by ssa-admin-032024 | Nov 30, 2021 | Essay
The Office on Missing Persons post-2020: Who and What is it for? Chulani Kodikara Demonstration held in front of the National War Heroes’ Monument by the National Collective of War Heroes (Jathika Ranawiru Ekamuthuwa), several other civil society organisations, and...
Polity turns 30!
by ssa-admin-032024 | Nov 23, 2021 | Editorial
Polity turns 30! 30 years ago, the Social Scientists’ Association (SSA) of Sri Lanka began publishing in print an English-language periodical of progressive opinion on current affairs, under the direction of Charles Abeysekera, Shani Jayawardena, and Jayadeva...
නවලිබරල්වාදය සහ ‘නගරයට ඇති අයිතිය’: මෑතකාලීන කොළඹ නාගරික අවකාශමය නවීකරණයෙහි බහිෂ්කරණය
හසිනි ලේකම්වසම්
by ssa-admin-032024 | Nov 21, 2021 | Pravada Online
නවලිබරල්වාදය සහ ‘නගරයට ඇති අයිතිය’: මෑතකාලීන කොළඹ නාගරික අවකාශමය නවීකරණයෙහි බහිෂ්කරණය හසිනි ලේකම්වසම් හැඳින්වීම ‘නගරයට ඇති අයිතිය’ පිළිබඳව බොහෝ දේ රචනා වී ඇත. හෙන්රි ලෆේව්’ගෙන් ඇරඹි මේ වටිනා සහ වැදගත් කතිකාව තුළ නාගරීකරණයේ ඵල භුක්ති විඳීමට අයිතිය ඇත්තේ කාට ද යන්න...
Reflections on State Formation in Sri Lanka
Sunil Bastian
by ssa-admin-032024 | Nov 16, 2021 | Reflection
Reflections on State Formation in Sri Lanka Sunil Bastian There is nothing natural or inevitable about states. They are formed under certain historical conditions; they undergo change and under certain circumstances can even totally disappear. A cursory glance at the...
Debating the Transition from a Closed to an Open Economy
Devaka Gunawardena
by ssa-admin-032024 | Nov 9, 2021 | Essay
Debating the Transition from a Closed to an Open Economy Devaka Gunawardena The year of 1977 has become a highly charged symbol for understanding the current crisis. After the transition from a “closed” to an “open” economy, many now claim that Sri Lanka is moving...