by ssa-admin-032024 | Aug 23, 2023 | Essay
Ceylon’s ‘Great Hartal’ of 1953: The Masses Enter History B. Skanthakumar NM Perera addresses Galle Face Rally 23 July 1953 “It was the class struggle in free flow and it constituted the highest point that the class struggle had yet reached in Ceylon”[i] 70 years ago...
Claiming Identity, Dignity, and Justice: Malaiyaha Tamils of Sri Lanka
B. Skanthakumar
by ssa-admin-032024 | Aug 7, 2023 | Review
Claiming Identity, Dignity, and Justice: Malaiyaha Tamils of Sri Lanka B. Skanthakumar The 150th anniversary of the beginning of the tea industry in British Ceylon was marked in 2017 by a range of government and corporate events, mostly to promote Sri Lanka’s premier...
Hyper-Reforms amidst Hyper-Austerity
by ssa-admin-032024 | Jul 31, 2023 | Editorial
Hyper-Reforms amidst Hyper-Austerity In an ongoing economic crisis whose fundamental causes the ruling class has absolute disinterest in tackling, an unelected President and an illegitimate government are on a legal and policy reform spree. Who can possibly keep up...
Abolish Marriage? Kanchuka Dharmasiri’s play Surpanakha
Liyanage Amarakeerthi
by ssa-admin-032024 | Jul 17, 2023 | Review
Abolish Marriage? Kanchuka Dharmasiri’s play Surpanakha Liyanage Amarakeerthi The Ramayana has many retellings, and there will be more to come. Kanchuka Dharmasiri’s new play, Surpanakha (2022), is a brilliant retelling of an episode in the South Asian mythical...
Women’s Labour Force Participation: Three Themes
Chulani Kodikara
by ssa-admin-032024 | Jul 10, 2023 | Review
Women’s Labour Force Participation: Three Themes Chulani Kodikara The IMF Staff Report on Sri Lanka released in March 2022 outlined a number of policy prescriptions to address Sri Lanka’s unprecedented economic crisis, including increasing women’s labour force...