by ssa-admin-032024 | Nov 2, 2021 | Essay
‘Executive Authoritarianism’ as Sri Lanka’s New Political Normal since COVID-19* Jayadeva Uyangoda The ways in which countries from the global North to the global South have politically managed the unprecedented public health emergency situation brought about by the...
Tea Smallholders in Sri Lanka’s Organic Fertiliser Crisis
Kaushini Dammalage
by ssa-admin-032024 | Oct 18, 2021 | Essay
Tea Smallholders in Sri Lanka’s Organic Fertiliser Crisis Kaushini Dammalage source The plantation economy took root in Sri Lanka (then Ceylon) with the onset of British colonialism in the 19th century. The British government in Ceylon took measures to provide the...
Making ‘Delete Nothing’: Making a Feminist Internet
Zainab Ibrahim and Sachini Perera
by ssa-admin-032024 | Oct 13, 2021 | Essay
Making ‘Delete Nothing’: Making a Feminist Internet Zainab Ibrahim and Sachini Perera Delete Nothing is a trilingual platform that aims to document technology-related gender-based violence (GBV) in Sri Lanka, particularly—but not limited to—the experiences of girls,...
World Class City
Abdul Halik Azeez
by ssa-admin-032024 | Oct 4, 2021 | Essay
World Class City Abdul Halik Azeez “Here is the City Paranoiac. All these long centuries, growing over the country-side? like an intelligent creature. An actor, a fantastic mimic. Pointsman! Counterfeiting all the correct forces? the eco-nomic, the demo-graphic? oh...
US Withdrawal from Afghanistan and Its Impact on Sri Lankan Democracy
Pradeep Peiris
by ssa-admin-032024 | Sep 27, 2021 | Intervention
US Withdrawal from Afghanistan and Its Impact on Sri Lankan Democracy Pradeep Peiris The last United States (US) security contingent left Afghanistan at midnight on 30th August 2021, ending a 20-year long occupation. George W. Bush along with his Western allies sent...