The Political Economy of Environment and Development in a Globalised World

Exploring the Frontiers
Essays in Honor of Nadarajah Shanmugaratnam
Edited by: Darley Jose Kjosavik and Paul Vedeld 



Exploring the Frontiers
Essays in Honor of Nadarajah Shanmugaratnam
Edited by: Darley Jose Kjosavik and Paul Vedeld 

This book is a critical exploration of the theoretical and thematic frontiers of environment and development studies in the context of globalization.

The edited   volume offers important theoretical interdisciplinary perspectives and insights on the political economy of environment and development. The theoretical frontiers in environment and development studies focusing on concepts and theories in relation to sustainable development, social justice, capabilities, freedom, scarcity, progress, post-development and environment, and environmental governance are explored. The book offers an exposition of resource appropriation in the emerging global political economy that draws on primary and secondary material from different geographical areas.

The main message in this volume is that globalized governance regime led by the North sets the twin agenda of development and environmental management ignoring the contradictory nature of the two, as the nature/environment of the South are increasingly available to the North to subsidise development and manage environment in the North. The book also extends this analysis to the globalized nature of peace and development in national states and presents experiences from Sri Lanka and Afghanistan. The liberal peace building project located within the globalized regime has contributed to new conflicts over resources and power in the South, as the resource itself is subject to the increasing demands of global, particularly corporate, capital.

The book is a call to academia, policy makers and activists to pay serious attention to these contradictions in the theories, policies and practices of development.

The book is in honor of Nadarajah Shanmugaratnam, and draws on his work on the ‘contradiction-interdependence dialectic’ relation between capital ad nature/environment.