | 320 LEI | 43 |
Political Oppositions in Industrialising Asia | Garry Rodan (Ed) | Routledge 1996 | ||
Political Order and Political Decay. From the Industrial Revolution to the Globalization of Democracy | Francis Fukuyama | Farrar, Straus and Giroux New York 2014 | 320.1 FUK | 13 |
Political Structure in a Changing Sinhalese Village | Marguerite S. Robinson | Cambridge Univesity Press | 324.954'93 ACC. 4723 ROB | 17 |
Political Theory and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples | Duncan Ivison, Paul Patton, Will Sanders (Eds) | Cambridge University Press 2000 | ||
Political Thought in England. The Utilitarians From Bentham to Mill | William L.Davidson | Oxford University Press 1942 | 320.94 DAV | 13 |
Political Violence in Sri Lanka: Dynamics, Consequences and Issues of Democratization | Sasanka Perera | Centre for Women's Research 1998 | 364.32+ 954.93 PER LK(SRI) 4353 | 28 |
Politicising Democracy. The New Local Politics of Democratisation | John Harriss, Kristian Stokke and Olle Tornquist (Eds) | Palgrave Macmillan 2013 | ||
Politics and Life in Our Times Volume I | T. Duraisingam | 2000 | 320.5 DUR Acc 4946 | 22 |
Politics and Life in Our Times Volume II | T. Duraisingam | 2000 | 320.5 DUR Acc 4947 | 22 |
Politics and Markets in the Wake of the Asian Crisis | Richard Robison, Mark Beeson, Kanishka Jayasuriya and Hyuk- Rae Kim (Eds) | Routledge 2000 | ||
Politics in Sri Lanka 1947-1973 | A. Jeyaratnam Wilson | The Macmillan Press Ltd 1974 | 321.95 WIL | 14 |
Politics of Education Reform and Other Essays | Eric J. De Silva | Sarasavi Publishers 2013 | 370 DES 8023 | 30 |
Politics of Terrorism: The Sri Lanka Experience | Sinha Ratnatunga | International Fellowship for Social and Economic Development 1988 | 323.28 RAT | 16 |
Politics of Terrorism: The Sri Lanka Experience | Sinha Ratnatunga | International Fellowship for Social and Economic Development 1988 | 363.32' 954'93 RAT 1525 | 29 |
Politics, Debates and Discourses of State Reform in Sri Lanka. An Annotated Bibliography | Jayadeva Uyangoda, Sanayi Marcelline | Social Scientists' Association 2013 | 016.37 UYA 7788 | 2 |
Politorbis. No.45 Power Sharing the Swiss Experience | Andrea Iff, Nicole Topperwien | 320 POW | 11 | |
POLITY VOL.02 NO. 1-6 | 070 POL | 3 | ||
POLITY VOL.04 NO.1 | 70 PRA | 3 | ||
POLITY VOL.04 NO.5 | 070 POL | 3 | ||
POLITY VOL.05 NO.1 | 070 POL | 3 | ||
POLITY VOL.05 NO.2 | 070 POL | 3 | ||
POLITY VOL.05 NO.3&4 | 070 POL | 3 | ||
POLITY VOL.05 NO.3&4 | 070 POL | 3 | ||
POLITY VOL.07 ISSUE 2 | 070 POL | 3 | ||
POLITY VOL.11 ISSUE 2 | 070 POL | 3 | ||
Pondering Postinternationalism. A Paradigm for the Twenty-First Century? | Heidi H. Hobbs (Ed) | State University of New York Press 2000 | 327.1 HOB | 18 |
Population and Society | Dennis H. Wrong | Random House 1962 | 312 WRO | 4 |
Population Growth and Economic Development in Ceylon | Gavin W. Jones & S. Selvaratnam | Hansa 1972 | Acc 1499 330.570 GAU SRI 03/04 | 21 |
Porin Padipinaikal 3. Nambikkaiyin Malarchi | John Richardson | Social Scientists' Association 2011 | ||
Portraits of the Ten Patriots of Sri Lanka | W. Thalgodapitiya | T.B.S. Godamunne & Sons Ltd 1966 | SRI 92 A/Z THA 3164 | 10 |
Portraits of the Ten Patriots of Sri Lanka | W.Thalgodapitiya | T.B.S. Godamunne & Sons Ltd 1966 | 92.954'93 THA | 9 |
Portrayal of Women in Teledrama in Sri Lanka | Tressie Leitan, Dr. Neluka Silva, Dr. Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 2000 | SRI 792.1 LEI 3649 | 33 |
Portuguese Borrowings in Sinhala | Shihan De Silva Jayasuriya & Ratna Wijetunge | |||
Post- Independence Evolution of Social Policy & Expenditure in Sri Lanka | Patricia Alailima | Centre for Women's Research 1995 | SRI 304 ALA | 9 |
Post- Independence Evolution of Social Policy & Expenditure in Sri Lanka | Patricia Alailima | Centre for Women's Research 1995 | SRI 301.17 ALA | 8 |
Post War Trends in Child Marriage Sri Lanka | FOKUS WOMEN | 320+5493 SRI | 11 | |
Post War Trends in Child Marriage Sri Lanka | FOKUS WOMEN | 320+5493 SRI | 11 | |
Postcolonial Insecurities: India, Sri Lanka, and the Question of Nationhood | Sankaran Krishna | Oxford University Press 2000 | 323.27 KRI | 20 |
Postmodernity | Barry Smart | Routledge 2010 | 190 SMA | 46 |
Post-Tsunami Media Coverage. The Sri Lankan Experience: A Study of the Media Behaviour | Transparency International Sri Lanka 2005 | MFN: 002720 Acc No. 4285 551.470 24+324.73 +954.93 TRA | 31 | |
Post-Tsunami Media Coverage. The Sri Lankan Experience: A Study of the Media Behaviour | Transparency International Sri Lanka 2005 | MFN: 002720 Acc No.4284 551.470 24+324.73 +954.93 TRA | 31 | |
Poverty & People's Power | Selected Writings of G.V.S. De Silva | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | 082.330 DES | 2 |
Poverty and Conflict: A Review of Literature | Varuni Ganepola and Prashan Thalayasingam | Centre for Poverty Analysis 2004 | 362.5+ 954.93 Acc.4504 GAN | 29 |
Poverty and Inequality in Middle Income Countries. Policy Achievements, Political Obstacles | Braathen, May, Ulriksen & Wright | Zed Books 2016 | ||
Poverty and Social Conflict in Sri Lanka: Integrating Conflict Sensitivity into Poverty Analysis | Ronnate Asirwatham, Prashan Thalaysingam | Centre for Poverty Analysis/ IMCAP Program at the University of Colombo 2004 | MFN:002575 Acc. No. 4290 362.5 +954.34 RON | 29 |
Poverty and Social Conflict in Sri Lanka: Integrating Conflict Sensitivity into Poverty Analysis | Ronnate Asirwatham, Prashan Thalaysingam (Eds) | Centre for Poverty Analysis 2004 | MFN:002603 Acc No. 4174 339.12'304 +954.93 ASI | 25 |
Poverty and the Challenges of the Elderly | Sebastian Taylor, Lakwimashi Perera, Pamela Storey | Centre for Poverty Analysis 2012 | 362.58 TAY 7802 | 29 |
Poverty Issues In Sri Lanka: Towards New Empirical Insights | CEPA, IMCAP, SLAAS 2003 | 362.50' 95493 CEP 6004 | 29 | |
Poverty Measurement : Meanings, Methods and Requirements | Dileni Gunewardena | Centre for Poverty Analysis 2003 | 362.54 954.93 Acc.4727 GUN | 29 |
Poverty Measurement : Meanings, Methods and Requirements | Dileni Gunewardena | Centre for Poverty Analysis 2004 | 362.5 GUN SP.C | 29 |
Poverty Monitoring in Asia | Hans Gsanger, Myriam Fernando | A Publication of selected Papers From The Regional Conference on Poverty Monitoring in Asia, March 2004 | Acc. 4173 339.12 GSA | 25 |
Power and Politics, in the Shadow of Sri Lanka's Armed Conflict | Camilla Orjuela, Sunil Bastian, Sepali Kottegoda, Jayadeva Uyangoda | Sida 2010 | SRI 172.4 POW ACC 6351 | 47 |
Power and Politics, in the Shadow of Sri Lanka's Armed Conflict | Camilla Orjuela(Ed), Sunil Bastian, Sepali Kottegoda, Jayadeva Uyangoda | Sida 2010 | Acc 5961 320 UYA | 11 |
Power and Politics, in the Shadow of Sri Lanka's Armed Conflict | Camilla Orjuela, Sunil Bastian, Sepali Kottegoda, Jayadeva Uyangoda | Sida 2010 | Acc 5960 320 UYA | 11 |
Power Sharing: Selected Documents | Social Scientists' Association & Berghof Foundation for Conflict Studies 2005 | 342.95493 SOC ACC 8005 | 27 | |
Power Vs. Conscience: The Excommunication of Fr. Tissa Balasuriya | Basil Fernando | An Asian Human Rights Commission Publication 1997 | 342 FER 3845 | 27 |
Power-Sharing In Sri Lanka Constitutional and Political Documents 1926 - 2008 | Rohan Edrisinha, Mario Gomez, V.T. Thamilmaran, Asanga Welikala | Centre for Policy Alternatives , Colombo and Berghof Foundation for Peace support 2008 | Acc 5343 342.954'93 EDR SRI 01/10 | 39 |
Prabhu Samaja Sansthapanaya saha Prabhuwaru 1832-1931 | Michael Roberts, Abe Dissanayake | Acc 5348 301.16 ROB | 8 | |
Prabhu Samaja Sansthapanaya saha Prabhuwaru 1832-1931 | Michael Roberts, Abe Dissanayake | Acc 5348 301.16 ROB | 8 | |
Prabhu Samaja Sansthapanaya saha Prabhuwaru 1832-1931 | Michael Roberts, Abe Dissanayake | Acc 5348 301.16 ROB | 8 | |
Pradesheeya Aandu Palanaya Aramunu saha Shiksha | Dhamma Dissanayake | 320 DIS | 11 | |
Pradeshiya Andu Palanaya: Aramunu saha Sheeksha | Dhamma Dissanayake | Center for Policy Alternatives 2007 | ||
Prahara Hamuwe Sthreewaadeen Yudha Kalapa Haraha Huwamaru/ Feminists Under Fire Exchanges Across War Zones | Wenona Giles, Malathi De Alwis, Edith Klein, Neluka Silva (Eds) | Social Scientists' Association 2008 | 909.66 082 JIA | 33 |
Prahara Hamuwe Sthreewaadeen Yudha Kalapa Haraha Huwamaru/ Feminists Under Fire Exchanges Across War Zones | Wenona Giles, Malathi De Alwis, Edith Klein, Neluka Silva (Eds) | Social Scientists' Association 2008 | 909.66 082 JIA | 33 |
Prajathanthrawadaya: Kumakda? Kageda? Ka Sandahada? Kumatada? | Jayadeva Uyangoda, Ranjith Perera | Social Scientists' Association | 321.8'954'93 UYA | 14 |
Prajathanthrawadaya: Kumakda? Kageda? Ka Sandahada? Kumatada? | Jayadeva Uyangoda, Ranjith Perera | Social Scientists' Association | 321.8'954'93 UYA | 14 |
Prajathanthrawadaya: Kumakda? Kageda? Ka Sandahada? Kumatada? | Jayadeva Uyangoda, Ranjith Perera | Social Scientists' Association | 321.8'954'93 UYA | 14 |
Prajathanthrawadaya: Sama Adyayana Prakashana 3 | Jayadeva Uyangoda, Ranjith Perera | Social Scientists' Association | 320 UYA | 11 |
Prajathanthrawadaya: Sama Adyayana Prakashana 3 | Jayadeva Uyangoda, Ranjith Perera | Social Scientists' Association | 321.8954'93 UYA | 14 |
Prajathanthrawadaya: Sama Adyayana Prakashana 3 | Jayadeva Uyangoda, Ranjith Perera | Social Scientists' Association | 321.8954'93 UYA | 14 |
Prajathanthrawadaya: Sama Adyayana Prakashana 3 | Jayadeva Uyangoda, Ranjith Perera | Social Scientists' Association | 321.8954'93 UYA | 14 |
Prajathanthrawadaya: Sama Adyayana Prakashana 3 | Jayadeva Uyangoda, Ranjith Perera | Social Scientists' Association | 321.8954'93 UYA | 14 |
Prajathanthrawadaya: Sama Adyayana Prakashana 3 | Jayadeva Uyangoda, Ranjith Perera | Social Scientists' Association | 321.8954'93 UYA | 14 |
Prajathanthrawadaya: Sama Adyayana Prakashana 3 | Jayadeva Uyangoda, Ranjith Perera | Social Scientists' Association | 321.8954'93 UYA | 14 |
Prajathanthrawadaya: Sama Adyayana Prakashana 3 | Jayadeva Uyangoda, Ranjith Perera | Social Scientists' Association | 321.8954'93 UYA | 14 |
Prajathanthrawadaya: Sama Adyayana Prakashana 3 | Jayadeva Uyangoda, Ranjith Perera | Social Scientists' Association | 321.8954'93 UYA | 14 |
Prajathanthrawadaya: Sama Adyayana Prakashana 3 | Jayadeva Uyangoda, Ranjith Perera | Social Scientists' Association | 321.8954'93 UYA | 14 |
Pravada April-December 2007 No.27 | Social Scientists' Association | 930 PRA | 36 | |
Pravada January-December 2006 No.25 | Social Scientists' Association | 930 PRA | 36 | |
Pravada January-December 2009 No.29 | Social Scientists' Association | 930 PRA | 36 | |
Pravada January-December 2010 No.30 | Social Scientists' Association | 930 PRA | 36 | |
Pravada January-December 2010 No.30 | Social Scientists' Association | 930 PRA | 36 | |
Pravada January-December 2011 No.31 | Social Scientists' Association | 930 PRA | 36 | |
Pravada January-December 2011 No.31 | Social Scientists' Association | 930 PRA | 36 | |
Pravada January-June 2008 No.28 | Social Scientists' Association | 930 PRA | 36 | |
Pravada March-April 2011 No.32 | Social Scientists' Association | 930 PRA | 36 | |
Pravada May-June 2011 No.33 | Social Scientists' Association | 930 PRA | 36 | |
Pravada September 2013 No.34 | Social Scientists' Association | 930 PRA | 36 | |
PRAVADA VOL.1 1991 | 070 PRA | 3 | ||
PRAVADA VOL.2 1992 | 070 PRA | 3 | ||
PRAVADA VOL.3 1994 | 070 PRA | 3 | ||
PRAVADA VOL.3 NO 1 1994 | 70 PRA | 3 | ||
PRAVADA VOL.3 NO 11 1995 | 70 PRA | 3 | ||
PRAVADA VOL.3 NO 2 1994 | 70 PRA | 3 | ||
PRAVADA VOL.3 NO 4 1994 | 70 PRA | 3 | ||
PRAVADA VOL.4 1995 | 070 PRA | 3 | ||
PRAVADA VOL.4 NO 1 1995 | 70 PRA | 3 | ||
PRAVADA VOL.5 1997 | 70 PRA | 3 | ||
PRAVADA VOL.6 1999 | 70 PRA | 3 | ||
PRAVADA VOL.7 2001 | 70 PRA | 3 | ||
PRAVADA VOL.7 2001 | 70 PRA | 3 | ||
Pravahini Vol 28 November 2019 | Shari Jayawardhana (Ed) | Women's Education and Research Centre | 070 PRA | 3 |
Pravatham. April 2011 Ethal An:5 | Social Scientists Association | 5934 | ||
Pravatham. April 2011 Ethal An:5 | Social Scientists Association | |||
Pravatham. January 2012 Ethal An:8 | K. Shanmugalingam (Ed) | Social Scientists Association | ||
Pravatham. May & Sep 2012 Ethal An:9-10 | Social Scientists Association | |||
Pre- Capitalist Modes of Production | Barry Hindess and Paul Q. Hirst | Routledge & Kegan Paul 1975 | 320 HIN | 11 |
Premadasa of Sri Lanka (What Bradman Weerakoon Did Not Say) | R.W. Perera | 320+5493 PER | 11 | |
Premadasa of Sri Lanka, A Political Biography | Bradman Weerakoon | Vikas Publishing House 1992 | Acc 6112 92 A/Z WEE | 10 |
Premadasa of Sri Lanka. A Political Biography | Bradman Weerakoon | Vikas Publishing House 1992 | SRI 92 A/Z WEE | |
Presidential Election of Sri Lanka December 1988. Report of Non-Governmental Observer Group From SAARC Countries | Non-Governmental Observer Group From SAARC Countries 1989 | SRI 324 PRE | 17 | |
Primordialist Strands in Contemporary Sinhala Nationalism in Sri Lanka: Urumaya As Ur | Michael Roberts | Marga Institute 2001 | Acc 5814 327.021 ROB SRI 02/03 | 18 |
Private Bus Transport in Sri Lanka | Dr. P.C.H. Ranasinghe | Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung 1988 | MFN:003462 Acc No.2625 388.92+954.93 RAN | 46 |
Private But Public: The Third Sector in Latin Amecica | Rubem Cesar Fernandes | Civicus in collaboration with Network Cultures- Asia 1994 | 320 FER | 22 |
Private But Public: The Third Sector in Latin Amecica | Rubem Cesar Fernandes | Civicus in collaboration with Network Cultures- Asia 1994 | 320 FER | 22 |
Private Sector and Regional Cooperation in South Asia | V. Kanesalingam (Ed) | S G Wasani for Macmillan India Limited 1993 | 330 KAN | 21 |
Privatisation of Tea Plantations. The Challenge of Reforming Production Relations in Sri Lanka: An Institutional Historical Perspective | N. Shanmugaratnam | Social Scientists' Association 1997 | Acc 6108 633.72 SHA | 32 |
Privatisation of Tea Plantations. The Challenge of Reforming Production Relations in Sri Lanka: An Institutional Historical Perspective | N.Shanmugaratnam | Social Scientists' Association 1997 | SRI 633.72 SHA 3352 | 32 |
Privatisation of Tea Plantations. The Challenge of Reforming Production Relations in Sri Lanka: An Institutional Historical Perspective | N.Shanmugaratnam | Social Scientists' Association 1997 | MFN:002549 Acc No.3352 633.72 +954.34 | 32 |
Privatisation, Profitabilty and The Plantation Worker | Dr. Vijaya Kumar | Hatton Urban Council Hall 1993 | 633.72 KUM 8002 | 32 |
Privatisation, Profitabilty and The Plantation Worker | Dr. Vijaya Kumar | Hatton Urban Council Hall 1993 | 633.72 KUM 8000 | 32 |
Privatisation, Profitabilty and The Plantation Worker | Dr. Vijaya Kumar | Hatton Urban Council Hall 1993 | 633.72 KUM 8001 | 32 |
Problems and Issues Pertaining to the Provincial Councils Proposals | Marga Institute 1986 | SRI 323.2 | 15 | |
Program , peace: affinities, divisions and Transformations | Chicago Hilton and Towers | American Antropological Association | 761 AME 658. 45 DUK 658.45 | 33 |
Pronouns & People: The Linguistic Construction of Social and Personal Identity | Peter Muhlhausler and Rom Harre | Blackwell 1990 | 415 MUH 532 | 31 |
Property Rights | Kamalini Wijayatilaka, Cameena Gunaratna (Eds) | Centre for Women's Research | 304 + 347.23 WIJ | 9 |
Proposal For The Political Solution To The Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka | Eelam People's Revolutionary Liberation Front. | EPRLF - Pathmanabha 2007 | 323.1 Acc 4908 PAT | 15 |
Proposal For The Political Solution to the Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka | Eelam People's Revolutionary Liberation Front 2007 | 320.56+954.93 PAT MFN:3518 4909 | 43 | |
Protection of Minority Rights and Diversity | Nanda P. Wanasundera (Ed) | International Centre for Ethnic Studies 2004 | Acc 4274 323.1'954'93 WAN SRI 01/12 | 16 |
Protest and Survive. Stop Nuclear War | E.P. Thompson and Dan Smith | Aakar 2009 | 320 THO | 11 |
Providing Housing Security for Sri Lankan Children After the Tsunami | Mayra Gomez, Pubudini Wickramaratne | Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions 2008 | 363.34' 95493 GOM 5995 | 29 |
Provincial Councils Elections of Sri Lanka 17th May 1993. Report of International Observer Group | 320 SRI | 13 | ||
Provincial Councils: Operational Experience of Devolution: Report of the Committee to Study the Operation of Provincial Councils in Sri Lanka | 1996 | 352+95 493 SRI | 28 | |
Prudently Negotiating a Moral Peace | Ram Manikkalingam | Social Scientists' Association 1994 | 172.49 MAN | 47 |
Prudently Negotiating a Moral Peace | Ram Manikkalingam | Social Scientists' Association 1994 | 172 MAN | 47 |
Prudently Negotiating a Moral Peace | Ram Manikkalingam | Social Scientists Association 1994 | 172.4 MAN 5522 | 47 |
Psychological Dimensions of War | Betty Glad (Ed) | Sage Publications 1990 | 355.01 GLA | 28 |
Ptolemy & Nagadipa | P. Weerasinghe | Cultural Publications 1985 | 954.93 WEE 3275 | 40 |
Public Administration in Ceylon | Sir Charles Collins C.M.G | Royal Institute of International Affairs 1951 | 035.954'93 CHA | 2 |
Public Administration in Sri Lanka: A Symposium | V.T.Navaratne, P.L.A.F. Fernando, C.T. Elangasekere | Sri Lanka Institute of Development Administration 1989 | 359.54'93 NAV | 28 |
Public Investment 1981-1985 | Ministry of Finance and Planning 1981 | 2832 320.954'93 SRI 320.954'93 | 43 | |
Public Space and Quality of Life. A Case Study Of Mount Lavinia Beach | Debra Efroymson, Udan Fernando | 2013 | SRI (210.5) EFR | 4 |
Public Writings on Sri Lanka | Charles Sarvan | Miruthula Publications | Acc 5353 320.954'93 SAR SRI 01/10 | 11 |
Publications on Electoral Politics (1998-02) | Institute for Comparative Democracy | 070 PUB | 3 | |
Pudgala ha Depala Aarakshawata Athi Himikama | Kamalini Wijayatilaka, Cameena Gunaratna (Eds) | 304+347.1WIJ | 9 | |
Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs. Jayantha Dhanapala,President 2007-2012 Felicitation Volume | Sri Lanka Pugwash Group 2007 | 332.1532 +954.93 Acc 4922 PUG | 24 | |
Pugwash, Globalization and Eppawala- Pugwash Betrayed? Or Eppawala Betrayed | D.L.O. Mendis | Sri Lanka Pugwash Group 2000 | MFN:002608 Acc No. 4320 338.925 +954.93 MEN | 24 |
Pujawaliya 31-34 Parichchedaya | A.V. Suraweera, Herbert Pathirana | 294.308'954'93 SUR | 5 | |
Pul Eliya A Village in Ceylon. A Study of Land Tenure and Kinship | E.R. Leach | Cambridge University Press 1971 | 954.93 Acc 4755 LEA | 39 |
Pul Eliya A Village in Ceylon. A Study of Land Tenure and Kinship | E.R. Leach | Cambridge University Press 1961 | SRI 631 LEA 769 | 32 |
Purathana ha Madhyayathana Deshapalana ha Samaja Nyayaya | P. Athukorala | 320.301ATU | 11 | |
Pursuit of Peace in Sri Lanka Past Failures and Future Prospects | K.M De Silva and G.H Peiris (Eds) | International Centre for Ethnic Studies 2000 | 172.4 DES | 47 |
Questioning Arms Spending in Malaysia | Kua Kia Soong | Suaram 2010 | 360.5 | 28 |
Rabotyagi: Perestroika and After: Viewed From Below, Interviews With Wokers in the Former Soviet Union | David Mandel | Monthly Review Press 1994 | 320 MAN | 22 |
Race & Class Vol 38 No 4 1997: RETHINKING BLACK LIBERATION MANNING MARABLE | A. Sivanandan (Ed) | 070 CLA | 3 | |
Race & Class Vol 41 No 1 & 2 1999: A World to Win | A. Sivanandan/ Colin Prescod, Hazel Waters (Eds) | 070 COL | 3 | |
Race & Class Vol 42 No 1 2000: THE HINDU RIGHT, CONVERSION AND LITERACY | A. Sivanandan, Hazel Waters | 070 CLA | 3 | |
Race & Class Vol 44 No 1 2002: TRUTH? | A. Sivanandan, Hazel Waters | 070 CLA | 3 | |
Race & Class Vol 44 No 2 2002: THE U.S MILITARY IN THE ERA OF GLOBALISATION | A. Sivanandan, Hazel Waters | 070 CLA | 3 | |
Race & Class Vol 46 No 3 2005: JERRY HARRIS ON EMERGING THIRD WORLD POWERS | A. Sivanandan, Hazel Waters | 070 CLA | 3 | |
Race & Class Vol 46 No 4 2005: Demonisation of Pan-Arab Nationalism | A. Sivanandan, Hazel Waters | 070 DEM | 3 | |
Race and Racism in International Relations. Confronting the Global Colour Line | Alexander Anievas, Nivi Manchanda and Robbie Shilliam (Eds) | Routledge 2015 | ||
Race Relations in Sri Lanka | Centre For Society & Religion 1978 | 5818 294.3'954'93 CEN SRI 02/04 | 5 | |
Racial Chain of Being: The More Things Change, The More Things Change | Shaka McGlotten | 823 MCG | 35 | |
Racism | Martin Bulmer & John Solomos | Oxford University Press 1999 | ||
Racism | Robert Miles | Routledge 1989 | ||
Raigampura Wansakatha | Horana Vajirayana Thero | 809.933 72.954'93 VAJ | 34 | |
Rajakeeya 'Api': Pelapathmaya Rajyaye Sinhala Ananyathawaya | Alan Strathern, A.Wakkumbura | Social Scientists' Association, 2006 | 320.1112 695493 STR | 11 |
Rajakeeya 'Api': Pelapathmaya Rajyaye Sinhala Ananyathawaya | Alan Strathern, A.Wakkumbura | Social Scientists' Association, 2006 | 320.1112 695493 STR | 11 |
Rajakeeya 'Api': Pelapathmaya Rajyaye Sinhala Ananyathawaya | Alan Strathern, A.Wakkumbura | Social Scientists' Association, 2006 | 320.1112 695493 STR | 11 |
Rajakeeya 'Api': Pelapathmaya Rajyaye Sinhala Ananyathawaya | Alan Strathern, A.Wakkumbura | Social Scientists' Association, 2006 | 320.1112 695493 STR | 11 |
Rajakeeya 'Api': Pelapathmaya Rajyaye Sinhala Ananyathawaya | Alan Strathern, A.Wakkumbura | Social Scientists' Association, 2006 | 320.1112 695493 STR | 11 |
Rajakeeya 'Api': Pelapathmaya Rajyaye Sinhala Ananyathawaya | Alan Strathern, A.Wakkumbura | Social Scientists' Association, 2006 | 320.1112 695493 STR | 11 |
Rajakeeya 'Api': Pelapathmaya Rajyaye Sinhala Ananyathawaya | Alan Strathern, A.Wakkumbura | Social Scientists' Association, 2006 | 320.1112 695493 STR | 11 |
Rajaya, Aagama ha Adyapanaya (Brithanya Palana Samaya) | Mangala Illangasinghe | 930.9'95493 ILA | 36 | |
Rajya Sewawa Thula Sthree Purusha Samajabawaya Mula Prawahakaranaya | Oshadi Vajira Randanu Pathirana | 305.3'954.93 COM | 6 | |
Rajyaya Prathisanskarana: Monawada? Kumatada? Katada? | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Assocation | 320.9 UYA | 11 |
Rajyaya Prathisanskarana: Monawada? Kumatada? Katada? | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Assocation | 320.9 UYA | 11 |
Rajyaya Prathisanskarana: Monawada? Kumatada? Katada? | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Assocation | 320.9 UYA | 11 |
Rakiya Pilibanda Aitheen | Kamalini Wijayatilaka, Cameena Gunaratna (Eds) | 304.342.734 WIJ | 9 | |
Rationality and Relativism | Martin Hollis and Steven Lukes (Eds) | The MIT Press 1989 | 515 HOL | 45 |
Ratnapura as Seen by Government Agents | Malcolm Abeyaratne (Ed) | Acc 6064 913 ABE | 35 | |
Ravana Dynasty in Sri Lanka's Dance Drama (Kohomba Komkaariya) | Theja Gunawardhana | National Publishing House 1977 | SRI 792.1 GUN 1319 | 33 |
Readings on Development: Malaysia 2057: Uncommon Voices, Common Aspirations | Nungsari Ahmad Radhi, Suryani Senja Alias (Eds) | Khazanah Nasional | Acc 6042 950 XON | 37 |
Ready-Made Garment Industry in Sri Lanka: Facing the Global Challenge | Saman Kelegama (Ed) | Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka 2004 | SRI 338.45 KEL ACC 8328 | 24 |
Reaping the Whirlwind. Ethnic Conflict, Ethnic Politics in Sri Lanka | K.M.De Silva | Penguin Books 1998 | 172.1 DES | 47 |
Recent Economic Developments. Highlights of 2013 and Prospects for 2014 | Central Bank Of Sri Lanka 2013 | 330 CBS | 21 | |
Recent Politics in Sri Lanka: The Presidential Election and the Referendum of 1982 | W.A. Wiswa Warnapala, L.Dias Hewagama | Navrang 1983 | 324 WAR | 17 |
Recent Politics in Sri Lanka: The Presidential Election and the Referendum of 1982 | W.A. Wiswa Warnapala, L.Dias Hewagama | Navrang 1983 | SRI 324 WAR | 17 |
Recollections of Socrates and Socrates' Defense Before the Jury | Xenophon | The Liberal Arts Press, New York | Acc Doo 2642 MFN 5151 913.3603 XEN | 46 |
Recommendations for a National Policy on Housing, Land and Property Restitution in Sri Lanka | COHRE 2009 | 385.95493 UNO 5994 | 30 | |
Reconciliation in Sri Lanka, Voices From Former War Zones | Minna Thaheer, Pradeep Peiris, Kasun Pathiraja | International Centre for Ethnic Studies 2013 | SRI 301.17 THA | 8 |
Reconstructing Desire The Role of the Unconscious in Women's Reading And Writing | Jean Wyatt | University of North Carolina Press 1990 | 823.00 WYA 1281 | 35 |
Reconstructing Russia U.S. Policy in Revolutionary Russia 1917-1922 | Leo J.Bacino | The Kent State University Press 1999 | 338.91 BAC | 24 |
Reflections & Perspectives. Education, Economic Development, Population, Agriculture & Food Security | Nimal Sanderatne | Kandy Books 2011 | SRI 330 SAN | 21 |
Reflections on Governance | Bradman Weerakoon, Shelton Wanasinghe | Marga Publication 1994 | 321.7 WEE 6131 | 14 |
Reforming Sri Lankan Presidentialism. Provenance, Problems and Prospects Volume 1 | Asanga Welikala (Ed) | Centre for Policy Alternatives 2015 | 320 WEL | 11 |
Reforming Sri Lankan Presidentialism. Provenance, Problems and Prospects Volume 2 | Asanga Welikala (Ed) | 320+5493 WEL | 11 | |
Reframing Democracy. Perspectives on the Culture of Inclusion and Exclusion in Contemporary Sri Lanka | Jayadeva Uyangoda, Neloufer de Mel | Social Scientists' Association 2012 | 321.8 UYA ACC 6166 | 14 |
Reframing Democracy. Perspectives on the Culture of Inclusion and Exclusion in Contemporary Sri Lanka | Jayadeva Uyangoda, Neloufer de Mel | Social Scientists' Association 2012 | 321.8 UYA ACC 6167 | 14 |
Regional Conference on Diminishing Cultures in South Asia | G. L. W. Samarasinghe | SAARC Cultural Centre 2011 | 341.247'954 SAA 5947 | 26 |
Reimagining Sri Lanka Northern Ireland Insights | M.Somasundram (Ed) | International Centre for Ethnic Studies 1999 | 301.15 SOM | 8 |
Relativism and the Social Sciences | Ernest Gellner | Cambridge University Press 1986 | ||
Relics, Ritual and Representation in Buddhism. Rematerializing the Sri Lankan Theravada Tradition | Kevin Trainor | Cambridge University Press 1997 | 294.3437+ 954.93 Acc 4729 TRA | 5 |
Religion A tool for Discrimination in South Asia ? | south asian for human rights | 294 REL | 5 | |
Religion and Culture in the Development of Human Rights in Sri Lanka (4 Monograph Series) | Sri Lanka Foundation 1982 | SRI 2 SRI 1763 | 1 | |
Religion and Political Conflict in South Asia. India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka | Douglas Allen (Ed) | Greenwood Press 1992 | 322+ 954 REL 2200 | 44 |
Religion and Politics In Sri Lanka | Urmila Phadnis | Manohar 1976 | 321 PHA 6158 | 14 |
Religion in Context. Buddhism and Socio-Political Change in Sri Lanka | Jayadeva Uyangoda (Ed) | Social Scientists Association 2007 | 294.3320 +954.93 Acc 4550 UYA | 5 |
Religious Festivals in South India and Sri Lanka | Guy R. Welbon & Glenn E. Yocum | Manohar 1982 | SRI 061.7 REL | 2 |
Religiousness in Sri Lanka | John Ross Carter (Ed) | Marga Institute 1979 | 294 CAR | 5 |
Relived Memories | J.R. Jayewardena | J.R. Jayewardene Centre Publication 1996 | SRI (042) JAY | |
Remembering a Legacy. Selected Essays in Economic Policy | N.U. Jayawardena | Ceylon Chamber of Commerce 2008 | Acc 5071 330 CEY | 21 |
Remembering Kethesh Loganathan | Sri Lanka Democracy Forum 2007 | 394.4 Acc 4515 LOG | 30 | |
Remembering Kethesh Loganathan | Sri Lanka Democracy Forum 2007 | 394.4 Acc 4736 LOG | 30 | |
Rendering Unto Caesar | Bradman Weerakoon | Vijitha Yapa Publications, New Dawn Press 2004 | 954.93+ 92 A/Z WEE LK(SRI) 4329 | 42 |
Rendering Unto Caesar | Bradman Weerakoon | Vijitha Yapa Publications, New Dawn Press 2004 | 929.27 WEE LK (SRI) 4229 | 36 |
Repatriation or Deportation? Nation Building, Citizenship and the Indian Tamil Estate Workers in Sri Lanka After Independence | Valli Kanapathipillai | 320.540+ 954.93 Acc 4487 KAN | 13 | |
Report of the Commission on the Headmen System Sessional Paper XXVII - 1935 | 1935 | 070 REP | 3 | |
Report of a Workshop on Introduction of the Women's Charter and the National Committee on Women to the Ngoo | National Committee on Women | 305.4 Acc.4688 NAT | 6 | |
Report of the Commission of Inquiry on Local Government Reforms 1999. Sessional Paper No. 1-1999 | Government Publications Bureau,Colombo 01 | 328 REP | 20 | |
Report of the Commissioner of Elections on the First Elections to the Provincial Councils of Sri Lanka held in 1988 | PRINTED ON THE ORDER OF THE GOVERNMENT | 328.04 | 20 | |
Report of the Commissioner of Elections on the First One Day General Election to the Local Authorities of Sri Lanka Held on 11.05.1991 Volume 1 | R.K.Chandrananda de Silva | 43 | ||
Report of the Commissioner of Elections on the First One Day General Election to the Local Authorities of Sri Lanka Held on 11.05.1991 Volume II | R.K.Chandrananda de Silva | 328.04 SRI | 20 | |
Report of the Committee on Disappearances in the Jaffna Region | Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka 2003 | Acc 6055 323 HUM | 15 | |
Report of the Delimitation Commission Under the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Seasonal Paper No I-1981 | G.P.A. Silva | Government Publications Bureau 1981 | 328.04 SRI | 20 |
Report of the Land Commission Sessional Paper X-1958 | Government Publications Bureau 1958 | Acc 4255 333.10'954'93 GOU SRI 01/07 070 COM | 3 | |
Report of the Presidential Commission on Youth. Sessional Paper No.I-1990 | Government Publications Bureau 1990 | 328 REP | 20 | |
Report of the Presidential Commission on Youth: Sessional Paper No.I-1990 | Government Publications Bureau 1990 | 362.95493 GOV | 1 | |
Report of the Presidential Commission on Youth: Sessional Paper No.I-1990 | Government Publications Bureau 1990 | Acc 5332 331.34'954'93 GOV SRI 01/07 | 23 | |
Report of the Sinhala Commission (Part I) | National Joint Committee 1998 | SRI 328.14+ 954 NAT | 20 | |
Report of the Sinhala Commission (Part I) | National Joint Committee 1998 | SRI 328.14+ 954 NAT | 20 | |
Report of the Sinhala Commission (Part II) | National Joint Committee 2001 | MFN: 002514 Acc No. 3594 328.14 +954.34 NAT | 20 | |
Report of the Taxation Commission Sessional Paper XVII-1955 | Government Publications Bureau | Acc 5726 ( 328 REP) | 20 | |
Report of the Tea Commission | Office of the Tea Commission | Government Press, Ceylon, 1968 | 633 REP 8071 | 32 |
Report of the Vidyalankara University Commission. Ceylon Sessional Papers 1968 | 355.78'954.93 GOV SRI 01/07 MFN 3242 | 28 | ||
Report on Local Government Finance | Ceylon Government Press | 332 REP | 24 | |
Report on People's Participation In Local Authority Activity | Tressie Leitan | The Sri Lanka Institute of Local Governance 2008 | 070 REP | 3 |
Report on The First Referendum in Sri Lanka: Sessional Paper No.II- 1987 | 320 SRI | 11 | ||
Report On The Sixth Parlimentary General Election of Ceylon. Sessional Paper XX-1966 | Government Publications Bureau 1966 | 97/ 1A CEY | 1 | |
Reports of the Ceylon Shipping Enquiry Commission Sessional Paper XIII 1959 | Government | Government Press | 954.93 SEN 4726 | 41 |
Reports of the Presidential Commission on Youth. Sessional Paper No 1-1990 | Government Publication Bureau 1990 | 362.95493 GOV | ||
Republic of Denial. Press, Politics and Public Life | Michael Janeway | Yale University Press 1999 | 655.32 JAN 254 | 33 |
Rescuing All Our Futures. The Future of Futures Studies | Zaiuddin Sardar (Ed) | Praeger 1999 | 303.49 SAR | 7 |
Rethinking Capitalist Development. Primitive Accumulation, Governmentality & Post - Colonial Capitalism | Kalyan Sanyal | Routledge 2014 | ||
Rethinking Marxism: A Journal of Economics, Culture and Society | Association For Economics and Social Analysis 1992 | 330 RET | 21 | |
Return to Righteousness A Collection of Speeches, Essays and Letters of the Anagarika Dharmapala | Ananda Guruge (Ed) | Ministry of Cultural Affairs & Information 1991 | SRI 92/A GUR 4097 | 10 |
Reunion | Alan Lightman | Pantheon Books 2003 | 813.54 LIG 3252 | 34 |
Review of Poverty Related Data and Data Sources in Sri Lanka | Indra Tudawe | Institute of Policy Studies 2000 | 362.5+ 954.93 Acc.4704 TUD | 29 |
Review of Sri Lanka's Local Government and Decentralization | Tressie Leitan | 2009 | 320 LEI | 43 |
Revolution and Its Past. Identities and Change in Modern Chinese History | R. Keith Schoppa | Prentice Hall 2002 | 951.03 SCH 1965 | 38 |
Revolution in the Revolution? | Regis Debray | Penguin Books 1968 | 323.27 DEB 1880 | 15 |
Revolutionary Idealism and Parliamentary Politics. A Study of Trotskyism in Sri Lanka | Y.Ranjith Amarasinghe | Social Scientists' Association 2000 | 335.76' 954'93 AMA | 26 |
Revolutionary Idealism and Parliamentary Politics. A Study of Trotskyism in Sri Lanka | Y.Ranjith Amarasinghe | Social Scientists' Association 1998 | 335.76' 954'93 AMA | |
Revolutionary Idealism and Parliamentary Politics: A Study of Trotskyism in Sri Lanka | Y. Ranjith Amarasinghe | Social Scientists' Association 1998 | 335.76' 954'93 AMA | 26 |
Revolutionary Trials Edmund Samarakkody: A Political Profile | T.Perera | Social Scientists' Association 2006 | 92 A/Z+ 954.93 Acc 4530 PER | |
Revolutionary Trials Edmund Samarakkody: A Political Profile | T.Perera | Social Scientists' Association 2006 | MFN: 003255 Acc No.N100191 92 A/Z +954.93 PER | |
Rice and Rubber: The Story of China-Ceylon Trade | S.P. Amarasingam | Ceylon Economic Research Association 1963 | 327.21' 954'93 AMA | 18 |
Rice Societies Asian Problems and Prospects | Irene Norlund, Sven Cederroth, Ingela Gerdin (Eds) | Curzon Press 1986 | Acc 1654 633.18'954'93 NOR SRI 03/03 | 32 |
Rice Societies Asian Problems and Prospects | Irene Norlund, Sven Cederroth, Ingela Gerdin (Eds) | Curzon Press 1986 | Acc 1537 633.18'954'93 NOR | 32 |
Right of Way: A Journey of Resettlement Study Series No 5 - 2011 | Sharni Jayawardena | Centre for Poverty Analysis 2011 | Acc 6066 388.1086914 JAY | 30 |
Right to Safety of Person and Property | Kamalini Wijayatilaka, Cameena Gunaratna (Eds) | Centre for Women's Research | 304+ 347.1 WIJ | 9 |
Rights and Power Sharing Issues in Sri Lanka With Special Focus on Indian Origin Tamil Community | P.P.Devaraj (Ed) | FCT Publications 2006 | 327.1 FCT | 18 |
Rights and Power Sharing Issues in Sri Lanka With Special Focus on Indian Origin Tamil Community | Foundation for Community Transformation 2006 | 172.9'954'93 FCT SRI 02/02 4780 | 47 | |
Rights Within the family | Kamalini Wijayatilaka, Cameena Gunaratna (Eds) | Centre for Womens Research | 304+ 341.2 WIJ | 9 |
Riots and Martial Law in Ceylon 1915 | P. Ramanathan | Asian Educational Services 2003 | 9584.93 RAM 4829 | 39 |
Rituals of Development: The Accelerated Mahavali Development Program of Sri Lanka | Serena Tennekoon | Social Scientists' Association 1988 | 626.95 TEN 6114 | 32 |
Rituals of the Kandyan State | H.L. Seneviratne | Cambridge University Press 1978 | SRI 294.3 SEN ACC 1776 | 5 |
Rituals, Ethics & Societal Stability in the SAARC Region (Seminar Report) | SAARC Cultural Centre - Sri Lanka 2010 | Acc 6088 304.954 SAA | 9 | |
Robe and Plough. Monasticism and Economic Interest in Early Medieval Sri Lanka | R.A.L.H. Gunawardana | University of Arizona Press 1979 | SRI 294.3 GUN ACC 1591 | 5 |
Robin Tampoe 'Last of the Big Ones' | Vilasnee Tampoe Hautin | Tower Hall Theatre Foundation | 791.3 HAU 5282 | 33 |
Rotten Reviews II A Literary Companion | Bill Henderson (Ed) | Penguin Books 1988 | 8-1/-9 HEN 2879 | 45 |
Routledge Handbook of Asian Regionalism | Mark Beeson and Richard Stubbs (Eds) | Routledge 2012 | ||
Ruhunu Sangha Sanwidanaya (Maatha Yugaya) | Ven. Polonaruwe Hemasiri | 294.311'954'93 HEM | 5 | |
Ruhunu Sangha Sanwidanaya (Maatha Yugaya) | Ven. Polonaruwe Hemasiri | 294.311'954'93 HEM | 5 | |
Ruhunu Sangha Sanwidanaya (Maatha Yugaya) | Ven. Polonaruwe Hemasiri | 294.311'954'93 HEM | 5 | |
Rural Change and Spatial Reorganization in Sri Lanka. Barriers Against Development of Traditional Sinhalese Local Communities | Staffan Ohrling | Curzon Press 1977 | Acc 5700 321 OHR | 14 |
Rural Development Through Social Capital? An Inquest on the Linkages Between Social Capital and Development in War-Torn Villages in Sri Lanka | Dhammika Herath | University of Gothenburg 2008 | Acc 5245 302.95493 HER SRI 302.95493 | 12 |
S.J.V. Chelvanayakam and the Crisis of Sri Lankan Tamil Nationalism, 1947-1977 | A.Jeyaratnam Wilson | Lake House Bookshop | 320.95 WIL | 22 |
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SAAPE Bulletin No 23 August 2020 | South Asia Alliance for Poverty Eradication | 3 | ||
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Sabaragamu Wishwavidyalayiya Shasthreeya Sangrahaya: Paswani Kalapaya 2010 January Dwitheeya Bhagaya | University of Sabaragammu | 808.066'954'93 SAB | 34 | |
Sabaragamu Wishwavidyalayiya Shasthreeya Sangrahaya: Paswani Kalapaya 2010 January Prathama Bhagaya | University of Sabaragammu | 808.066'954'93 SAB | 34 | |
Sacred Modernity. Nature, Environment and the Postcolonial Geographies of Sri Lanka Nationhood | Tariq Jazeel | Social Scientists' Association 2013 | 320.54 JAZ | 13 |
Safegurads for the Minorities in the 1972 Constitution | Colvin R. De Silva | A Young Socialist Publication 1987 | 003.056' 954'93 DES | 1 |
Saga of a Man of Vision D.J. Wimalasurendra Sri Lanka | L.P. Goonetilleke | 1967 | SRI 98 A/Z + 621.31 GOO 2545 | 44 |
Sama Sakachcha Wiuhaya saha Kriyawaliya: Padam saha Avarjanayan Kihipayak | Vikalpa Prathipaththi Kendraya | 327.16+954.93 VIK | 20 | |
Sama Vimarshi Vol 10 No 2 August 2013 | Lionel Guruge | Center for Policy Alternatives | 70 | 3 |
Sama Vimarshi Vol 9 No 1 September 2012 | Lionel Guruge | Center for Policy Alternatives | 70 | 3 |
Samaja Nyaya saha Bhawithawa: Dakune Karala saha Sri Lankawe Karalikara Deshapalanaye Anagathaya | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 327.16+954.93 UYA | 20 |
Samaja Nyaya saha Bhawithawa: Dakune Karala saha Sri Lankawe Karalikara Deshapalanaye Anagathaya | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 327.16+954.93 UYA | 20 |
Samaja Nyaya saha Bhawithawa: Dakune Karala saha Sri Lankawe Karalikara Deshapalanaye Anagathaya | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 327.16+954.93 UYA | 20 |
Samaja Nyaya saha Bhawithawa: Dakune Karala saha Sri Lankawe Karalikara Deshapalanaye Anagathaya | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 327.16+954.93 UYA | 20 |
Samaja Nyaya saha Bhawithawa: Jathika Chinthanaye Ganadura | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Assocation | 320.54'954'93 UYA | 11 |
Samaja Nyaya saha Bhawithawa: Jathika Chinthanaye Ganadura | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Assocation | 320.54'954'93 UYA | 11 |
Samaja Nyaya saha Bhawithawa: Jathika Chinthanaye Ganadura | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Assocation | 320.54'954'93 UYA | 11 |
Samaja Vidya Vichara Rachana | Premakumara de Silva | Social Scientists' Association | 223.95 DES | 4 |
Samaja Vidya Vichara Rachana | Premakumara de Silva | Social Scientists' Association | 223.95 DES | 4 |
Samaja Wimasuma: Peradeniya University Samaja Widya Sangamaya | 5122 MFN 3747 SIR | 34 | ||
Samaja-Lingikathwaya ha Pashchath-Tsunami Prathisadhanaya | Chamila Aththanapola, Kathareen Brown, Ragnhild Lund | Social Scientists' Association | 300 ATH | 9 |
Samaja-Lingikathwaya ha Pashchath-Tsunami Prathisadhanaya | Chamila Aththanapola, Kathareen Brown, Ragnhild Lund | Social Scientists' Association | 300 ATH | 9 |
Samajawadaya 3: 1963 | 301.16+954 | 8 | ||
Samajaye Api Okkoma Samanai? Purawasibhawaye Deshapalana Nyaya saha Bhawithaya | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 2010 | 323.6 UYN | 15 |
Samajaye Api Okkoma Samanai? Purawasibhawaye Deshapalana Nyaya saha Bhawithaya | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 2010 | 323.6 UYN | 15 |
Samajaye Api Okkoma Samanai? Purawasibhawaye Deshapalana Nyaya saha Bhawithaya | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 2015 | 323.6 UYN | 15 |
Samajaye Api Okkoma Samanai? Purawasibhawaye Deshapalana Nyaya saha Bhawithaya | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 2015 | 323.6 UYN | 15 |
Samajeeya Widya Paryeshana Yojanawaliyak Liweema: Nyaike ha Prayogika Magapenweemak | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 808.06 UYN | 34 |
Samajeeya Widya Paryeshana Yojanawaliyak Liweema: Nyaike ha Prayogika Magapenweemak | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 808.06 UYN | 34 |
Samajeeya Widya Paryeshana Yojanawaliyak Liweema: Nyaike ha Prayogika Magapenweemak | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 808.06 UYN | 34 |
Samajeeya Widya Paryeshana Yojanawaliyak Liweema: Nyaike ha Prayogika Magapenweemak | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 808.06 UYN | 34 |
Samajeeya-Manaweeya Vidya Paryeshana: Darshanika saha Kramawedee Handinweemak | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 300.72 UYN | 9 |
Samajeeya-Manaweeya Vidya Paryeshana: Darshanika saha Kramawedee Handinweemak | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 300.72 UYN | 9 |
Samajeeya-Manaweeya Vidya Paryeshana: Darshanika saha Kramawedee Handinweemak | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 300.72 UYN | 9 |
Samakamee Jeewithayata Sama Sithuwili | A.S. Balasooriya | 303.69+954.93 BAL | 7 | |
Samashdi Or Arimugam | George Anderson | Stamford Lake Publication 1953 | 6018 | |
Samaya Godanageeme Mewalam Kattalaya: Samadana Sthapanaya Sandaha Wana Sankranthi Karana Pilibanda Margopadeshanayak | Acc 5958 172.4'954 MAN | 47 | ||
Samaya Godanageeme Sakachcha 1 | 327.172'954'93 SAM | 20 | ||
Samayen Yuthu Sri Lankawak Sandaha | Carlo Fonseka | Social Scientists' Association | 172.4 FON | 47 |
Samayen Yuthu Sri Lankawak Sandaha | Carlo Fonseka | Social Scientists' Association | 172.4 FON | 47 |
Samayen Yuthu Sri Lankawak Sandaha | Carlo Fonseka | Social Scientists' Association | 172.4 FON | 47 |
Sampradayaya Gana Duramatha | Romila Thapar, Ranjith Perera | Social Scientists' Association | 300 THA | 9 |
Sankramanika Sewaka Aitheen Handunwa Demu | 304.8+325 MIG | 9 | ||
Sankramanika Sewaka Aitheen Handunwa Demu | 304.8+325 MIG | 9 | ||
Sanskruthika Lipi Sangrahaya | Department of Cultural Affairs | 893.06'95493 DEP | 35 | |
Sanwardhana Abhiyoga Prathiwirodhatha ha Vikalpa Prathipaththi: W.D. Lakshman Upahara Weluma | Ranjith Bandara(Ed) | 330.95 493 BAN | 20 | |
Sanwardhana Abhiyoga Prathiwirodhatha ha Vikalpa Prathipaththi: W.D. Lakshman Upahara Weluma | Ranjith Bandara(Ed) | 330.95 493 BAN | 20 | |
Sanwardhana Athdakeem | Priyashantha Kariyawasam | 306.08 SAN | 12 | |
Scenes of a Lifetime The Autobiography of Dr. Lucian De Zilwa | H.W.Cave &Company 1967 | SRI 9.94 DEZ 2514 | 44 | |
Secession. The Morality of Political Divorce From Fort Sumter to Lithuania and Quebec | Allen Buchanan | Westview Press 1991 | 174 BUC | 47 |
Second Report of the Ceylon Historical Manuscripts Commission. Sessional Paper XXI - 1935 | Government Record Office 1935 | 070 REP | 3 | |
Second Tier Women's Political Leadership: A Glass Ceiling? | Buddhima Padmasiri | Social Scientists' Association 2014 | 320 PAD | 11 |
Secretaries Talk. Sexuality, Power and Work | Rosemary Pringle | Verso 1988 | 176 PRI 3748 | 47 |
Seeing Ceylon | R. L. Brohier | Lake House Investments Limited 1965 | 954.93 BRO 6134 | 40 |
Selected Journalism | H.A.J. Hulugalle | Arjuna Hulugalle Dictionaries 2004 | 070.4+ 954.93 Acc 4933 HUL | 41 |
Selected Writings of Regi Siriwardena Volume 1: Literature and The Arts | A.J.Canagaratna (Ed) | International Centre for Ethnic Studies 2005 | 808.84+ 954.93 Acc 4837 CAN | 34 |
Selected Writings of Regi Siriwardena Volume 2: Politics and Society | A.J.Canagaratna (Ed) | International Centre for Ethnic Studies 2006 | 808.84+ 954.93 Acc 4527 CAN | 34 |
Selected Writings Vol 1 on 'Left' - Adventurism | B.T. Ranadive | National Book Centre 1985 | 305.335 Acc.4588 RAN | 6 |
Selected Writings Volume One | Nandadeva Wijesekera | 1983 | 008.95 4'93 WIJ | 1 |
Selections From the Dutch Records of the Government of Sri Lanka | Sinnappah Arasaratnam | Department of National Archives 1974 | 92 '16' +954 ARA | 10 |
Selections From the Dutch Records of the Government of Sri Lanka | Sinnappah Arasaratnam | Department of National Archives 1974 | SRI 92 A/Z ARA 2923 | 10 |
Sellama saha Lellama: Cricket saha Susanthika gana Sthreewadee Vimarshanyak | Social Scientists' Association 2002 | 300 | 9 | |
Sense Knowledge and Error | Fr. Basil Mary Mendis- Arthadeva | W.M.M. Distributors (Pvt) Ltd 1995 | Acc 6036 375 WMM 6036 | 30 |
Services for Homeless People: Innovation and Change in the European Union | Bill Edgar, Joe Doherty, Amy Mina-Coull | The Policy Press 1999 | 362.55 EDG 1959 | 29 |
Sesquicentennial Commemorative Volume of the Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka 1845-1995 | G.P.S.H.De Silva, C.G. Uragoda (Eds) | Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka 1995 | 954.93 DES 3061 | 42 |
Sexuality, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, and The Internet | Foundation For Just Society | |||
Shared Heritage of Sculpture and Decorative Arts in the SAARC Region | SAARC Cultural Centre Colombo | SAARC Cultural Centre 2011 | 709.034' 954'337'1 SAA 5948 | 33 |
Shasthreeya Lipi Mala No. 01 : Wichara Prayathna | Chinthaka Ranasinghe | 890.5493 RAN | 35 | |
Shattered Hopes | Daya de Silva | Prestige 2001 | 808.83 954.93 DES LK(SRI) | 34 |
Shila Lipi Sangrahaya: Dewana Kalapaya | Department of Archaeology | 930.271'954'93 KAR | 36 | |
Shipping Policy Research Studies. Sirimavo Bandaranaike Shipping Policies Series One: Pre-1970 Shipping Policies | B P Gajawira | 1995 | 381.3+ 954.93 Acc 4731 GAJ | |
Shipping Policy Research Studies. Sirimavo Bandaranaike Shipping Policies Series Two: 1970-77 Shipping Policies | B P Gajawira | 1995 | MFN:003451 Acc No. N100603 381.3+954.93 GAJ | |
Sinhala Commishan Sabhawe Warthawa Prathama Bhagaya | 328.14+954 NAT | 20 | ||
Sinhala Commissame Athuru Warthawata Wiwaranayak | 304.954'93 SAM | 9 | ||
Sinhala Commissame Athuru Warthawata Wiwaranayak | 304.954'93 SAM | 9 | ||
Sinhala Commissame Athuru Warthawata Wiwaranayak | 328.14'954'93 SAM | 20 | ||
Sinhala Commission Conclusion And Recommendation July 1998 | 333.954'93 SRI ACC 5338 | 25 | ||
Sinhala Commission, Interim Report | National Joint Committee 1997 | Acc 4532 MFN 3305 328.43'954'93 NAT SRI 01/10 | 20 | |
Sinhala Commission, Interim Report | National Joint Committee 1997 | Acc 4532 MFN 3305 328.43'954'93 NAT SRI 01/10 | 20 | |
Sinhala Commission, Interim Report | National Joint Committee 1997 | Acc 4532 MFN 3305 328.43'954'93 NAT SRI 01/10 | 20 | |
Sinhala Commission, Interim Report (Sinhala) | National Joint Committee 1997 | SRI 328.14 | ||
Sinhala Consciousness in the Kandyan Period 1590s to 1815 | Michael Roberts | Vijitha Yapa 2004 | 305.954'93 ROB | 6 |
Sinhala Ketikathawe Sinamawatharanaya | Hiniduma Sunil Senevi | 791.954'93 SEN | 33 | |
Sinhala Puwathpath Sangara Ithihasaya, Volume 1 (1832-1887) | M. D. Gunasena 1965 | 954.93 PAG | ||
Sinhala Puwathpath Sangara Ithihasaya, Volume 3 (1901-1907) | M. D. Gunasena 1967 | 954.93 PAG | ||
Sinhala Puwathpath Sangara Ithihasaya, Volume 4 (1908-1918) | M. D. Gunasena 1968 | 954.93 PAG | ||
Sinhala Puwathpath Sangara Ithihasaya, Volume 5 (1919-1924) | M. D. Gunasena 1968 | 954.93 PAG | ||
Sinhala Sinhaya saha Mannarame Purawasthu | P. Weerasinghe | 930.26'954'93 WEE | 36 | |
Sinhala, Sinhaya saha Mannarame Purawasthu | P. Weerasinghe | Kathru Publishers | 930.26' 954'93 WEE | |
Sinhale | Henry Marshall, H.M. Somarathna | 954.93 SOM | 41 | |
Sinhale and the Patriots 1815-1818 | P.E.Pieris | Navrang 1995 | 368.95493 PIE 5918 | 28 |
Sinhalese Immigrants in Malaysia and Singapore 1860-1990 History Through Recollections | S.N.Arseculeratne | K.V.G. De Silva & Sons 1991 | Acc 6067 639.954 ARS | 32 |
Sinhalese Social Organization The Kandyan Period | Ralph Pieris | Ceylon University Press 1956 | 954.94 PIE | 42 |
Sinhalese Village | Bryce Ryan | University of Miami Press 1958 | 954.932 RYA | 40 |
Sir D. B. Jayatilaka Biography | Nandadeva Wijesekera | 1978 | SRI 92 A/Z WIJ | 10 |
Sir Razik Fareed | M.C.A. Hassan | 1968 | 305.69 HAS | 6 |
Sirimavo, Honouring the world's First Women Prime Minister | Tissa Jayatilaka (Ed) | The Bandaranaike Museum Committee 2010 | 351.0031' 30922 JAY | |
Sirisumadagala Balawathara Teeka (Sinhala) | Ven. Balangoda Sobitha, Ariyadasa Senevirathne | 294.308'954.93 | 5 | |
Situating the Self. Gender, Community and Postmodernism in Contemporary Ethics | Seyla Benhabib | Polity Press 1992 | ||
Sivaram Commemoration 2005-2007 | Lakshman Gunesekara | Sivaram Memorial Lecture | 920.080 Acc 4940 GUN | 35 |
Sivura Saha Nagula | R.A.L.H. Gunawardana | 294.2'954'93 GUN SRI 02/05 | 5 | |
Sivura Saha Nagula | R.A.L.H. Gunawardana | 294.2'954'93 GUN SRI 02/05 | 5 | |
Sixty- Four Years in Ceylon, Reminiscences of life and adventure by Frederick Lewis, F.L.S . M.C.B.R.A.S | The Colombo Apothecaries Company, Limited | |||
Sixty- Four Years in Ceylon, Reminiscences of life and adventure by Frederick Lewis, F.L.S . M.C.B.R.A.S | Frederick Lewis | The Colombo Apothecaries Company 1926 | 954 LEW | 38 |
Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon | Sir James Emerson Tennent | Navrang 1993 | 954.93 TEN 5280 | 41 |
Social & Political Structures in West Germany. From Authoritarianism to Postindustrial Democracy | Ursula Hoffmann-Lange | Westview Press 1991 | 321.01+ 943 SOC 1994 | 14 |
Social Change in Nineteenth Century Ceylon | Patrick Peebles | Navrang 1995 | 954.93 PEE 3426 | 42 |
Social Cohesion and Counter - Terrorism. A Policy Contradiction? | Charles Husband and Yunis Alam | The Policy Press 2011 | ||
Social Development and Poverty in the Plantation in Sri Lanka | S.Guy de Fontgalland | Leo Marga Ashram 2003 | 633.72 FON 7686 | 32 |
Social Evolution and Sociological Categories | Paul Q. Hirst | George Allen & Unwin Ltd 1976 | ||
Social History of Early Ceylon | H.Ellawala | Department of Cultural Affairs 1969 | 954.93 ELL 4419 | 42 |
Social Policy and the Commonwealth. Prospects for Social Inclusion | Catherine Jones Finer and Paul Smyth (Eds) | Palgrave Macmillan 2004 | ||
Social Science Review 1-4 | Charles Abeysekera (Ed) | Social Scientists Association | 300 SOC | 9 |
Social Science Review 2 January 1980 | Charles Abeysekera (Ed) | Social Scientists Association | 300 SOC | 9 |
Social Science Review 2 January 1980 | Charles Abeysekera (Ed) | Social Scientists Association | 300 SOC | 9 |
Social Science Review 2 January 1980 | Charles Abeysekera (Ed) | Social Scientists' Association | 300 SOC | 9 |
Social Science Review 2 January 1980 | Charles Abeysekera (Ed) | Social Scientists' Association | 300 SOC | 9 |
Socialism The Active Utopia. Controversies in Sociology : 3 | Zygmunt Bauman | George Allen & Unwin Ltd 1976 | 320 BAU | 22 |
Society in Mediaeval Ceylon | M.B.Ariyapala | Department of Cultural Affairs 1968 | 320 ARI | 22 |
Society State and Religion in Premodern Sri Lanka | Amaradasa Liyanagamage | University of Kelaniya 2001 | 954.93+ Acc 4869 LIY | 41 |
Society State and Religion in Premodern Sri Lanka | Amaradasa Liyanagamage | Social Scientists' Association 2008 | 594.93 LIY Acc 4989 | 31 |
Sociological and Anthropological Writings | Desmond Mallikarachchi | Published by The Author 2003 | 301 MAL | 8 |
Some heretical Thoughts on Economic Development | G.V.S. De Silva | Lake House Investments Limited 1973 | Acc 4682 330.954'93 DES | 21 |
Some Notions about the Island of Ceylon | Marie-Helene Esteve, Philippe Fabry | Acc 6168 910.4095493 DEJ SRI. 910.4095493 | 45 | |
Someone Else's War | MIRJE 1994 | 320 SOM | 22 | |
Somewhere a Child is Crying | Donovan Moldrich | 1986 | 3-053.2 +954 MOL | 2 |
South Asia China Dialogue. Proceedings of the Joint Seminar of South Asian and Chinese Scholars | Marga Institute | Institute of South Asian Studies and the Marga Institute 1980 | 954+951 SOU 1334 | 40 |
South Asia in the Nineties | Victor Gunewardena | Marga Institute 1991 | Acc 2617 323 PAN | 15 |
South Asia Journal for Culture Volume 2, 2008 | Sasanka Perera (Ed) | Colombo Institute for the Advanced Study of Society and Culture 2008 | 306.954 PER | 12 |
South Asian Religion and Society (Studies on Asian Topics No.11) | Asko Parpola and Bent Smidt Hansen (Eds) | Curzon Press 1986 | 291 SOU | 4 |
South Asian Strategic Issues Sri Lankan Perspectives | Shelton U. Kodikara (Ed) | Sage Publications 1990 | SRI 323.2 SOU | 15 |
Souvenirs Of A Forgotten Heritage | Gamini De S.G.Punchihewa | A 'Desathiya' Publication 1989 | 931.954'93 PUN 1593 | 37 |
Speeches and Writings of Sir Ponnambalam Arunachalam Volume I | SRI 8-5 WED 3192 | 1 | ||
Spolia Zeylanica Bulletin of the National Museums of Sri Lanka Geology, Zoology, Anthropology Part I Vol.36 | P.H.D.H. De Silva (Ed) | 1981 | 294.954'93 DES ACC 1864 | 5 |
Sport in the Low - Country of Ceylon | Alfred Clark | Tisara Prakasakayo 1901 | 799.3' 954'93 CLA 1001 | 33 |
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Sri Lanka (Ceylon) Since Independence (1948-1976) | Daya De Silva, C.R. De Silva | Institute of Asian Affairs 1978 | 011.3 DES | 1 |
Sri Lanka 50 Years of Independence | A Ravaya Publication | SRI 07 RAV | 45 | |
Sri Lanka A Dangerous Interlude | Apratim Mukarji | Vijitha Yapa Publications 2005 | 784.1893+ 954.93 Acc 4628 MUK | 33 |
Sri Lanka A History | Chandra Richard de Silva | Vikas Publishing House PVT LTD 1987 | 954 DES 6226 | 38 |
Sri Lanka A Nation In Conflict. Threats to Sovereignity, Territorial Integrity, Democratic Governance and Peace | H. L. De Silva | A Visidunu Publication 2008 | Acc 6025 323.37'954'93 SIL | 16 |
Sri Lanka and the Portuguese (1541 - 1557) | O.M.Da Silva | Gunasena 1986 | 954.89 COS 6378 | 40 |
Sri Lanka Andukrama Wyawasthawa | 320 | 11 | ||
Sri Lanka at Crossroads, Dilemmas and Prospects After 50 Years of Independence | S T Hettige, Markus Mayer (Eds) | Macmillan 2000 | MFN: 002899 Acc.No. 3633 301+954.93 HAT | 8 |
Sri Lanka at Crossroads, Dilemmas and Prospects After 50 Years of Independence | S T Hettige, Markus Mayer (Eds) | Macmillan 2000 | MFN: 002899 Acc.No.3669 301+954.93 HAT | 8 |
Sri Lanka Business as an Agent for Peace | International Alert | International Alert 2006 | Acc 6078 791.4575'954'93 INT | 33 |
Sri Lanka Business as an Agent for Peace | International Alert | International Alert 2006 | Acc 5800 791.4575 INT | 33 |
Sri Lanka Country Study and Norwegian Aid Review | Gunnar M. Sorbo, Grete Brochmann, Reidar Dale, Mick Moore, Erik Whist | University of Bergen, Centre for Development Studies 1987 | Acc 6087 954 UNI | |
Sri Lanka country study and Norwegian Aid Review 1987 | Gunnar M. Sorbo, Grete Brochmann, Reidar Dale, Mick Moore, Erick Whist | University of Bergen | ACC 6087 954 UNI | 38 |
Sri Lanka Development of Scientific research and SAREC's support 1976- 1986 | Carl- Gustaf Thornstrom | SAREC Documentation 1986 | 954 THO | 38 |
Sri Lanka Development Of Scientific Research and SAREC's Support 1976-1986 | Carl-Gustaf Thornstrom | SAREC Documentation 1986 | 954 THO | |
Sri Lanka Economic Journal Vol 4 April 1989 No. 1 | Sri Lanka Economic Association | Sri Lanka Economic Association 1989 | Acc. No. 2828 930+ 330 SRI | 36 |
Sri Lanka Economic Journal Vol 5 September 1990 No. 2 | Sri Lanka Economic Association | Sri Lanka Economic Association | 930+ 330 SRI | 36 |
Sri Lanka Entre Particularismes et Mondialisation | Eric Meyer | La Documentation Francaise 2001 | Acc 3558 372.5'954'93 MEY | 30 |
Sri Lanka Ethnic Fratricide and the Dismantling of Democracy | S.J.Tambiah | Universuty of Chicago Press 1986 | Acc 1519 MFN:2529 321'452'954'34 THA SRI 01/08 | 14 |
Sri Lanka In Crisis 1977-88. J.R. Jayawardene and the Erosion Of Democracy | Rajiva Wijesinha | Council for Liberal Democracy 1991 | 323.279' 5493 WIJ | 15 |
Sri Lanka in Crisis Road to Conflict | Victor Ivan | Sarvodaya Book Publishing Services 1989 | SRI 323.27 IVA | 15 |
Sri Lanka in Crisis, Road to Conflict | Victor Ivan | Sarvodaya Book Publishing Services 1989 | 5303 CAT 172.34'954'93 IVA SRI 02/02 | 47 |
Sri Lanka in the Modern Age. A History of Contested Identities | Nira Wickramasinghe | Vijitha Yapa 2006 | 954.93 WIC | |
Sri Lanka in transition | W. M.K Wijetunga | 1974 | 954 WIJ 6199 | 38 |
Sri Lanka in Transition | W.M.K Wijetunga | 1974 | 954 WIJ | |
Sri Lanka in Transition | W.M.K. Wijetunga | 1974 | 324.2 PEI | 17 |
Sri Lanka in Transition | W.M.K. Wijetunga | 1974 | Acc 6037 338 WIJ | 24 |
Sri Lanka Island With a Future | Harry Haas | The Ecumenical Institute 1986 | 93.954 HAA 8456 | 38 |
Sri Lanka Journal of Development Administration Vol 6 No 2 1989 | Eric J. De Silva (Ed) | Journal of the Sri Lanka Institute of development Administration | 1656 | |
Sri Lanka Journal of Development Administration Vol. 6 No. 2 1989 | Eric J. De Silva | BI- Annual journal of the sri lanka institute of development administration | 930 SRI | 36 |
Sri Lanka Journal of Social Sciences Volume 1 no 1 June 1978 | The Social Science Research Centre | 24 | ||
Sri Lanka Journal of Social Sciences Volume 1 No 1 June 1978 | Social Science Research Centre | 070 SRI | 3 | |
Sri Lanka Journal of Social Sciences Volume 2 no 1 June 1979 | The Social Science Research Centre | 6002 300.5'95493 THF SRI 01/06 | 9 | |
Sri Lanka Journal of Social Sciences Volume 2 No 1 June 1979 | The Social Science Research Centre | 070 SRI | 3 | |
Sri Lanka Journal of Social Sciences Volume 3 No 2 December 1980 | The Social Science Research Centre | 070 SRI | 3 | |
Sri Lanka Journal of Social Sciences Volume 4 No 1 June 1981 | The Social Science Research Centre | 070 SRI | 3 | |
Sri Lanka Making Peace Possible | Elizabeth Harris (Ed) | Churches' Commission on Mission 1999 | 323 HAR 8024 | 16 |
Sri Lanka Mosaic. Environment, Man, Continuity and Change | Bernatd Swan | Marga Institute 1987 | 301.18 SWA | 8 |
Sri Lanka Peace Without Process | B. Raman, N. Sathiya Moorthy, Kalpana Chittaranjan | Vijitha Yapa Publications | Acc 4677 303.66 MUN | 7 |
Sri Lanka Peace Without Process | B.Raman, Sathiya Moorthy, Kalpana Chittaranjan | Vijitha Yapa Publications 2006 | 172.5 RAM ACC 6347 | 47 |
Sri Lanka Prajathanthrika Samajawadi Janarajaye: Dewani Parlimenthuwa (Pasweni Waraya) Parlimenthu Prakashana Mala No 47 Warthawa | 320 SRI | 11 | ||
Sri Lanka Problems of Governance | K.M.De Silva (Ed) | Konark Publishers Pvt Ltd 1993 | 328.16 DES | 20 |
Sri Lanka Puwathpath Sangara Ithihasaya: 1 kandaya 1832-1887 | M.D. Gunasena & Co. | 954.93 PAG | 39 | |
Sri Lanka Puwathpath Sangara Ithihasaya: 3 kandaya 1901-1907 | M.D. Gunasena & Co. | 954.93 PAG | 39 | |
Sri Lanka Puwathpath Sangara Ithihasaya: 4 kandaya 1908-1918 | M.D. Gunasena & Co. | 954.93 PAG | 39 | |
Sri Lanka Puwathpath Sangara Ithihasaya: 5 kandaya 1919-1924 | M.D. Gunasena & Co. | 954.93 PAG | 39 | |
Sri Lanka Register of Investors | International Economic Co-Operation Division | SRI 67/68 INT 1365 | 45 | |
Sri Lanka Since Independence. A Reference Guide To The Literature | Daya De Silva, C.R. De Silva | Navrang 1992 | Acc 5697 300'954 DES | 9 |
Sri Lanka Since Independence. A Reference Guide To The Literature | Daya De Silva, C.R. De Silva | Navrang 1992 | 301.08 SIL | 8 |
Sri Lanka Since Independence. A Reference Guide To The Literature | Daya De Silva, Chandra R. De Silva | Navrang 1992 | 6020 016.95493 DES SRI 01/08 | 2 |
Sri Lanka State of Economy 2011 Post - Conflict Growth: Making it inclusive | Institue of Policy Studies of Sri Lanaka 2011 | 6003 338.64'95493 INS SRI 03/04 | 24 | |
Sri Lanka The Arrogance of Power Myths, Decadence and Murder | Rajan Hoole | University Teachers For Human Rights (Jaffna) 2001 | 323.15 HOO LK (SRI) | 15 |
Sri Lanka The Arrogance of Power Myths, Decadence and Murder | Rajan Hoole | University Teachers for Human Rights (Jaffna) 2001 | 304 HOO | 9 |
Sri Lanka The Fractured Island | Mohan Ram | Penguin Books 1989 | 6138 954 RAM | 38 |
Sri Lanka The Fractured Island | Mohan Ram | Penguin Books 1989 | 323.28+ 954 RAM | 16 |
Sri Lanka Transport Sector Study | J.Diandas | Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung 1983 | Acc 1452 MFN:3915 384 DIA SRI 03/03 | 30 |
Sri Lanka Voices From A War Zone | Nirupama Subramanian | Vijitha Yapa 2005 | MFN: 002531 Acc. No. 4230 323.27 +954.34 SUB | 15 |
Sri Lanka. Collective Identities Revisited Volume I | Michael Roberts (Ed) | Marga Institute 1997 | SRI 330 ROB | 21 |
Sri Lanka. Collective Identities Revisited Volume II | Michael Roberts (Ed) | Marga Institute 1998 | 330 ROB | 21 |
Sri Lanka: A Survey | K.M.De Silva (Ed) | The Institute of Asian Affairs 1977 | SRI 911 DES 1187 | 35 |
Sri Lanka: Global Challenges and National Crises. Proceedings of the Hector Abhayavardhana Felicitation Symposium | Rajan Philips (Ed) | Ecumenical Institute for Study and Dialogue and Social Scientists' Association 2001 | MFN: 002547 Acc No. 4179 320.90 +954.93 PHI | 13 |
Sri Lanka: Global Challenges and National Crises. Proceedings of the Hector Abhayavardhana Felicitation Symposium | Rajan Philips (Ed) | Ecumenical Institute for Study and Dialogue and Social Scientists' Association 2001 | MFN:002547 Acc No. 4178 320.90 +954.93 PHI | 13 |
Sri Lanka: Global Challenges and National Crises. Proceedings of the Hector Abhayavardhana Felicitation Symposium | Rajan Philips (Ed) | Ecumenical Institute for Study and Dialogue and Social Scientists' Association 2001 | 6219 320 PHI | 13 |
Sri Lanka: Global Challenges and National Crises. Proceedings of the Hector Abhayavardhana Felicitation Symposium | Rajan Philips (Ed) | Ecumenical Institute for Study and Dialogue and Social Scientists' Association 2001 | 6137 320 PHI | 13 |
Sri Lanka: Global Challenges and National Crises. Proceedings of the Hector Abhayavardhana Felicitation Symposium | Rajan Philips (Ed) | Ecumenical Institute for Study and Dialogue and Social Scientists' Association 2001 | 6206 320 PHI | 13 |
Sri Lanka: Improving the Rural and Urban Investment Climate | The world Bank Colombo Office/ Asian Development Bank 2004 | SRI 338.98+ 551.583 WOR 6314 | 24 | |
Sri Lanka: Politics of Power, Crisis and Peace 2000-2005 | S.I. Keethaponcalan | Kumaran Book House 2008 | 320.954'93 KEE Acc 5230 | 13 |
Sri Lanka: State of Human Rights 2002 | Law and Society Trust 2002 | 340'954'34 LAW Acc 5218 | 25 | |
Sri Lanka: State of Human Rights 2003 | Law & Society Trust 2003 | 340.9 54.34 LAW 4708 | 25 | |
Sri Lanka: State of Human Rights 2003 | Law & Society Trust 2003 | 340'954'34 5217 LAW | 25 | |
Sri Lanka: State of Human Rights 2004 | Law & Society Trust 2004 | Acc 5204 340.954'34 LAW | 25 | |
Sri Lanka: State of Human Rights 2004 | Law & Society Trust 2004 | 340 LOW ACC 4172 | 25 | |
Sri Lanka: State of Human Rights 2006 The Tsunami & its Aftermath | Law & Society Trust | Law & Society Trust 2007 | Acc 4608 340.070.92'954'93 LAW SRI 01/02 | 25 |
Sri Lanka: The Crisis of the Anglo-American Constitutional Traditions in a Developing Society | Radhika Coomaraswamy | Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1984 | 345.49 COO 6196 | 26 |
Sri Lanka: The Devolution Debate | ICES 1996 | SRI 328.12 INT | 20 | |
Sri Lanka: The Devolution Debate | ICES 1996 | |||
Sri lanka: The Years of Terror. The JVP Insurrection 1987-1989 | C. A. Chandraprema | Lake House Bookshop 1991 | SRI 323.2 CHA | 15 |
Sri Lankan Muslims, Ethnic Identity Within Cultural Diversity | M. A. Nuhman | International Centre for Ethnic Studies 2007 | 297.08 NUH ACC 4541 | 4 |
Sri Lankan Muslims, Ethnic Identity Within Cultural Diversity | M. A. Nuhman | International Centre for Ethnic Studies 2007 | Acc 6205 297.082'95493 | 4 |
Sri Lankan Repatriates in Tamil Nadu. Rehabilitation and Integration | M.Vamadevan | Zen Publishers 1989 | SRI 325.6 VAM | 17 |
Sri Lankan Repatriates in Tamil Nadu. Rehabilitation and Integration | M.Vamadevan | Zen Publishers 1989 | SRI 325.6 VAM | 17 |
Sri Lankan Society in an Era of Globalization, Struggling to Create a New Social Order | S.H. Hasbullah & Barrie M. Morrison (Eds) | Sage Publications 2004 | MFN:002613 Acc. No. 4292 306'.0 +954.93 HAB | 12 |
Sri Lankan Society in an Era of Globalization, Struggling to Create a New Social Order | S.H. Hasbullah & Barrie M. Morrison (Eds) | Sage Publications 2004 | 330.185 +954 HAS | 21 |
Sri Lankan Subordinates of the British: English-Educated Ceylonese in Official Life 1865-1883 | W.M.D.D. Andradi | Social Scientists' Association 2011 | 370.95 AND | 30 |
Sri Lankan Tamil Nationalism, A Study of Its Origins | Murugar Gunasingam | MV Publications 1999 | MFN: 003258 Acc. No. N100009 323.12 +954.93 GUN | 15 |
Sri Lankan Tamil Society and Politics | Karthigesu Sivathamby | New Century Book House Ltd 1995 | 301.18+ 32 SIV | 8 |
Sri Lankan Woman in Antiquity (Sixth Century B.C to Fifteenth Century A.C) | Indrani Munasinghe | Author Publication 2004 | Acc 6071 305.420'95'93 MUN | 6 |
Sri Lanka's Crisis of National Unity | Tissa Balasuriya O.M.I. | The Centre for Society & Religion 1979 | SRI 321 BAL ACC 175 | 14 |
Sri Lanka's Development Thrust | Mallory E. Wijesinghe | 1981 | Acc.6084 302.35'954'93 WIJ | 12 |
Sri Lanka's Ethnic Crisis & national Security | Rohan Gunaratna | South Asian Network on Conflict Research Colombo 1998 | 172.4 GUN | 47 |
Sri Lanka's Ethnic Crisis & National Security | Rohan Gunaratna | South Asian Network on Conflict Research 1998 | 307.95 GUN 5305 | 12 |
Sri Lanka's First Prime Minister Don Stephen Senanayake | H.A.J. Hulugalle | M.D.Gunasena 1975 | SRI 92 A/Z HUL | |
Sri Lanka's Foreign Policy. A Study in Non- Alignment | Vikas Publishing House PVT LTD 1984 | 327.54 NIS | 18 | |
Sri Lanka's Peace Process 2002 Critical Perspectives | Jayadeva Uyangoda, Morina Perera (Eds) | Social Scientists' Association 2003 | Acc 6050 172.4'954'93 UYA SRI | 47 |
Sri Lanka's Peace Process 2002 Critical Perspectives | Jayadeva Uyangoda, Morina Perera (Eds) | Social Scientists' Association 2003 | 172.4 UYA 3838 | 47 |
Sri Lanka's Peace Process 2002 Critical Perspectives | Jayadeva Uyangoda, Morina Perera (Eds) | Social Scientists' Association 2003 | 5107 172.4'954'93 UYA SRI 02/01 | 47 |
Sri Lanka's Peace Process 2002 Critical Perspectives | Jayadeva Uyangoda, Morina Perera (Eds) | Social Scientists' Association 2003 | 175.4+954 UYA ACC 4006 | 47 |
Sri Lanka's Peace Process 2002 Critical Perspectives | Jayadeva Uyangoda, Morina Perera (Eds) | Social Scientists' Association 2003 | MFN: 002748 Acc No.3876 173.4+954.93 UYA | 47 |
Sri Lanka's Plantations in the 90's Special Issue The Thatched Patio Vol 4 No 3 | International Centre for Ethnic Studies 1991 | INT 633.72 SRI 633.72 | 32 | |
Sri Lanka's Plantations in the 90's Special Issue The Thatched Patio Vol 4 No 3 | International Centre for Ethnic Studies 1991 | 633 SRI | 32 | |
Sri Lanka's Vernacular Press and the Peace Process. Part of the Sri Lanka Strategic Conflict Assessment 2005. 2000-2005 | Suthaharan Nadarajah | The Asia Foundation 2005 | SRI 172.4 NAD | 47 |
Sri Lankawe Andukramaya saha Deshapalanya | Athula Withanawasam | 320.95 VIT | 11 | |
Sri Lankawe Bhasha Aithiwasikam: Demala Bhashawa Rajyaya Bhashawak Lesa Balathmaka Kireema | B. Skanthakumar(Ed) | Law and Society Trust | 306.449'954'93 SKA | 12 |
Sri Lankawe Deshapalana Paksha | P.M. Siriwardena | Acc 324+5493 SIR | 17 | |
Sri Lankawe Deshapalana Paksha | P.M. Siriwardena | 324.5493 SIR | 17 | |
Sri Lankawe Gatum Nirakaranaya saha Samaya Godananweema: Baudha Paryalokaya | Jayadeva Uyangoda, Ranjith Perera, Ven. Kahagala Seelananda, Ven. Bibile Vajirayan | Social Scientists' Association, Nirmanee Circle | 303.690 954'93 VAJ | 7 |
Sri Lankawe Gatum Nirakaranaya saha Samaya Godananweema: Baudha Paryalokaya | Jayadeva Uyangoda, Ranjith Perera, Ven. Kahagala Seelananda, Ven. Bibile Vajirayan | Social Scientists' Association, Nirmanee Circle | 303.690 954'93 VAJ | 7 |
Sri Lankawe Gatum Nirakaranaya saha Samaya Godananweema: Baudha Paryalokaya | Jayadeva Uyangoda, Ranjith Perera, Ven. Kahagala Seelananda, Ven. Bibile Vajirayan | Social Scientists' Association, Nirmanee Circle | 303.690 954'93 VAJ | 7 |
Sri Lankawe Gatum Nirakaranaya saha Samaya Godananweema: Baudha Paryalokaya | Jayadeva Uyangoda, Ranjith Perera, Ven. Kahagala Seelananda, Ven. Bibile Vajirayan | Social Scientists' Association, Nirmanee Circle | 303.690 954'93 VAJ | 7 |
Sri Lankawe Gatum Nirakaranaya saha Samaya Godananweema: Baudha Paryalokaya | Jayadeva Uyangoda, Ranjith Perera, Ven. Kahagala Seelananda, Ven. Bibile Vajirayan | Social Scientists' Association, Nirmanee Circle | 303.690 954'93 VAJ | 7 |
Sri Lankawe Gatum Nirakaranaya saha Samaya Godananweema: Baudha Paryalokaya | Jayadeva Uyangoda, Ranjith Perera, Ven. Kahagala Seelananda, Ven. Bibile Vajirayan | Social Scientists' Association, Nirmanee Circle | 303.690 954'93 VAJ | 7 |
Sri Lankawe Gatum Nirakaranaya saha Samaya Godananweema: Baudha Paryalokaya | Jayadeva Uyangoda, Ranjith Perera, Ven. Kahagala Seelananda, Ven. Bibile Vajirayan | Social Scientists' Association, Nirmanee Circle | 303.690 954'93 VAJ | 7 |
Sri Lankawe Gatum Nirakaranaya saha Samaya Godananweema: Baudha Paryalokaya | Jayadeva Uyangoda, Ranjith Perera, Ven. Kahagala Seelananda, Ven. Bibile Vajirayan | Social Scientists' Association, Nirmanee Circle | 303.690 954'93 VAJ | 7 |
Sri Lankawe Janawargika Gataluwa saha Wisandum | Lionel Guruge | 323.3'954'93 GUR | 15 | |
Sri Lankawe Janawargika Gatum, Samaya, saha Eewaye Wenaswana Gathikathwa | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 323.37 954'93 UYA | 15 |
Sri Lankawe Janawargika Gatum, Samaya, saha Eewaye Wenaswana Gathikathwa | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 323.37' 954'93 UYA | 15 |
Sri Lankawe Janawargika Gatum, Samaya, saha Eewaye Wenaswana Gathikathwa | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 323.37' 954'93 UYA | 15 |
Sri Lankawe Janawargika Gatum, Samaya, saha Eewaye Wenaswana Gathikathwa | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 323.37' 954'93 UYA | 15 |
Sri Lankawe Janawargika Gatum, Samaya, saha Eewaye Wenaswana Gathikathwa | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association | 323.37' 954'93 UYA | 15 |
Sri Lankawe Jathika Sanketha | Karunaratna Dasanayake | 082.954'9392 DAS | 2 | |
Sri Lankawe Jathikathwa Gataluwa saha Samaja Wiparyayasa: 1979 December Masa Samaja widyaknainge Sangamaya Wisin Pawathwana Lada Sammanthranaya Idiripath Kerunu Lipi | Social Scientists' Association 1984 | 303.38 SOC | 7 | |
Sri Lankawe Jathikathwa Gataluwa saha Wisandum | Lionel Guruge | 323.3'954'93 GUR | 15 | |
Sri Lankawe Jathikathwa Gataluwa saha Wisandum | Lionel Guruge | 323.3'954'93 GUR | 15 | |
Sri Lankawe Jathikathwa Gataluwa saha Wisandum | Lionel Guruge | 323.3'954'93 GUR | 15 | |
Sri Lankawe Jathikathwa Gataluwa saha Wisandum | Lionel Guruge | 323.3'954'93 GUR | 15 | |
Sri Lankawe Kamkaru Panthi Wyaparaye Keti Ithihasaya 1893-1947 | Kumari Jayawardena | 331.88 JAY | 23 | |
Sri Lankawe Kamkaru Panthi Wyaparaye Keti Ithihasaya 1893-1947 | Kumari Jayawardena | 331.88 JAY | 23 | |
Sri Lankawe Kamkaru Panthi Wyaparaye Keti Ithihasaya 1893-1947 | Kumari Jayawardena | 331.88 JAY | 23 | |
Sri Lankawe Kamkaru Wyaparaye Nageema | Kumari Jayawardena | 331.01 JAY | 23 | |
Sri Lankawe Kamkaru Wyaparaye Nageema | Kumari Jayawardena | 331.01 JAY | 23 | |
Sri Lankawe Mathiwarana Puranaya | Malalgoda Banduthilaka | Acc 7836 324.95 BAN | 17 | |
Sri Lankawe Mathiwarana Puranaya | Malalgoda Banduthilaka | 324.95 BAN | 17 | |
Sri Lankawe Palath Palana Aayathanayanhi Neethika Viyuhaya | 320 SRI | 11 | ||
Sri Lankawe Palath Palana Neethiya, Volume 1 - Pradana Neethi | J.G. Keerthirathne | 2003 | ||
Sri Lankawe Palath Palana Neethiya, Volume 2 - Athuru Neethi | J.G. Keerthirathne | 2003 | ||
Sri Lankawe Palath Sabha Kramaya Pilibanda Hadinweemak | Shirani A. Bandaranayakke | 320 SHI | 11 | |
Sri Lankawe Samajaya Saha Sanskruthiya Pradhanaya Kirima: Thoragath Nibanda Vol 1: 1960- 1983 | Sasanka Perera, Harindra Dasanayake, Chandra Lekamarachi (Eds) | Acc 4533 305'954.93 PER | 6 | |
Sri Lankawe Samajaya Saha Sanskruthiya Pradhanaya Kirima: Thoragath Nibanda Vol 2: 1980-1999 | Sasanka Perera, Harindra Dasanayake, Chandra Lekamarachi (Eds) | Acc 4533 306'954.93 PER | 6 | |
Sri Lankawe Samajaya Saha Sanskruthiya Pradhanaya Kirima: Thoragath Nibanda Vol 3: 2000-2005 | Sasanka Perera, Harindra Dasanayake, Chandra Lekamarachi (Eds) | Acc 4533 305'954.93 PER | 6 | |
Sri Lankawe Samanupathika Chandakramaya | A.M. Nawarathna Bandara | 320+ 5493 BAN | 11 | |
Sri Lankawe Samaya Udesa Sahamanthranaya: Daroo Uthsahayan, Asarthakaweem saha Ugath Padam | Kumar Rupesinghe (Ed) | 327.16+954.93 RUP | 20 | |
Sri Lankawe Sanskruthika Ha Mathawadaya Pilibanda Deshapalanaya | Serena Tennekoon/ Prasanna Rathnayaka, Ranjith Perera (Trs) | Social Scientists' Association 1998 | 305 | 6 |
Sri Lankawe Sanskruthika Ha Mathawadaya Pilibanda Deshapalanaya | Serena Tennekoon/ Prasanna Rathnayaka, Ranjith Perera (Trs) | Social Scientists' Association 1998 | 320.59 54'93 SRI | 11 |
Sri Lankawe Sanskruthika Ha Mathawadaya Pilibanda Deshapalanaya | Serena Tennekoon/ Prasanna Rathnayaka, Ranjith Perera (Trs) | Social Scientists' Association 1998 | 320.59 54'93 SRI | 11 |
Sri Lankawe Sthreen Chanda Balayata Kala Satana | Malathi de Alwis & Kumari Jayawardena | Social Scientists' Association | 305.42 ALV | 6 |
Sri Lankawe Sthreen Chanda Balayata Kala Satana | Malathi de Alwis & Kumari Jayawardena | Social Scientists' Association | 305.42 ALV | 6 |
Sri Lankawe Sthreen Chanda Balayata Kala Satana | Malathi de Alwis & Kumari Jayawardena | Social Scientists' Association | 305.42 ALV | 6 |
Sri Lankawe Warthamana Samaja Arbudaya | A.T. Ariyarathna, Ediriweera Sarachchandra | 323.3 | 15 | |
Sri Maha Vihara Vanshaya | Ven. Ranminike Wimalajothi, Ven. Naramane Budharakhitha | 294.954'93 VIM SRI 02/04 | 5 | |
State of Democracy in South Asia. | Harsh Sethi (Ed) | Oxford University Press, SDSA Team, CSDS 2008 | 320+54 DEM | 13 |
State of Democracy in South Asia. Report 2 | Sandeep Shastri, Suhas Palshikar, Sanjaya Kumara | Jain Univasity 2010 | 320 SHA | 13 |
State Reform from below Video Archive Trancripts : 2011 | Nalinda Seneviratne, Natasha Hilary, Sudeera Vithana | 330 SEN | 23 | |
State Reform in Sri Lanka. A Dialogue Series | Jayadeva Uyangoda, Mario Gomez (Eds) | Social Scientists' Association, Berghof Foundation For Conflict Studies 2007 | 322.44 +954.93 Acc 4938 UYA | 44 |
State Reform in Sri Lanka. Issues, Directions and Perspectives | Jayadeva Uyangoda (Ed) | Social Scientists' Association 2013 | SRI 320 UYA | 22 |
State Reform in Sri Lanka. Issues, Directions and Perspectives | Jayadeva Uyangoda (Ed) | Social Scientists' Association 2013 | SRI 320 UYA | 22 |
State Reform in Sri Lanka. Issues, Directions and Perspectives | Jayadeva Uyangoda (Ed) | Social Scientists' Association 2013 | 320.95 UYA | 22 |
State Reform in Sri Lanka. Issues, Directions and Perspectives | Jayadeva Uyangoda (Ed) | Social Scientists' Association 2013 | SRI 320 UYA | 22 |
State Reform in Sri Lanka. Issues, Directions and Perspectives | Jayadeva Uyangoda (Ed) | Social Scientists' Association 2013 | 320.95 UYA | 22 |
State Reform in Sri Lanka. Issues, Directions and Perspectives | Jayadeva Uyangoda (Ed) | Social Scientists' Association 2013 | 320.95 UYA | 22 |
State, Policy and the Economy With Case Studies From Kenya and Sri Lanka | Karel Jansen | Institute of Social Studies 1982 | Acc 1304 MFN 2946 330.191.5'954'93 JAN SRI 01/09 | 23 |
States in History | John A Hall (Ed) | Basil Blackwell 1986 | ||
States in History | John A. Hall | Library of Congress cataloging in- publication data | 930 HAL | 36 |
State's Response to Gender Equality and Women's Demands for Reform in Legal, Institutional and Public Spheres | Shyamala Gomez, Kumari Jayawardena | Social Scientists' Association 2014 | 305 GOM | 6 |
Statistical Abstract of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka 1989 | Department of Census and Statistics | 315.49 DEP | 4 | |
Statistical design and analysis of Experiments | Peter W. M. John | ACC D00 1685 MFN 3892001' 422 JOH | 40 | |
Statistics on Vital Events 2000-2010 | Registrar General's Department Ministry of Public Administration and Home Affairs Sri Lanka 2011 | 030+954.93 MIN 7886 | 45 | |
Status | Bryan S. Turner | Open University Press 1988 | ||
Status of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Sri Lanka | B. Skanthakumar(Ed) | LST, MONLAR 2011 | 323.09 SKA 7864 | 15 |
Stepping Out; Women Surviving Amidst Displacement and Deprivation | F. Zachariya & N. Shanmugaratnam | Muslim Women's Research and Action Forum | MFN: 003460 Acc.No. 4287 305.4 ZAC | 6 |
Sthreen ha Tsunami Khedawachakaya | Ambika Satkunanadan | Social Scientists' Association 2010 | 363.34082 SAT | |
Sthreenge Prathipaththi Prakashanaya | Social Scientists' Association | 300 | 9 | |
Sthreewadaya Saha Jathiwadaya | Kumari Jayawardena | Social Scientists' Association 2004 | 305.3 +954.93 JAY | 6 |
Sthreewadaya Saha Jathiwadaya | Kumari Jayawardena | Social Scientists' Association 2004 | 305.3 +954.93 JAY | 6 |
Stone and Flower: Truth as a Foundation for Community Learning and Reconciliation | Galuh Wandita Soedjatmoko | Neelan Tiruchelvam Trust 2014 | 323.4 SOE | 16 |
Strained Fraternity: Identity Formations, Migration and Social Transformation Among Sri Lankan Tamils in Tamil Nadu, India | Nicolay Paus | University of Bergen 2005 | 321.954 AHM ACC 4507 | 14 |
Strange Multiplicity. Constitutionalism in an Age of Diversity | James Tully | Cambridge University Press 1995 | 320 TUL | 13 |
Striking a Balance. Using International Human Rights to Achieve Gender Equality | Mario Gomez, Shyamala Gomez | Shakti 2004 | MFN:003257 Acc No. N100008 323.34 +954.93 GOM | 16 |
Striking a Balance. Using International Human Rights to Achieve Gender Equality | Mario Gomez, Shyamala Gomez | Shakti 2004 | Acc 5203 323.34'954'93 GOM SRI 01/12 | 16 |
Structural Adjustment Policies in Sri Lanka: A Critical Evaluation. A Study for the NGO-WB Committee | Charles Abeysekera, Sunil Bastian, Spali Kottegoda, W.D.Lakshman, Sumanasiri Liyanage, Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 1993 | 341 ABE | |
Studies Historical & Cultural | Rt. Rev. Dr. Edmund Peiris O.M.I | Colombo Catholic Press 1978 | 954.93 PET 3193 | 41 |
Studies in Caste and Social Justice in Sri Lanka Vol.1 Castes in Sinhalese Society, Culture and Politics (With a Bibliography on Caste in Sri Lanka) | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 1998 | 321.2 UYA 4030 | 14 |
Studies on the Sri Lankan Left - 1. Theorizing the National Crisis. Sanmugathasan, the Left and the Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka | Ravi Vaitheespara | Social Scientists' Association 2007 | ||
Suicide in Sri Lanka | Padmasiri De Silva (Ed) | Redd Barna Sri Lanka | SRI 301.085 SUI | 8 |
Survey of Sri Lankan Law Vol.1 1980/1981 | Ministry of justice 1983 | 001.433' 95493 MIN | 1 | |
Sustainability of NGOs and Globalisation | N. Ravichandran | Rawat Publications 2007 | 9 | |
Suyam Nirnayam Urimai | B.A.Kadre | Appaal - Tamil 2003 | ||
Swabhawika Wyasanayanta Dhanuwathwa Muhuna Demu: Kanthawanta Maga Penweeme Athpotha | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | |||
Swabhawika Wyasanayanta Dhanuwathwa Muhuna Demu: Kanthawanta Maga Penweeme Athpotha | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | 303.48 5082 | 7 | |
Swabhawika Wyasanayanta Dhanuwathwa Muhuna Demu: Kanthawanta Maga Penweeme Athpotha | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | 303.48 5082 | 7 | |
Swabhawika Wyasanayanta Dhanuwathwa Muhuna Demu: Kanthawanta Maga Penweeme Athpotha | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | 303.48 5082 | 7 | |
Systematic Nomenclature for the Birds of Sri Lanka | D.G.A. Perera, S.W. Kotagama | Tisara Prakasakayo 1983 | SRI 598.2 PER | |
Tagus to Taprobane | Shihan De Silva Jayasuriya | Tisara Prakasakayo Ltd. 2001 | 954.93 DES 3671 | 38 |
Tagus to Taprobane | Shihan De Silva Jayasuriya | Tisara Prakasakayo 2001 | 301.08 JAY | 8 |
taking social | Rajiva Wijesinha | Navrang 1986 | Acc 5304 323.27'954'93 WIJ | 9 |
Taking Social Development Seriously, The Experience of Sri Lanka | Laksiri Jayasuriya | Saga Publications 2010 | Acc 5715 303.40'95'493 JAY SRI 303.40'951'93 | 7 |
Taking Social Development Seriously, The Experience of Sri Lanka | Laksiri Jayasuriya | Sage Publications 2010 | 303.4095493 JAY | 7 |
Tamil as Official Language. Retrospect and Prospect | A.Theva Rajan | International Centre for Ethnic Studies 1995 | SRI 491.81 RAJ 2452 | 31 |
Tamil Culture in Ceylon, A General Introduction | M.D. Raghavan | Kalai Nilayam Limited | 008+95 RAG | 1 |
Tamil Culture in Ceylon, A General Introduction | M.D.Raghavan | Kalai Nilayam Limited | 930.9' 954'93 RAG 884 | 37 |
Tamil Language Rights in Sri Lanka | Dr. Devanesan Nesiah | Centre for Policy Alternatives 2012 | 408.8 NES 3124 | 31 |
Tamil Language Rights in Sri Lanka | Devanesan Nesiah | Centre for Policy Alternatives 2012 | 306.44 NES | 12 |
Tamilian Nationalism and Social Conflicts - An Effort to Understand the Current Ethnic Crisis | Prof. K. Sivathamby | 1985 | 327.16 Acc 4714 SIV | |
Tamils and Cultural Pluralism in Ancient Sri Lanka | D. J. Kanagaratnam | 948.114 954.93 Acc 303 KAN 303 | 37 | |
Tamil-Sinhala Dictionary | W.S. Karunatilake | 413 KAR | 31 | |
Tanks and Rice | D.T. Devendra | M.D.Gunasena 1965 | MFN: 002625 Acc No. 733 911.93+(548.7) +954.93 DEV | 35 |
Tea and Politics Vol 2: My Life and Times | S.Thondaman | Navrang 1994 | Acc 5247 338+954 MFN:4079 | 24 |
Tea and Poverty Plantations and the Political Economy of Sri Lanka | Nawaz Dawood | Urban Rural Mission - Christian Conference of Asia 1980 | 6077 633.72'954 DAW SRI 633.72'954 | 32 |
Tea Plantations in Crisis An Overview | P.P. Manikam | Social Scientists' Association 1995 | 633.22 MAN | 32 |
Tea Plantations in Crisis An Overview | P.P. Manikam | Social Scientists' Association 1995 | 633.72 MAN 3162 | 32 |
Tea Plantations in Crisis An Overview | P.P. Manikam | Social Scientists' Association 1995 | 633.72 MAN 3162 | 32 |
Tea Plantations in Crisis An Overview | P.P. Manikam | Social Scientists' Association 1995 | Acc 6107 633.72 MAN | 32 |
Tears in Teardrop Island | M.V.M Alagappan | Sterling Publishers Private Limited 1985 | 323 ALA acc 8313 | 15 |
Technological Competition and Interdependence: The Search for Policy in the United States, West Germany and Japan | Gunter Heiduk and Kuzo Yamamura (Eds) | University of Washington Press 1990 | 338.97 HEI | 24 |
Tesawalamai: Protection of Community Rights or Discrimination of Women? | Ambika Satkunanadan | Social Scientists' Association 2004 | 396.2 SAT 4032 | 31 |
Tesawalamai: Protection of Community Rights or Discrimination of Women? | Ambika Satkunanadan | Social Scientists Association 2004 | 396.2 SAT 4031 | 31 |
The "Second Tsunami" The Loss of Peaceful Coexistence Among Tsunami-Affected Villagers in Southern Sri Lanka | Premakumara de Silva | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | 363.340 5368 | 29 |
The "Second Tsunami" The Loss of Peaceful Coexistence Among Tsunami-Affected Villagers in Southern Sri Lanka | Premakumara de Silva | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | 363.340 95493 DES | 29 |
The Acquisitive Society | R.H. Tawney | The Fontana Library | 300 TAW | 9 |
The Adaptable Peasant: Agrarian Society in Western Sri Lanka Under Dutch Rule, 1740-1800 | Nirmal Ranjith Dewasiri | Brill 2008 | 954.932 DEW 5508 | 40 |
The Administration of Sir Henry Ward Governor of Ceylon 1855-1860 | S.V. Balasingham | Tisara Prakasakayo 1968 | SRI 92.16 BAS 3201 | 10 |
The Administration of Sir William Gregory Governor of Ceylon 1872-1877 | B.Bastiamillai | Tisara Prakasakayo 1968 | SRI 92 '16' BAS ACC 1193 | 10 |
The Agricola and the Germania | Tacitus, H. Mattingly | Penguin Books 1970 | 936 TAC ACC D002654 | 37 |
The Almsgiving | Jean Arasanayagam | Social Scientists' Association 2014 | 821 ARA 7784 | 35 |
The Almsgiving | Jean Arasanayagam | Social Scientists' Association 2014 | 821 ARA | 35 |
The Almsgiving | Jean Arasanayagam | Social Scientists' Association 2014 | 821 ARA | 35 |
The Almsgiving | Jean Arasanayagam | Social Scientists' Association 2014 | 821 ARA | 35 |
The Almsgiving and Other Plays | Regi Siriwardena | 1994 | 822 SIR 7700 | 35 |
The Alternatives to Globalisation | Walden Bello | MFN:002710 Acc No. N100098 382+954 BEL | 30 | |
The Alternatives to Globalisation | Walden Bello | MFN: 002710 Acc. No. N100097 382+954 BEL | 30 | |
The Alternatives to Globalisation | Walden Bello | 4300 382+952 BEL LK(SRI) | 30 | |
The American Intellectual Tradition Volume I 1630-1865 Third Edition | David A Hollinger, Charles Capper (Ed) | Oxford University Press 1997 | 973 HOL 2091 | 44 |
The Analysis of Pre-Colonial Social Formation in Asia in the Writings of Karl Marx | R.A.L.H. Gunawardena | Social Scientists' Association | 335 GUN 3699 | 26 |
The Analysis of Pre-Colonial Social Formation in Asia in the Writings of Karl Marx | R.A.L.H. Gunawardena | Social Scientists' Association 1976 | 335 GUN 3695 | 26 |
The Analysis of Pre-Colonial Social Formation in Asia in the Writings of Karl Marx | R.A.L.H. Gunawardana | Social Scientists' Association | ||
The Analysis of Pre-Colonial Social Formation in Asia in the Writings of Karl Marx | R.A.L.H. Gunawardana | Social Scientists' Association 1976 | ||
The Anguish of '83' Sri Lanka's Ethnic Crisis and the Way Out. Article & an Epilogue 1983-1989 | C. Suriyakumaran | K.V.G De Silva 1990 | Acc 6058 320 SUR | 11 |
The Anguish of '83' Sri Lanka's Ethnic Crisis and the Way Out. Article & an Epilogue 1983-1989 | C. Suriyakumaran | K.V.G De Silva 1990 | 172.47 SUR 6177 | 47 |
The April 1971 Insurrection in Ceylon a Bibliographical Commentary 2nd Edition | H.A.I. Goonetileke | Valmingenstraat 116 3000 Leuven Belgium 1975 | Acc 25.8 016.954'93 GOO SRI 02/03 | 2 |
The Archdiocese of Colombo 1975-2000 | Complied by Manel Abhayaratna | Archbishop's House 2000 | 027.954'93 ABH ACC4096 | 2 |
The Argumentative Indian. Writings on Indian Culture, History and Identity | Amartya Sen | Penguin Books 2005 | ||
The Art and Archaeology of Sri Lanka I : Archaeology, Architecture, Sculpture | Leelananda Prematilleke, Senake Bandaranayake, S.U. Deraniyagala, Roland Silva (Eds) | Central Cultural Fund 2007 | 930.1' 95493 ROB 5389 | 36 |
The Aryan village in India and Ceylon | John B. Phear | J. Jetley | 954 PHE 6210 | 38 |
The Aryan Village in India and Ceylon | John B. Phear | Asian Educational Services 1995 | 320.23' 954'93 PHE ACC 2435 | 11 |
The Aryan Village in India and Ceylon | John B. Phear | Asian Educational Services 1995 | 954 PHE | |
The Aryan Village in India and Ceylon | John B. Phear | Asian Publications Services 1975 | 320.23' 954'93 PHE ACC 4194 | 11 |
The Battle of Bretton Woods | Benn Steil | Princeton University Press 2013 | ||
The Beggar in Sri Lanka | Nandasena Ratnapala | 1985 | Acc 6033 339 RAT | 25 |
The Blackboard in the Jungle: Formal Education in Disadvantaged Rural Areas. A Sri Lankan Case | Victoria J. Baker | Eburon Delft 1988 | SRI 371.03 BAK 1554 | 30 |
The Blood of Others | Simone de Beauvoir | Penguin Books 1964 | 3-055.2+ deB | |
The Bracegirdle Affair. An Episode in the History of the Lanka Sama Samaja Party | Wesley Muthiah/ Sydney Wanasinghe (Eds) | A Young Socialist Publication 1988 | 324.29 MUT | 17 |
The Bracegirdle Affair. An Episode in the History of the Lanka Sama Samaja Party | Wesley Muthiah/ Sydney Wanasinghe (Eds) | Young Socialist Publication 1997 | SRI 329.15 MUT | |
The Bracegirdle Affair. An Episode in the History of the Lanka Sama Samaja Party | Wesley Muthiah/ Sydney Wanasinghe (Eds) | A Young Socialist Publication 2006 | 324.29 MUT | 17 |
The Break-up of Sri Lanka. The Sinhalese-Tamil Conflict | A. Jeyaratnam Wilson | C. Hurst & Company | Acc 4129 323.38'954'93 WIL | 16 |
The Break-up of Sri Lanka. The Sinhalese-Tamil Conflict | A. Jeyaratnam Wilson | C. Hurst & Company | 172.4 WIL | 47 |
The Broken Palmyra . The Tamil crisis in Sri Lanka- An Inside Account | Ranjan Hoole, Daya Somasundaram, K.Sritharan, Rajani Thiranagama | The Sri Lanka Studies Institute 1990 | 323.27 HOO 7980 | 16 |
The Burdens of Freedom: Eastern Europe since 1989 | Padraic Kenney | Fernwood Publishing, Zed books 2006 | 947.00 KEN 8080 | 37 |
The Cantons in Switerland's Political System | 43 | |||
The Case for Free Education | Dr. N.M. Perera | An Ola Publication | 371.221 PER 1327 | 30 |
The Catholic Church in Sri Lanka, The Dutch Period Volume I 1658 - 1711 | V. Perniola S.J | Tisara Prakasakayo Ltd. 1983 | SRI 26 PER 1582 | 2 |
The Catholic Church in Sri Lanka, The Dutch Period Volume II 1712 - 1746 | V. Perniola S.J | Tisara Prakasakayo Ltd. 1983 | SRI 26 PER 1855 | 2 |
The Catholic Church in Sri Lanka, The Dutch Period Volume II 1712-1746 | V. Perniola S.J | Tisara Prakasakayo Ltd 1983 | Acc 1595 026.954'93 PER SRI | 2 |
The Catholic Church in Sri Lanka, The Dutch Period Volume III 1747 - 1795 | V. Perniola S.J | Tisara Prakasakayo Ltd. 1985 | SRI 26 PER | 2 |
The Catholic Church in Sri Lanka, The Portuguese Period Volume I 1505-1565 | V. Perniola S.J | Tisara Prakasakayo Ltd 1989 | SRI 26 PER | 2 |
The Catholic Church in Sri Lanka, The Portuguese Period Volume II 1566-1619 | V. Perniola S.J | Tisara Prakasakayo Ltd 1991 | SRI 26 PER | 2 |
The Catholic Church in Sri Lanka, The Portuguese Period Volume III 1620 - 1658 | V. Perniola S.J | Tisara Prakasakayo Ltd. 1991 | SRI 26 PER | 2 |
The Ceylon Antiquary and Literary Register April 1916 Vol. I Part IV | 4910 082+954.93 CEY 3525 MFN | 2 | ||
The Ceylon Economist | ||||
The Ceylon Economist 2. Vol 2 Second Quarter 1952 | Economic Research Association | 23 | ||
The Ceylon Economist 3. Vol 2 Third Quarter 1952 | Ceylon Economic Research Association | |||
The Ceylon Economist 4. Vol 2 July 1953 | Economic Research Association | 21 | ||
The Ceylon Economist Vol 2 No 3 March 1956 | Economic Research Association | 070 CEY | 3 | |
The Ceylon Economist Vol 4 No 3 December 1958 | Ceylon Economic Research Association | 070 CEY | 3 | |
The Ceylon Economist, A Journal of Economics and Politics | G. H. Wadinambiaratchi | Ceylon Economic Research Association 1961 | 930 CEY | 37 |
The Ceylon Economy. A National Accounts Study | M.R.P. Salgado | Social Scientists' Association 2011 | Acc 5922 330.95493 SAL | 21 |
The Ceylon Historical Journal Vol I April 1952 No 4 | S.D.Saparamadu (Ed) | 930 CEY | 36 | |
The Ceylon Historical Journal Vol I April 1952 No 4 | S.D.Saparamadu (Ed) | 1952 | 930 CEY | 36 |
The Ceylon Historical Journal Vol I January 1952 No 3 | S.D.Saparamadu (Ed) | 1952 | 930. 95493 CEY | 36 |
The Ceylon Historical Journal Vol I July 1951 No 1 | S.D.Saparamadu (Ed) | 930 CEY | 36 | |
The Ceylon Historical Journal Vol I October 1951 No 2 | S.D.Saparamadu (Ed) | 930 CEY | 36 | |
The Ceylon Historical Journal Vol II July & October 1952 Nos 1 & 2 | S.D.Saparamadu (Ed) | 1952 | 070 CEY | 3 |
The Ceylon Historical Journal Vol III January & April 1954 No 3 & 4 | S.D.Saparamadu (Ed) | 1954 | 930+ 5493 CEY | 36 |
The Ceylon Historical Journal Vol III October 1953 No 2 | S.D.Saparamadu (Ed) | 1953 | 930 CEY | 36 |
The Ceylon Historical Journal Vol III October 1953 No 2 | S.D.Saparamadu (Ed) | 1953 | 930.95493 CEY | 36 |
The Ceylon Historical Journal Vol IV July & Oct 1954 and Jan & April 1955 Nos. 1, 2, 3 & 4 | S.D.Saparamadu (Ed) | The Arts Council of Ceylon | 930+95493 CEY | 36 |
The Ceylon Historical Journal Vol V July & Oct 1955 and Jan & April 1956 Nos. 1, 2, 3 & 4 | S.D.Saparamadu (Ed) | 930 CEY | 36 | |
The Ceylon Historical Journal Vol XXV October 1978. Twenty Fifth Anniversary Volume | Senake Bandaranayake (Ed) | Tisara Prakasakayo 1978 | 954.93 BAN 1868 | 42 |
The Ceylon Historical Journal Vol. II January & April 1953 Nos 3&4 | 1953 | 930 CEY | 36 | |
The Ceylon Historical Journal Volume Nineteen (1969-70) | G.P.S.H. De Silva, S.D. Saparamadu (Eds) | Tisara Prakasakayo 1970 | 930.954'93 DES 1870 | 37 |
The Ceylon Journal of Historical and Social Studies New Series Vol III January - June 1973 No. 1 | K.M. De Silva (Ed) | Ceylon Historical and Social Studies Publication Board 1974 | 930 CEY | 36 |
The Ceylon Journal of Historical and Social Studies New Series Vol III July - December 1973 No 2 | K.M. De Silva (Ed) | Ceylon Historical and Social Studies Publication Board 1974 | 930 CEY | 36 |
The Ceylon Journal of Historical and Social Studies New Series Vol VI July - December 1976 No 2 | K.M. De Silva (Ed) | 1978 | 930 CEY | 36 |
The Ceylon Journal of Historical And Social Studies New Series Vol VII January- June 1977 No 1 | K.M. De Silva (Ed) | Ceylon Historical and Social Studies Publication Board 1979 | 930 CEY | 36 |
The Ceylon Journal of Historical and Social Studies New Series Vol VII June - December 1977 No 2 | K.M. De Silva (Ed) | Ceylon Historical and Social Studies Publication Board 1979 | 930 CEY | 36 |
The Ceylon Journal of Historical and Social Studies Vol 1 July 1958 No 2 | Ralph Pieris, S. Arasaratnam (Ed) | 930 CEY | 36 | |
The Ceylon Journal of Historical and Social Studies Vol 2 January 1959 No 1 | Ralph Pieris, S. Arasaratnam (Ed) | 930 CEY | 36 | |
The Ceylon Journal of Historical and Social Studies Vol 3 January - June 1960 | H.A.I. Goonetileke (Ed) | The Ceylon Historical and Social Studies Publications Board | 890.95493 PIE 1010 | 35 |
The Ceylon Journal of Historical and Social Studies Vol 3 January - June 1960 | Ralph Pieris, S. Arasaratnam (Ed) | 070 CEY | 3 | |
The Ceylon Journal of Historical and Social Studies Vol 4 July - December 1961 No 2 | Ralph Pieris, S. Arasaratnam (Ed) | The Ceylon Historical and Social Studies Publications Board | 930 CEY | 36 |
The Ceylon Journal of Historical and Social Studies Vol 6 January-June 1963 No 1 | Ralph Pieris (Ed) | Ceylon Historical and Social Studies Publication Board | 930+95493 CEY | 36 |
The Ceylon Journal of Historical and Social Studies Vol 7 January - June 1964 | Ralph Pieris (Ed) | Ceylon Historical and Social Studies Publication Board | 930+ 95493 CEY | 37 |
The Ceylon Journal of Historical and Social Studies Vol 8 January - December 1965 | Ralph Pieris (Ed) | Ceylon Historical and Social Studies Publication Board | 930 + 95493 CEY | 37 |
The Ceylon Journal of Historical and Social Studies Vol I July 1958 No 2 | Ralph Pieris, S. Arasaratnam (Ed) | |||
The Ceylon Medical Journal Vol 28 No 3 | Sri Lanka Medical Association 1983 | 803 SRI LK(SRI) 4202 | 33 | |
The Changing Face of Electoral Politics in Sri Lanka (1994-2004) | Laksiri Jayasuriya | Marshall Cavendish Academic 2005 | MFN: 002512 Acc No. 4152 329.8 +954.34 JAY | 20 |
The Changing Face of Electoral Politics in Sri Lanka (1994-2004) | Laksiri Jayasuriya | Marshall Cavendish Academic 2005 | 320+5493 JAY | 22 |
The Changing Face of Electoral Politics in Sri Lanka (1994-2010) | Laksiri Jayasuriya | Social Scientists' Association 2012 | 324.630'954'93 JAY | 17 |
The Christian Church in Sri Lanka | D.Kanagasabai Wilson | The Study Centre for Religion and Society | SRI 26 WIL 1648 | 2 |
The Citizenship Law of the Republic of Sri Lanka (Ceylon) | L.L.T. Peiris | 343.083'95493 PEI 5972 | 27 | |
The Collapse of the Rajarata Civilization in Ceylon and the Drift to the South-West | K.Indrapala (Ed) | Ceylon Studies Seminar 1971 | 954.93 IND 3444 | 42 |
The Colombo Law Review 1972 | Faculty of Law University of Ceylon Colombo, H.W.Cave & Company Ltd | 340 COL | 25 | |
The Colombo Medical School Centenary 1870-1970 | The Colombo Medical School Centenary Committee | 954.93'92'A/Z JAY 2541 | 42 | |
The Colonial Economy on Track, Roads and Railways in Sri Lanka (1800 - 1905) | Indrani Munasinghe | The Social Scientists' Association 2002 | MFN:002564 Acc. No:3690 338.98 +954.34 MUN | 24 |
The Colonial Economy on Track, Roads and Railways in Sri Lanka (1800 - 1905) | Indrani Munasinghe | The Social Scientists' Association 2002 | 338.98'954.34 MUN MFN:2564 4970 | 24 |
The Colonial Economy on Track, Roads and Railways in Sri Lanka (1800 - 1905) | Indrani Munasinghe | Social Scientists' Association 2002 | 338.98' 954'93 MUN ACC 3691 | 24 |
The Colonial Economy on Track: Roads and Railways in Sri Lanka (1800 - 1905) | Indrani Munasinghe | Social Scientists' Association 2002 | 333.117 954.93 Acc 4794 MUN | 25 |
The Concept of Socialism | Bhikhu Parekh (Ed) | Croom Helm London 1975 | 320 JYA | 22 |
The Conjure Woman and Other Conjure Tales | Charles W. Chesnutt | Duke University Press 1993 | 813.4 BRO 6156 | 34 |
The Consequences of Another War in Sri Lanka | Frederica Jansz | The Foundation for Co-Existence | 355.02 Acc.4943 JAN | 28 |
The Consequences of Another War in Sri Lanka | Frederica Jansz | The Foundation for Co-Existence | 323.27 JAN | 15 |
The Constitution (Seventy-Fourth Amendment) Act 1992 (India) | Government of India | |||
The Constitution (Seventy-Third Amendment) Act 1992 (India) | Government of India | |||
The Constitution of Ceylon | Sir Ivor Jennings | Oxford University Press 1953 | MFN: 002557 Acc No. 902 321.77 +954.34 JEN | 14 |
The Constitution of Ceylon | Sir Ivor Jennings | Oxford University Press 1953 | 321.77' 954'9.3 JEN ACC487 | 14 |
The Constitution of Ceylon | Sir Ivor Jennings | Oxford University Press 1949 | MFN:002557 Acc No:4421 321.77 +954.34 JEN | 14 |
The Constitution of Sri Lanka (Ceylon) | 1972 | 342.02' 954'93 GOV ACC 3802 | 27 | |
The Core International Human Rights Treaties | United Nations 2014 | |||
The Crisis of Psycho - Analysis. Essays on Freud Marx & Social Psychology | Erich Fromm | Jonathan Cape 1971 | 100 FOR | 45 |
The Crucial Era, The Great Depression and World War II 1929-1945 | Gerald D. Nash | St Martins Press 1992 | 973.91 NAS 2568 | 44 |
The Culavamsa II | Translated by Wilhelm Geiger | Humphrey Milford Oxford University Press 1930 | 954.93 GEI 1190 | 42 |
The Cult of the Goddess Pattini | Gananath Obeyesekere | Motilal Banarsidass 1984 | SRI 231 OBE | 4 |
The D.S. Senanayake Memorial Number The Ceylon Historical Journal Vol V. July & Oct '55 and Jan & Apr '56 Nos.1-4 | 920 sew Acc 4700 | 35 | ||
The Dance of Shiva: On Indian Art and Culture | Ananda K. Coomaraswamy | The Noonday Press New York 1957 | 008.4' 954'93 COO | 1 |
The De Soysa Saga. A Historical Perspective | V.S.M. De Mel | De Soysa & Co. Ltd 1986 | SRI 92 A/Z DEM | 10 |
The Decline of Polonnaruwa and the Rise of Dambadeniya | Amaradasa Liyanagamage | Department of Cultural Affairs 1968 | 954.93 LIY 5313 | 42 |
The Demography of Ceylon | N.K. Sarkar | 1957 | 304.6'954'93 SAR | 9 |
The Dhammapada with the Udanavarga | Raghavan Iyer | Concord Grove Press | MIN 5861 294.3 IYE 707 | 5 |
The Dictator | Dharmasiri Bandaranayake | TrikonE Cultural Foundation | 792.028 SRI | 33 |
The Differences Between Trotskyism and Stalinism | Leslie Goonewardene | A Lanka Samasamaja Publication 1954 | Acc 3555 GOO 320 SRI 01/10 | 13 |
The Dimensions of Federalism: State Governments and Pollution Control Policies | William R. Lowry | Duke University Press 1992 | 363.70 LOW | 29 |
The Dipavamsa and Mahavamsa and their Historical Development in Ceylon | Wilhelm Geiger | Trumpet Publishers (PVT) Ltd. 1984 | 930.8' 954'93 GEI 1370 | 36 |
The Dutch in Ceylon 1743-1766 | Don Ariyapala Kotelawele | Thesis Submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the University of London 1968 | 900 KOT | 45 |
The Dutch Power in Ceylon 1602-1670 | P. E. Peiris | London Curzon Press | 930.8'954'93 PIE 1602 | 37 |
The Dutch Wars With Kandy 1764-1766 Bulletin No. 06 | Major R. Raven-Hart | Ceylon Historical Manuscripts Commission 1964 | 323.27'9 54'93 RAV ACC 2510 | 16 |
The Dutch Wars With Kandy 1764-1766 Bulletin No. 06 | Major R.Raven-Hart | Government Publications Bureau 1964 | 3204 092.954'93 HIS SIR-01/03 | 10 |
The Dynasty. The Nehru-Gandhi Story | Jad Adams and Phillip Whitehead | Penguin Books BBC Books 1997 | 93 A/Z ADA 6339 | 45 |
The Early History of Ceylon | G.C.Mendis | Asian Educational Services 2005 | 9584.93 MEN 5350 | 39 |
The Earnings Conflict | Wilfred Brown | Penguin Books 1973 | ||
The Economic Crisis In East Asia: An Evolutionary Perspective | G. Chris Rodrigo | Social Scientists' Association 1998 | 330 ROD | 21 |
The Economic Crisis Third World and NIEO | Newton Gunasinghe and Charles Abeysekera | Workers' and Peasants' Institute 1984 | Acc 1411 330.954'93 GUN SRI 03/03 | 23 |
The Economic Crisis Third World and NIEO | Newton Gunasinghe and Charles Abeysekera | Workers' and Peasants' Institute 1984 | 5691 330.954'93 SRI | 23 |
The Economic Development of Ceylon Part Two | Ceylon Government Press 1952 | Acc 2708 338.9'954'93 CEY SRI 03/04 | 24 | |
The Economy of Ceylon | Sir Ivor Jennings | Oxford University Press 1948 | Acc 1018 330 JEN SRI 330 | 21 |
The Economy of Sri Lanka | H.N.S. Karunatilake | Centre for Demographic and Socio-Economic studies 1987 | MFN:002620 Acc. No. 4256 327.111 +954.93 KAR | 18 |
The Egyptian Exiles in Ceylon - Sri Lanka | Arthur C. Dep. | Arabi Pasha Centenary Celebrations Committee of the All Ceylon Muslim League 1983 | 954.93 DEP 8466 | 40 |
The Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution: Substance and Process | Rohan Edrisinha and Aruni Jayakody (Eds) | Centre for Policy Alternatives | Acc 5820 342 EDR | 27 |
The Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution: Substance and Process | Rohan Edrisinha and Aruni Jayakody (Eds) | Centre for Policy Alternatives | 342.746 ROH 5793 | 27 |
The Empty Cradle Of Democracy: Sex, Abortion and Nationalism in Modern Greece | Alexandra Halkias | Duke University Press 2004 | 363.46 HAL | 29 |
The Epic of Tea. Politics in the Plantations of Sri Lanka | A.P. Kanapathypillai | Social Scientists Association 2011 | 320.95H 93 KAN | 13 |
The Epic of Tea. Politics in the Plantations of Sri Lanka | A.P. Kanapathypillai | Social Scientists' Association 2011 | 320.95 KAN | 13 |
The Epic of Tea. Politics in the Plantations of Sri Lanka | A.P. Kanapathypillai | Social Scientists' Association 2011 | 320.95 KAN | 13 |
The Ethnic Problem In Sri Lanka: A Collection of Articles and Essays Volume Two | C.G. Weeramantry | Overseas Sri Lankans Organization for National Unity | Acc 6063 327.02'954'93 WEE | 18 |
The European Heritage Project | J.B.Muller 2005 | 000 EUR | 43 | |
The Evolution of Constitutional Governance in Sri Lanka | Lakshman Marasinghe | Vijitha Yapa Publications 2007 | 342.350'82 Acc 4632 MAR | 27 |
The Evolution of Labour Law in Sri Lanka: Tea Plantation to Free Trade Zone | R. Weerakoon | Ceylon Federation of Labour 1986 | SRI 347.484 NEE 1933 | 28 |
The Excavations in the Citadel of Anuradhapura Memoirs of the Archaeological Survey of Ceylon Vol III | S.Paranavitana | Asian Educational Services 1996 | 954.93 PAR 3424 | 40 |
The Exile Returned: A Self-Portrait of the Tamil Vellahlahs of Jaffna, Sri Lanka | S. Ratnajeevan H.Hoole | Aruvi Publishers 1997 | 301 HOO | 8 |
The Exile Returned: A Self-Portrait of the Tamil Vellahlahs of Jaffna, Sri Lanka | S. Ratnajeevan H.Hoole | Aruvi Publishers 1997 | 305.94811 RAT | 6 |
The Fabulous Matter of Fact. The Poetics of Neli M. Gunn | Richard Price | Edinburgh University Press 1991 | 823 GUN 2468 | 31 |
The Fabulous Matter of Fact. The Poetics of Neli M. Gunn | Richard Price | Edinburgh University Press 1991 | 823 GUN 1181 | 35 |
The Feast of the Sorcerer. Practices of Consciousness and Power | Bruce Kapferer | The University of Chicago Press 1997 | 4968 133.4309 954.93 KAP | 45 |
The Federal Idea. An Introduction to The Federal Systems of Canada, India, Belgium and Switzerland | Asanga Welikala (Ed) | Centre for Policy Alternatives | Acc 6052 173 CEN | 47 |
The Female Malady: Women, Madness and English Culture 1830-1980 | Elaine Showalter | Penguin Books 1985 | 362.20 SHO 5711 | 29 |
The Fern Rose Bibliography | Tan Lin | 823 LIN | 35 | |
The Fourth Genre, Contemporary Writers of/on Creative Non Fiction (Second Edition) | Robert L. Root Jr & Michael Steinberg | Longman 2002 | 808.4 ROO | 34 |
The Fretful Porpentine and Other Essays | V.P.Vittachi | 2002 | 8-4 VIT 6162 | 1 |
The Future of Women | Marlene Dixon | Synthesis Publication 1983 | 396 DIX 6432 | 31 |
The Gaullist System in Asia the Constitution of Sri Lanka (1978) | A.Jeyaratnam Wilson | The Macmillan Press Ltd 1980 | SRI 342 WIL 1168 | 27 |
The Gaze of the Colonizer British Views on Local Women in 19th Century Sri Lanka | Elizabeth J. Harris | Social Scientists' Association 2001 | 4930 003.055.2+954.93 HAR 0925 MFN | 1 |
The Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Extraordinary. No.1632/26-Friday December 18,2009 | ||||
The Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Part 2 of October 01, 2010 Supplement: Local Authorities Elections (Amendment) | Acc 97/1A | 1 | ||
The Genesis of an Orientalist: Thomas William Rhys Davids in Sri Lanka | L. Ananda Wickremeratne | Motilal Banarsidass 1984 | SRI 294.311 W2C ACC 1804 | 5 |
The Genesis of an Orientalist: Thomas William Rhys Davids in Sri Lanka | L. Ananda Wickremeratne | South Asia Books 1985 | SRI 294.311+ 854 WIC 2414 | 5 |
The Goddess Pattini and The Parable of Justice | Gananath Obeyesekere | Tamil Womens Union | SRI 231 OBE | 4 |
The Golden Plains | R.L.Brohier | 1992 | 954.93 BRO 2563 | 42 |
The Government and Politics of the European Community | Neill Nugent | Duke University Press 1989 | 341.24 NUG | 26 |
The Government of the Island (Britain's Premier Colonial Possession) and the Case for the Reform of its Constitution | Padikara Mudaliyar | John Murray | Acc 3419 342.954'93 SIR 01/11 SRI - 342.954'93 | 27 |
The Government of the Island (Britain's Premier Colonial Possession) and the Case for the Reform of its Constitution | Padikara Mudaliyar | Billing and Sons | 070 GOV | 3 |
The Government of the Island (Britain's Premier Colonial Possession) and the Case for the Reform of its Constitution | Padikara Mudaliyar | ACC 2529 342.959.93 | 27 | |
The Government's Proposals for Constitutional Reform: October 1997 | Ministry of Justice, Constitutional Affairs, Ethnic Affairs and National Integretion | SRI 342.537 MIN | 27 | |
The Grassroots of Democracy. Field Studies of Indian Elections | A.M. Shah (Ed) | Permanent Black 2007 | 1133 320 SRI | 43 |
The Great Asiatic Religions and Their Social Functions | Francois Houtart and Genevieve Lemercinier | Centre de Recherches Socio - Religieuses Universite Catholique De Louvain Lovain - La - Neuve 1980 | 2+950 HOU 3266 | 45 |
The Guru's Library. Twelve Short Stories | Nimal Sanderatne | Kandy Books 2004 | Acc 5366 821 SAN | 14 |
The Heritage II | Albert Dharmasiri (Ed) | 709.54 RAJ Acc 5018 | 33 | |
The History of Ceylon from the Earliest Period to the Present Time | William Knighton | Greg International Publishers 1971 | 954.93 KNI 2890 | 40 |
The History of Kelaniya | Jonathan S. Walters | Social Scientists' Association 1996 | 954.93 WAL 4251 | 38 |
The History of Kelaniya | Jonathan S. Walters | Social Scientists' Association 1996 | 954.93 WAL 3311 | 38 |
The History of Kelaniya | Jonathan S. Walters | Social Scientists' Association 1996 | 954 WAL IK(SRI) 5720 | 38 |
The History of Kelaniya | Jonathan S. Walters | Social Scientists' Association 1996 | 954.93 WAL 3310 | 38 |
The History of the Ceylon Civil Service 1802-1833 | P.D. Kannangara | Tisara Prakasakayo | 354.42 KAN 876 | 28 |
The History of the Ceylon Civil Service 1802-1833 | P.D.Kannangara | Tisara Prakasakayo Ltd 1966 | 354.42 KAN 6191 | 28 |
The Hospital System and Health Care Sri Lanka 1815 - 1960 | Margaret Jones | Orient BlackSwan 2009 | 362.10973' 95493 JON 5663 | 29 |
The Hybrid Island. Culture Crossing and the Invention of Identity in Sri Lanka | Neluka Silva (Ed) | Social Scientists' Association 2002 | SRI 301.17 SIL ACC 3815 | 8 |
The Hybrid Island. Culture Crossing and the Invention of Identity in Sri Lanka | Neluka Silva (Ed) | Zed Books 2002 | 301.17 SIL ACC 3674 | 8 |
The Hybrid Island. Culture Crossing and the Invention of Identity in Sri Lanka | Neluka Silva (Ed) | Social Scientists' Association 2004 | 301.17 SIL ACC 4073 | 8 |
The Hybrid Island. Culture Crossing and the Invention of Identity in Sri Lanka | Neluka Silva (Ed) | Social Scientists' Association 2002 | Acc 5518 MFN 2821 301.17'954'93 SIL SRI 01/09 | |
The Hybrid Island. Culture Crossing and the Invention of Identity in Sri Lanka | Neluka Silva (Ed) | Social Scientists' Association 2004 | 301.17 SIL | |
The Hybrid Island. Culture Crossing and the Invention of Identity in Sri Lanka | Neluka Silva (Ed) | Social Scientists' Association 2002 | Acc 4072 MFN: 2821 301.17'954'93 SIL SRI 01/09 | 8 |
The Illusion Of Victory. The True Costs of War | Ian Bickerton | Melbourne University Press 2011 | 320 BIC | 22 |
The Imaginary Australian. Anglo-Celts and Identity - 1788 to the Present | Miriam Dixson | UNSW Press Book 1999 | 320 DIX | 11 |
The Impact of Globalization on The Plantation Sector in Sri Lanka | Guy De Fontgalland | Plantation Sector Social Forum 2004 | 633 FON 7670 | 32 |
The Indian Factor in the Security Perspectives of Sri Lanka | A. Liyanagamage | University of Kelaniya 1993 | 954.93 LIY 3071 | 40 |
The Indian Factor in the Security Perspectives of Sri Lanka | A. Liyanagamage | University of Kelaniya 1993 | 954.93 LIY 3070 | 41 |
The Indo - Ceylon Problem, The Politcs of Immigrant Labour | W.T. Jayasinghe | Stamford Lake Publication 2002 | 323.27 JAY 6224 | 15 |
The Informal Sector of Colombo City (Sri Lanka) | Marga Institute | Marga Institute 1979 | Acc 6111 338.954 MAR | 24 |
The Iron Fence | Neluka Silva | Bay Owl Press 2011 | 8-31 SIL 6186 | 44 |
The Irony of Early School Reform: Educational Innovation in Mid-Nineteenth Century Massachusetts | Michael B.Katz | Beacon Press 1968 | 370.97 KAT 2323 | 30 |
The Itivuttaka The Buddha's Sayings | John D. Ireland (Translated) | Buddhist Publication Society 1991 | SRI 294.3 +954 IRE 3013 | 5 |
The Judicial Mind in Sri Lanka: Responding to the Protection of Minority Rights | Jayantha de Almeida Guneratne, Kishali Pinto-Jayawardena, Gehan Gunatilleke | Law and Society Trust 2014 | 342.54 GUN | 27 |
The Judicial System and Governance | Neelam Sharma | Aalekh Publishers 2007 | 320.1349 Acc 4892 SHA | 13 |
The Kandyan Kingdom 1707 - 1760 | L.S.Dewaraja | Lake House Investments Ltd. 1972 | 931.548'17' 954'93 DEW 365 | 37 |
The Kandyan Kingdom of Sri Lanka 1707-1782 | L.S.Dewaraja | Lake House Investments 1988 | 931.548'17' 954'93 DEW 4844 | 37 |
The Karmic Theater, Self, Society and Astrology in Jaffna | R.S. Perinbanayagam | The University of Massachusetts Press 1982 | MFN:002540 Acc No. 1553 133.52 +954.34 PER | 45 |
The Keralites and The Sinhalese | K.C.Sankaranarayanan | University of Madras 1994 | 954.93 SAN PC 18 | 40 |
The Labour Movement in the Global South. Trade Unions in Sri Lanka | S.Janaka Biyanwila | Routledge 2011 | BIY 5493 | 23 |
The Labour Movement in the Global South. Trade Unions in Sri Lanka | S.Janaka Biyanwila | Routledge Contemporary South Asia 2011 | Acc No. 5703 331.88095993 SRI | 23 |
The Law of Parliamentary Elections in Ceylon | Sylvan E.J. Fernando | 324.37'548'7 954'93 FER | 17 | |
The Laws and Customs of the Tamils of Jaffna: Revised Edition | H. W. Tambiah | Women's Education & Research Centre | 341 TAM 6149 | 26 |
The Leadership Engine. How Winning Companies Build Leaders at Every level | Noel M. Tichy | Harper Business 1997 | 658.40 TIC 2329 | 33 |
The Learning Society | Robert M. Hutchins | Penguin Books 1968 | ||
The Legal Framework of Industrial Relations in Ceylon | S.R.De Silva | H.W.Cave &Company 1973 | SRI 347.242 DES 554 | 28 |
The Life & Times of Constance Maud De Silva (Sri Lanka 1912-2001) | Uppress 2014 | 92 A/Z BHA 7993 | 10 | |
The Life and Times of D.R. Wijewardene | H.A.J. Hulugalle | The Lake House Investments 1992 | SRI 92 A/Z HUL | 10 |
The Life and Times of D.R. Wijewardene | H.A.J. Hulugalle | The Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd 1960 | MFN: 002621 Acc No. 4297 92 A/Z +954.93 HUL | 10 |
The Life of Lorenz | B.R.Blaze | The Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd | SRI 92'16' BLA 858 | 10 |
The Light in the Forest | Conrad Richter | Bantam Books 1953 | 813.54 RIC 3186 | 34 |
The Lives of Talleyrand | Crane Brinton | The Norton Library 1936 | 320.5 BRI | 13 |
The Malayalees of Ceylon | Jagath Senaratne | International Centre for Ethnic Studies 1984 | 915.9' 954'93 SEN 4824 | 39 |
The Medirigiriya Massacre: A Report of the Attack on Three Villages in the North Central Province of Sri Lanka on 15 October 1992 | Jeeva Fernando, Mario Gomez, Roshan Mohamed, Jeevan Thigarajah | International Centre for Ethnic Studies | Acc 4254 364.34'954'93 INT | 28 |
The Medirigiriya Massacre: A Report of the Attack on Three Villages in the North Central Province of Sri Lanka on 15 October 1992 | Jeeva Fernando, Mario Gomez, Roshan Mohamed, Jeevan Thigarajah | International Centre for Ethnic Studies | Acc 4253 364.34'954'93 INT | 28 |
The Memory Chalet | Tony Judt | The Penguin Press 2010 | ||
The Multiple Dimensions of Child Poverty in Sri Lanka: A Literature Review Study Series No.03 -2008 | Fiona Remnant, Azra Abdul Cader | Centre for Poverty Analysis 2008 | Acc 5160 MFN: 3884 362'954 REM SRI 03/02 | 29 |
The Muslim Heritage of Eastern Sri Lanka | S.H.M. Jameel & Asiff Hussein (Eds) | Muslims Women's Research and Action Forum 2011 | 305.80 JAM | 6 |
The Muslims of Sri Lanka Under the British Rule | M.N.M. Kamil Asad | Navrang 1993 | 297.0 95'493 ASA 5514 | 4 |
The Muslims of Sri Lanka. One Thousand Years of Ethnic Harmony 900- 1915 | Lorna Dewaraja | The Lankan Islamic Foundation 1994 | 297.954'93 DEW | 4 |
The Naked Society | Vance Packard | Pelican Book 1964 | 300 PAC | 9 |
The Nation-State in Question | T.V.Paul, G. John Ikenberry and John A.Hall (Eds) | Princeton University Press 2003 | ||
The New International Studies Classroom. Active Teaching, Active Learning | Jeffrey S. Lantis, Lynn M. Kuzma, John Boehrer (Ed) | Lynne Rienner 2000 | 327.07 LAN | 18 |
The New Negro | Alain Locke (Ed) | Atheneum 1977 | 823 LOC 1749 | 35 |
The New Racism | Martin Baker | Junction Books London 1981 | 320 BAR | 22 |
The New Sartre | Nik Farrell Fox | Continuum 2003 | 320 FOX | 22 |
The Nuclear Option: The Prosperity or Destruction of Man | Osmund Jayaratne | Godage International Publishers 2004 | MFN: 002574 AcC No. 4437 363.179 +954.34 JAY | 29 |
The Open Empire. A History of China to 1600 | Valerie Hansen | W.W. Norton & Company 2000 | 951.01 HAN 2242 | 38 |
The Origins of the Left Movement in Sri Lanka | Sanjiva Books | Acc 3816 MFN 2492 329.13'954'34 JAY SRI-01/08 | 31 | |
The Origins of the Left Movement in Sri Lanka | Kumari Jayawardena | Sanjiva Books | Acc 2838 MFN 2492 329.13'954'34 JAY SRI 01/08 | 31 |
The Origins of the Left Movement in Sri Lanka | Kumari Jayawardena | Sanjiva Books | MFN:002511 Acc No. 4088 329.13 +954.34 JAY | 20 |
The Oxford Handbook of Governance | David Levi-Faur (Ed) | Oxford University Press 2012 | ||
The Oxford Handbook of International Relations | Christian Reus-Smit and Duncan Snidal (Eds) | Oxford University Press 2008 | ||
The Oxford Handbook of Transformations of the State | Stephan Leibfried, Evelyne Huber, Matthew Lange, Joah D. Levy, Frank Nullmeier, John D. Stephens (Eds) | Oxford University Press 2015 | ||
The Pali Chronicles of Sri Lanka | G.C. Mendis | 1996 | 291.3+ 954 MEN | 4 |
The Pali Literature of Ceylon | G.P. Malalasekera | M.D.Gunasena 1958 | Acc 899 008.954'93 MAL SRI 01/11 | 1 |
The Parliament of Sri Lanka | Tissa Abeysekara | Parliment of Sri Lanka 2009 | 328.95 ABE | 20 |
The Peace Trap. An indo-Sri Lankan Political Crisis | P.S.Suryanarayana | East-West press 1988 | MFN:002523 Acc No 2508 323.27 +954.34 SUR | 15 |
The Philosophy of Science | P.H. Nidditch (Ed) | Oxford University Press 1968 | ||
The Physiological Society of Sri Lanka: A.C.E. Koch Memorial Oration No.4 - 1990 | Ms Deloraine Brohier | 608.1'94' 92'954'93 BRO 2568 | 32 | |
The Plantation System in Sri Lanka and the Search for Sustainable Development | Ketheshwaran Loganathan | Agricultural University of Norway 1990 | 581.1+954 LOG 3217 | 31 |
The Political Economy of Environment and Development in a Globalised World: Exploring the Frontiers: Essays in Honour of Nadarajah Shanmugaratnam | Darley Jose Kjosavik, Paul Vedeld (Eds) | Social Scientists Association 2012 | 337 KJO 7780 | 28 |
The Political Economy of Marx | M C Howard & J E King | Longman 1975 | ||
The Political Economy of Poverty and Social Transformation of the Global South | Mariano Feliz, Aaron L. Rosenberg (Eds) | Ibidem - Verlag 2017 | ||
The Political Economy of Underdevelopment | S.B.D. De Silva | Routledge & Kegan Paul 1982 | 330.320 DES LK(SRI) | |
The Politics of Accountability in Southeast Asia. The Dominance of Moral Ideologies | Garry Rodan and Caroline Hughes | Oxford University Press 2014 | 320 ROD | 22 |
The Politics of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) | Robert N. Kearney | Cornell University Press 1973 | 323.195' 493 KEA ACC 879 | 16 |
The Politics of Destruction & The Human Tragedy Report No.6 | UTHR (Jaffna) University of Jaffna 1991 | 27 | ||
The Politics of Destruction & The Human Tragedy Report No.6 | UTHR (Jaffna) University of Jaffna 1991 | ACC 342 | 27 | |
The Politics of Destruction & The Human Tragedy Report No.6 | UTHR (Jaffna) University of Jaffna 1991 | 320 POL | 11 | |
The Politics of Foreign Aid in Sri Lanka. Promoting Markets and Supporting Peace | Sunil Bastian | International Centre for Ethnic Studies 2007 | 320.338.9+ 954.93 Acc No. 4538 BAS | 13 |
The Politics of Foreign Aid in Sri Lanka. Promoting Markets and Supporting Peace | Sunil Bastian | International Centre for Ethnic Studies 2007 | Acc 4502 320.954'93 BAS | 13 |
The Politics of Foreign Aid in Sri Lanka. Promoting Markets and Supporting Peace | Sunil Bastian | International Centre for Ethnic Studies 2007 | Acc 4867 MFN: 3454 320'338'954'93 BAS SRI 01/09 | 13 |
The Politics of Foreign Aid in Sri Lanka. Promoting Markets and Supporting Peace | Sunil Bastian | International Centre for Ethnic Studies 2007 | 338.91+ 954.93 Acc 4611 BAS | 24 |
The Politics of Language a Spectrum of Perspectives on Fifty Years of Sinhala Only in Sri Lanka 1956-2006 | 2007 | 808.88 Acc 4868 NIV | 34 | |
The Politics of Postsecular Religion Mourning Secular Futures | Ananda Abeysekara | Social Scientists' Association 2011 | Acc 5853 322.01 ABE | |
The Politics of Postsecular Religion Mourning Secular Futures | Ananda Abeysekara | Colombia Press 2008 | 201.72 ABE | 4 |
The Politics of Sri Lanka (Volume III) | T.D.S.A. Dissanayaka | The Provincial Council Elections of 1999 | 32+954 DIS 6164 | 44 |
The Politics of the Budget | Colvin R. De Silva | Lanka Sama Samaja Party | SRI 336.12 DES 142 | 28 |
The Polonnaruva Period | S.D.Saparamadu (Ed) | Tisara Prakasakayo 1973 | 930.9' 954'93 SAP 921 | 37 |
The Portuguese in Ceylon 1617-1638 | Chandra Richard de Silva | H.W.Cave &Company 1972 | 931.954'93 DES | 37 |
The Preparation of Plantation Rubber | The Rubber Growers' Association | Rubber Growers' Association 1917 | Acc 6204 631 THE SRI 631 | 32 |
The Presence of The Past. Chronicles, Politics, and Culture in Sinhala Life | Steven Kemper | Cornell University Press 1991 | 954.93+ 4593 Acc KEM | 40 |
The Presidents House Sri Lanka: From a Private Residence to President's House | K.D.G. Wimalaratne | Keshawa Publishers & Distributors 2006 | 954.93 Acc 4590 WIM | 40 |
The Price of Power: America Since 1945 | Herbert Agar | The University of Chicago Press 1957 | 320 AGA | 11 |
The Problems of Measuring Cost Of Living In Sri Lanka | R.B.M. Korale | Institue of Policy Studies of Sri Lanaka 2001 | 339.42+ 954.93 Acc.4839 KOR | 25 |
The Progress of Romance. The Politics Of Popular Fiction | Jean Radford (Ed) | Routledge & Kegan Paul 1986 | 823.08 RAD 5976 | 35 |
The Provincial Council System and Devolution of Law and Order CRDS Monograph Series No.18 | T.E.Anandarajah | Centre for Regional Development Studies 1994 | 301.191 +954 ANA | 8 |
The Puritan Oligarchy. The Founding of American Civilization | Thomas Jefferson Wertenbaker | Grosset's University Library 1947 | 974.4 WER 2072 | 44 |
The Pybus Embassy to Kandy 1762 | P.E.P Deraniyagala (Ed) | 954.93 RAV 2571 | 42 | |
The Pybus Embassy to Kandy 1762 | P.E.P Deraniyagala (Ed) | 954.93 RAV 428 | 42 | |
The Rajavaliya or a Historical Narrative of Sinhalese Kings from Vijaya to Vimala Dharma Suriya II to which are Added a Glossary and a List of Sovereigns | B. Gunasekara | Asian Educational Services 1900 | 954.932 GUN 4496 | 39 |
The Real Ceylon | C. Brooke Elliott K.C | Asian Educational Services 1995 | 915.49 ELL 8475 | 35 |
The Relationship Between Government Officials and the Population in a Rural District of Sri Lanka | Eduard Jansen | Department of Sociology University of Colombo, Sri Lanka and Institute of Cultural and Social Studies Leiden University, The Netherlands 1985 | Acc 5695 312.2 JAN | 4 |
The Renewal of American Catholicism | David J. O'Brien | Oxford University Press 1972 | 262.72 OBR | 4 |
The Response To Industrialism 1885-1914 | Samuel P. Hays | The University of Chikago Press,Ltd,London, published 1957 | 330.97 HAY | 21 |
The Restructuring of Social and Political Theory | Richard J. Bernstein | University of Pennsylvania Press 1976 | ||
The Return of Grand Theory in the Human Sciences | Quentin Skinner | Cambridge University Press 1985 | 300.1 SKI | 9 |
The Revolt In the Temple | Sinha Publications 1953 | 249 SIN | 4 | |
The Revolt In the Temple | Sinha Publications 1953 | MFN: 002529 Acc. No. 4196 323.27:294 +954.34 WIJ | 15 | |
The Revolt In the Temple | Sinha Publications 1953 | Acc 5374 323.27'294'954'93 SRI 02/04 | ||
The Rifle and the Hound in Ceylon | Samuel Baker | Tisara Prakasakayo 1970 | SRI 930.85 BAK 950 | 37 |
The Right to Self-Determination. The Sri Lankan Tamil National Question | Helena J. Whall | Tamil Information Centre 1995 | SRI 301.16 WHA | 8 |
The Right to Vote and the Law Relating to Election Petitions | Sundari de Alwis (Ed) | Centre for Policy Alternatives 2000 | 323.324 +454.93 Acc 4621 CEN | 16 |
The Right to Vote and the Law Relating to Election Petitions | Sundari de Alwis (Ed) | Centre for Policy Alternatives 2000 | SRI 324 INF | 17 |
The Rights of Minority Cultures | Will Kymlicka | Oxford University Press 1995 | ||
The Rise of The Labor Movement in Ceylon | Visakha Kumari Jayawardena | Sanjiva Prakashana | SRI 331.021+ (548.7) JAY | 23 |
The Rise of The Labor Movement in Ceylon | Visakha Kumari Jayawardena | Duke University Press 1972 | Acc 877 331.1'954'93 JAY SRI 331.1'951'93 | 23 |
The Rise of The Labor Movement in Ceylon | Kumari Jayawardena | Sanjiva Books 2004 | 331.1 JAY | 23 |
The Road from Elephant Pass | Nihal De Silva | Vijitha Yapa Publications 2008 | Acc 5351 890.54'93 DES SRI 01/11 | 35 |
The Road to Peradeniya An Autobiography | Sri Williams Ivor Jennings | Lake House Investments 2005 | 092.954'93 GOO ACC 4692 | 10 |
The Road to Temple Trees. Sir Ivor Jennings and the Constitutional Development of Ceylon: Selected writings | H. Kumarasingham (Ed) | Centre for Policy Alternatives 2015 | 320 KUM | 11 |
The Road to Temple Trees. Sir Ivor Jennings and the Constitutional Development of Ceylon: Selected writings | H. Kumarasingham (Ed) | Centre for Policy Alternatives | 320 KUM | 11 |
The Rock and the Wall Paintings of Sri Lanka | Senake Bandaranayake, Gamini Jayasinghe | Stamford Lake 2006 | 750.73 BAN Acc 5022 | 33 |
The Role of Economic Reform, Social Learning and Human Capital Accumulation in Productivity Growth | G. Chris Rodrigo | 1994 | 332.110' 95493 ROD MFN: 3611 5077 | 24 |
The Role of Economic Reform, Social Learning and Human Capital Accumulation in Productivity Growth | G. Chris Rodrigo | 1994 | 330.15 ROD | 21 |
The Role of Rural Development Societies in Sri Lanka | 1979 | 711.3+954 RUR LK(SRI) 2763 | 33 | |
The Role of The Judiciary in Plural Societies | Neelan Tiruchelvam, Radhika Coomaraswamy | International Centre for Ethnic Studies | 342.7'14' 091424 TIR 5699 | 27 |
The Role of the Provincial Governor | Dr.Tressie Leitan | 1999 | ||
The Roots Of Nationalism: Sri Lanka | Ananda Wickremeratne | Karunaratne & Sons Ltd | Acc 3174 MFN 2523 323.17'954'94 WIC SRI 01/10 | 15 |
The Roots Of Nationalism: Sri Lanka | Ananda Wickremeratne | Theology Department | MFN:002542 Acc No.4206 323.17 +954.34 WIC | 15 |
The Royal Rajasinghams | A.B.D.Santiago | SRI 92 A/Z SAN 2511 | 10 | |
The Royal 'We' Sinhala Identity in the Dynastic State | Alan Strathern | Social Scientists' Association 2006 | 320.111' 26'954'93 STR | 11 |
The Royal 'We' Sinhala Identity in the Dynastic State | Alan Strathern | Social Scientists' Association 2006 | 320.111' 26'954'954'93 STR | 11 |
The Royal 'We' Sinhala Identity in the Dynastic State | Alan Strathern | Social Scientists Association 2006 | 320.111' 26'954'93 STR | 11 |
The Royal 'We' Sinhala Identity in the Dynastic State | Alan Strathern | Social Scientists Association 2007 | 320.111' 26'954'93 STR | 11 |
The Royal 'We' Sinhala Identity in the Dynastic State | Alan Strathern | Social Scientists Association 2008 | 320.111' 26'954'93 STR | 11 |
The Royal 'We' Sinhala Identity in the Dynastic State | Alan Strathern | Social Scientists Association 2009 | 320.111'26'954'93 STR | 11 |
The Royal 'We' Sinhala Identity in the Dynastic State | Alan Strathern | Social Scientists Association 2006 | 320.11 STR | 11 |
The Ruined Cities of Ceylon | Henry W. Cave | Asian Educational Services 2004 | 954.932 CAV 4601 | 39 |
The Sacred City of Anuradhapura | Brahmachari Walisinha Harischandra | Asian Educational Services 1985 | SRI 954 HAR 1652 | 41 |
The Sacred Footprint | Markus Aksland | Yeti Consult Oslo 1990 | 294.3' 95493 AKS 1608 | 5 |
The Saga of an Entrepreneur. The Story of Mendis Special | W.M.Mendis | Vantage Press 1988 | Acc 6035 92.320 MEN | 10 |
The Sara Saga | Manicasothy Saravanamuttu | SRI 98 A/Z SAR 2544 | 44 | |
The Satanic Gases: Clearing the Air about Global Warming | Patrick J.Michaels and Robert C. Balling JR | Cato Institute 2000 | 363.73 MIC 2714 | 29 |
The 'Second Tsunami' The Loss of Peaceful Coexistence Among Tsunami-Affected Villagers in Southern Sri Lanka | Premakumara de Silva | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | ||
The 'Second Tsunami' The Loss of Peaceful Coexistence Among Tsunami-Affected Villagers in Southern Sri Lanka (Sinhala) | Premakumara de Silva | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | 303.3409549 | 7 |
The Secret Spy War Over Nerve Gas Cassidy's Run | David Wise | Random House 2000 | 327.12 WIS | 18 |
The Sinhala Peasant | Tilak Hettiarachchy | Lake House Investments Ltd. 1982 | 930.85' 954'93 HET 1305 | 37 |
The Sinhala Reading Public Sri Lanka. Marga Research Studies-4 | Marga Institute 1974 | 028.90 MAR | 2 | |
The Social Construction of American Realism | Amy Kaplan | The University if Chicago 1988 | 813.40 KAP 3023 | 34 |
The Socialist Register 1982 | Martin Eve and David Musson (Eds) | The Merlin Press 1982 | Acc. No. 1450 335.005 | 26 |
The Sphere Project: Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response | Phil Greaney, Sue Pfiffner, David Wilson (Eds) | The Sphere Project 2011 | 363.348'0 218'95493 THE 5862 | 29 |
The Spinning Wheel & Other Stories | Flower Munasinghe | 1997 | Acc 5028 MFN 3587 823.95493 MUN | 35 |
The Spinning- Wheel and The Paddy Field | S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike | J.D. Fernando 1933 | Acc 4134 633 BAN | 32 |
The Sri Lanka Archives Vol 1 No 1 1983 | Silva (Ed) | Department of National Archives | 070 SRI | 3 |
The Sri Lanka Archives Vol 1 No 1 1983 | Silva (Ed) | Department of National Archives | 070 SRI | 3 |
The Sri Lanka Archives Vol 3 1985-86 | G.P.S.H. De Silva (Ed) | The Department of National Archives | 930.25' 954'93 SRI 1707 | 36 |
The Sri Lanka Journal of the Humanities Volume XXIX & XXX (Numbers 1 & 2) 2003-2004 | S.W.Perera (Ed) | University of Peradeniya | 808.067 UNI LK(SRI) 4378 | 34 |
The Sri Lankan Crisis | Mathew Thomas(Ed) | Lancer International 1990 | 323.2 BHA | 15 |
The Sri Lankan Government and The NGO's an Ambivalent Relationship | Peter Kloos | Afdeling Culturele Antropologie Sociologie der Neit- Westerse Samenlevingen Faculteit Sociaal- Culturele wetenschappen 1999 | 301.186' 954'93 KLO | 8 |
The Sri Lankan Peace Process at Crossroads, Lessons, Opportunities and Ideas for Principled Negotiations & Conflict Transformation | Tyrol Ferdinands, Kumar Rupesinghe, Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu, Jayadeva Uyangoda, Norbert Ropers | 2004 | Acc 4785 323.954'93 FER SRI 02/03 | 16 |
The Sri Lankan Political Scene | W.A. Wiswa Warnapala | Navrang 1993 | 6015 320.95493 WAR SRI 01/08 | |
The Sri Lankan Republic at 40: Reflections on Constitutional History, Theory and Practice Volume I | Asanga Welikala (Ed) | Centre for Policy Alternatives 2012 | SRI 342.4 WEL 6316 | 27 |
The Sri Lankan Republic at 40: Reflections on Constitutional History, Theory and Practice Volume II | Asanga Welikala (Ed) | Centre for Policy Alternatives 2012 | SRI 342.4 WEL 6315 | 27 |
The State and Income Distribution with a Case Study of Sri Lanka (Research Report Series No.10) | Peter de Valk | Institute of Social Studies 1981 | Acc 3507 330.1 VAL SRI 03/03 | 23 |
The State and Income Distribution with a Case Study of Sri Lanka (Research Report Series No.10) | Peter de Valk | Institute of Social Studies 1981 | SRI 330.1 VAL | 21 |
The State and Peasant Politics in Sri Lanka | Mick Moore | Cambridge University Press 1985 | MFN: 002536 Acc No. 1807 323.3 +954.34 MOO | 16 |
The State and Peasant Politics in Sri Lanka | Mick Moore | Cambridge University Press 1984 | SRI 323.3 MOO ACC 1805 | 16 |
The State and Religion | Prof. Tennakoon Vimalananda | M.D.Gunasena & Co.Ltd 1970 | 002.954'93 VIM ACC 5512 | 1 |
The State and Religion in Ceylon Since 1815 | Prof. Tennakoon Vimalananda | M.D. Gunasena & Co. Ltd 1971 | SRI 2 VIM 923 | 1 |
The Story of Ceylon | E.F.C. Ludowyk | Navrang 1985 | 954.93 LUD 3190 | 40 |
The Story of Lanka | L.E Blaze | Asian Educational Services 1999 | 9584.93 BLA 4835 | 39 |
The Story of the Stupa | A.H. Longhurst | Asian Educational Services 1992 | Acc 4589 294.382+954.93 | 5 |
The Structure of Social Science. Studies in Sociology : 07 | Michael Lessnoff | George Allen & Unwin Ltd 1976 | ||
The Subversion of the Electoral Process in Sri Lanka | Janaki Perera | 1531 TER 324 42 SRI 324.42 | 17 | |
The System of Provincial Councils in Sri Lanka Centre - Province Relations | Centre for Regional Development Studies 1992 | 301.19 CEN | 8 | |
The Tamil Film as a Medium of Political Communication | Karthigesu Sivathamby | New Century Book House Ltd 1981 | 791.437+ 954.93 Acc 4654 SIV | 42 |
The Tamils of Lanka, Their Struggle for Justice and Equality with Dignity | Santasilan Kadirgamar | Kanyakumari Justice and Peace Publications 2010 | 306.209'95493 KAD 5834 | 12 |
The Tasks Ahead Lanka Sama Samaja Party & The P.A government: documents, statements, press releases of the LSSP 1994- 1996 | LSSP | 321.002 LAN | 14 | |
The Tasks Ahead Lanka Sama Samaja Party & The P.A government: documents, statements, press releases of the LSSP 1994- 1996 | LSSP | 321.002 LAN | 14 | |
The Tasks Ahead Lanka Sama Samaja Party & The P.A government: documents, statements, press releases of the LSSP 1994- 1996 | LSSP | 321.002 LAN | 14 | |
The Tasks Ahead Lanka Sama Samaja Party & The P.A government: documents, statements, press releases of the LSSP 1994- 1996 | LSSP | 321.002 LAN | 14 | |
The Temporal and Spiritual Conquest of Ceylon Vol I Book 1-2 | Fernao De Queyroz | Asian Educational Services 1992 | 954.93 DEQ 4825 | 39 |
The Temporal and Spiritual Conquest of Ceylon Vol II Book 3-4 | Fernao De Queyroz | Asian Educational Services 1992 | 954.93 DEQ 4824 | 39 |
The Temporal and Spiritual Conquest of Ceylon Vol III Book 5-6 | Fernao De Queyroz | Asian Educational Services 1992 | 954.93 DEQ 4826 | 39 |
The Theory and Practice of Socialism | John Strachey | Victor Gollancz 1936 | 327.16 STR | 18 |
The Theory of Business Enterprise | Thorstein Veblen | The New American Library 1958 | 340 VEB | 25 |
The Theory of the Leisure Class | Thorstein Veblen | The New American Library 1953 | 330 WRI | 21 |
The Third Wave: Governance and Public Administration in Sri Lanka | M.Somasundram (Ed) | International Centre for ethnic Studies 1997 | 354.548 SOM | 28 |
The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism | Gosta Esping-Andersen | Polity Press 1990 | 320 AND | 22 |
The Totalitarian Paradigm After the End of Communism Towards a Theoretical Reassessment | Achim Siegel | Rodopi 1998 | 320.10 SIE 4685 | 11 |
The Towers of Learning. Performance, Peril and Promise of Higher Education in Sri Lanka | The World Bank 2009 | 332.1532' 95493 THE 5914 | 24 | |
The Towers of Learning. Performance, Peril and Promise of Higher Education in Sri Lanka | The World Bank 2009 | 332.1532' 95493 THE 5915 | 24 | |
The Towers of Learning. Performance, Peril and Promise of Higher Education in Sri Lanka | The World Bank 2009 | 332.1532' 95493 THE 5913 | 24 | |
The Tsunami- Affected Burgher Women of Dutch Bar, Batticaloa, Sri Lanka | Robert Crusz | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | ||
The Tsunami- Affected Burgher Women of Dutch Bar, Batticaloa, Sri Lanka (Tamil) | Robert Crusz | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | 303.4852095495 CRU | 7 |
The Tudugala Family. Some Notes on the Tudugalas and the Reign of Rajasingha II | J.H.O.Paulusz | Tisara Prakasakayo 1970 | 931.926'548'7'954'93 PAU 744 | 37 |
The Tudugala Family. Some Notes on the Tudugalas and the Reign of Rajasingha II | J.H.O.Paulusz | Tisara Prakasakayo 1970 | 931.926' 548'7'954'93 PAU 4193 | 37 |
The University of the Future and the Culture of Learning | Senake Bandaranayake | Kandy Books 2007 | 378.009'2 +954.93 Acc 4866 BAN 4767 | 30 |
The University System of Sri Lanka. Vision and Reality | K.M. de Silva, G. H. Peiris (Eds) | International Centre for Ethnic Studies, Kandy 1995 | ||
The Unwanted: European Refugees from the First World War Through the Cold War | Michael R. Marrus | Temple University Press 2002 | 940.31 MAR 1653 | 37 |
The Value of Dissent 1 | Charles Abeysekera, Kumari Jayawardena, Suriya Wickremasinghe (Eds) | A CRM Publication 1992 | SRI 342.7 CIV ACC 2602 | 27 |
The Value of Dissent 2 | Charles Abeysekera, Kumari Jayawardena, Suriya Wickremasinghe (Eds) | A CRM Publication 1993 | Acc 5523 321.01 THE SRI 01/03 | 14 |
The Value of Dissent 2 | Charles Abeysekera, Kumari Jayawardena, Suriya Wickremasinghe (Eds) | A CRM Publication 1993 | 321.01 ABE ACC 3298 | 14 |
The Value of Dissent 3 | Charles Abeysekera, Kumari Jayawardena, Suriya Wickremasinghe (Eds) | A CRM Publication 2000 | Acc 3596 THE 321.01 SRI 01/08 | 14 |
The Value of Dissent 5 | Charles Abeysekera, Kumari Jayawardena, Suriya Wickremasinghe (Eds) | A CRM Publication 1994 | Acc 3112 MFN 2850 321.01'954'93 ACR SRI 01/09 | 14 |
The Value of Dissent in a Free Society | The council For Liberal Democracy 1990 | SRI 329.12 COU | 20 | |
The Value of Peace | Jayadeva Uyangoda, Anusha Talpawela (Eds) | International Centre for Ethnic Studies | MFN: 002589 Acc No. 4151 341.37 +954.93 UYA | 26 |
The Vanishing Aborigines: Sri Lanka's Veddas in Transition | K.N.O. Dharmadasa, S.W.R. De A. Samarasinghe | International Centre for Ethnic Studies 1990 | 392.954'93 DHA 1606 | 30 |
The Variable Reserve Ratio as an Instrument of Central Bank Policy | H.N.S. Karunatilake | Central Bank Of Sri Lanka 1963 | SRI 332.1 KAR | 24 |
The Voice That Hummed an Original Tune | Tyronne Fernando | 1990 | SRI 92 A/Z VOI 1579 | 10 |
The Voice That Hummed an Original Tune | Tyronne Fernando | 1990 | SRI 92 A/Z FER 1580 | 10 |
The War in Sri Lanka. Unending Conflict? | Apratim Mukarji | Har-Anand 2000 | 172.4 MUK | 47 |
The Way Ahead: An Economic Policy for Ceylon | S.A. Wickremasinghe | 330.1' 954'93 WIC | 21 | |
The Way We Are. Politics of Sri Lanka 2007-2008 | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 2008 | Acc 6074 320.941'954'93 UYA | 13 |
The Way We Are. Politics of Sri Lanka 2007-2008 | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 2008 | 320.94 UYA | 13 |
The Way We Are. Politics of Sri Lanka 2007-2008 | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 2008 | 320.941'954.93 UYA MFN:003603 Acc No 5052,5053 | 13 |
The Way We Are. Politics of Sri Lanka 2007-2008 (Sinhala) | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 2008 | 320.941'954.93 UYA MFN:003602 Acc. No. 5049, 5050 | 13 |
The Way We Are. Politics of Sri Lanka 2007-2008 (Sinhala) | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 2008 | Acc 2899 320.941:954'93 UYA | 13 |
The Way We Are. Politics of Sri Lanka 2007-2008 (Sinhala) | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 2008 | 320.94 | 13 |
The Way We Are. Politics of Sri Lanka 2007-2008 (Tamil) | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | 320.95493 UYA | 13 |
The Wealth and Poverty of Nations | David Landes | Little, Brown and Company 1998 | 360 LAW | 28 |
The West Bank Story. An Israeli Arab's View of Both Sides of a Tangled Conflict | Rafik Halabi | Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1981 | 956.04 HAL 4058 | 42 |
The West Reappraised | A.M.A.Azeez | Saman Publishers 1964 | 92 A/Z AZE 450 | 10 |
The Worker in Sri Lanka | Centre For Society & Religion | Acc 6079 331.954 CEN SRI 331.954 | 23 | |
The World Bank Annual Report 1992 | The World Bank | 06.5 WOR | 1 | |
The World Turned Upside Down. Radical Ideas During The English Revolution | Christopher Hill | The Viking Press 1972 | 823.91 HIL 2605 | 35 |
The World's First woman Prime Minister Sirimavo Bandaranaike | Maureen Seneviratne | Hansa Publishers 1975 | Acc 4273 MFN 2706 92 A/Z '954'93 SEN SRI 01/08 | 10 |
The Yalpana-Vaipava-Malai or The History of the Kingdom of Jaffna | C. Brito | Asian Educational Services 2007 | 954.932 BRI 5505 | 40 |
Thematic Briefs: Infrastructure: Social Infrastructure and Inclusive Growth | Priyanthi Fernando, Mansi Kumarasiri | Centre for Poverty Analysis 2013 | 361.6 FER 7830 | 28 |
Theories of Ethics | Philippa Foot (Ed) | Oxford University Press 1968 | 170 FOO | 47 |
Theories of Race and Ethnic Relations | John Rex and David Mason (Eds) | Cambridge University Press 1986 | ||
Theorizing the National Crisis Sanmugathasan, the Left and the Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka | Ravi Vaitheespara | Social Scientists' Association 2007 | 327.16+ 954.93 Acc. 4539 UYA | 18 |
Theorizing the National Crisis Sanmugathasan, the Left and the Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka | Ravi Vaitheespara | Social Scientists' Association 2007 | 323 VAI | 16 |
Theravada Buddhism and The British Encounter. Religious, Missionary and Colonial Experience in the Nineteenth Century Sri Lanka | Elizabeth J. Harris | Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies 2006 | 294.2'320' 954'93 HAR 5342 | 5 |
This Confused Society | H.N.S. Karunatilake | Buddhist Information Centre 1976 | MFN:002526 Acc No. 1462 294 +954.34 KAR | 5 |
Thomas More's Socialist Utopia and Ceylon (Sri Lanka) | Laksiri Fernando | 2014 | 320 PRE | 11 |
Thomas More's Socialist Utopia and Ceylon (Sri Lanka) | Laksiri Fernando | 2014 | 7782 320 PRE | 11 |
Thorathuru Aithiwasikam Pilibanda Thorathuru | Vikalpa Prathipaththi Kendraya | 4 | 1 | |
Those Phoenix Days | Wimala De Silva | 2004 | 920.11 SIL | 35 |
Those Phoenix Days | Wimala De Silva | 2004 | 92 A/Z 305.4 DES Acc 5019 | 10 |
Three Prime Ministers of Ceylon | J.I.Fernando | M.D.Gunasena 1963 | SRI 92 FER 514 | 10 |
Ties That Bind. Canadian-Sri Lankan Partnerships | Ingrid Knutson | 2012 | 971 KNU | 44 |
Tigerism and Other Essays | Ram Manikkalingam | Ethnic Studies Group 1995 | SRI 323.28 MAN | 16 |
Tigerism and Other Essays | Ram Manikkalingam | Ethnic Studies Group 1995 | 5744 232'28'954'93 MAN SRI 02/02 | 4 |
Tigerism and Other Essays | Ram Manikkalingam | Ethnic Studies Group 1995 | SRI 323.28 MAN | 16 |
Tigers of Lanka From Boys to Guerrillas | M.R. Narayan Swamy | Konark Publishers Pvt Ltd 1994 | MFN: 003417 Acc No. N100544 327.1+954.93 SWA | 18 |
Tigers of Lanka From Boys to Guerrillas | M.R. Narayan Swamy | Vijitha Yapa Bookshop 1994 | 954 SWA 6188 | 38 |
Tigers of Lanka From Boys to Guerrillas | M.R. Narayan Swamy | Vijitha Yapa Publications 1994 | 92 A/Z SWA | 10 |
Toleration | Preston King | George Allen & Unwin Ltd 1976 | ||
Tomorrow is Ours. The Trotskyist Movement in India and Ceylon, 1935-48 | Charles Wesley Ervin | Social Scientists' Association 2006 | 320.532'3 +954.93 Acc 4737 ERV | |
Tomorrow is Ours. The Trotskyist Movement in India and Ceylon, 1935-48 | Charles Wesley Ervin | Social Scientists' Association 2006 | 335.43+ 984.93 Acc 4658 ERV | |
Tomorrow is Ours: The Trotskyist Movement in India and Ceylon, 1935-48 | Charles Wesley Ervin | Social Scientists' Association 2006 | 335.43+ 954 Acc 4657 ERV | 26 |
Tomorrow is Ours: The Trotskyist Movement in India and Ceylon, 1935-48 | Charles Wesley Ervin | Social Scientists' Association 2006 | 335.43+ 954.93 Acc 4659 ERV | 26 |
Toward a Just Social Order | Derek L. Phillips | Princeton University Press 1986 | 300 PHI | 9 |
Towards A New Era. Selected Speeches of S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike Made in the Legislature of Ceylon 1931-1959 | Complied by G.E.P de S Wickramaratne | The Department of Information of the Government of Ceylon 1961 | 042.954'93 WIC | |
Towards A Totalitarian Peace: The Human Rights Dilemia. Special Report No.13 | University Teachers For Human Rights (Jaffna) Sri Lanka | 323.95 UNI 8443 | 16 | |
Towards Illiberal Democracy in Pacific Asia | Daniel A.Bell, David Brown, Kanishka Jayasuriya and David Martin Jones | St. Martin's Press 1995 | ||
Towards Sustainable Growth. The Sri Lankan Experience | K.H.J. Wijayadasa | Central Environment Authority Ministry of Environment and Parliamentary Affairs 1994 | SRI 581.52 WIJ 2999 | 31 |
Trade Union Centenary in Sri Lanka 1893-1993 | Workers Educators' Association of Sri Lanka 1995 | SRI 331.881+ 954 WOR | 23 | |
Trade unions and export processing zone workers: swimming in turbulent waters | Vidura Prabath Munasinghe | Law and Society Trust | 300 MUN | 9 |
Trade Unions in Sri Lanka | V. Sarvaloganayagam | Academy of Administrative Studies | 331.88 SAR | 23 |
Trademarks, The International Pharmaceutical Industry, and the Developing Countries | Peter O'Brien | Institute of Social Studies 1977 | 330 BRI | 21 |
Traditional Methods of Pest Control Within the Context of Agrarian Change. A Study of a Dry Zone Village in Sri Lanka | Newton Gunasinghe | Prepared for the UNU/WIDER Conference on 'Development and Technological Transformations in Traditional Societies: Alternative Approaches' | 000 GUN | 43 |
Training Manual for Elected Women Representatives in Local Government | Sri Lanka Institute of Local Governance | 305 TRA | 6 | |
Transcending the Bitter Legacy Selected Parliamentary Speeches | Neelan Tiruchelvam | International Centre for Ethnic Studies 2000 | SRI 92 A/Z KOI | 10 |
Transfer of Power to the Local Bodies | George Mathew | Kurukshetra 1996 | ||
Transforming Ethnopolitical Conflict. The Berghof Handbook | Alex Austin, Martina Fischer, Norbert Ropers (Eds) | Vs Verlag Fur Sozialwissenschaften 2004 | 327.16 AUS SPC | 18 |
Transforming School Education in Sri Lanka. From Cut Stones to Polished Jewels | The World Bank Human Development Unit South Asia Region 2011 | Acc 6049 305 THE | 6 | |
Transforming School Education in Sri Lanka. From Cut Stones to Polished Jewels | The World Bank Human Development Unit South Asia Region 2011 | Acc 6099 305 THE | 6 | |
Travels in Asia and Africa 1325-1354 | Ibn Battuta | Oriental Books Reprint Corporation 1986 | 954.93' 910 GIB 2138 | 38 |
Trials of Transition in the Island in the Sun | Tarzie Vittachi | The Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd | SRI 8.32 VIT 740 | 1 |
Triangulation Squared: Assessing Impacts of the Poverty Impact Monitoring Unit | Neranjana Gunetilleke & Azra Jafferjee (Eds) | Centre for Poverty Analysis 2005 | 339.12; 846 GUN 362.5 DDC 22 | 25 |
Trincomalee Maritime and Terrestrial Authority Volume One | B.P. Gajawira | 2000 | MFN:003474 Acc No. N100610 381.3+954.93 GAJ 5780 | 30 |
Trincomalee Maritime and Terrestrial Authority Volume Two | B.P. Gajawira | 2000 | MFN:003475 Acc No.N100611 381.3+954.93 GAJ 5781 | 30 |
Tropical Pioneers, Human Agency and Ecological Change in the Highlands of Sri Lanka, 1800-1900 | James L.A. Webb, Jr | Oxford University Press 2002 | MFN: 003411 Acc No. N100539 306.8743 +954.93 WEB | 12 |
Troubling A Star | Madeleine L'Engle | Bantam Doubleday Dell Books For Young Readers 1994 | 813.54 LEN 4634 | 34 |
Tsunami and the Politics of Humanitarian Emergency in Sri Lanka | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | 306.20 UYA | 12 |
Tsunami and the Politics of Humanitarian Emergency in Sri Lanka | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 2010 | 2905 | |
Tsunami and the Politics of Humanitarian Emergency in Sri Lanka (Sinhala) | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists Association 2010 | 2909 | |
Tsunami Recovery in Sri Lanka: Ethnic and Regional Dimensions | Dennis B. McGilvray and Michele R. Gamburd | Routledge 2010 | 363.34'94 80'95493 MCG 5971 | 29 |
Tsunami: 7 Hours That Shook The World: An Eyewitness Account From Sri Lanka | Satinder Bindra | Vijitha Yapa Publications 2005 | 361.995' 434 BIN 4228 | 28 |
Tsunami: Tsunami balapamata lak wu Madakalapuwe Dutch Bar pedesa Burgher gahanu | Robert Croos | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | ||
Tsunami: Tsunami balapamata lak wu Madakalapuwe Dutch Bar pedesa Burgher gahanu | Robert Croos | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | 303.485'82'095'493 CRS | 7 |
Tsunami: Tsunami balapamata lak wu Madakalapuwe Dutch Bar pedesa Burgher gahanu | Robert Croos | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | 303.485'82'095'493 CRS | 7 |
Tsunamiyen Pasu Ape Jeewitha | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | 303.48 520820 | 7 | |
Tsunamiyen Pasu Ape Jeewitha | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | 303.48 520820 | 7 | |
Twin Happiness, Scientific Study of Twins | Deshabandu Edith M.G. Fernando | 2001 | 3-05 FER 3587 | 45 |
Two Languages One Nation - One Language Two Nations, The Lanka Sama Samaja Party on the State Language | Wesley Muthiah/ Sydney Wanasinghe (Eds) | Young Socialist Publication 2005 | MFN: 003374 Acc No. N100168 324.294 09 +954 TWO | 17 |
Two Languages One Nation - One Language Two Nations, The Lanka Sama Samaja Party on the State Language | Wesley Muthiah/ Sydney Wanasinghe (Eds) | Young Socialist Publication 2005 | Acc 6057 324.294'09'954 MUT | 17 |
Understanding Abortion In sri Lanka | Fpa SRI LANKA | |||
Understanding Abortion In sri Lanka | Fpa SRI LANKA | |||
Unequal Shares. Wealth in Britian | A.B.Atkinson | Penguin Books 1972, 1974 | ||
Unitarism, Devolution and Majoritarian Elitism, A response to the Interim Report of the Sinhala Commission | Charles Abeysekera, Rohan Edrisinghe, Sumanasiri Liyanage, Paikiasothy Saravanamuthu, Jayadeva Uyangoda | 1998 | SRI 301.17 ABE | 8 |
Unitarism, Devolution and Majoritarian Elitism, A response to the Interim Report of the Sinhala Commission | Charles Abeysekera, Rohan Edrisinghe, Sumanasiri Liyanage, Paikiasothy Saravanamuthu, Jayadeva Uyangoda | 1998 | SRI 301.17 ABE | 8 |
Unitarism, Devolution and Majoritarian Elitism, A response to the Interim Report of the Sinhala Commission | Charles Abeysekera, Rohan Edrisinghe, Sumanasiri Liyanage, Paikiasothy Saravanamuthu, Jayadeva Uyangoda | 1998 | 301.17 ABE | 8 |
Universal Franchise 1931-1981 The Sri Lankan Experience | K.M. De Silva | Department of Information Ministry of State 1981 | 324.62 SIL | 17 |
Universities and the Future of America | Derek Bok | Duke University Press 1990 | 378.01 BOK 1303 | 30 |
University Governance in Sri Lanka, A Critique and Ideas for Reform | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 2015 | 378.10 UYA 8013 | 30 |
University Governance in Sri Lanka, A Critique and Ideas for Reform | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists Association 2015 | 30 | |
University Governance in Sri Lanka, A Critique and Ideas for Reform | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists Association 2015 | 8014 UYA - 378.10 SRI - 378.10 | 30 |
University Governance in Sri Lanka, A Critique and Ideas for Reform | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists Association 2015 | 30 | |
University of Ceylon Review April 1962 Vol XX No. 1 | Ceylon University Press 1962 | 930 UNI | 36 | |
University of Ceylon Review July-October 1956 Vol XVI Nos 3&4 | Ceylon University Press | 930 UNI 2824 | 36 | |
University of Colombo Review, Special Issue Vol.10 | Tikiri Abeyasinghe | 1991 | Acc. No 2825 378.155'954'93 ABE SRI 01/11 | 30 |
University of Peradeniya Library Sri Lanka Collection Vol I | N.A.W.A.T. Alwis (Ed) | National Library of Sri Lanka 1998 | 01 NAT | 1 |
Unmaking the Nation. The Politics of Identity and History in Modern Sri Lanka | Pradeep Jeganathan & Qadri Ismail (Eds) | Social Scientists' Association 1995 | 321.95 JEG | 14 |
Unmaking the Nation. The Politics of Identity and History in Modern Sri Lanka | Pradeep Jeganathan & Qadri Ismail (Eds) | Social Scientists' Association 1995 | Acc 3062 MFN 2527 321.954'34 JAG SRI 01/09 | 14 |
Unmaking the Nation. The Politics of Identity and History in Modern Sri Lanka | Pradeep Jeganathan & Qadri Ismail (Eds) | Social Scientists' Association 1995 | 321.95 JEG ACC 5263 | 14 |
Unmaking the Nation: The Politics of Identity and History in Modern Sri Lanka | Pradeep Jeganathan & Qadri Ismail (Eds) | Social Scientists' Association 1995 | SRI 321+ 954 JEG 3820 | 14 |
Upanathi Volume 1 Number 1 January 1986 | W.D. Lakshaman (Ed) | Sri Lanka Association of Economists | 930 UEA | 36 |
Upanathi Volume 1 Number 1 January 1986 | W.D. Lakshaman (Ed) | Sri Lanka Association of Economists | 070 UPA | 3 |
Upanathi Volume 1 Number 2 July 1986 | W.D. Lakshaman (Ed) | Sri Lanka Association of Economists | 070 UPA | 3 |
Upanathi Volume 2 Number 1 July 1987 | W.D. Lakshaman (Ed) | Sri Lanka Association of Economists | 070 SRI | 3 |
Upanathi Volume 2 Number 2 July 1987 | W.D. Lakshaman (Ed) | Sri Lanka Association of Economists | 808.803 THE | 34 |
Upanthi Volume 2 Number 1 January 1987 | W.D. Lakshaman (Ed) | Sri Lanka Association of Economists | ||
Urban America and Its Police. From the Post Colonial Era Through the Turbulent 1960s | Harlan Hahn and Judson L. Jeffries | University Press of Colorado 2003 | 363.2 HAH 1948 | 29 |
Urban Housing Policy in Sri Lanka, A study of Relationship Between State, Market and Social Classes in South Asia | N. Chandrasiri Niriella | VDM Verlag Dr. Muller 2011 | 301.54 NIR | 8 |
Urbanization and the Growth of Small Towns in Sri Lanka 1901-71. Papers of the East-West Population Institute no.67 | Dayalal Abeysekera | East-West Center 1980 | 307.7 ABE 7713 | 12 |
Varities of Capitalism in Southeast Asia | Joel David Moore | Palgrave Macmillan 2018 | ||
Vault Guide to the Case Interview. Launch your Consulting Career With Winning Strategies for your Case Interviews (5th Edition) | Mark Asher, Eric Chung | Vault 2002 | 658.46 ASH 2353 | 33 |
Vedda Villages of Anuradhapura, The Historical Anthropology of a Community in Sri Lanka | James Brow | Social Scientists' Association 2011 | Acc 5822 305.891 BRO | 6 |
Vedda Villages of Anuradhapura, The Historical Anthropology of a Community in Sri Lanka | James Brow | University of Washington Press 1978 | 301.45' 954'93 BRO ACC 624 | 8 |
Vedda Villages of Anuradhapura, The Historical Anthropology of a Community in Sri Lanka | James Brow | Social Scientists' Association 2011 | 305.89 BRO | 6 |
Vidyodaya Journal of Arts Science and Letters Special Silver Jubilee Issue 1984 | Wimal G. Balagalle (Ed) | University of Sri Jayewardenepura | Acc 6120 700.954 UNI | 33 |
Viewpoints On Education in Sri Lanka | W.L.A. Don Peter | 1987 | SRI 37.018 PET 1650 | 2 |
Vikrama Bahu of Kandy: The Portuguese and the Franciscans 1542-1551 | O.M.Da Silva | M.D.Gunasena | 92 A/Z' 954.93 DAS 1785 | 9 |
Vimukthi Maga | 320 PES | 11 | ||
Violence Against Women: An Obstacle to Development | Roxanna Carrillo | Social Scientists' Association 1995 | 362.82 CAR | 29 |
Violence and Disruption in Society. A Study of the Early Buddhist Texts | Elizabeth J. Harris | The Wheel Publication 1994 | 294.2 HAR 3035 | 5 |
Violent Lanka. The Day for Slaughter | Yohan Devananda | Devasaranaramaya 1977 | 653 327.27'954'93 DEV SRI 02/04 | 18 |
Vivi. A Biography of Vivienne Goonewardena | Pulsara Liyanage | Women's Education and Research Centre | 920 LIY | 35 |
Voluntary Social Service Organizations (Registrations and Supervision) Act No. 31 of 1980 | Government Publication Bureau | 341.681' 95493 GOV | ||
Voluntary Social Service Organizations (Registrations and Supervision) Act No. 36 of 1980 | Government Publication Bureau | 341.681' 95493 GOV | ||
Voluntary Social Service Organizations (Registrations and Supervision) Act No. 40 of 1980 | Government Publication Bureau | 341.681' 95493 GOV | ||
Voluntary Social Service Organizations (Registrations and Supervision) Act No. 55 of 1980 | Government Publication Bureau | 341.681' 95493 GOV | ||
Vyaparikayekuge Diriya Gamana | W.M. Mendis | 92.320 MEN | 10 | |
Wages, Terms and Conditions of Employment in Sri Lanka | P.Navaratne | Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung 1988 | Acc 2663 331.21'954'93 NAN SRI 03/03 | 23 |
War & Peace in Sri Lanka | Rohan Gunaratna | Institute of Fundamental Studies 1987 | Acc 4988 355.02'954'93 GUN | 28 |
Wargika Deshapalanamaya Arbuda wyawarthnaya | ||||
Wargika Deshapalanamaya Arbuda wyawarthnaya | Alex Austin, Martina Fischer, Norbert Ropers (Eds) | 323.17 BER | 16 | |
Wargika Deshapalanamaya Arbuda wyawarthnaya | Alex Austin, Martina Fischer, Norbert Ropers (Eds) | 327.16 BER | 18 | |
Water for People and Nature: Arumugam Commemoration Volume. Sri Lanka Water Heritage History of Water Conservation Volume 2 | Ministry of Irrigation and Water Management | MFN: 002610 Acc No. 4325 333.913 +954.93 MEN | 25 | |
Water Heritage of Sri Lanka | D.L.O. Mendis | Sri Lanka Pugwash Group 2002 | MFN:002609 Acc No. 4323 333.913 +954.93 MEN | 25 |
Waves of Compassion: Sarvodaya's Tsunami to Deshodaya Plan after Six Months of Action | Isankya Kodithuwakku | Sarvodaya Media Unit | 360 SAR | 28 |
Way Out of Poverty- A Third World Perspective | R.W. Crossette Thambiah | 1981 | 301 THA | 8 |
We Are All Multiculturalists Now | Nathan Glazer | Harvard University Press 1997 | 306. GLA | 12 |
We are Present Women's histories of conflict, courage, and survival | Radhika Hettiarachchi | the international coalition of sites of consience | 300 RAD | 9 |
We Were Making History - The Hartal of 1953 | Wesley Muthiah/ Sydney Wanasinghe (Eds) | A Young Socialists Publication 2002 | Acc 6069 954.84035 MUT | 38 |
Wealth, Power and Prestige | S.T. Hettige | Department of Sociology, University of Sri Jayawardenapura | 330+954.93 Acc 4920 HET | 21 |
Wealth, Power and Prestige | S.T. Hettige | Ministry of Higher Education 1984 | Acc 4920 330'954'93 HET SRI-03/03 | 23 |
Welfare | Norman Barry | Open University Press 1990 | ||
Welfare and Growth in Sri Lanka | Marga Publications 1979 | 361 MAR | ||
Welfare as Politics in Sri Lanka | W.A.Wiswa Warnapala, D.E. Woodsworth | Centre for Developing-Area Studies 1987 | Acc 6030 320.954'93 WIS | |
Welfarism and Politics in Sri Lanka. Experience of a Third World Welfare State | Laksiri Jayasuriya | The University of Western Australia 2000 | 361.6' 95493 JAY | |
Welfarism and Politics in Sri Lanka. Experience of a Third World Welfare State | Laksiri Jayasuriya | The University of Western Australia 2000 | ||
What is a Girl? What is a Boy? | Kamla Bhasin | Social Scientists' Association 2010 | 305.23 BHA | 6 |
What Jung Really Said | E.A. Bennet | Schocken Books 1983 | 159.91 BEN | 45 |
What Kind of Peace is Possible - Sri Lanka Case Study. Transition From Civil War to Peace Challenges of Peace-Building in Sri Lanka | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists Association 2005 | MFN: 002605 Acc No. N100040 327.12+954.93 UYA | |
What Kind of Peace is Possible - Sri Lanka Case Study. Transition From Civil War to Peace Challenges of Peace-Building in Sri Lanka | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists Association 2005 | 327.12+954.93 Acc 4744 UYA | |
What Kind of Peace is Possible - Sri Lanka Case Study. Transition From Civil War to Peace Challenges of Peace-Building in Sri Lanka | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists Association 2005 | MFN: 002605 Acc No. 4350 327.12+954.93 UYA | |
What Kind of Peace is Possible - Sri Lanka Case Study. Transition From Civil War to Peace Challenges of Peace-Building in Sri Lanka | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Acc 5708 323.12'954'93 UYA SRI 323.12'954'93 | 15 |
What Kind of Peace is Possible - Sri Lanka Case Study. Transition From Civil War to Peace Challenges of Peace-Building in Sri Lanka | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Jayadeva Uyangoda | 4283 MFN 2605 323.12'954'93 UYA SRI 02/02 | 15 |
What Kind of Peace is Possible - Sri Lanka Case Study: Transition From Civil War to Peace Challenges of Peace-Building in Sri Lanka | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists Association 2005 | 327.12+ 954.93 Acc 4754 UYA | 18 |
What Kind of Peace is Possible - Sri Lanka Case Study: Transition From Civil War to Peace Challenges of Peace-Building in Sri Lanka | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists Association 2005 | 327.12+ 954.93 Acc 4754 UYA | 18 |
What Kind of Peace is Possible - Sri Lanka Case Study: Transition From Civil War to Peace Challenges of Peace-Building in Sri Lanka | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists Association 2005 | 327.12+ 954.93 Acc 4754 UYA | 18 |
What Kind of Peace is Possible - Sri Lanka Case Study: Transition From Civil War to Peace Challenges of Peace-Building in Sri Lanka | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists Association 2005 | 327.12+ 954.93 Acc 4754 UYA | 18 |
What Was Multiculturalism? A Critical Retrospective | Vijay Mishra | Melbourne University Press 2012 | ||
Where Religions Agree | Keerthi Kelegama | 294 +954 KEL ACC 3269 | 5 | |
White Paper- Black Law | Dr. Colvin R. De Silva | Ceylon Federation of Labour Publication | 321.7 DES 7763 | 14 |
White Paper- Black Law | Dr. Colvin R. De Silva | A Ceylon Federation of Labour Publication | SRI 331.1 DES | 23 |
Whither India - China Relations? | Theja Gunawardhana | Swadeshi Printers 1961 | SRI 301.16 GUN | 8 |
Whither Justice? The Language Barrier In Accessing The Criminal Justice System In Cases Of Vlolence Against Female Heads Of Households In The North And East Of Sri Lanka | FOKUS WOMEN | 305 JUS | 6 | |
Whither PA-UNP Consensus? Proceedings of a Two-Part Seminar Series Held on 25th July 2000 and 5th August 2000 | P. Sarvanamuttu, Sagarica Delgoda | Centre for Policy Alternatives | SRI 324 CEN | 17 |
Who is he, What is He Doing' Religious Rhetoric and Performances in Sri Lanka during R.Premadasa's Presidency (1989-1993) | Josine Van Der Horst | VU University Press 1995 | SRI 92 A/Z HOR 3233 | 10 |
Whole Numbers And Half Truths | Rukmini S | Nasadiya Technologies private ltd | ||
Why Lake House Seeks To Destroy The Coalition | Siri Palihena | SRI 07 WHY | 45 | |
Why Sri Lanka Should Ratify The United Nations Convention on the Rights of persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) | SLFRD, SLCBL 2015 | 327 SRY | 18 | |
Why Sri Lanka Should Ratify The United Nations Convention on the Rights of persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) | SLFRD, SLCBL 2015 | 327 SRY | 18 | |
Wider Research for Action , A Global Environmental Compact for Sustainable Development: Resources Requirements and Mechanisms | Lal Jayawardena | World Institue for Development Economics Research of the United Nations University 1991 | 330 JAY | 21 |
Wider Research for Action Towards a Peaceful Sri Lanka. Six Introductory Seminars for University Students | Carlo Fonseka | World Institue for Development Economics Research of the United Nations University 1990 | SRI 301.16 FON | 8 |
Wisidunu Wimasum: Suwahas Naya Manasi Isiwarayano | Kumaratunga Munidasa | 92 A/Z GOV | 10 | |
With a Stroke of a Pen. Short Stories on the Partition of 1947 by Young Pakistani Writers | Timothy Marr (Ed) | ASR Publications | 8-32 MAR 4046 | 44 |
Wives & Others: Short stories and a Novella | Manik Bandyopadhyay | Penguin Books India | 823 BAN | 35 |
Wiwidathwayata Aamanthranaya: Gatum ha Samaya Pilibanda Sri Lankeeya Kathika | Georg Frerks and Bart Klem (Eds) | 323.3 CLI | 16 | |
Wiwidathwayata Aamanthranaya: Gatum ha Samaya Pilibanda Sri Lankeeya Kathika | Georg Frerks and Bart Klem (Eds) | 323.3 CLI | 16 | |
Wiwidathwayata Aamanthranaya: Gatum ha Samaya Pilibanda Sri Lankeeya Kathika | Georg Frerks and Bart Klem (Eds) | 323.3 CLI | 16 | |
Wiwurtha Aarthikaye Abhiyogaya saha Kamkaru Panthiya | Laksiri Pranandu | 330 PRA | 23 | |
Women & the Tsunami Case Studies | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | 303.485082 WOM | 7 | |
Women & the Tsunami Case Studies | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | |||
Women & the Tsunami Case Studies | Social Scientists Association 2009 | |||
Women and Governance in Sri Lanka | Kishali Pinto Jayawardena, Chulani Kodikara | International Centre for Ethnic Studies 2003 | 3-055.2T 35 JAY 4013 | 6 |
Women and the Tsunami | Ambika Satkunanadan | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | 303.485082 SAT | 7 |
Women and the Tsunami | Ambika Satkunanadan | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | 303.485'082 SAT | 7 |
Women and the Tsunami | Ambika Satkunanadan | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | 303.485'082 SAT | 7 |
Women and the Tsunami: Case Studies | Social Scientists Association 2010 | 303.485082 WON | 7 | |
Women and the Tsunami: Case Studies | Social Scientists Association 2010 | 303.485082 WON | 7 | |
Women and the Tsunami: Case Studies (Tamil) | Social Scientists Association 2010 | 5768 303.485082 SOC | ||
Women In Parliament Beyond Numbers | Azza Karam | broderna carlssons Boktryckeri AB Varberg 1998 | 396.2 KAR 2548 | 31 |
Women in the Kandyan: (1594-1706) A Study in the Application of Gender Theory in Historical Analysis | Kapila Pathirana Vimaladharma | University of Colombo 1994-95 | 2489.15215. 930.082 VIM SRI 1/5 MFN: 3970 | 36 |
Women Under the Bo Tree | Tessa Bartholomeusz | Cambridge University Press 1994 | SRI 294.3+ 3.055.2 BAR ACC 3042 | 5 |
Women Workers in Plantation Production | Rachel Kurian | Social Scientists' Association 2000 | 399 KUR 3677 | 31 |
Women Workers in Plantation Production | Rachel Kurian | Social Scientists' Association 2000 | Acc 4491 MFN 2733 331.4+954.93 KUR | 23 |
Women Workers in Plantation Production | Rachel Kurian | Social Scientists' Association 2000 | Acc 4462 631 KUR | 32 |
Women, Culture and International Relations | Vivienne Jabri & Eleanor O' Gorman (Eds) | Lynne Rienner 1999 | 327.10 JAB | 18 |
Women, Local Government & The Tsunami | Tressie Leitan | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | 303.485'082'095493 LEI | 7 |
Women, Local Government & The Tsunami | Tressie Leitan | Social Scientists' Association 2009 | 303.485'082'095'493 LEI | 7 |
Women, Local Government & The Tsunami (Tamil) | Tressie Leitan | Social Scientists Association 2010 | 5767 303.4850820 95493 LEI | |
Women, Local Government & The Tsunami (Tamil) | Tressie Leitan | Social Scientists Association 2010 | 5766 303.4850820 95493 LEI | |
Women's Manifesto | SSA | 300 WOM | 9 | |
Women's Movement in Sri Lanka. History, Trends and Trajectories | Selvy Thiruchandran | Social Scientists' Association 2012 | 3.055.2 +930 THI 8296 | 6 |
Woolf In Ceylon. An Imperial Journey in the Shadow of Leonard Woolf 1904-1911 | Christopher Ondaatje | Harper Collins Publishers 2005 | 954.93 Acc 4817 OND | 41 |
WORKING Hours: Exploring Gender Dimensions Of Unpaid Care Work In Sri Lanka | Sepali Kottegoda , Pradeep Peiris | WMC | ||
WORKING Hours: Exploring Gender Dimensions Of Unpaid Care Work In Sri Lanka | Sepali Kottegoda , Pradeep Peiris | WMC | ||
Writing an Inheritance. Women's Writing in Sri Lanka 1860 - 1948 Volume 1 | Neloufer De Mel, Minoli Samarakkody | Women's Education & Research Centre 2002 | 305.890' 954'93 DEM | 6 |
Writing Research Proposals In the Social Sciences and Humanities | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 2010 | Acc 5675 300.72 UYA | 9 |
Writing Research Proposals In the Social Sciences and Humanities | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 2010 | Acc 5675 300.72 UYA | 9 |
Writing Research Proposals In the Social Sciences and Humanities | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 2010 | 300.72 UYA | 9 |
Writing Research Proposals In the Social Sciences and Humanities | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 2010 | 808.0663 UYN 8481 | 34 |
Writing Research Proposals In the Social Sciences and Humanities | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 2010 | 808.0663 UYN 8481 | 34 |
Writing Research Proposals In the Social Sciences and Humanities | Jayadeva Uyangoda | Social Scientists' Association 2010 | Acc 8432 808.0663 | |
Writing Sri Lanka, Literature, Resistance and the Politics of Place | Minoli Salgado | Routledge Research in Postcolonial Literatures 2007 | 820.954'93 SAL 4512 | 34 |
Writing That Conquers. Re-reading Knox's. An Historical Relation of the Island Ceylon | Sarojini Jayawickrama | Social Scientists Association 2004 | 954.93 JAY 4067 | 41 |
Writing That Conquers. Re-reading Knox's. An Historical Relation of the Island Ceylon | Sarojini Jayawickrama | Social Scientists' Association 2004 | 954.93 JAY 4001 | 41 |
Writing That Conquers. Re-reading Knox's. An Historical Relation of the Island Ceylon | Sarojini Jayawickrama | Social Scientists' Association 2004 | 954.93 JAY 4294 | 41 |
Writing The Diaspora Essays on Culture and Identity | Uma Parameswaran | Rawat Publications 2007 | ACC 320 PAR | 11 |
WTO, Globalization and Eppawala after Seattle | D.L.O. Mendis(Ed) | Sri Lanka Pugwash Group 2000 | MFN: 002604 Acc No.4322 338.925 +954.93 MEN | 24 |
Wyawaharika Buddhiye Wiyogaya? | Sasanka Perera | International Centre for Ethnic Studies 1997 | 301.191+954 PER | 8 |
Yapana Tharuna Congressaya | Santhaseelan Kadirgamar, Sepala Wijesekera | 327 KAD | 11 | |
Yuddhaye Padam 2 Arbudaye Gaman Maga | John Richardson, Ranjith Perera (Tr) | Social Scientists' Association | 954.93032 RIC | 38 |
Yuddhaye Padam 2 Arbudaye Gaman Maga | John Richardson, Ranjith Perera (Tr) | Social Scientists' Association | 954.93032 RIC | 38 |
Yuddhaye Padam 2 Arbudaye Gaman Maga | John Richardson, Ranjith Perera (Tr) | Social Scientists' Association | 954.93032 RIC | 38 |
Yuddhaye Padam 3 Porondu saha Balaporoththu | John Richardson | Social Scientists' Association | 303.609 5493 RIC | 7 |
Yuddhaye Padam 4 Jathika Aanduwe Aandukaranana Upaya 1965-70 | John Richardson | Social Scientists' Association | 303.609 5493 RIC | 7 |
Yuddhaye Padam 4 Jathika Aanduwe Aandukaranana Upaya 1965-70 | John Richardson | Social Scientists' Association | 303.609 5493 RIC | 7 |
Yuddhaye Padam 4 Jathika Aanduwe Aandukaranana Upaya 1965-70 | John Richardson | Social Scientists' Association | 303.609 5493 RIC | 7 |
Yuddhaye Padam: Palawipaka saha Pasubaseem | John Richardson | Social Scientists' Association | Acc 5061 172.4 RIC | 47 |
Yuddhaye Padam: Palawipaka saha Pasubaseem | John Richardson | Social Scientists' Association | Acc 5061 172.4 RIC | 47 |
Yuddhaye Padam: Palawipaka saha Pasubaseem | John Richardson | Social Scientists' Association | Acc 5061 172.4 RIC | 47 |
Samaja Welendapola Aarthikaya Yanu Kumakda? | Sebastian Sperling | Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung 2006 | Acc 5014 343.087 SPE | 27 |
Sri Lankawe Habeas Corpus Writ Aaknya; Asamanaya Yugyanheedi Siddhantha saha Kriyakarithwaya/ Habeas Corpus in Sri Lanka: Theory and Practice of the Great Writ in Extraordinary Times | Kishali Pinto-Jayawardena, Jayantha de Almedia Guneratne | Law & Society Trust 2011 | 345.410 56'95493 LAW | 26 |
Sri Lankawe Maarga Pravahanaya: Anuradhapura Yugaya Aarambaye sita Brithanya Yatath Vijitha Yugaya Awasanaya Thek | Indrani Munasinghe | 338.98'954'93 MUN | 24 | |
Sinhalayage Adisi Hathura | C. Cyril Matthew | 335 MAT | 26 | |
Sanwardhana Aarthika Widyawa | Dayananda Somasundara | Acc 6068 338 SOM | 24 | |
Yuddhayada Saamayada? Lankawe Jathiwadee Gataluwa | Rohan Jayawardena, Sanath Nandasiri | 341.36'954'93 VIM | 26 | |
Sri Lanka Prajathanthrika Samajawadi Janarajaye 1987 No.15 darana Pradesheeya Sabha Panatha | 341.68'954'93 SRI | 26 | ||
Parliament of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Rent (Amendment) Act, No. 55 of 1980 /Sri Lanka Prajathanthrika Samajawadi Janarajaye 1980 No. 31 darana Swechcha Samaja Sewa Sanwidhana (Liyapadinchi Kireema ha Adheekshanaya kireema) Panatha | 341.681 954'93 GOV SRI 01/08 | 26 | ||
Sri Lankawe Prajathanthrika Samajawadi Janarajaye Aandukrama Wyawasthawa (1978 August/September) | 341. 6819'54'93 SRI | 26 | ||
Sri Lanka Prajanthanthrika Samajawadi Janarajaye Deweni Parlimenthuwa (Pasweni Waraya) Parlimenthu Prakashana Mala No.47 Warthawa | . | 341.6819'54'93 SRI | 26 | |
Aandukrama Wyawastha Prathisanskaranayata Rajayen Idiripath Kerena Yojana 1997 October | 342.537+954.34 JUS | 27 | ||
Aandukrama Wyawastha Prathisanskaranayata Rajayen Idiripath Kerena Yojana 1997 October | 342.537+954.34 JUS | 27 | ||
Ugath Paadam ha Prathisandhanaya Pilibanda Commissame Nirdesha (LLRC) | S.G. Punchihewa | Vikalpa Prathipaththi Kendraya | 342 PUN | 27 |
Sri Lankawe Manawa Himikam 2006 Manawa Himikam Warthawa | Basil Pranandu | Asian Human Rights Commission | Acc 4779 342.954'93 FER | 27 |
Chanda Neethi | Acc 4578 342.7+954.93 NID | 27 | ||
Karl Popper: Marxwadaye Wyaja Wiwechakayek | Desmond Mallikarachchi | Acc 3859 335.5'954'93 MAL | 26 | |
Drawida Munnethra Kasaagam Wyaparaya ha Sinhalayage Anaagathaya | Tennakoon Wimalananda | 335.7'954'93 VIM | 26 | |
Udarata Pawula Heena saha Aarthikaya Samaja Wimarshana-7 | P.R.A. Wijesinghe | Acc 730 335.5'954'93 WIJ | 26 | |
Marxwaadee Rachana | Desmond Mallikarachchi | Acc 3853 335.5'954'93 MAL | 26 | |
Vidyathmaka Samajawadaya: Keti Handinweemak | Kumari Jayawardena | Acc 1789 335.085 JAY | 26 | |
Vidyathmaka Samajawadaya: Keti Handinweemak | Kumari Jayawardena | Acc 1789 335.085 JAY | 26 | |
Marxwaadee Darshanaye Mooladharma | V.G. Apanasiyew | 335.5 APN | 26 | |
Nirbadheekaranaya Handinweemak | Amit Bhaduri, Deepak Nayyar/ W.D. Lakshman | Social Scientists' Association 1998 | 329.12 BAD | 20 |
Sri Lankawe Neethye Aadhipathwaya, Mineemareem ha Pagawa Nathi Kireema Pilibandawa Mathuwee athi Gatalu | Basil Pranandu | Right to Life Human Rights Center | 340.115+954.93 BAS | 25 |
Manawa Himikam Unata Panadol Beema: Geneva yojanawa Dakwa Gamn Magaka Satahan | rightsnow | 340 SRI | 25 | |
Islameeya Neethi Sangrahaya: Jathyanthara Drushtikoonayak | C.G. Weeramantry / H.S.M. Saleem | 340.1 WEE | 25 | |
Sri Lankawe Palath Palana Neethiya (Deweni Kaandaya) Athuru Neethi | J.G. Keerthirathna | 340+5493 KIR | 25 | |
Bindunu Wewa Gathanaya: Yukthiya Itu Wuyeda? | Alan Keenan | 340 KNN | 25 | |
Ombudsmanwarayage Karyabharaya | Center for Policy Alternatives 1998 | 340.1'954'93 VIK | 25 | |
Sri Lankawe Palath Palana Neethiya (Palawani Kaandaya) Pradhana Neethi | J.G. Keerthirathna | 340+549'3 KIR | 25 | |
Hadisi Neethiya ha Parlimenthuwa 1997 January-July Hadisi Neethi Wiwada gana Wimasumak | Center for Policy Alternatives | 343.01+954'93 VIK | 27 | |
Oo: Gruhastha Prachandathwaya Pilibanda Wimasumak | Thakshila Swarnamali | 343.44 SRI | 27 | |
Sri Lankawe Nidahas Welenda Kalapa Yojana Kramaya | Bandula Gunawardena | 337.879'5493 GUN | 28 | |
Parani Lankawe Gihi Adhyapanaya | Baddegama Wimalawansha Thero | 346.420+954.93 VIM | 28 | |
Ealamwadaye Situwaru Kumarawaru saha Gaththo | Sujith Akkarawaththa | 347.9'954'93 AKK | 28 | |
Rajyaya Bhasha Prashnaya Samasmaja Sthawaraya | N.M. Perera, Edmund Samarakkody | 351.954'93 PER | 28 | |
Pradesheeya Aandu Palanaya Aramunu saha Shiksha | Dhamma Dissanayake | 353.954'93 DIS | 28 | |
Sri Lankawe Tsunami Aapadaawa saha Maanushika Hadisi Awasthawe Deshapalanaya | Jayadeva Uyangoda | 364.34 954'93 UYA | 29 | |
Sri Lankawe Tsunami Aapadaawa saha Maanushika Hadisi Awasthawe Deshapalanaya | Jayadeva Uyangoda | 364.34 954'93 UYA | 29 | |
Sri Lankawe Tsunami Aapadaawa saha Maanushika Hadisi Awasthawe Deshapalanaya | Jayadeva Uyangoda | 363.34 954'93 UYA | 29 | |
Sri Lankawe Tsunami Aapadaawa saha Maanushika Hadisi Awasthawe Deshapalanaya | Jayadeva Uyangoda | 363.34 954'93 UYA | 29 | |
Sri Lankawe Tsunami Aapadaawa saha Maanushika Hadisi Awasthawe Deshapalanaya | Jayadeva Uyangoda | 363.34 954'93 UYA | 29 | |
Sri Lankawe Tsunami Aapadaawa saha Maanushika Hadisi Awasthawe Deshapalanaya | Jayadeva Uyangoda | 363.34 954'93 UYA | 29 | |
Sthreen ha Tsunami Khedawachakaya | Ambika Satkunanadan | 363.34082 SAT | 29 | |
Sthreen ha Tsunami Khedawachakaya | Ambika Satkunanadan | 363.3482 BRU | 29 | |
Dala Rala Pela: Tsunamiya Sri Lankawe Sthreenta Bala Pa Hati | Neloufer De Mel, Kanchana N. Ruwanpura, Gameela Samarasinghe (Eds) | 363.34'082 NEL | 29 | |
Dala Rala Pela: Tsunamiya Sri Lankawe Sthreenta Bala Pa Hati | Neloufer De Mel, Kanchana N. Ruwanpura, Gameela Samarasinghe (Eds) | 363.34'082 NEL | 29 | |
Sphere Wayapruthiya: Manusheeya Praknyawapththiya saha Manusheeya Prathicharaya Pilibanda Awama Pramithi/ The Sphere Project: Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response | Phil Greaney, Sue Pfiffner, David Wilson (Eds) | 363.348'0218'95493 THE | 29 | |
Siyalu Sankramanika Sewakayange ha Owunge Pawulwala Samajikayange Aithiwasikam Aaraksha Kireema Pilibanda Antharjathika Sammuthiya | Law & Society Trust 2010 | Acc 5951 363.11 LAW | 29 | |
Sri Lankawe Sewaka Adhyapanaya saha Sarasavi Karyabharaya | Dhammika Perera | Acc 5222 371.9'954'92 PER | 30 | |
Anathuru Awasthawan Bawata Harawa Ganeema: Dakunu Asiawa Thula Tharuna Aya saha HIV/AIDS | Kamla Bhasin, Bindiya Thapar | Social Scientists' Association 2007 | 360 BAS | 28 |
Bahuwidha Samaja Sahajeewanaya Sandaha Pasal Pela Pothe Bhumikawa/ The role of School Text Books for Multi-social Reconciliations | Center for childrenand youth development 1998 | Acc. 4678 370'954.93 SAM | 30 | |
Bahuwidha Samaja Sahajeewanaya Sandaha Pasal Pela Pothe Bhumikawa/ The role of School Text Books for Multi-social Reconciliations | Center for childrenand youth development 1998 | Acc. 4678 370'954.93 SAM | 30 | |
Widesheeya Naya Wigananaya Kriyadharayan Sandaha Athpotha | Law & Society Trust 2009 | 382.17 LAW Acc 5736 | 30 | |
Purawasi Sannasa: Sri Lankeeya Palath Palana Ayathana walta Purawasi Praknyapthiyak Sandaha Maga Penweemak/ Citizens' Charter: Guide to Develop a Citizens' Charter for Local Authorities in Sri Lanka | 452.2 PUR | 31 | ||
Godage English-Sinhala-Tamil Dictionary | Ananda Weerasinghe, Chandra Padmini Weerasinghe | 413 WEE | 31 | |
Bhashawa saha Manushshathwaya | S.G. Punchihewa | Center for Policy Alternatives | 408 PUN | 31 |
Swayan Theeranaye Aithiya Beda Wenkara Palanaya saha Sthriya | 396.2 | 31 | ||
Sthree-purusha Deshapalana Niyojanaya Samanada? Pangu krama nyaya saha Bhawithaya | Kamala Liyanage | Friedrich Ebert Stiftung | 396.5+32 LIY | 31 |
Sri Lankawe Palath Palana Aayathana thula Sthree Niyojanaya: Abhiyoga ha Apeksha | Kamala Liyanage | Friedrich Ebert Stiftung | 396.5 LIY | 31 |
Kantha Prathyapthiya (Sri Lanka) | 396.2 WAN | 31 | ||
Kantha Handa: Ape Shesthra Athdakeem ha Api Sthreewaadaya Dakina Hati | Soma Jayakody | 396.1 KAN | 31 | |
A Systemic Nomenclature for the Birds of Sri Lanka/ Sri Lankawe Kurullan sandaha Kramanukoola Namawaliya | D.G.A. Perera, S.W. Kotagama | 598.2 PER | 31 | |
Kobbekaduwa Gathanaya saha Lakehouse Kumanthrana | Keerthi Kelegama | 530.474+954.93 KAL | 31 | |
Lanka Ithihasaye Madyathana Yugaye ena Keralayo Prathiwirudha Awastha Dekak Pilibanda Adyayanayak | Amaradasa Liyanagamage | Social Scientists' Association 1994 | 594.11+954 LIY | 31 |
Sri Lankawe Demala Bhasha Aithiwasikam | Devanesan Nesiah | Center for Policy Alternatives | 408.8 DEV | 31 |
Anathuru Awasthawan Bawata Harawa Ganeema: Dakunu Asiawa Thula Tharuna Aya saha HIV/AIDS | Kamla Bhasin, Bindiya Thapar | Social Scientists' Association 2007 | 606.979'201 BHA | 31 |
Anathuru Awasthawan Bawata Harawa Ganeema: Dakunu Asiawa Thula Tharuna Aya saha HIV/AIDS | Kamla Bhasin, Bindiya Thapar | Social Scientists' Association 2007 | 606.979'201 BHA | 31 |
Anathuru Awasthawan Bawata Harawa Ganeema: Dakunu Asiawa Thula Tharuna Aya saha HIV/AIDS | Kamla Bhasin, Bindiya Thapar | Social Scientists' Association 2007 | 606.979'201 BHA | 31 |
Anathuru Awasthawan Bawata Harawa Ganeema: Dakunu Asiawa Thula Tharuna Aya saha HIV/AIDS | Kamla Bhasin, Bindiya Thapar | Social Scientists' Association 2007 | 606.979'201 BHA | 31 |
Anathuru Awasthawan Bawata Harawa Ganeema: Dakunu Asiawa Thula Tharuna Aya saha HIV/AIDS | Kamla Bhasin, Bindiya Thapar | Social Scientists' Association 2007 | 606.979'201 BHA | 31 |
Igeneemata Ganna Wera: Sri Lankawe Wawili Karmanthaya Ehi Janathawa Saha Adyapanaya Pilibanda Deshapalana Arthikamaya Elabumak | Angela W. Little | Social Scientists' Association | 631.954 LIT | 32 |
Sri Lankawe Krushikarmaye Arbudaya | 631.954 GOV | 32 | ||
Ithihasaye Atheethaya: Shikshanayaka Wardhanaya Pilibanda Wimarshanayak | Ranaweera Leslie Gunawardena | 954.93'809'251 GUN | 39 | |
Sucharitha Gamlathta Erehiwa Marxwadee Kala Wicharaye Muladharma | Piyaseeli Wijegunasinghe | 801.950'904'954'3 SRI | ||
State Formation and Conflicts in Sri Lanka | Sunil Bastian | Bloomsbury Academic | 2 |