SSA Library

TitleAuthorPublishedLibrary NumberBook Shelf
"This is not the correct history": Lacunae, Contested Narratives, and Evidentiary Images from Sri Lanka's Civil WarM. Neelika Jayawardane823 JAY35
"Undeclared Wars" Exploring A Peacebuilding To Armed Social ViolenceBarbara Unger, Veronique Dudouet, Matteo Dressler, Beatrix Austin (Eds)320 UND11
"What Do You Care What Other People Think?" Further Adventures of a Curious CharacterRichard P. FeynmanBantam Books 1989530.09 FEY 325531
100 wani Sanwathswaraya 1893 Mudrana Kamkaru Weda Warjanaya ha Kamkaru Panthiye NageemaKumari Jayawardena331.892 JAY23
100 wani Sanwathswaraya 1893 Mudrana Kamkaru Weda Warjanaya ha Kamkaru Panthiye NageemaKumari Jayawardena331.892 JAY23
100 wani Sanwathswaraya 1893 Mudrana Kamkaru Weda Warjanaya ha Kamkaru Panthiye NageemaKumari Jayawardena331.892 JAY23
100 wani Sanwathswaraya 1893 Mudrana Kamkaru Weda Warjanaya ha Kamkaru Panthiye NageemaKumari Jayawardena331.892 JAY23
125 Years of Service 1839-1964The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce 1964SRI 330 CEY21
1956 and After. Background to Parties & Politics in Ceylon TodayDenzil Peiris1958309.15 WIJ45
1956 and After. Background to Parties & Politics in Ceylon TodayDenzil Peiris1958324.2' 95493 PEI17
1979 anka 17 darana Jathika Niwasa Sanwardana Adhikari Panatha97/1A1
1981- The Year of Radical ViolenceA Mirje Publication 1983345.73 MIR 846926
19th Century Newspaper Engravings of Ceylon-Sri LankaR.K. de SilvaSerendib Publications 1998096.1 DES1
21 wana Siyawase Manawa SanwardanayaRaja Dharmapala172.4'954'93 SEE47
400 Years of Dutch-Sri lanka Relations 1602-2002Saman Kelegama & Roshan Madawela (Eds)Institute of Policy Studies 2002327.954'93 KEL18
50 Years Srvice of the Ministry of Labour 1948-1998Ministry of Labour 1998Acc 2601 330.04.954'93 MFN SRI 03/0323
500 Years of Obscene... And Counting...Curt JohnsonDecember Press 1997300 JOH9
9th Parliament of Sri Lanka. Presidential Election - 1988, General Election - 1989The Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd328.13 LAK20
A Bibliography of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) Volume IVH.A.I. GoonetilekeInter Documentation Company 1983011 GOO1
A Bibliography of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) Volume VH.A.I. GoonetilekeInter Documentation Company 1983011 GOO1
A Bibliography of Ceylon Volume IH.A.I. GoonetilekeInter Documentation Company 1970011 GOO1
A Bibliography of Ceylon Volume IIH.A.I. GoonetilekeInter Documentation Company 1970011 GOO1
A Bibliography of Ceylon Volume IIIH.A.I. GoonetilekeInter Documentation Company 1976011 GOO1
A Bibliography of the Handicrafts of Sri LankaJ.TilakasiriNational Crafts Council Ministry of Rural Industrial Development Colombo 1988Acc 1581 016.954'93 TIL2
A Brief Outline of Syriac LiteratureSebastian P. BrockSt. Ephrem Ecumenical Research Institute 1997823 BRO 159335
A Century in Ceylon, A Brief History of the Work of The American Board in Ceylon 1816-1916Helen I RootAsian Educational Services 2004954.932 ROO 460339
A Charter for Democracy in Sri LankaAcc 1843 MFN 2854 329.21'954'93 JAY SRI 01/0920
A Colonial Administrative System in Transition, The Experience of Sri LankaB.S. WijeweeraMarga Publication 1988352.05 WIJ
A Colonial Administrative System in Transition, The Experience of Sri LankaB.S. WijeweeraMarga Publications 1988352.05' 954'93 WIJ28
A Colonial Administrative System in Transition, The Experience of Sri LankaB.S. WijeweeraMarga Publication 1988325.35' 954'93 WIJ17
A Colonial Administrative System in Transition, The Experience of Sri LankaB.S. WijeweeraMarga Publication 1988325.35' 954'93 WIJ17
A Colonial Administrative System in Transition, The Experience of Sri LankaB.S.WijeweeraMarga Publications 198835.07 WIJ45
A Contrastive Grammar of Tamil and Sinhala Noun PhraseM.A. NuhmanUniversity of Peradeniya 2003MFN: 002619 Acc No. 4286 305 +954.93 NUH6
A Criticism of Mr. Ramanathan's Ethnology of the Moors of CeylonI.L.M Abdul Azeez11 & 12297.65 AZE ACC 60654
A Critique of Economic TheoryE.K. Hunt and Jesse G. Schwartz (Eds)Penguin Education 1973330 HUN21
A Decade of Confrontation. Sri Lanka and India in the 1980sJohn GooneratneStamford Lake Publication 2000327 GOO18
A Democratic Political Structure for Sri LankaMovement for Constitutional Reform320.95 MOV13
A Description of Ceylon Volumes I & IIJames CordinerTisara Prakasakayo 1983954.93 COR 165842
A Description of the East India Coasts of Malbar and Coromandel and Also of the Isle of Ceylon with Their Adjacent Kingdoms & ProvincesPhillip BaldaeusAsian Educational Services 2000913 BAL Acc 476235
A Dialogue on Personal Identity and ImmortalityJohn PerryHackett Publishing Company 1978126 PER45
A Directory Of Minority Rights Institutions In South AsiaI.C.E.S053 DIR2
A Doctor's Quest For Justice: Prof Priyani Soysa VS Rienzie ArseculeratneProf. Colvin GoonaratnaVijitha Yapa Publications 2005341 + 954.93 Acc.483626
A Fire in the Bones. Reflections on African-American Religious HistoryAlbert J. RaboteauBeacon Press 1995277.30 RAB4
A Forgotten Aspect of the Relations Between the Sinhalese and the TamilsAmaradasa LiyanagamageSocial Scientists' Association323.11+ 954.93 LIY LK (SRI) 02/0316
A Guide to Current Statute LawJ.A. PaulSamanalaSRI 340.13 PAU ACC4025
A Guide to Error AnalysisJayantha WannisingheSarasavi Publishers 2011Acc 6102 407 WAN31
A Handbook to the Jaffna Peninsula and a Souvenir of the Opening of the Railway to the NorthS. KatiresuAsian Educational Services 2004954.932 KAT 550339
A Hidden History. Women's Activism for Peace in Sri Lanka 1982-2002Kumudini SamuelSocial Scientists' Association 2006305.3 SAM6
A History and Theory of Informed ConsentRuth R. Faden, Tom L. BeauchampOxford University Press 1986344.04 FAD 213428
A History of EnglandStuart E. Prall, David Harris Willson942 PRA46
A History of Sri LankaK.M. De SilvaC.Hurst & Company, University of California Press 1981954 DES38
A History of Sri LankaK.M. De SilvaVijitha Yapa 2005954.93 DES 499438
A History of St. Thomas' College ColomboW.T.Keble1937920 KEB 344635
A History of the Ceylon Police Volume I (1795-1866)A.C.Dep1982363.295' 493 DEP29
A History of the Ceylon Police Volume II (1866 - 1913)A.C.DepPolice Amenities Fund, Police Headquarters 1969363.2 DEP 476529
A History of the Methodist Church in CeylonThe Wesley Press287.95493 AHI4
A History of the People's DemocraciesFrancois Fejto, Daniel Weissbort (Tra)Penguin Books Australia Ltd, 1969320 WEI13
A History of the Up-Country Tamil People in Sri LankaS. NadesanNandalala 1993SRI 3-05+ 930 NAD 295936
A Hundred Years of Ceylon Tea 1867-1967D.M.ForrestChatto & Windus 1967SRI 633.72 FOR 86832
A Journal of the First Voyage of Vasco Da Gama 1497-1499E.G.RavensteinAsian Educational Services 1998954.93 Acc 4834 RAV39
A Legacy to Remember: Sri Lanka's Commissions of Inquiry 1963-2002 A Reference Guide to Commission Reports with a Tabulated List Of RecommendationsKishali Pinto-Jayawardena (Ed)The Law & Society Trust 20105712 338.47'954'93 SRI 01/1224
A Long Hot DayAnne RanasingheEnglish Writers Cooperative of Sri Lanka 20054157 RAN 087.6 SRI 087.62
A Long Hot DayAnne RanasingheEnglish Writers Cooperative of Sri Lanka 2005087.6 RAN2
A Man For All SeasonsRobert BoltVintage International 1990822.91 BOL 165835
A Mass Movement Against Democracy. The Threat of the Sangh ParivarShankar GopalakrishnanAAKAR Books, SRUTI 2009320 GOP13
A Meditation on Conscience Occasional Paper No 2Gananath ObeyesekereSocial Scientists' Association 198835
A Meditation on Conscience Occasional Paper No. 01Gananath ObeyesekereSocial Scientists Association 1988(4-015) +954 OBE35
A Meditation on Conscience Occasional Paper No. 01Gananath ObeyesekereSocial Scientists' Association 1988900 OBE35
A Meditation on Conscience Occasional Paper No.01Gananath ObeyesekereSocial Scientists' Association 1988900 OBE35
A Meditation on Conscience. Occasional Paper No. 01Gananath ObeyesekereSocial Scientists' Association 1988900 OBE35
A Multisectoral Model of Production for Sri LankaN.L.SirisenaCentral Bank of Ceylon 1976338.984 SIR24
A New Culture for a New Society: Selected Writings 1945-2005Paul Caspersz S.J.2005338.180+ 954.93 Acc 4576 PAU24
A New Electoral System for Sri Lanka?Laksiri Fernando, Dietmar Kneitschel (Eds)Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung5784 361.61'954'93 FER SRI 02/0128
A Nice Burgher GirlJean ArasanayagamSocial Scientists' Association 200692 A/Z +954.93 Acc 4670 ARA10
A Nice Burgher GirlJean ArasanayagamSocial Scientists' Association 2006Acc 5749 92 A/Z ARA SRI 03/0110
A Nice Burgher GirlJean ArasanayagamSocial Scientists' Association 2010920 ARA 567135
A Nice Burgher GirlJean ArasanayagamSocial Scientists' Association 2010920 ARA35
A People's Movement. Under SiegeJehan Perera, Charika Marasinghe, Leela JayasekeraSarvodaya Book Publishing Services 1992SRI 301.16 PER8
A Question of Honour: Women, Ethnicity and Armed ConflictRadhika CoomaraswamyICES 19993.055.2+ 323.38 COO 29146
A Reading of the Canterbury TalesTrevor WhittockCambridge University Press 1968813.54 WHI 511534
A Record of the Buddhist Religion as Practised in India and the Malay Archipelago (AD 671-695)I-Tsing, J. Takakusu (Tr)Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers 1982293.3 +954 ITS4
A Reign of Ten Kings Sri Lanka - The World 500 BC - 1200 ADNalini De LanerolleCeylon Tourist Board 1993954.93 LAN 326242
A Riot in Retrospect. A Brief Exploration of the Causes of Violence in Aluthgama in 2014Mark SchubertSocial Scientists' Association 2017320 SCH22
A Sheaf of Gleanings. Obiter Scripta Et DictaLucian De ZilwaSRI 8(091) DEZ 251545
A Short History of Sinhalese LiteratureNewton PintoM.D.Gunasena 1954891.48 PIN 835335
A Short History of the Lanka Sama Samaja PartyLeslie GoonewadeneCentro Studi Pietro Tresso 1992Acc 3553 320.954'93 GOO SRI 01/09
A Short History of the Left Movement in CeylonN.Sanmugathasan133.03' 95493 SAN45
A Sinhala Village in a Time of Trouble: Politics and Change in Rural Sri LankaJonathan SpencerOxford University Press 1990330.1'202 954'93 SPE ACC 160923
A Special Court for Sri Lanka Taking Women Into Account Position PaperFOKUS WOMEN320 SRI43
A Special Court for Sri Lanka Taking Women Into Account Position PaperFOKUS WOMEN320 SRI43
A State of Reform. Essays for a better futureGaeaoff GallopHelm Wood Publishers 1998
A Study of Fiction The Village in the Jungle Stories A Passage to IndiaD.C.R.A. GoonetillekeLake House Investments 1976Acc 738 8.31'954'93 GOO SRI 01/1235
A Symposium on the 1915 Communal RiotsRobert N. Kearney / Kumari Jayawardena / Charles S Blackton / P.T.M. FERNANDO / Micheal RobertsCeylon Studies Seminar 1969/70 Series June 1970954.93 KEA 776740
A System Under Siege. An Inquiry into the Judicial System of Sri LankaMarga Institute 2003340 MAR ACC 614125
A System Under Siege: An Inquiry into the Judicial System of Sri LankaMarga InstituteMarga Institute 2002347.7+ 954.93 Acc 4740 MAR28
A Taste of Bitterness. The Political Economy of Tea Plantation in Sri LankaRonald RoteFree University Press 1986320 ROT43
A Taste of Sugar & Spice: Cuisine of the Dutch Burgher Huisvrouw in Olde CeylonDeloraine BrohierNeptune Publications 2012SRI 641.56 BRO 630832
A Time to burn? An Evaluation of the Present Crisis in Race RelationsLouis H. Masotti, Jeffrey K. Hadden, Kenneth. F. Seminatore, Jerome R. CorsiRand Mcnally & Company 1969320.5 MAS11
A Unitary State, A Federal State or Two seperate States?Ram ManikkalingamSocial Scientists Association 2003341 MAN ACC 384026
A Unitary State, A Federal State or Two seperate States?Ram ManikkalingamSocial Scientists' Association 2003Acc 4453 MFN 936 RAM SRI 01/0937
A World Without Oil or Coal. A Solution to Sri Lanka's Electricity Crisis in The Post Fossil Fuel EraAsoka AbeygunawardanaSiyathra Media Publication537 ABE 769931
A.J. Kanagarathna: Yapanaye Hurda SakshiyaSaminathan Vimal92.95493 TRI10
A.P. De Zoysa: 20 siyawase Sri Lankawe Satankamee Samaja Prajathanthrawadiya ha Baudha PrathishodhakayaKumari Jayawardena920 JAY35 Zoysa. Combative Social Democrat and Buddhist Reformer in 20th Century Sri LankaKumari JayawardenaSanjiva Books 2012SRI 920 JAY35 Zoysa. Combative Social Democrat and Buddhist Reformer in 20th Century Sri LankaKumari JayawardenaSanjiva Books 2012920 JAY 630135
Aagama, Jathiya Ha DeshayaKumari Jayawardena294.3 JAY5
Aagama, Jathiya Ha DeshayaKumari Jayawardena294.3 JAY5
Aagama, Jathiya Ha DeshayaKumari Jayawardena294.3 JAY5
Aagama, Jathiya Ha DeshayaKumari Jayawardena294.3 JAY5
Aagama, Jathiya Ha DeshayaKumari Jayawardena294.3 JAY5
Aan Thaleymai Aachi Endral Enna?Kamla BashinSocial Scientists' Association 19953487
Aandukrama Wyawastha Prathisanskaranayata Rajayen Idiripath Kerena Yojana320 GOV11
Abdul Aziz 75th Birthday Felicitation Volume1986SRI 92 A/Z ABD ACC 2507 AZI10
Abdul Aziz 75th Birthday Felicitation Volume1986MFN:002704 Acc No. 1943,2710 92 A/Z +954.93 AZI
Abdul Aziz 75th Birthday Felicitation Volume1986Acc 2710 92 A/Z '954'93 AZI SRI 03/0110
Abiding By Sri Lanka. On Peace, Place and PostcolonialityQadri IsmailUniversity of Minnesota Press 2005MFN:003179 ACC. NO. 4326 954.93203'2 ISM40
Abiding By Sri Lanka. On Peace, Place and PostcolonialityQadri IsmailUniversity of Minnesota Press 2005MFN:003179 Acc No. 4281 954.93203'2 ISM40
Abortion and Woman's Choice: The State, Sexuality and Reproductive FreedomRosalind Pollack PetcheskyVerso 1986363.46 PET29
Abortion Wars: A Half Century of Struggle, 1950-2000Rickie Solinger (Ed)University of California Press 1998363.46 SOL 108229
Addressing Root Causes of the Conflict: Land Problems in North-East Sri LankaShahul H. Hashbullah, P. Balasundarampillai, Kalinga Tudor SilvaUNHCR and FCE 2005MFN:003325 Acc.No:4784 327.16 +954.93 HAS18
Adequate and Affordable Shelter for All. Housing Rights of the Plantation Community in Sri LankaM. Vamadevan, B. SkandakumarInstitute of Social Development 2015070 WAM3
Administration Report of the Commisioner of Elections for the year 1997Dayananda Dissanayake1998003.954'93 DIS1
Administration Report of the Controller of Labour for 1937F.C.Gimson1938006.351' 954'93 GIM1
Advancing Conflict Transformation, The Berghof Handbook IIBeatrix Austin, Martina Fischer, Hans J. GiessmannBarbara Budrich Publishers 2011016:327.16 AUS2
Africa Third EditionPhyllis M. Martin, Patrick O' Meara (Eds)Indiana University Press, James Currey 1995960 MAR 562 T44
After Prohibition: An Adult Approach to Drug Policies in The 21st CenturyTimothy Lynch (Ed)Cato Institute 2000362.29 LYN29
After the Waves, The Impact of the Tsumani on Women in Sri LankaNeloufer De Mel, Kanchana N. Ruwanpura, Gameela Samarasinghe (Eds)Social Scientists' Association 2009303.48 DEM7
After the Waves, The Impact of the Tsumani on Women in Sri LankaNeloufer De Mel, Kanchana N. Ruwanpura, Gameela Samarasinghe (Eds)Social Scientists' Association 2010Acc 5359 303.4852095493 DEM7
After the Waves, The Impact of the Tsumani on Women in Sri Lanka (Tamil)Neloufer De Mel, Kanchana N. Ruwanpura, Gameela Samarasinghe (Eds)Social Scientists Association 20115826 303.48'520'954'93 DEM
After The Waves, The Impact of the Tsunami on Women in Sri LankaNeloufer De Mel, Kanchana N. Ruwanpura, Gameela Samarasinghe (Eds)Social Scientists' Association 2009303.48520095493 AFT7
After The Waves, The Impact of the Tsunami on Women in Sri LankaNeloufer De Mel, Kanchana N. Ruwanpura, Gameela Samarasinghe (Eds)Social Scientists' Association 2009303.4852095493 AFT7
Agama saha Manawa AithiyaSugath Nishantha PrananduAsian Human Rights Commission320.954'93 ASZ11
Agrarian Change in Sri LankaJames Brow, Joe Weeramunda (Ed)Sage Publications 1992SRI 631+954 JAM
Agriculture and Society in the Low Country Sri LankaM.P.Moore, G. WickramasingheAgrarian Research and Training Institute 1980MFN:002907 Acc No:747 631.92+954.93 MOO32
Agriculture in the Economic Development of Sri LankaMichael Roberts, S.W.R. de A. Samarasinghe, M. Sinnathamby, Piyasiri Wickremasekera (Eds)Ceylon Studies Seminar 1975Acc 5782 631 ROB32
Agriculture in the Peasant Sector of Sri A. Samarasinghe (Ed)Ceylon Studies Seminar Peradeniya 1977Acc 5783 631 SAM32
Agriculture in the Peasant Sector of Sri A. Samarasinghe (Ed)Ceylon Studies Seminar 1977Acc 6115 631'954 SAM32
Aid to the Use of Sinhalese in Government DepartmentsOfficial Languages Department 1955Acc 2837 001'959'93 OFF SRI 01/121
Aids TV: Identity, Community and Alternative VideoAlexandra JuhaszDuke University Press362.19 JUH 244229
Alcohol and PovertyBerguot Barklien, Diyanath SamarasingheFORUT 2003SRI 362.292'954'9329
Alice de Boer saha Purogami Burgher WaidyawariyoDeloraine BrohierSocial Scientists Association 1995302 BOH6
Aloka Occasional Papers Volume IThe South Asia Policy and Research Institute 2012SRI 330.1 SOU21
Alternate Space : Trivial Writings Of An AcademicSasanka PereraYellow House Publications in Association with Colombo Institute for the Advanced Study of Society and Culture 2005MFN: 002595 Acc. No. 4203 301 +954.93 PER8
Alternative Development An Anthology Volume 1. Part I: Remember Your Humanity: A Tribute to Sri Joseph RotblatD.L.O. MendisSri Lanka Pugwash Group 2005MFN: 003443 Acc No. 4324 343.9 +954.93 MEN27
Alternative Development An Anthology Volume 1. Part II:Remember Your Humanity: If You Want Peace, Prepare for PeaceD.L.O. MendisSri Lanka Pugwash Group 2005343 MEN SP.C 431927
America's Longest War. The United states and Vietnam 1950-1975George C. HerringJohn Wiley & Sons 1979959.70 HER 259244
Among Those PresentD.B. DhanapalaM.D. Gunasena & Co. Ltd 1962SRI 92 A/Z DHA 253110
An Account of the Interior of Ceylon and of its Inhabitants With Travels in that IsLandJohn DavyAsian Educational Services 2006954.93 DAV 483339
An Account of the Interior of Ceylon and of its Inhabitants With Travels in that IslandJohn DavyTisara Prakasakayo 1821312931.954'93 DAV37
An Account of the Island of Ceylon 1803Robert PercivalTisara Prakasakayo Ltd. 1803954.93 PER 74338
An Account of the Island of Ceylon, Its History, Geography, Natural History, With the Manners and Customs of Its Various InhabitantsRobert PercivalAsian Educational Services 2006954.93 PER 460639
An Adventure in Asian and Australian Writing SPANLionel WigmoreAngus & Robertson 1959MFN: 002527 Acc No. 2673 809 WIG34
An Agenda for the International Buddhist CommunityAnanda W.P. Guruge1993MFN:002617 Acc No.4205 294.32 +954.935
An Analytical Description of Poverty in Sri LankaMarga Institute 1981MFN: 002562 Acc No. 2505 339.12 +954.34 MAR25
An Analytical Description of Poverty in Sri LankaMarga Institute 1981339.46 MAR 758725
An Analytical Description of Poverty in Sri LankaMarga Publications 1981339.46 MAR 769525
An Annotated Bibliography on Poverty and Conflict in Sri LankaBhawani LoganathanCentre for Poverty Analysis 2008016.3525 CEP Acc. 5001, Acc.5002, Acc 50032
An Annotated Bibliography on Women in ConflictBhawani Loganathan, Mangalika De SilvaSocial Scientists' Association 199901+ 396 LOG 360431
An Anthology of Sinhalese Literature upto 1815Christopher Reynolds (Ed)Sri Lanka National Commission for UNESCO 1970SRI 8-2 REY
An Appeal to UNESCO to Safeguard and Preserve the Cultural Property in Sri Lanka Endangered by Racial Prejudice, Unlawful Occupation or Wilful DestructionCaluwadewage Cyril MathewSRI 347.992 +93 MAT 344228
An Appraisal of the Federal Alternative for Sri LankaH.L. De Silva1991325.5 DES17
An Eye to India. The Unmasking of a Tyranny, A Brutal and ignominious Period In The History of the NationDavid SelbournePenguin Books 1977321 SEL14
An Historical Relation of CeylonRobert KnoxTisara Prakasakayo 1981954.93 KNO 130642
An Historical Relation of the Island Ceylon Volume IRobert KnoxTisara Prakasakayo Ltd. 1681954.93 KNO 168440
An Historical Relation of the Island Ceylon Volume IIRobert KnoxTisara Prakasakayo Ltd. 1681954.93 KNO 168540
An Illustrated Guide to the Buried Cities of CeylonJones BatemanAsian Educational Services 1994954.932 BAT 550739
An Inquiry into the Economic Causes and Effects of the Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka Since 1983W.H.RasheedMFN: 002519 Acc No. 2956 (043) +323.5 RAS16
An Introduction to Housing and Land Laws in Sri LankaPubudini Wickramaratne Rupesinghe, Nuwan RupesingheCentre on Housing Rights and Evictions 2007ACC 5999 347.235 CEN SRI 01/0228
An Introduction to Philosophy of HistoryW.H.WalshHutchinson University Press 1967
An Inventory of Sri Lanka Maps in the General State Archives in the NetherlandsK.D.ParanavitanaThe Ministry of Plan Implementation 1984912.949'2' 954'93 PAR 256435
An Inventory of Sri Lanka Maps in the General State Archives in the NetherlandsK.D.ParanavitanaThe Ministry of Plan Implementation 1984084.3' 954'93 PAR2
An Open Letter to All Political Parties. An Agenda for Peace (General Elections 2001)Centre for Policy Alternatives324 CPA17
An Unfinished Struggle: An Investigative Exposure of Sri Lanka's Judiciary and the Chief JusticeVictor IvanRavaya 2003MFN:003311 Acc No. N100085 350.992 +954.93 IVA28
An Untimely Death a Commemoration of K.KanthasamyKanthasamy Commemoration Committee 1989SRI 92 A/Z KAN 176210
Anagarika Dharmapala Marxwadee da?Gunadasa Amarasekera303.484+954.93 AMA7
Analysis of Ages of Lives on Earth and Dravidian CultureKalabooshanam Sakkthie A. Bala-IahBakya Publications 2011Acc 5956 954 BAL38
Ancient CeylonH. ParkerAsian Educational Services 1981954.93 PAR 132939
Ancient CeylonH.ParkerAsian Educational Services 1999954.93 PAR 474140
Ancient City of AnuradhapuraW.B.Marcus FernandoArchaeological Department 1965954 FER 616038
Ancient City of PolonnaruwaThe Archaeological Department 1967SRI 954 ARC
Ancient City of PolonnaruwaThe Archaeologial commissionerThe Archaeologial DepartmentSRI 954 ARC 251238
Ancient Jaffna. Being a Research inti the History of Jaffna From Very Early Times to the Portuguese PeriodMudaliyar C. RasanayagamAsian Educational Services 20039584.93 RAS 482739
Ancient Land Tenure and Revenue in CeylonH. W. CodringtonCeylon Government Press 1938SRI 931 COD 144637
Ancient Land Tenure to Modern Land Reform in Sri Lanka Volume One Ancient Lanka to British PeriodAriya AbeysingheThe Centre for Society & Religion 1978Acc 307 631.954'93 ABE SRI 01/232
Ancient Land Tenure to Modern Land Reform in Sri Lanka Volume One Ancient Lanka to British PeriodAriya AbeysingheThe Centre for Society & Religion 1978MFN: 002670 Acc No. 1787 631 +954.93 ABE32
Ancient Land Tenure to Modern Land Reform In Sri Lanka Volume Two Since IndependenceAriya AbeysingheThe Centre for Society & Religion 1979MFN: 002671 Acc No. 1788 631 +954.93 ABE32
Ancient Land Tenure to Modern Land Reform in Sri Lanka: Volume One: Ancient Lanka to British PeriodAriya AbeysingheCentre for Society & Religion 1978SRI 631 ABE 166937
Andukrama Vyawastha Prathisangskaranayata Rajayen Idiripathkarana Yojana - October 1997
Andukrama Vyawastha Prathisangskaranayata Rajayen Idiripathkarana Yojana - October 1998MFN: 002555 Acc No. 3390 342.537 +954.34 JUS
Anglo-Soviet Relations 1917-1921: Intervention and the WarRichard H. UllmanPrinceton University Press 1961341.58 UIL 635326
Annotated Index of the Articles in the Journals of the Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka 1845-1989M.B. AriyapalaThe Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka 1989SRI 011.815 ART1
Annual Report 2013Central Bank of Sri Lanka 2013030+954'93 CEN
Antidumping Exposed: The Devilish Details of Unfair Trade LawBrink Lindsey and Daniel J. IkensonCato Institute 2003343.73 LIN27
Anuradhapura Yugaya: Dewani Sanshoditha SanskaranayaAmaradasa Liyanagamage, Ranaweera GunawardanaAcc 5855 954.93 LIY41
Anuradhapura Yugaya: Hatharawani Sanshoditha SanskaranayaAmaradasa Liyanagamage, Ranaweera GunawardanaAcc 5855 954.93 LIY41
Ape Daruwanta Siduwanne KumakdaMendaka Abesekara, Dulma Sandamali Weerakodi003.05'2'954'93 ABE1
Aragalayaka AtheethayaRanaweera Leslie Gunawardena321'954'93 GUN14
Archaeological Survey of Ceylon: Inscriptions of Ceylon Volume I Part IS.ParanavitanaDepartment of Archaeology 1983Acc 1545 MFN 3155 930.271'954'93 PAR SRI 01/0536
Architecture and Nationalism in Sri Lanka, The Trouser Under the ClothAnoma PierisRoutledge 2013720 PIE33
Are you Somebody. The Accidental Memoir of a Dublin WomanNuala O'FaolainHenry Holt and Company 1996070.92 OFA ACC 11453
Asian After the Development State. Disembedding AutonomyToby Carroll and Darryl S.L. Jarvis (Eds)Cambridge University Press 2017
Asian Drama. An Inquiry into the Poverty of Nations/ Volume IGunnar MyrdalPenguin Books 1968330.95 MYR21
Asirimath KelaniyaC. Cyril Mathew294.3'954'93 MET5
Aspects of Ethnicity and Gender Among the Rodi of Sri LankaNireka WeeratungeInternational Centre for Ethnic Studies305.954'93 WEE6
Aspirations, Challenges and Needs of Youth in Tea Plantation CommunitiesDr.Lalith WelamedageCare International 2014633.72 WEL 801232
Assessing Burma's Ceasefire AccordsEast-west Center Washington320+5955 ASS11
Assignment ColomboJ.N. DixitVijitha Yapa 1998342.54 DIX 617827
Assignment ColomboJ.N. DixitVijitha Yapa 1998327.92+ 954 DIX18
Assignment ColomboJ.N. DixitVijitha Yapa Publication 1998327.54 DIX18
Assimilating New Leaders. The Key to Executive RetentionDiane Downey / Tom March / Adena BerkmanAmerican Management Association 2001658.40 DOW 233133
At The Cutting Edge. Essays in Honour of Kumari JayawardenaNeloufer De Mel & Selvy Thiruchandran (Eds)Women's Education and Research Centre 200932011
Authority Without Accountability: The Crisis of Impunity in Sri LankaInternational Commission of JuristsSRI 340 INT 829425
Authority Without Accountability: The Crisis of Impunity in Sri LankaInternational Commission of JuristsSRI 340 INT 829325
Ayesha Rauf, A Pioneer of Muslim Women's Emancipation in Sri LankaFarzana HaniffaSocial Scientists' Association 201492 A/Z HAN 779010
Bad Neighbor Policy: Washington's Futile War on Drugs in Latin AmericaTed Galen CarpenterPalgrave Macmilllan 2003363.45 CAR 233829
Balaya Bedahareema: 13 wana Sanshodanaye sita Nawa Wyawastha Panatha DakwaVikalpa Prathipaththi Kendraya321.954'93 CEN14
Balaya Bedamu Rata NobedamuHemasiri Abeyawardana320.473'049'549'3 ABH11
Balaya Bedamu Rata NobedamuHemasiri Abeyawardana320.473'049'549'3 ABH11
Bangladesh Promise and PerformanceRounaq Jahan (Ed)The University Press Limited 2002954 TAH SP.C 437238
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Women, Local Government & The Tsunami (Tamil)Tressie LeitanSocial Scientists Association 20105767 303.4850820 95493 LEI
Women, Local Government & The Tsunami (Tamil)Tressie LeitanSocial Scientists Association 20105766 303.4850820 95493 LEI
Women's ManifestoSSA300 WOM9
Women's Movement in Sri Lanka. History, Trends and TrajectoriesSelvy ThiruchandranSocial Scientists' Association 20123.055.2 +930 THI 82966
Woolf In Ceylon. An Imperial Journey in the Shadow of Leonard Woolf 1904-1911Christopher OndaatjeHarper Collins Publishers 2005954.93 Acc 4817 OND41
WORKING Hours: Exploring Gender Dimensions Of Unpaid Care Work In Sri LankaSepali Kottegoda , Pradeep PeirisWMC
WORKING Hours: Exploring Gender Dimensions Of Unpaid Care Work In Sri LankaSepali Kottegoda , Pradeep PeirisWMC
Writing an Inheritance. Women's Writing in Sri Lanka 1860 - 1948 Volume 1Neloufer De Mel, Minoli SamarakkodyWomen's Education & Research Centre 2002305.890' 954'93 DEM6
Writing Research Proposals In the Social Sciences and HumanitiesJayadeva UyangodaSocial Scientists' Association 2010Acc 5675 300.72 UYA9
Writing Research Proposals In the Social Sciences and HumanitiesJayadeva UyangodaSocial Scientists' Association 2010Acc 5675 300.72 UYA9
Writing Research Proposals In the Social Sciences and HumanitiesJayadeva UyangodaSocial Scientists' Association 2010300.72 UYA9
Writing Research Proposals In the Social Sciences and HumanitiesJayadeva UyangodaSocial Scientists' Association 2010808.0663 UYN 848134
Writing Research Proposals In the Social Sciences and HumanitiesJayadeva UyangodaSocial Scientists' Association 2010808.0663 UYN 848134
Writing Research Proposals In the Social Sciences and HumanitiesJayadeva UyangodaSocial Scientists' Association 2010Acc 8432 808.0663
Writing Sri Lanka, Literature, Resistance and the Politics of PlaceMinoli SalgadoRoutledge Research in Postcolonial Literatures 2007820.954'93 SAL 451234
Writing That Conquers. Re-reading Knox's. An Historical Relation of the Island CeylonSarojini JayawickramaSocial Scientists Association 2004954.93 JAY 406741
Writing That Conquers. Re-reading Knox's. An Historical Relation of the Island CeylonSarojini JayawickramaSocial Scientists' Association 2004954.93 JAY 400141
Writing That Conquers. Re-reading Knox's. An Historical Relation of the Island CeylonSarojini JayawickramaSocial Scientists' Association 2004954.93 JAY 429441
Writing The Diaspora Essays on Culture and IdentityUma ParameswaranRawat Publications 2007ACC 320 PAR11
WTO, Globalization and Eppawala after SeattleD.L.O. Mendis(Ed)Sri Lanka Pugwash Group 2000MFN: 002604 Acc No.4322 338.925 +954.93 MEN24
Wyawaharika Buddhiye Wiyogaya?Sasanka PereraInternational Centre for Ethnic Studies 1997301.191+954 PER8
Yapana Tharuna CongressayaSanthaseelan Kadirgamar, Sepala Wijesekera327 KAD11
Yuddhaye Padam 2 Arbudaye Gaman MagaJohn Richardson, Ranjith Perera (Tr)Social Scientists' Association954.93032 RIC38
Yuddhaye Padam 2 Arbudaye Gaman MagaJohn Richardson, Ranjith Perera (Tr)Social Scientists' Association954.93032 RIC38
Yuddhaye Padam 2 Arbudaye Gaman MagaJohn Richardson, Ranjith Perera (Tr)Social Scientists' Association954.93032 RIC38
Yuddhaye Padam 3 Porondu saha BalaporoththuJohn RichardsonSocial Scientists' Association303.609 5493 RIC7
Yuddhaye Padam 4 Jathika Aanduwe Aandukaranana Upaya 1965-70John RichardsonSocial Scientists' Association303.609 5493 RIC7
Yuddhaye Padam 4 Jathika Aanduwe Aandukaranana Upaya 1965-70John RichardsonSocial Scientists' Association303.609 5493 RIC7
Yuddhaye Padam 4 Jathika Aanduwe Aandukaranana Upaya 1965-70John RichardsonSocial Scientists' Association303.609 5493 RIC7
Yuddhaye Padam: Palawipaka saha PasubaseemJohn RichardsonSocial Scientists' AssociationAcc 5061 172.4 RIC47
Yuddhaye Padam: Palawipaka saha PasubaseemJohn RichardsonSocial Scientists' AssociationAcc 5061 172.4 RIC47
Yuddhaye Padam: Palawipaka saha PasubaseemJohn RichardsonSocial Scientists' AssociationAcc 5061 172.4 RIC47
Samaja Welendapola Aarthikaya Yanu Kumakda?Sebastian SperlingFriedrich-Ebert-Stiftung 2006Acc 5014 343.087 SPE27
Sri Lankawe Habeas Corpus Writ Aaknya; Asamanaya Yugyanheedi Siddhantha saha Kriyakarithwaya/ Habeas Corpus in Sri Lanka: Theory and Practice of the Great Writ in Extraordinary TimesKishali Pinto-Jayawardena, Jayantha de Almedia GuneratneLaw & Society Trust 2011345.410 56'95493 LAW26
Sri Lankawe Maarga Pravahanaya: Anuradhapura Yugaya Aarambaye sita Brithanya Yatath Vijitha Yugaya Awasanaya ThekIndrani Munasinghe338.98'954'93 MUN24
Sinhalayage Adisi HathuraC. Cyril Matthew335 MAT26
Sanwardhana Aarthika WidyawaDayananda SomasundaraAcc 6068 338 SOM24
Yuddhayada Saamayada? Lankawe Jathiwadee GataluwaRohan Jayawardena, Sanath Nandasiri341.36'954'93 VIM26
Sri Lanka Prajathanthrika Samajawadi Janarajaye 1987 No.15 darana Pradesheeya Sabha Panatha341.68'954'93 SRI26
Parliament of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Rent (Amendment) Act, No. 55 of 1980 /Sri Lanka Prajathanthrika Samajawadi Janarajaye 1980 No. 31 darana Swechcha Samaja Sewa Sanwidhana (Liyapadinchi Kireema ha Adheekshanaya kireema) Panatha341.681 954'93 GOV SRI 01/0826
Sri Lankawe Prajathanthrika Samajawadi Janarajaye Aandukrama Wyawasthawa (1978 August/September)341. 6819'54'93 SRI26
Sri Lanka Prajanthanthrika Samajawadi Janarajaye Deweni Parlimenthuwa (Pasweni Waraya) Parlimenthu Prakashana Mala No.47 Warthawa.341.6819'54'93 SRI26
Aandukrama Wyawastha Prathisanskaranayata Rajayen Idiripath Kerena Yojana 1997 October342.537+954.34 JUS27
Aandukrama Wyawastha Prathisanskaranayata Rajayen Idiripath Kerena Yojana 1997 October342.537+954.34 JUS27
Ugath Paadam ha Prathisandhanaya Pilibanda Commissame Nirdesha (LLRC)S.G. PunchihewaVikalpa Prathipaththi Kendraya342 PUN27
Sri Lankawe Manawa Himikam 2006 Manawa Himikam WarthawaBasil PrananduAsian Human Rights CommissionAcc 4779 342.954'93 FER27
Chanda NeethiAcc 4578 342.7+954.93 NID27
Karl Popper: Marxwadaye Wyaja WiwechakayekDesmond MallikarachchiAcc 3859 335.5'954'93 MAL26
Drawida Munnethra Kasaagam Wyaparaya ha Sinhalayage AnaagathayaTennakoon Wimalananda335.7'954'93 VIM26
Udarata Pawula Heena saha Aarthikaya Samaja Wimarshana-7P.R.A. WijesingheAcc 730 335.5'954'93 WIJ26
Marxwaadee RachanaDesmond MallikarachchiAcc 3853 335.5'954'93 MAL26
Vidyathmaka Samajawadaya: Keti HandinweemakKumari JayawardenaAcc 1789 335.085 JAY26
Vidyathmaka Samajawadaya: Keti HandinweemakKumari JayawardenaAcc 1789 335.085 JAY26
Marxwaadee Darshanaye MooladharmaV.G. Apanasiyew335.5 APN26
Nirbadheekaranaya HandinweemakAmit Bhaduri, Deepak Nayyar/ W.D. LakshmanSocial Scientists' Association 1998329.12 BAD20
Sri Lankawe Neethye Aadhipathwaya, Mineemareem ha Pagawa Nathi Kireema Pilibandawa Mathuwee athi GataluBasil PrananduRight to Life Human Rights Center340.115+954.93 BAS25
Manawa Himikam Unata Panadol Beema: Geneva yojanawa Dakwa Gamn Magaka Satahanrightsnow340 SRI25
Islameeya Neethi Sangrahaya: Jathyanthara DrushtikoonayakC.G. Weeramantry / H.S.M. Saleem340.1 WEE25
Sri Lankawe Palath Palana Neethiya (Deweni Kaandaya) Athuru NeethiJ.G. Keerthirathna340+5493 KIR25
Bindunu Wewa Gathanaya: Yukthiya Itu Wuyeda?Alan Keenan340 KNN25
Ombudsmanwarayage KaryabharayaCenter for Policy Alternatives 1998340.1'954'93 VIK25
Sri Lankawe Palath Palana Neethiya (Palawani Kaandaya) Pradhana NeethiJ.G. Keerthirathna340+549'3 KIR25
Hadisi Neethiya ha Parlimenthuwa 1997 January-July Hadisi Neethi Wiwada gana WimasumakCenter for Policy Alternatives343.01+954'93 VIK27
Oo: Gruhastha Prachandathwaya Pilibanda WimasumakThakshila Swarnamali343.44 SRI27
Sri Lankawe Nidahas Welenda Kalapa Yojana KramayaBandula Gunawardena337.879'5493 GUN28
Parani Lankawe Gihi AdhyapanayaBaddegama Wimalawansha Thero346.420+954.93 VIM28
Ealamwadaye Situwaru Kumarawaru saha GaththoSujith Akkarawaththa347.9'954'93 AKK28
Rajyaya Bhasha Prashnaya Samasmaja SthawarayaN.M. Perera, Edmund Samarakkody351.954'93 PER28
Pradesheeya Aandu Palanaya Aramunu saha ShikshaDhamma Dissanayake353.954'93 DIS28
Sri Lankawe Tsunami Aapadaawa saha Maanushika Hadisi Awasthawe DeshapalanayaJayadeva Uyangoda364.34 954'93 UYA29
Sri Lankawe Tsunami Aapadaawa saha Maanushika Hadisi Awasthawe DeshapalanayaJayadeva Uyangoda364.34 954'93 UYA29
Sri Lankawe Tsunami Aapadaawa saha Maanushika Hadisi Awasthawe DeshapalanayaJayadeva Uyangoda363.34 954'93 UYA29
Sri Lankawe Tsunami Aapadaawa saha Maanushika Hadisi Awasthawe DeshapalanayaJayadeva Uyangoda363.34 954'93 UYA29
Sri Lankawe Tsunami Aapadaawa saha Maanushika Hadisi Awasthawe DeshapalanayaJayadeva Uyangoda363.34 954'93 UYA29
Sri Lankawe Tsunami Aapadaawa saha Maanushika Hadisi Awasthawe DeshapalanayaJayadeva Uyangoda363.34 954'93 UYA29
Sthreen ha Tsunami KhedawachakayaAmbika Satkunanadan363.34082 SAT29
Sthreen ha Tsunami KhedawachakayaAmbika Satkunanadan363.3482 BRU29
Dala Rala Pela: Tsunamiya Sri Lankawe Sthreenta Bala Pa HatiNeloufer De Mel, Kanchana N. Ruwanpura, Gameela Samarasinghe (Eds)363.34'082 NEL29
Dala Rala Pela: Tsunamiya Sri Lankawe Sthreenta Bala Pa HatiNeloufer De Mel, Kanchana N. Ruwanpura, Gameela Samarasinghe (Eds)363.34'082 NEL29
Sphere Wayapruthiya: Manusheeya Praknyawapththiya saha Manusheeya Prathicharaya Pilibanda Awama Pramithi/ The Sphere Project: Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian ResponsePhil Greaney, Sue Pfiffner, David Wilson (Eds)363.348'0218'95493 THE29
Siyalu Sankramanika Sewakayange ha Owunge Pawulwala Samajikayange Aithiwasikam Aaraksha Kireema Pilibanda Antharjathika SammuthiyaLaw & Society Trust 2010Acc 5951 363.11 LAW29
Sri Lankawe Sewaka Adhyapanaya saha Sarasavi KaryabharayaDhammika PereraAcc 5222 371.9'954'92 PER30
Anathuru Awasthawan Bawata Harawa Ganeema: Dakunu Asiawa Thula Tharuna Aya saha HIV/AIDSKamla Bhasin, Bindiya ThaparSocial Scientists' Association 2007360 BAS28
Bahuwidha Samaja Sahajeewanaya Sandaha Pasal Pela Pothe Bhumikawa/ The role of School Text Books for Multi-social ReconciliationsCenter for childrenand youth development 1998Acc. 4678 370'954.93 SAM30
Bahuwidha Samaja Sahajeewanaya Sandaha Pasal Pela Pothe Bhumikawa/ The role of School Text Books for Multi-social ReconciliationsCenter for childrenand youth development 1998Acc. 4678 370'954.93 SAM30
Widesheeya Naya Wigananaya Kriyadharayan Sandaha AthpothaLaw & Society Trust 2009382.17 LAW Acc 573630
Purawasi Sannasa: Sri Lankeeya Palath Palana Ayathana walta Purawasi Praknyapthiyak Sandaha Maga Penweemak/ Citizens' Charter: Guide to Develop a Citizens' Charter for Local Authorities in Sri Lanka452.2 PUR31
Godage English-Sinhala-Tamil DictionaryAnanda Weerasinghe, Chandra Padmini Weerasinghe413 WEE31
Bhashawa saha ManushshathwayaS.G. PunchihewaCenter for Policy Alternatives408 PUN31
Swayan Theeranaye Aithiya Beda Wenkara Palanaya saha Sthriya396.231
Sthree-purusha Deshapalana Niyojanaya Samanada? Pangu krama nyaya saha BhawithayaKamala LiyanageFriedrich Ebert Stiftung396.5+32 LIY31
Sri Lankawe Palath Palana Aayathana thula Sthree Niyojanaya: Abhiyoga ha ApekshaKamala LiyanageFriedrich Ebert Stiftung396.5 LIY31
Kantha Prathyapthiya (Sri Lanka)396.2 WAN31
Kantha Handa: Ape Shesthra Athdakeem ha Api Sthreewaadaya Dakina HatiSoma Jayakody396.1 KAN31
A Systemic Nomenclature for the Birds of Sri Lanka/ Sri Lankawe Kurullan sandaha Kramanukoola NamawaliyaD.G.A. Perera, S.W. Kotagama598.2 PER31
Kobbekaduwa Gathanaya saha Lakehouse KumanthranaKeerthi Kelegama530.474+954.93 KAL31
Lanka Ithihasaye Madyathana Yugaye ena Keralayo Prathiwirudha Awastha Dekak Pilibanda AdyayanayakAmaradasa LiyanagamageSocial Scientists' Association 1994594.11+954 LIY31
Sri Lankawe Demala Bhasha AithiwasikamDevanesan NesiahCenter for Policy Alternatives408.8 DEV31
Anathuru Awasthawan Bawata Harawa Ganeema: Dakunu Asiawa Thula Tharuna Aya saha HIV/AIDSKamla Bhasin, Bindiya ThaparSocial Scientists' Association 2007606.979'201 BHA31
Anathuru Awasthawan Bawata Harawa Ganeema: Dakunu Asiawa Thula Tharuna Aya saha HIV/AIDSKamla Bhasin, Bindiya ThaparSocial Scientists' Association 2007606.979'201 BHA31
Anathuru Awasthawan Bawata Harawa Ganeema: Dakunu Asiawa Thula Tharuna Aya saha HIV/AIDSKamla Bhasin, Bindiya ThaparSocial Scientists' Association 2007606.979'201 BHA31
Anathuru Awasthawan Bawata Harawa Ganeema: Dakunu Asiawa Thula Tharuna Aya saha HIV/AIDSKamla Bhasin, Bindiya ThaparSocial Scientists' Association 2007606.979'201 BHA31
Anathuru Awasthawan Bawata Harawa Ganeema: Dakunu Asiawa Thula Tharuna Aya saha HIV/AIDSKamla Bhasin, Bindiya ThaparSocial Scientists' Association 2007606.979'201 BHA31
Igeneemata Ganna Wera: Sri Lankawe Wawili Karmanthaya Ehi Janathawa Saha Adyapanaya Pilibanda Deshapalana Arthikamaya ElabumakAngela W. LittleSocial Scientists' Association631.954 LIT32
Sri Lankawe Krushikarmaye Arbudaya631.954 GOV32
Ithihasaye Atheethaya: Shikshanayaka Wardhanaya Pilibanda WimarshanayakRanaweera Leslie Gunawardena954.93'809'251 GUN39
Sucharitha Gamlathta Erehiwa Marxwadee Kala Wicharaye MuladharmaPiyaseeli Wijegunasinghe801.950'904'954'3 SRI
State Formation and Conflicts in Sri Lanka
Sunil Bastian
Bloomsbury Academic